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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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ooC: @ Snelly, TX, Ihu, You guys really need Kraeyn to keep the peace. You're not doing all that great of a job right now XD.

NPC: The matoran gave the message, in a clear and unemotional tone like all good Ko-matoran. "Wraith is alive, though his injuries were incredibly severe. He had multiple fractures in his rib cage, internal bleeding in his lungs, and massive head trauma. The doctors were able to patch him up just fine, but unfortunately, the head trauma is another matter entirely."The matoran paused, then continued. "He's in a coma, and the doctors have no clue when or if he'll awaken again. He's not likely to wake up at all, statistically speaking. Though, even if he does it would be many weeks, possibly months from now. I'm sorry." The matoran had completed his message. "Do you have anything you would like me to relay to the hospital?"

IC: VernadonUnderneath his cloak, Vernadon's hands formed into fists, stupid, stupid Fire Toa, I will find just who struck down Wraith, and I will bring him Karz. However even though rage was building with Vernadon, he kept his outside composure even, making sure his face didn't reveal anything. He nodded his head to the Matoran, "Thank you, and just make sure Wraith's okay." That's it, you weakling. Go on, tell him that Wraith was attacked, and that the beings here. Make the being suffer. But, we don't know if that's even the one, he claims to not be and I-And you what trust him? You fool, you can't! Judging from his actions I'll say I can, he's just been mislead, now leave me be! Fine, fine, have it your way. I'll be watching and waiting. Vernadon then made his way towards Kaccio, he needed to know just why that Toa was seeking him out, and if Kaccio knew anything of Wraith's assailant. Anything at all.


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IC: As Vernadon made his way to Kaccio, another figure came up beside him. A young fire toa. However, unlike usual, Isfel wasn't smiling. Instead, he had the distinct air of someone bringing bad news. "Sir, Nova decided to stay with Wraith. I don't know when he'll be back. Sorry."

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: VernadonVernadon nodded his head, his voice and face remaining impassive and spoke, "I see, very well I suppose in the mean time I can just train you. Also, don't call me sir, just Vernadon is fine." He explained. Karz, what in the name of Chance has led to me experiencing all this misfortune today.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: Kahuwa"You know what really ticks me off about this? The fact that no one seems to hold any bitter resentment towards you, eh? Out of all the people, I get all this pile of Muaka droppings while you sit pretty in your tiny corner. I just happen to go along with what you said and in the end, I get all the hate." started Kahuwa, his temper beginning to rise and possibly reach a boil."You don't even bother to try to imagine how I feel and then, you're all ticked off with me and leave me in the cold, paralyzed!" exclaimed Kahuwa, the last word yelled directly in her face.

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IC: SavinaThe next thing Savina did, surprised even her. *SLAP!* Kahuwa now had a big red mark in the shape of a palm on his face. Savina tears in her eyes. "You...you...started a fight...for no good reason....don't...don't you dare...try to blame this on me!" She yelled back.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: ZaukHe grabbed Kahuwa by the shoulders and spun him around. Zauk was clearly about to boil over again."You know what!? If your injures were more servere than miny, maybe our roles would have been reversed! But seeing as you're too caught up with yourself, you didn't consider that!? Did you!"He took a deep breath, "Now, go before I have to paralyze you again."There was a crowd of doctors forming outside the door.



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IC: Kahuwa"You would think people would understand my anger, especially after how well I explained myself. You would think that people might understand why I would have been angry enough to actually start a fight but it seems all of you still ignore the fact that I've been receiving all the negative emotions when all I'm doing is following Savina. Why me? What did I do? You guys expect me to take that when I don't deserve it or to not be in even the slightest of a foul mood?" he said, his expression now worn out and sad, actually hurt.I'm pretty sure getting electrocuted isn't exactly a minor injury.

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ooC: Since Kraeyn is away for the time being, I'll do the next best thing, I'll use Movik, although Lif would be better, but he's in a Coma.

There was a crowd of doctors forming outside the door.

IC: MovikAmong the doctors gathering was Movik. The diminutive Ta-Matoran had heard the commotion, and quite frankly was sick of it. Pushing past the other doctors Movik made his way into the room, and then normal timid doctor was again forced to yell. "Enough! You Toa are all so full of yourself, fighting in a hospital, arguing who has the more severe injuries well I'm sick of it. Today I brought a Matoran who after coming down with hypothermia was abandoned by his own friend, and then had a plasma dumped on him by a crazy Toa. Said Matoran is now in a coma, and you're claiming you're feelings are hurt. I don't care what happened you don't just barge into a hospital, and start yelling at everyone.""You all think you are some sort of special Toas who can start up fights whenever you want. Well I'll have you know that our very own protector is in a coma. Multiple stab wounds from some insane enemy. My savior is probably falling into depression right now, and you all dare claim that you feel sad or angry. Well I garuntee that this hospital contains many patients who have it 10 times worse than you. Some are amnesiacs who don't have a past, others have been crippled for life, so don't come into this hospital act like you all are some sort of depressed heroes who never get any love. Because in short you have it easy, and you appreciate that much. Rather than all this complaining, and people wonder why all these Toa have yet to defeat Makuta or do any good. So either shut up, and count your blessings, allowing the rest of these patients to get the rest they need in peace and quiet, or get out!" Movik finished.


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OOC: Onarax, just don't...you're ruining this, just stay out of it...IC: KahuwaKahuwa ignored the sudden outburst from some random person but kept a mental note to fry him on the way out of he continued babbling the way he just did. Turning back to Savina and Zauk, he couldn't exactly bring himself to be angry anymore, just tired instead."You act as if this isn't Zauk's fault as well, you know? You would think that possibly he could have worded his sentence better rather than threaten to kick me out with brute force right off the bat, provoking me."OOC: But seriously guys, why did you decide to hate on Kahuwa all of a sudden (earlier on)? He didn't do anything wrong and he somehow turns into a victim/antagonist. :P

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: TX, this was an awesome arc thingy. :PAnd it shall continue! :lol:Onarax: Stay out of our character development! :PIC: Zauk"I agree," he said to the matoran.He was still angry at Kahuwa, although not as much anymore."Think about how you treat others, then, you may find your answer."He looked at Savina, who looked about ready to cry and ocean. Zauk had no idea how to handle the situation.



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OOC: Gravity, Zauk has really no logic to say that whatsoever since they only saw he each other for a few brief moments, most of the time him being asleep and the other half him not doing anything :PIC: Kahuwa"I suggest you do the same plus, you have absolutely zero reason to say what you just did."

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OOC: Strengthening my point: you guys have like zero reason to hate on Kahuwa that much :PIC: Kahuwa"Fair enough." Kahuwa replied flatly, turning to look at Savina. Now she was tearing up and after all that had just ensued, the Ta-Toa wasn't exactly the best candidate to cheer her up; the past few events exhausted him both physically and mentally."I guess so..."

Edited by TX Wade
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IC: Wraith (Spirit Form) - Following Vernadon -Vernadon didn't seem to know he was there, in spirit anyway. If only Wraith could be seem as a spirit, as he had been able to previously...somehow...he wasn't quite sure how that worked, maybe extended periods of not being in his body made his spirit visible? He'd just have to wait and find out. Unknowingly, Wraith's spirit form flickered in front of Vernadon and Isfel, but only for a brief moment.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: RedThe Matoran of Fire, seeing pretty much nothing to be done (Or maybe because he was to lazy to even figure out if there was anything to be done) just followed Vernandon back to the school. He saw Rannin.Red: Are the toilets clean? I hate it when the toilets aren't clean. Also, I'd rather not be your apprentice in cleaning toilets.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: @JL Oh, so when I mention a bathroom you pretend not to know what it is, then you mention a toilet multiple times in one post.IC: Barricade coughed. 3 times. On Dervian."STOP DOING THAT!""I CAN'T HELP IT!""Hmm...want a complex allergy treatment that will waste 2 hours or the simple method?""Simple method."Ratchet jammed a rock into Barricade's mouth. "This should keep you from coughing then."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: I said no to toilets because there's no such thing in a Bionicle Universe - I enjoy keeping things real (Even though its completely fake). However, if the entire school's cast goes to a Toilet, I cannot disapprove is because then, my char who also goes to school will have issues.Oh, and I also don't really like you.IC: AldarinAldarin watched as they continued trekking. So many issues, so little time......Still a 10 minute walk away from ending up on the cliff his home was on. But he was on the summit. He watched intently.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: Curses, I miss another fight I had all reason to intervene with! Curse you, time zones! Curse you, work!Now, for the situation: We left Kahuwa in the snow because a certain other Toa was present to take care of him while Naru and Savina carried Zauk away. I'm not sure where his player went, but he has apparently not been able to post, and that's why you were left there. Also: Didn't Kahuwa murder a bear Rahi at some point, which Savina was torn up over? Should give her another reason to be a bit uneasy around him. :)IC - Naru - HospitalNaru finally spoke up, having kept quiet in fear of riling herself up to the breaking point. The guy was half-dead, and yet he seemed intent on causing trouble. The Toa of Plasma had her fists clenched, and was prepared to charge a plasma blast at a moment's notice, but nothing came of it. When Savina slapped the Toa of Fire, Naru fully expected an eruption. Luckily for Savina, it did not come, but there was still tension in the air."Go get healed," she said plainly, almost like if it was an insult. "We are done here, so I suggest we go separate ways before anything more happens."

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OOC: This is true Katuko, Savina does have that reason as well, don't think she's forgotten he's a bear killer. :PIC: SavinaSavina felt a bit torn, all her new friends wanted to split up...she couldn't decide what to do, though going back with Kawuha seemed like the wrong choice. Plus, he probably was fed up with her by now, so it seemed. But Naru and Zauk might not want her around either, was she gonna end up alone in this frozen wasteland?OOC: I know what you're thinking, I'm trying to make you feel sorry for her again...this is true. :evilgrin:

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: SumikiContinued from here.The Muaka was gone. Just as Sumiki was about to face his demise in an icy wasteland, the ground had heaved the Muaka onto its side, and ice pellets had driven it off. Thank Mata Nui for that, he thought. Then: my leg is killing me.He glanced around. He had seen the outlines of two beings earlier, and now he had the time to see them more clearly. One was easier to see - was it all-black? A Toa of Earth, perhaps, or something more sinister in origin and motives?Well, there's no other way to find out, is there? Sumiki thought, a little more cheerfully than might be expected. Then again, there was no one else around, save for the other being, which, from what he could discern, seemed like a Toa of Ice.Making sure he had possession of his twin disks, and storing them on his back, he advanced towards the both of them."Thanks for saving my life," he said, with a smirk that was half gratitude and half grimace. "Who are you two?"

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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IC: Sumiki"I'm Sumiki. It's good to meet you both, though it's unfortunate we had to meet under such circumstances." As he said this, he took Cantai's advice, lowering himself onto the cold, soft snow. "It's pretty badly injured, though I can't tell to what degree." Sumiki gingerly touched it with his hand, trying to test the extent of his injury. "I can walk fine, but I certainly can't run on it." He looked up at Cantai. "I could probably patch it up a bit, but I'd need some spare parts. Do you happen to know where Ko-Koro is from here?"

Edited by Sumiki

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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IC: VernadonVernadon was about to answer Isfel's question when something flickered in front of him. In an instant he was on alert, his whole body tense, but nothing happened. How strange, he thought, unaware that his other self had known exactly what had happened. "In answer to your question Isfel, it is the nature of someone who wears a cloak such as I do, to be misjudged, because of appearance. However do not let that discourage you, instead use it to your advantage. Play on what the other things of you, and you'll have a surprise in store for when you need it."Then Rannin ran up to him, and spoke, "Good, and please don't call me sir, just Vernadon is fine. Also you're friends with Bruntoa correct?" Vernadon asked Rannin.


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