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Friar Tuck

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Forget about the Klakk, they don't exist on the island anyways. The only thing we'll shatter Heuani's shadow barrier with is a sharp dagger.By the way, Nuju, I got a note that you had quoted my post somewhere on page 432, but I can't see that post. If it was important to how we go about these events, I hope you'll repost it. :)
Sorry! Minor forum blip, error on my part, and that post got swallowed. Black Six has restored my reply - it's on the previous page.


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IC: Zanthos (CRANE Academy):The Toa of Gravity banged upon the Academy doors, a telekinetic shield around him in case of hostile retaliation. He hoped someone inside could hear, it was too cold for him to spend much longer out here.
There are no doors currently, the main building has yet to have been completed nor is anyone in it. As of now people are roaming around the grounds, quite a few are in the courtyard.


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No...it's the original. Trust me, that ghost has been trolling Tillian and following his group since his death back in March; every Jaron IC that gets made, I see it. It's definitely Jaron.-Teezy



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The Tryna doesn't work like that. A Tryna can only make zombies. Pulled from BS01:

[The Tryna] allows its user to give artificial life to and control dead bodies for as long as they maintain concentration.
Just to clear that up. Everyone, be sure to know what your masks are actually capable of.


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I did say similar. :PAnd yeah. If reincarnation in any form is a no-no, than there are quite a few violations of that.I'm half guilty of one, seeing as he didn't come back, do much as possss another body and end up a split personality.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Well, Tarn didn't really die per se, it was more of a body snatching.
Ditto for Dorian. And Tillian was resuscitated well within the scientifically plausible timeline necessary for survival.-Teezy



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I'm with Pie here - a bit annoyed about Raxa. We were having a perfectly good duel to the death, and then Raxa just steps in out of nowhere and autohits a killing blow?! That kinda ruins the fun for the rest of us. I should also mention that the projectile shouldn't have been able to fly very far or even accurately - the artificial gravity in the tunnel is pulling and shifting so much it shouldn't have been able to hit.And so what if Rockosis wants to get recruited? Raxa doesn't have to be the one who can do it (Kaerhi is an example of this) - the characters who were already there could have worked something out without his assistance. They know the recruiting protocol, and they would have brought any new recruits to Raxa once the fight was done - after all, they had just seen him so they knew where he was. Raxa didn't have to move at all.That leaves the problem of how on earth Raxa knew. Does he have some magical 7th sense that tells him whenever someone wants to join his organisation and where they are? He had no way to know about Rockosis, let alone where they all were at the time, but he still just dropped everything where he was, ran halfway down the island, right to the exact place and time he was "needed"? Now that I can't believe. The fourth wall lies in tiny fragments all around him.If there is any way you can explain how that all happened and how it made sense, please tell us. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that last post did fit within the boundaries of realism and RPing etiquitte. Otherwise, would you please edit so that we can carry on as we were? Thankyou.


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