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You're not going to reason with them. That's insane. :P-Teezy
Not as much as you :P But as I said, we might be able to trap them. I've already called Kal and Matropolix to help me trap them.
BANE: Let's wait for Lorax before continuing out fight in Onu-Wahi.

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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Sorry, Kal, but as Sheldon Cooper would put it, "That was illogical."
Okay, this takes precedence now.Everybody, ignore Raxa. He's bored and attacking somebody further back in the tunnel and has no idea what's happening nearer to Le-Koro.EDIT: Hey, wait, Nuju, Destian never launched that attack yet-Madrihk was wanting it changed, if you noticed. He was just preparing for it.But meh, if you want to be lasered in the back, fine by me. Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Kal, Bane wants Kal to help him trap some of the turaga, more specifically Vakama. Any help with that?-Bane
I probably will, I've got who-knows-how-many-other-things to check first.@Snelly: Don't worry, I'm not actually going to do that. :P

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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The Parakuka made the Turaga stronger than Rahkshi? Dude....I should get one of my characters one! :P And when I referenced Death Knights oh so cleverly, I didn't expect that to give Kal another idea. What have I done? :o
I've got another plan for one of your characters.-Teezy



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The Caravan? Tell me more...
The Caravan is a bunch of Akarinid gypsies created by Krayzikk and TX Wade. They do bounty hunting, work, fish, blacksmith, hunt, everything gypsies would do. I'm a member, but we need more to really make a gypsy caravan.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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I was going to post for Sulov a few minutes ago. Seriously, I want to get another lengthy one done with explaining how the charge can't be stopped even by orders at this point.Then I realized that:T + sU + t x c > Awhere 'T' stands for 'Turaga', 's' is for 'structure' with 'U' being 'Undamaged', 't' is short for 'thousands of rama', 'c' is an abbreviation of 'casualties' (as in the number of those the attack has gotten already), and 'A' represents 'Assault'.In other words-we're all screwed.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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He means that, factoring in the casualties and resources the ILS has suffered so far, and considering the number of Rama/the Turaga/Heuani all still bearing down on the scattered forces, and considering there's been no internal structure damage to the hive yet, that victory at this point is a delusion.But hey. This is Sparta.-Teezy



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In german, please. I don't understand math.
Wir sind alle verschraubt.You asked?(darn i'm rusty)
If we unleash the power of love- Sorry, feeling the care bears thing right now :PIf we can capture the turaga (Not the hardest feat in the world) we can basically attack without withholding.In other words, Structure Undamaged will not be a problem. Just have everyone use their powers at the same time, sending elemental power into the base of the structure.How was the structure not damaged? We blasted a 5-7 bio hole in the hive! How is that not hive undamaged?-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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In german, please. I don't understand math.
Wir sind alle verschraubt.You asked?(darn i'm rusty)
If we unleash the power of love- Sorry, feeling the care bears thing right now :PIf we can capture the turaga (Not the hardest feat in the world) we can basically attack without withholding.In other words, Structure Undamaged will not be a problem. Just have everyone use their powers at the same time, sending elemental power into the base of the structure.How was the structure not damaged? We blasted a 5-7 bio hole in the hive! How is that not hive undamaged?-Bane
The internal structure wasn't. And that's the problem...See, such a hole only gets inside. It doesn't really do much to the skeleton of the thing, so to speak; the parts holding it up where rama are bred and whatnot. It's just not deep enough.Hence, I consider the Hive a relatively undamaged structure. The force will have to work a lot harder in order to to even scratch it.As well, casualties includes the general weariness of the attacking forces. Some have expended power breaking in. Others have used it to destroy swarms of bugs. Whatever the case, all toa should be running low at this point.Ditto for explosives and other weaponry. Even Reordin's running low on grenades. Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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So I used to regularly post in this RPG, then it got confusing and... huge. But I guess I'll give it one more try? Is there anything I should know before trying this out, again?
I don't know when the last time you posted was, but the last time I remember seeing you around was back in Anester Derrum (I'm sure one of those is spelled wrong.) So if you haven't posted since then, you should know that this is (the second) total reboot. After AD, the staff wanted to get rid of all the backstory, and a reboot was considered the best option. A second one became nessacary when BZP switched over to new forum software. Charecter-wise, there is no more Xa-Kuta, Psionics, Light and Shadow are banned for non-staff charecters, and there is a limited selection of species unless you make a custom.Note that you cannot just carbon-copy charecters. You will need to make signifigant changes to your charecter in some way to bring them over.Also, the Toa Mata disappeared long ago and a large quantity of Toa have appeared on the island. To give you some idea of the ongoings around here, I'll at least cover Le-Wahi and some recent events.-Makuta Turaga-napped the Turaga for unknown reasons.-A group called the Island Liberation Squad attacked the Nui-Rama hive, prompting Makuta's leading Toa of Shadow, known as Heanui (I'm half certain that I spelled that wrong.) a.k.a. resident pain-in-the-neck, to show up and direct the Nui-Rama. It is revealed that Makuta has modified the Turaga somehow to make them "more powerful than Rahkshi" and they have been sent out to attack the Toa.Also, some common more unusual powers that you might want to be familiar with-Mark Bearers-Beings with Marks feed off the presence of a certain emotion. This feeding makes them stronger-with enough of the emotion, it can exceed a Pakari. However, it comes at the cost of Kanohi usuage and addiction to feeding.Parakuka-Makuta created parasite that temporarily can make a being stronger, faster, more agile, etc. Comes at the cost of element and mask usage. Actually, the "modification" that he made to the Turaga.Good luck and have fun returning to BZPRPG, Phauxx! Edited by Tabby: Toa of Cats
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In german, please. I don't understand math.
Wir sind alle verschraubt.You asked?(darn i'm rusty)
Let the native German handle this one: Wir sind erledigt. And that's the tame version.You can't really translate these sayings word for word.As for the hive: It is damaged. There is a hole in the wall. That's damage. Doesn't mean it'll collapse. Doesn't mean it's on fire and smoldering. Insect hives are darn sturdy after all. But it is damaged.Oh and guys, please, we all want a piece of the battle against the mutated Turaga, but you have to treat this like a real battle. You don't draw the forces working on one objective completely away from it to another. Remember who we are dealing with here. If you leave just a handful of guys to battle the larvae in the tunnel, they're pretty much mousse and it'll come around to bite usu. Edited by Vezok's Friend




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Query: if Reordin's tranquilizer bomb over Nuju's head already exploded, and the lighstone particles have been in the air for a good couple minutes in-game, wouldn't firing a Rhotuka spread the stuff around?-Teezy



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Let the native German handle this one: Wir sind erledigt. And that's the tame version.You can't really translate these sayings word for word.As for the hive: It is damaged. There is a hole in the wall. That's damage. Doesn't mean it'll collapse. Doesn't mean it's on fire and smoldering. Insect hives are darn sturdy after all. But it is damaged.Oh and guys, please, we all want a piece of the battle against the mutated Turaga, but you have to treat this like a real battle. You don't draw the forces working on one objective completely away from it to another. Remember who we are dealing with here. If you leave just a handful of guys to battle the larvae in the tunnel, they're pretty much mousse and it'll come around to bite usu.
Thanks. I haven't practiced in forever, lul. And that's a useful phrase to know.Yeah, but I mean that's it's relatively undamaged. I don't think it's pristine...I just don't think that we can consider it even a tenth of the way to being down.Exactly. At this rate, 7th's sacrifice will only buy those fighting the turaga a minute at best. If the ground forces stop fighting the larvae, then they'll just swarm over those with backs turned.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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As long as you get it approved by TX, I think you can be anyone you like. Not sure about this, but PM TX and he'll tell you.-Bane
I usually prefer to be pmed even though it's not really necessary. That's just me wanting to know stuff ahead of time and being a little picky :P
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Query: if Reordin's tranquilizer bomb over Nuju's head already exploded, and the lighstone particles have been in the air for a good couple minutes in-game, wouldn't firing a Rhotuka spread the stuff around?-Teezy
As long as you get it approved by TX, I think you can be anyone you like. Not sure about this, but PM TX and he'll tell you.-Bane
I usually prefer to be pmed even though it's not really necessary. That's just me wanting to know stuff ahead of time and being a little picky :P
You and I work the same way. :P I trust you wouldn't care if I made a fire-Akrainid who was also a musician, then?Every big group needs a good musician. Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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You and I work the same way. :P I trust you wouldn't care if I made a fire-mystix who was also a musician, then?Every big group needs a good musician.
Mystix? This is an Akrainid caravan but now that you mentioned that, I don't think I would mind having Mystix part of it as well. But yeah, the musician part's chill with me, we all need good music.Anyone in favour? Thoughts? Objections? Edited by TX Wade
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