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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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First off, I too commend you for doing what you did MT. Hard descion


Second off, I have always tried to go for spot number one. I don't always make it though. I just wanna be the best. =(


Third... Idunno. I had something else I was going to say but I forgot *shrug* =P

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In light of the craziness that's happened recently, I've added a new rule to the 5 ones currently on the OP.




#6: If you die, you are not allowed to reveal allied roles. You are still welcome to discuss with other players, alive or dead, who is what on either team, but if you have concrete knowledge of the roles of your side, you are not allowed to reveal them to anyone who you cannot confirm is an ally, whether they are playing the game or not.




Basically, so long as you're alive, you can do whatever you wish. If you die, however, you cannot inform someone who is not on your side about your side's roles. Discussing things is fine, attempting to figure out who killed you and get revenge on them is fine, essentially anything is fair game except betraying your own side once you die.




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2 Things.

1. I never sent out mass PMs.

2. I never mentioned Kaiser. Both iBrow and JiMing knew about Chro already, and iBrow already thought Pulse was a Hunter.

That said, I also agree with the decision. I'm worried I gave away more than I thought I did anyway, but I can't check now, having deleted every PM related to the game.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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2 Things.

1. I never sent out mass PMs.

2. I never mentioned Kaiser. Both iBrow and JiMing knew about Chro already, and iBrow already thought Pulse was a Hunter.

That said, I also agree with the decision. I'm worried I gave away more than I thought I did anyway, but I can't check now, having deleted every PM related to the game.

Then, at the very least, your PMs spread quickly from the sources you originally sent them to. I know for a fact you're leaving off at least one person you contacted directly, and there's two more who have knowledge through either first hand or second hand leakage.


Which I suppose is a finer line, as leaks through currently living players are fine by me, but the information still shouldn't have existed in the first place.


Oh well. It's a learning experience for us all, I suppose.




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Well, I sent information directly to two people. I believe JiMing then sent what I told him to iBrow, and due to believing he had also sent my name, I then contacted him. JiMing had used his mask on Chro, which was how he knew he was the Master of Illusions. I personally don't know how the information spread from there, but I didn't talk to anyone other than JiMing, iBrow, and briefly Mesonak.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Nobody knew I was MOI for certain. iBrow was just slightly suspicious. :/

At the very least, one person (other than iBrow) was completely certain you were MOI from a first hand source. Several others were well aware of it, possibly through the same leak.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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...I knew I'd accidentally said too much there. The Chro bit, I meant to say that, but I didn't mean to mention Zakaro. I knew I had added too much.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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By the way, SV, was there any motive here? Because the reason Burnmad just suggested did not apply. I'm pretty sure we'd've been doing fine without being sold out.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Nobody knew I was MOI for certain. iBrow was just slightly suspicious. :/


I think the word "slightly" understates it. You and Burnmad were the only two I suspected of being the MoI, so when the Akaku-investigation upon you was revealed to me, I believed it instantly.


Disregard any "uncertainty" I showed in our PM. ;) That was all on purpose.

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I will be away this entire weekend, so I'd like to ask that if you all lynch me, please at least have the courtesy to do it as a part of a double lynch, since I will not be around to defend myself.


Those of you who *cougharesecretrolessomewhereouttherecough*, please remember me in your dreams. Those of you who have my back, please do not stick a knife in it and remember that I will exist again come this Monday and revenge will be imminent should you betray me just because I'm not around. Those who lurk in the shadows, I fully encourage you to have the Master of Illusion frame me, because there is obviously nothing to prove that I am not actually Mafia now.


Thank you all for being understanding about this.*















*If your definition of "understanding" is to aid in my demise, please remember that there are many Mafia games that will come in which I can make your lives twice as wretched as I normally would. :)

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I will be away this entire weekend, so I'd like to ask that if you all lynch me, please at least have the courtesy to do it as a part of a double lynch, since I will not be around to defend myself.


Those of you who *cougharesecretrolessomewhereouttherecough*, please remember me in your dreams. Those of you who have my back, please do not stick a knife in it and remember that I will exist again come this Monday and revenge will be imminent should you betray me just because I'm not around. Those who lurk in the shadows, I fully encourage you to have the Master of Illusion frame me, because there is obviously nothing to prove that I am not actually Mafia now.


Thank you all for being understanding about this.*















*If your definition of "understanding" is to aid in my demise, please remember that there are many Mafia games that will come in which I can make your lives twice as wretched as I normally would. :)

You know, some people try to subtly sneak their absences by everyone else.




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Well, in off topic news, I beat Bravely Default today (or, at least, the regular ending...apparently there's a true ending if you toss all common sense out the window and play along with an obvious scheme for two more full chapters, but I was way too lazy for that). First 2/3rds of the game are pretty good, and the last third of the game decided that the first two thirds were so good you should do them all over again so bleh.


Also scene up at 6:30 tonight.




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The calm before the storm. Who will survive, who will prosper, who will perish? We're about to find out...





Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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[a wild obligatory explanation of the role redistribution last round appears]


“Well...what do you think?” Toa Mesonak asked, gleefully.


The Shadowed One pouted. “It appears...your Matoran are much more capable than I originally gave them credit for.”

“Ha...I trained them, too. Mess with the best, and you end up like the rest.”

“...how exactly did the 'rest' end up?”

“Not sure, honestly. Your Dark Hunters are the first ones, so...”

“Urgh...this is insufferable,” the Dark Hunter murmured as he paced back and forth. At this rate, the Matoran would reach the top of the tower with little effort. He needed to do something...and fast.


Then..an idea struck.


“...I know...” the Dark Hunter said. “The problem with my hunters is that they're being too predictable. A predictable blow is easy to deflect.”


Mesonak sat in silence, not sure what he was talking about.


“...therefore...the way to even the odds...would be to make things less predictable...wouldn't you agree?”

“What are you doing?”

“Oh...I think I'll choose some new Dark Hunters instead,” the Shadowy One continued, using what little mind control power he had left to reach out to the Matoran two floors below him. “...we'll find out just how well your pathetic friends can work when the game has changed.”




Eljay had spent hot nights before, but none like this.


This was beyond hot. This was utterly sweltering.


“Really need to get some cold mangosteen juice or something,” Eljay muttered as he sat down in a group of the other Le-Matoran, all trying to fan each other to keep cool. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a couple of Ta-Matoran having a blast lava surfing.


...I hate lava, LJ thought.


A voice from the group interrupted him. “I've got some chocolate milk in my backpack over there,” Dapper said. “You can go get some if you want.”


Eljay glanced over his shoulder nervously. “...over where?”

“About thirty or so paces. You can't really see it because the floor's so dark...but it's there.”

“...so just walk thirty or so paces into the middle of a dark room...where no one can see me...while there's still a band of serial killers in our midst?”

“Hey, it's your call. You can either boil alive, or chance getting killed by a Dark Hunter.”


Eljay considered his options or a moment, and then realized something.


“Hey! This is the exact same thing that happened last time!” Eljay realized. “And someone died, then!”

“Calm down,” Jag said. “Do you really think the Dark Hunters would be stupid enough to try the same trick twice in a row?”

“Yeah,” a sinister voice came from behind. “What kind of fools would try that?”


The Le-Matoran all turned to look at the direction the voice had came from in unison.




And with that, a shadowy figure leapt out and whacked Jag with an oversized fiddle, sending him flying off into a trap and landing in the lava below.


Jag18, Le-Matoran, killed by Dark Hunter


“Hey!” Unit yelled. “Grab him!”


The Dark Hunter was too fast for them, however. In a moments notice, he had leapt away into the darkness. All that was left behind was the murder weapon...or, perhaps more specifically, the murder assist tool.


“...curses,” Dapper said, as he picked up the musical instrument of destruction. “I did not expect the same attack twice in a row."


“Indeed,” Unit noted. “They played us like a #@$& fiddle.”




Shadow Flaredrick: Found sleeping in a cardboard box nearby the scene, perhaps the new Dark Hunter got tired on his way out?

Baltarc: That detective act he's put on lately has been pretty suspicious, to say the least

Kaiser Mandicus: Covered in leaves and mud

Cupcake Seal: Hates Le-Matoran with roughly the same passion as Tyler does the entire village

Burnmad: Proficient with fiddles, recorders, guitars, cellos, and nearly any musical instrument as a weapon




Voting starts now, and will end in 24 hours. Scene will probably be a bit later, as Sunday's the day I'm moving in to another city to begin interning at a law office





Edited by MT Zehvor


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RIP in Peace Jag. Withholding my vote because I honestly have no clue ATM.


I'll have to ponder this.



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So, what was the point of killing Jag? Had my group of DH existed we would have targeted Lhikevikk. I assume there are no Le-Matoran among these Dark Hunters.


I realise that I was a Dark Hunter in life, but that was a different group. What could the intentions of this group be? The initial group's plan was to wipe out the Onu-Matoran, I believe... that almost succeeded had we not been betrayed.


Kaiser was formerly a DH. Low chances of it being him, but not too low... also covered in leaves and mud. Again. Does he like leaves and mud? I can only assume so after two games of being covered in leaves and mud.

Shadow Flaredrick: He obviously used that box to be stealthy. Also silent, which is unnerving.

Baltarc: If the detective is corrupt, then the Matoran are in trouble...

Cupcake Seal: I don't think Tyler hates the village with that much a passion, but... then again, you never know.

Burnmad: Proficient with instruments, hmm? He's dangerous.


That concludes my completely useless thoughts.


Not even I know who they're going after next. (I'm a ghost! I am now obligated to follow the innocent people around and haunt them. *HAUNT NOISES*\0

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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IMO, I don't suspect either of the Ta-Matoran. If we look at this line here...

He glanced over his shoulder and saw a couple of Ta-Matoran having a blast lava surfing.


Now, this could mean Chro and JiMing. It could also be Burn and Shadow. But the fact that there are Ta-Matoran that I myself witnessed messing around in the lava... I say we can not be too sure about them.


Personally, I place my suspicion on Cupcake or Baltarc. I'll vote Cupcake for the moment.





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Hmm... Yeah, currently I'd say I suspect Cupcake or Burnmad the most. As it stands, though, upon further analysis this line stood out to me:




That combined with the hint line about hating all Le-Matoran... Yeah, I'm going to vote Cupcake as well.



Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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But if you choose to lynch the cupcake, what will you have left to eat? Proposal: If Cupcake Seal is the one being lynched, the Matoran should drop a giant Cupcake upon him, hopefully squishing him. This could also double as a food source.


The early bandwagon on Burnmad that's happening: Is this because he is skilled with instruments of music as a weapon? Is he skilled at using them for creating tunes to ward off aggressors, or is he skilled at using them in using them to whack his opponents? This ghost feels that this may be too obvious.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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It's not really an early bandwagon since he has an equal number of votes with Cupcake. :P


But yeah, I guess that's the reason many suspect him. I do concur that it's a little too obvious.


Also I agree wholeheartedly with this cupcake idea.



Edited by Mesonak

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