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Friar Tuck

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Even if Heuani said he wanted to join the "good guys", he would still be on the list for immediate, total destruction. He has simply been too dangerous so far to even consider befriending. It's like: I walk into a building and shoot everyone I see. Then afterwards I walk over to one of the survivors and act all friendly and say "yeah, I'm gonna protect you now". The only reason they would even consider talking to me in a friendly manner at that point would be fear. There is no rational reason for wanting Heuani on our side after he's killed several people in front of our eyes. If Nuju - sometime in the future for whatever reason - offers us the choice of "befriend" vs "kill", we kill. I don't care if Heuani at that point has gone through a "whitewash". From an in-game point of view he can not be trusted at all.Plus, I don't like him. That smug, arrogant, over-dramatic, greased-up snake of a villain.

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I would allow Heuani in so that we could assassinate him later.
Why not just assassinate him up front? If you're going to kill him, do it while you have the chance. As Katuko said, he could slip away or break out at almost any time. Take the opportunity if it arises.


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Anyone excited about the Onu-Koro battle coming up? I'm not. I got two characters in there of opposing personalities and I can't switch that fast.
Get used to your chars and it becomes easy. What they would say or do under the circumstances just pops into your head.


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Wow Katuko, that's some serious Heuani hate right there :P
I simply don't find him engaging. He runs around, kills and kidnaps in his own little posts, and then when fought he shrugs off or ignores every attack while dishing out extreme damage or instant kills in return. Staff character or not, I've never found such characters interesting or even enjoyable to fight and try to overcome, especially not one that is so obviously trying to be "charming" and talkative at the same time.I realize that we need realistic resistance when trying to change the island and/or progress the story, but if he's just toying with us now we might as well just lie down and die quietly.
I would allow Heuani in so that we could assassinate him later.
If he wasn't beaten and begging for mercy, but actually walked up to us and said "I'll join", then this might be the best course of action. Still, he would get his own little hut at Lake Pala, and then without speaking a word of witty banter our characters should all brutalize him. Though if I'm not mistaken he would just magically warp away from it. Even if the laser vision came first. Edited by Katuko
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Huh... I go and look at the Ga topic, and what do I see? Airu... in this game! Except now he is a she... but it was nice of her to put a flower on Kinvex's grave. :P And I'm gonna have fun with the challenge EW has presented me and Tyler. :biggrin:
I was wondering when someone would catch on to the gender switch.-Teezy



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Not necessarily. As wise people have said (I don't remember who right now), "the best way to get rid of an enemy is to turn him into a friend". As much as Heuani seems like a nice guy to talk to, this one could be a bit difficult. He is, after all, a being of shadow, with no moral light left in him. That might make things a little difficult to turn him to the side of good.The other side of the coin is that Heuani's profile implies that it was not always so - that he was once something other than a shadow-toa/matoran. If the barrier in his mind could be broken and his inner light restored, then he might lose some of his amazing powers and evilness. The flaw in this is that the only known cure is the sonic scream of the klakk, and there are no klakk on Mata Nui. There are, however, at least two toa of sonics in the ILS force...I realise that this plan could probably never work, but it is fun to think about what Heuani might look like as a good guy.
Crazy as this idea is, I think it could be worth a try, though we obviously need to discover this by accident. There are two ways the klakk's power could theoretically work that I can think of if we look at the mind as an AI, which it is. In order to relay a message to the mind's programming that would lower that paticular mental barrier, you either need a paticular frequency that the AI registers, or the sound wave needs to have some kind of pattern that transmits that message. If it happens to be the frequency, then we could encounter it by chance.EDIT: I am working on a sonics character who happens to speak, though not exclusively, the bird language, like Nuju or Kualus. If the klakk is a bird or speaks the same language, the sonic screech being it's "call", then it might be possible to trigger the barrier's shutdown via shouting something at him like a bird. Edited by Tabby: Toa of Cats
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No offence but in the words of the good ol' mob:"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" The mob has spoken. That and I would think it'd be the most rational decision, despite the fact that we're more than likely to never have that honour bestowed to us. Plus, we need this guy to keep things rolling.

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Because that's worked so well in recorded history... :P-Teezy
It works if it's your 'little friend.'Otherwise, no. The cool factor is not high enough to enable a good kill.You have to yell "Say hello to my LITTLE FRIEND!" if you're killing somebody with a gun.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Really?Just kill him and get it over with. Heunai is scum, although attractive scum, he is scum nevertheless.
And how has that worked out for us so far? Three dead bodies say it isn't going to well. On the off chance that it can actually work, this sonic frequency thing that Tabby proposed might be a way to get rid of his shadow powers and make him easier to kill later.


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Really?Just kill him and get it over with. Heunai is scum, although attractive scum, he is scum nevertheless.
And how has that worked out for us so far? Three dead bodies say it isn't going to well. On the off chance that it can actually work, this sonic frequency thing that Tabby proposed might be a way to get rid of his shadow powers and make him easier to kill later.
If they only use the sonics to get rid of his power THEN kill him, I'm okay with it.


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Wow Katuko, that's some serious Heuani hate right there :P
I simply don't find him engaging. He runs around, kills and kidnaps in his own little posts, and then when fought he shrugs off or ignores every attack while dishing out extreme damage or instant kills in return. Staff character or not, I've never found such characters interesting or even enjoyable to fight and try to overcome, especially not one that is so obviously trying to be "charming" and talkative at the same time.I realize that we need realistic resistance when trying to change the island and/or progress the story, but if he's just toying with us now we might as well just lie down and die quietly.
I would allow Heuani in so that we could assassinate him later.
If he wasn't beaten and begging for mercy, but actually walked up to us and said "I'll join", then this might be the best course of action. Still, he would get his own little hut at Lake Pala, and then without speaking a word of witty banter our characters should all brutalize him. Though if I'm not mistaken he would just magically warp away from it. Even if the laser vision came first.
I love how much you hate Heuani as a person. That's his job, after all - it's good to know he is hated, not just sickly admired.But as his player, I find your comments about his realism and level of enjoyment to fight to be rather offensive; and, as a staffer, I find them to be ill-founded. Bear in mind that Heuani does not exist as a normal character: as enjoyable as he is to write, his purpose at the end of the day is to carry out the will of Makuta and keep the plot rolling. He is a plot device. His traits, powers, and personality are really only in place so that I can have fun while I advance the story of the game (if it wasn't fun for me, I wouldn't do it...) and so that you guys can, I hope, have fun reading about it.In a lot of instances, large posts by Heuani are the fastest way to advance the plot. If it's an interaction between, say, him and a Turaga, who would also have to be played by me, it would have been pointless to keep posting back and forth between myself. And even though such long posts are the fastest method of advancing the story, they still take a long time to write and revise; imagine how slow the game's spinal arc would be moving if I waited at every step of the way for player intervention.In the Hive attack, I could just have easily decided not to engage Heuani in personal conflict with anybody; I could have continued to hold him aloof. Instead, at the popular demand of the players, I threw him into the mix. I hope you're grateful for that: I have decided to interact with normal player characters at such a personal degree in the plot at times like this, rather than taking the easier and faster route of going right on with my grander game alone.I was upfront about the fact that he was far stronger than other characters, and that people who attacked him would die. People attacked anyway. People died, but were warned. In a game full of superheroes, the one who is able to slaughter them with ease is, understandably, even closer on the path towards invincibility.It is - as I think I emphasized during the days of the Rahkshi Battles, but perhaps you've forgotten by now - rather stressful to keep up with so many opponents as have attacked Heuani. I'm not sure what your experience with it is like, but I'd gander that you don't often fight a pack of a dozen enemies with one character. There's a lot to keep track of, and posts replying with such a vast array of attacks are inevitably difficult to compose. This in mind, I hope you forgive how relatively dismissive I was of some of the attacks; I just wanted to slough through them.Since all these attacks are supposed to be happening more or less simultaneously, but at the same time the players giving them are not coordinating in such a way that their attacks make sense with one another considering Heuani's immediate situation, I have to assume that they happen in quick succession rather than all at once; the order of that succession is more or less mutable, in my control as the opponent. Your comment about the laser vision relates to this.Feel free to hate Heuani as a character. I welcome that. But please do not attack the way I play him. It's disrespectful. Edited by Nuju Metru


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