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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Stronghold/Backstab/Lighthouse
I looked at Exxan and Kat. Was this what we would do when the Makuta assigns us on missions?

~Yes. And you didn't help out. Weak. Could've beaten them faster.~

~No. I still fired a Rhotuka at him.~

~And hid again right after. Coward.~

~...Please shut up.~

After the voice in my head disappeared, I sat down and awaited for any orders.

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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Well, that was utterly unhelpful. Her focus shifted across the vast spread in front of her, seeing only shapeless forms. It... smelled good, but... what was it she was smelling? She didn't want to accidentally dip her hand in some slop, or try to eat a table decoration. Perhaps she needed to be a bit more specific with him...


But before she got the chance, Grossh's voice rang out again. She looked down and tried to silence her clickers. She didn't really need them right now... but the blindness was too much. She couldn't stop herself from fidgeting and bringing out the noise.


She took a deep breath as she tried to compose an answer for Grossh. "Tell him... tell him I can't help it. Tell him the truth: that I'm blind, and... they help me see. Or tell him I'm nervous, I don't really care. Just... don't mention the staff... yet. It's... a beautiful staff, but... I... I can't... hold it anymore. And... I can't remember why..."



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Light once more burst in upon his vision, and Root raised his head, squinting against the glare. Someone was coming down. Root clenched his fists and prepared for another round of torture. Heroes do not succumb...


But 'twas not a foe that approached him. "Sh-Shield!" Root called weakly. "D-did they... h-h-harm y-you?"


'Twas difficult to tell in the sudden glare, but his companion appeared dejected and ashamed. His head was drooped, and he could not bring up his eyes. "W-w-what d-d-did they d-d-do?" Root asked gently.

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IC: Shock

Shock was waiting, hiding in the darkness- not something easy to do when you are brightly colored. He twitched a little, followed by moving around. "Why am I just sitting here? I just want one of those robot-thingies to come around." He murmured to himself. Movement! Heading towards the courtyard. Without waiting to see who or what it was, he leaped out of his hiding spot with a battle cry, sword withdrawn.

OOC: Directed towards Nightmare

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Jayar / Malebranche



"Yeah... Okay..." mumbled Jayar, turning to the book to write, Hoto is blind, and uses echolocation to see. For this, sound is required, and her joints have clickers in them which provide this sound when she moves. So even sitting she moves constantly, in order to have some sense of her surroundings.


He knew why she couldn't touch the staff. Its song was the song of Sontiri... a song twisted with pain and horror. It brought back memories Hoto was better off without...


He also came to the realization, when Hoto didn't make a move for the food, that his description of the table before them was extraordinarily useless. "Sorry, that probably doesn't help..." He closed his eyes a moment and let Hoto's clicks give him a sense of what she could see, "those triangular things, a little to your right, on an ornate tray? Try one of those, they're some kind of... delicious... pastry."


Jayar's knowledge of adjectives describing taste was severely lacking, and it was growing disconcerting.


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

The blade came towards him, he kept Hook out in defense, he could do this, he would defeat him. He-

The blade did not strike his weapon in the end, a strike to the legs caught Sidonas by surprise, and he fell to the ground. He kept Hook up in defense. Sidonas would not go down easily, not until a sword was to his throat. "Recoil! Run! Report back to base!" Sidonas pulled the trigger on Hook, turning it from a club to a grappling hook. He fired at Fang's leg and pulled hard as soon as one of Hook's hooks latched to his leg, hoping to trip Fang.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Normally, she didn't care what others thought of her blindness. It had caused her enough discomfort in the past, and she shouldn't dwell on it any longer. But this was Grossh. The first time they met, he had crafted her a wonderful staff, expecting little in return. This time, he went to the effort to set out a... a banquet for them. And in both cases, her blindness was proving her utterly useless. The display was impressive, she was sure, but she couldn't see any of it.


"Thanks," she mumbled as she carefully reached out a hand for the indicated dish. The... pastry was soft and flaky. It started falling apart in her hand, and for a moment she worried if she had the wrong food. But she quickly shoved it towards her mouth, hoping she was doing it right. Then... the flavor burst in on her senses. It was so unlike everything she had ever tasted. She didn't even know food could taste anything like this. So much of what she had eaten was tasteless or nauseating, eaten only to fill her hunger. Why wouldn't someone try to actually make things good to eat?


She tried to show some self-control for Grossh, but the pastry was already gone. She sucked the crumbs from her fingers and mourned every one that had fallen to the floor. Slowly, her hand came down, and she coughed awkwardly. But that embarrassment couldn't stop her from reaching for another one, this time struggling to take it slowly and with dignity.



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


'Twas nary a word from his companion. Root leaned in closer, and a bit of indignation crept into his voice as he asked again, "W-w-what d-d-did they d-d-do?"


What could have broken his valiant accomplice? Pain? Subtlety? Threats? Whatever 'twas, Root vowed the villains would regret it.



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


There was little time to react as the hook wrapped around his foot, but as he staggered forward, he turned the stumbling into a brutal stomp at the thief's stomach. All of his weight was resting on that foot, vainly trying to regain his balance.


And of course, now was the time Recoil decided to join the battle. With the thief on the ground, he clearly saw her charge towards him, and brought up his own blade to meet hers, pushing both to one side away from him as he stumbled.

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas was on the ground, he would keep Fang busy while Recoil-

She came at Fang, she did not run. Then Fang stomped down on Sidonas' stomach. That hurt. "Recoil! I told you to run!" Sidonas did what he could, detaching Hook from Fang, he slammed the club into the Rahk's leg, hoping to get him off of Sidonas.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Shock

Landing flat on his face, Shock looked at who he attacked: Not a Porter as he thought, but a Rahkshi. "I thought you were one of those robot-thingies! Aww, I didn't find one!" he said. Seeing the sword, he leapt to the side, but not before it grazed his arm.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Nightmare-Courtyard

"No no no! Its that the Porters are Territori-" he was cut off by a Sudden Mechanical Whirring of the angry Porters "Those are Porters" he Said, pointing to a Large yellow Spherical robot, with a blue top, and short yellow Limbs. 

Edited by Dragon11603
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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


The words caused Root to pause. Shield had stood against pain and certainly threats, only to crumble at news of Root's death? 'Twas... eye-opening, to say the least. They had always been two heroes, valiantly fighting by one another's side. To know that Shield would... mourn his passing so greatly said much as to what he thought of Root.


Root attempted to stand to be by Shield's side, but between his bound hands and the pain streaking through his Kraata, the feat proved impossible. Slowly and with much pain, he pushed himself towards Shield. "'Twould t-t-take m-more than these f-f-foul v-v-villains t-to f-f-finish m-me," said he, attempting to calm the distraught Rahkshi. "B-but 'tis n-no m-matter. They w-w-would l-learn sooner or l-later, and 'tis l-little w-we c-can give them."



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


His eyes were warily watching Recoil as his foot landed, but suddenly there was a crack of metal on metal, and Fang hissed with pain. The blow was weak, but it was a reminder he still had two enemies to confront.


As the kama spun towards him, Fang kicked off the thief with his injured leg and spun back away from the blade. He was back on even footing, though the blow left him favoring his injured leg.


With an enraged roar, Fang ignored Recoil for now and sliced downward at the thief. Though every rational thought told him that threats would get them away, he didn't want them following him, spewing insults and attempting to attack. He needed to make sure they could not follow.


And so Fang's plasma-covered blade slashed down towards Sidonas' leg again, intending to complete the strike he had intended earlier.

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IC: Shock

"Oh. Those are bigger than I thought. But what can they do? Tranquilize, kill, incinerate? You know what, I have a sudden urge to go to the gym- very quickly." Shock said, already running from them.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Fang got off him, the swung his blade down towards Sidonas. Sido could not allow himself to be crippled, not again. He rolled out of the way. It hurt some, but he had to ignore the pain. If it were not a plasma coated blade it may have hurt less, but Sidonas could not worry about his wound. Sidonas got up and fired a bolt at the wrist of Fang's sword arm. He needed to disarm him, the deal with his injured leg. "Why such aggression friend? No need to remove my leg, but yours is not looking to well." Sidonas grinned, ignoring the pain of the slash on his leg as best as he could.

Edited by Kovika

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Shock

"Using my powers of electricity, I will electrocute the door. That way, when the Porters touch it to open it, they should shortcircuit. That is, unless the gym eats Rahkshi. But what's life without risk?" Shock said, smiling with an insane grin.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Still Shield remained silent. It appeared the event had broken him far beyond the giving of information. Root slumped against the wall with a wince and pondered on what else he could say.


"Y-you are n-not the only h-h-hero t-to f-fall into s-such a t-t-trap. T-t-truly, it d-does n-not r-reflect p-p-poorly on y-your t-t-title. 'Twas I w-who l-led us t-t-to these v-villains."



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


The thief rolled away, sparing him for now, and Fang's blade sliced into the dirt where he had been with unstoppable force. First, the kama sliced into his back, then the dart punctured the soft tissue of his wrist. His grip fell, and Venom slid to the ground, rapidly cooling from the plasma.


Fang bolted back up, eyes smoldering with anger. He may be disarmed, but a level three Surahk still had plenty of tricks. His good hand whipped through the air, bringing another searing stream of plasma. This was no warning shot. The stream would intersect both the thief and Recoil if they did not move very quickly.

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IC: Nightmare-Gym

Nightmare Liked the Sound of the Low hum, and he was thankful that his Cruel Makuta put him in a Suit that at least had Hearing and Sight. 

"Hmm, so now what?" asked Nightmare "As we are now hiding in the Gym, perhaps a Sparring match?"

OOC: Just so you know WoS, Nightmare is about half the Size of most Rahkshi.

Edited by Dragon11603
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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas saw the plasma, he threw himself out of the way, hoping Recoil would be well as he was. But he saw her arm, and he felt his left hand burn in pain. It had been scorched by the hot plasma, and it hurt. He let out a screech of pain, both for himself and Recoil. It hurt, but he still had one good hand. Sidonas fired a bolt towards Fang's other wrist, then fell back in pain. "Recoil, you need to run. Get back to the Doublecross base, I have a good hand, let me deal with Fang." Sidonas got up, using his good hand to steady himself. He ran towards Fang and with his right hand, swung it hard at his opponent's face, hoping to give Recoil time to report what had happened back to Doublecross. "You- Agh! My hand.." Sidonas winced in pain, his hand hurt bad, it burned, he was not sure how bad the burn was, but he knew it was bad.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Searching through his vast collection of stories gave Root an idea, but he would not risk it yet. He kept a wary eye on the door, waiting for the villains to either seal them in or announce their next move.



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Now that there was some distance between them, Fang had little trouble avoiding the tiny dart. His blast had caught both of the Doublecross members, and still that thief was trying to fight back. As the fist flew towards his face, Fang stretched up his own good hand to catch it. Plasma began seeping from his palm, ready for the thief's arm. 


This one had dared to insult him and continued to do so. He was not going to be allowed to leave.

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