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Night & Day the Second

As Blade, Zakaro and Lhikevikk went deeper, the hissing grew louder – and eventually they realized that the hissing was coming from pipes in the wall that emitted steam. When Zakaro touched it, he discovered that it was just regular old steam.


They had chosen correctly.


They entered the respawn room, where a device with glowing white lights hummed to life as they approached it. They touched it and two figures popped back into existence next to them.


Chro (???), Revived!


Manducus (???), Revived!


After greeting the newly-revived Chro and Manducus, the five Matoran turned to exit – where they found three paths in front of them.


The left path was lined with shifting vines, covered in thorns and little pink flowers.


The center path was partially blocked by the carcass of a long-dead Muaka that seemed to have died of old age.


The right path had a floor made up of numbered tiles, starting at 100 and appearing to count down towards zero as the tunnel went on.


You have 2 days to pick which route you will go!

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He's probably busier than he expected. I've had the same problem this week - setting dates that I can't keep because of unexpected things popping up.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Night the Third

Blade was the first to move, stepping into the center tunnel. As he did so, the zombified Muaka bit him and he collapsed to the floor, turning into a zombie as he died.


Blade (Ghost), dead.


Zombie Blade (???) revived!


Of course, as a zombie, Zombie Blade would not die the first time around. So he turned around and shambled back, attempting to bite Zakaro (who pushed him away). Deciding that none of the other Matoran looked very appetizing, Zombie Blade shambled off into the left tunnel.


After a brief moment, Zakaro stepped into the left tunnel as well, as the newly revived Raven missed him by a mile with his sword swing.


The Cryo decided it would be funny to kill Chro again – but luckily, when the icepick entered his neck this time, he just joined Zombie Blade in the left tunnel. Zombie Blade, being the gentleman that he was, bit Chro and allowed him to survive.


The Medic was sure that his protection was not supposed to turn people into zombies, so he injected Zombie Chro with a serum that returned him to normal before turning away. Deciding to keep an eye on the Cryo, the Medic joined his adversary in the right tunnel. As they entered, the tiles began to collapse into the void that was below.


“Curses!” Manducus cursed. “This cannot be happening!”


“Right is always right!” Lhikevikk yelled. “I refuse your reality and substitute my own!”


Unfortunately for Manducus and Lhikevikk, they soon joined the floor in the void.


Manducus (Medic), eliminated.


Lhikevikk (Cryo), eliminated.


Zakaro, Chro and Zombie Blade made their way through the tunnel and popped out into another cavern where the ghostly figure awaited.


This is the second last stop, the figure said. Whoever chooses the right path here will face only one more decision before they reach the void that holds me.


Then he vanished, leaving two Matoran and one zombie with a decision to make between three new pathways.


On the left, it was lined with orange and smelled like blood.


In the center, it was lined with teal and smelled like cake.


On the right, it was lined with purple and smelled like that smell of bread.


You have 24 hours to make your decision!

During that time you may also lynch someone, should you wish to do so.

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I null my vote.


As for this... Hmm...


/sniffs. Urgh. Nope, not left, I don't like blood. Even if it goes with braaaaaaiaiiiiiins.

/sniffs again. Bread. I sadly don't have the stomach for that! Might be right, but it doesn't sit right, just keeps going down.


I'm gonna choose centre. Maybe it'll put me out of my misery this time. Braaaaaains. (Besides, the cake is a lie, so I'm probably wrong again for that very reason)

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And I will not be pleased. IC, I mean. Especially after Bionifight, ShadowVezon would want iBrow to stay underground, where he can't do any harm. But I don't care OOC, considering I missed this game anyway due to spectacularly bad timing in regards to me. I had no chance of a place here, considering the game was released on 12:33 AM, and I am not a Vampire/Robot.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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  • 1 month later...

Well, a new "main series" mafia game comes out whenever the previous game is finished. Same with the side games. Both recently finished and new games have been made, but the spots are already filled, so you'll just have to wait.


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Went the same way as this one did, the difference is that one had the host disappear and this one he's still around. I don't know why he hasn't done anything. Maybe he just wants to stay dead.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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The Point Games were for either training new game hosts or allowing experienced game hosts to experiment with new inventive ideas.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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