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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Both of his foes had fallen at his feet, too burned to resist. But Fang wasn't about to let his guard down. He backed away a short distance and kept his good hand ready for another burst of plasma. "Do you concede?" he demanded.



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Root did not meet her gaze, and did not offer any words. Though a complement it may seem to be, 'twas from a villain.

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IC Kat:


"Yeah, I'll be fine. Knock if ya need me."


I turned back to the others as the room descended into darkness.


Root's wound needed to be treated. Suit infections, while annoying, were relatively easy to fix. Kraata infections on the other hand could be downright lethal.


"Don't suppose you have any of those water bulbs left? We gotta clean this out somehow."

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


'Twould be a small matter for him to repair the injury had he not been bound. The tangle of vines and leaves that covered his body were as clear to him as the pages of a story, and there were several plants that would heal the grievous wound.


But he could not have this foe searching through them, pretending to offer assistance while she secretly poisoned or exacerbated his injuries. 'Twas what these villains did, and they were good at it, but Root would not fall again.


He remained silent, staring at what little he could see of the ground.

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

"If I do, will you help me with Recoil? She is badly burned and now unconscious. I have no need to fight anymore my friend, nor the strength." It was true. Recoil was out, and Sidonas burned too badly to fight any longer, he could not stay conscious for too long. He crawled over to Recoil, grabbing her, wincing from the pain of most of his suit being scorched.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Exxan - Team Backstab (Farsholt Village Lighthouse).


"Alright," I slammed the cellar door into place and dragged rubble over the top of it, weighing it down and covering up all the cracks so no light or sound could get in. They'd have to be hammering right on the door itself for anyone to hear them. 


"You," I pointed at the other rahk, "get back into position, and this time, try to actually do something." I flew up onto my ledge and took cover behind the pile of rubble once more. Now the waiting game would begin anew.....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Kat:


I sighed.


"No, I suppose not. You're lucky I brought my own water, then." I pulled a small canteen from my satchel, twisted the lid off, and gently poured some of the clean water over the wound.


It filtered over the coagulated ichor, washing dirt and grime from the cut.


"Got you pretty good with this....." I muttered, plucking a few of the broad leaves from his coat off. These should make a decent dressing for the wound.

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IC: Stronghold/Backstab/Cellar

I grumbled, for the person who controls me wasn't able to post at that time at least I was going to block the door anyways, and got into my hiding spot.

~See? I told you that you were useless.~

~Stop it.~

~You just won't admit it, won't you.~

I smashed the nearest rock that wasn't the one covering me.

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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang took a deep breath and allowed the plasma to fall from his hands. The acceptance calmed him somewhat, and he almost regretted the burns.


"Very well," he sighed. "I will take you back to the Crawler, but you will remain there. And do not try anything. I will not be so generous a second time."


He bent down to pick up the unconscious Recoil, but his injured wrist flared with pain. He had his fair share of the injuries of this battle, and they were making themselves known. He began scooping Recoil up with his good arm, intending to throw her on the side of his back that didn't have a Kama sticking out of it, but he would have to rely on the thief's help. If he dared try anything, it would be easy to melt through his friend like this.




IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Root jerked away from her cooling water and proddings at his coat. "I h-have n-no n-need of y-y-your p-p-pretended aide, v-villain!" he spat.

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas grabbed Recoil's equipment and his own. He pulled out the map he had drawn, and looked at the location of the Crawler and the general area he estimated they were in. He looked up at the sky as to get orientation and to know which direction they faced, and pointed to the general area of the Crawler. "That way." He said, as thoughts came into his mind. Mostly thoughts of his concern for Recoil, his own wounds, and how he would assist Doublecross.

I cannot simply stay at the Crawler. As soon as Recoil is assured to recover, I need to run to the base and inform them of what happened, and see what can be done.

Sidonas didn't realize he was being watched by another team member in the trees, but he felt as if eyes were on him. "The effects of your plasma, what is the worst effect it has had on someone?" Sidonas asked Fang.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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Ic Kat: I frowned.


"Course I'm being genuine. Only thing I can be."


I managed to weave the leaves into a sort of bandage, and carefully moved the armor plates aside, pressing firmly on the wound. 


"Gotta get the flow stopped. Wouldn't want you boys dying during a silly assignment, after all...."

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


As she pressed into the wound, making Root wince, he did what little he could do. He fell over and rolled a short distance away. "J-j-just as y-your f-friend w-was g-g-genuine?" he accused. "Y-y-you v-villains are incapable of t-t-truth!"



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang looked down wearily. "You were lucky," was all he said.


Unfortunately, the direction the thief indicated happened to be where two other Doublecross members were waiting with their captive. Fang scowled and tightened his grip on Recoil. "Let him go," he hissed. "I have no reservations about crushing her if you do not."

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

"If you hurt her, even put one more scratch on her, I swear by my Makuta I am going to..." Sidonas stopped himself, took in a breath, and started again. "Look, we don't have time for this. You wish to trade hostages? Let us get her to the Crawler and you can use me for whatever trade you are planning. She is far worse than me in terms of injury, and in a much more critical state. You want a hostage? Take me and leave her out of it."

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Root continued to struggle against her attempts with a heroic cry of "N-never! I w-w-will n-not f-f-fall t-to y-your d-d-deceits again!"



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


"There is no time to take her to the Crawler and return. We will negotiate now," Fang declared. "And choose your words wisely, for your ally's sake."

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

"Guys." He called out. "Recoil was badly burned, even worse than I. Just give the man what he wants so we can get her to the crawler. Please, she does not seem to be in a good state and I am not sure whether or not Fang would kill at this time." Then he turned to Fang and gave him an angry look. "Look, just don't hurt her. Imagine if Kat was taken as a hostage with severe wounds, how would you feel in my situation? I'm asking you to stop. This hostage deal? It can wait. Recoil's burns? If nothing at least a little more importance, and hurry up please, I can't stay conscious for much longer with these burns."

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Though he had introduced himself once before, Root was always willing to recite his heroic introduction. "I am Root, Reader of Books." 


At least she was not threatening to injure him further. If he could just get the sword off from around his wrists, he could heal himself.



IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


"I will have no need if these two hand over our ally," he replied, his glare never leaving the two Rahkshi before him.




IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Rain just smirked and tightened her grip on the staff. The Surahk's threats would not faze her. Not when Scribbler's life was on the line.

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark listened to Fang and Sidonas, a thoughtful expression on his face.


Then - he laughed. Deep and rumbling, the laugh of someone who finds it amusing something others don't. "How little you realize, Sidonas!" Shark declared, his voice mirthful. "Fang won't kill her. He sees the value of every life. As if he would consider fighting him in a petty game crime enough to merit murder!"


More seriously, though, he said to Fang, "Unless I am mistaken about you, and you would rather impress Tridax by winning his petty game than see every sacred life preserved... Go ahead then. Crush her in the most brutal way you can imagine. Make the last moments of her life a living Karzahni, flaming agony. Kill him too!" Shark waved his empty hand dismissively, "I don't care, and won't lift a finger to prevent it. So prove that everyone who thought you stood for something greater was wrong about you."


"Prove that, like Zex and Exxan before you, you're a killer."


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IC: "I would offer assistance in trying to help your friend, but I'm afraid once you get out of smithing the expertise of me and my workers is limited. I wouldn't know where to begin curing blindness." Grossh took a few bites of the buffet himself, his almost bird-like delicateness in plucking small bites a little at odds with the gorging from the Rahkshi, before asking another question, "Forgive me for being blunt, but are physical handicaps common amongst your kind? Some manner of trade-off for the heightened intelligence?" 


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Upon hearing Shark speak, Sidonas was a bit shocked and angry. He readied Recoil's launcher, aiming at Shark. He looked at Fang and Shark with cold eyes. "Fang, do not heed his words. For one I know that you are not a killer, and will do what is right." Then he turned to Shark. "You are a monster. You encourage murder?! Especially murder of innocent?! I should fire upon you! See how the sting of pain and suffering affects you! If I did not value justice and mercy I would torture you horrendously! Though I am weak, if she is hurt, I will not stop a moment to pull this trigger and send a crossbow bolt into your neck." He looked at both of them. "Am I understood? Hurt her and I will not hesitate to hurt you. Yes, I may not be in the best state, but I can still shoot you, and I will, whether you are on my team or not."

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


He squinted at the Rahkshi before him. No, he had never seen this one in his life. Yet... he seemed to know everything about Fang. He was helpless as the mysterious Rahkshi tore every threat he could make to pieces, leaving him speechless.


He had been ready. For whatever reason, anger or ambition, he was willing to kill the Rahkshi he had been willing to protect... all for Tridax's amusement. The sudden realization sickened him. All his hatred for Exxan hinged on the idea that he was somehow better than that killer. Yet, in truth, he was not.


He tried to keep his glare, but it wilted beneath the verbal onslaught. "What... what are your demands?" he hissed, though it sounded pathetic after his threats.


Once more, the thief's naive words went completely ignored.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Hoto paused mid-bite at the question, and slowly put the pastry down. It was... interesting. What did Grossh mean? There was... Era, but... beyond that, she didn't know of any others. She looked over to Jayar questioningly. "Are they?" she asked. Maybe there were plenty more handicaps she couldn't see.

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak



Shark chuckled at Sidonas' outburst. He understood nothing. Rants like his were useless, it was careful prodding of sensitive morals that could sway Fang, as his surrender now proved.


"This madness - it can end," said Shark smoothly. "As soon as one team has the other flag in their base, the assignment's over. No more tiptoeing around the island for fear of Visorak, or battles to the death. We both seek the fastest way to make this happen. So it becomes obvious what you must do: bring us your flag. I don't care how. Once you bring me the flag, you can have your teammate back." The finned Rahkshi paused. "Really, this is a rather generous offer. You get to ensure the safety of your comrades," here Shark smiled knowingly, "and sabotage Exxan. You practically benefit as much as I do."


Except for the fact that he never said Fang would get his teammate back alive... Neither his face nor voice betrayed the deception, of course. He hoped Rain was smart enough to realize that he still intended to allow her vengeance.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Grossh' House



Jayar considered the question. He didn't recall running into any physically handicapped Rahkshi aside from Hoto and Era, unless Short counted. "No, not really," he told Hoto, writing the words down as he spoke them. Of course, mental handicaps were a different matter... who knew how many of the students were seriously unstable?


That wasn't the question, though. Jayar held out the book long enough for Grossh to inspect those three short words before setting it down. He couldn't resist anymore; he grabbed the pastry and bit into it, slowly chewing it, savoring the glorious taste which he could not describe.


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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


A wicked grin slid across his face at the mention of Exxan. All of the plans would crumble, Exxan would remain the fool of the school. The pointless fighting would stop. All he had to do was...


No, that was never why he came. He had no stake in winning or losing. He did not come to end the fighting. He didn't even come to ruin Exxan. He came for Kat. To turn against her, make her share in the humilation... it was too much to bear.


And so, he sighed. "I cannot," he murmured. But... this one was intelligent. He would not take that as an excuse, and he would dig for another reason, one that was sure to make Fang the traitor. Fortunately, an excuse came to mind. "Exxan has hidden the flag, and only he knows where it lies."



IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Her mouth fell open at Fins' proposal, and she nearly sliced Shadow open in her haste to turn around. They had a deal, that lying son of a...


But the answer came before she could voice her concerns, and it gave her time to think. There was a small loophole in Shark's words. It might mean she wouldn't have as much fun with Scribbler as intended, but she would get her revenge, whether or not this plan worked out.


She tried to hide her discovery behind a suave, almost sincere smile.



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


"I h-have w-watched n-nearly since the school b-b-began," Root replied. "B-b-but..." his voice fell. He was not going to divulge his secrets to this villain.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche


She watched as Jayar began eating again and carefully took up her own pastry. Somehow, she only nibbled at it, still wondering about Grossh's question.


As an afterthought, she suddenly added, "Tell him... it's okay. I... I don't need anyone to fix it."

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas winced in pain, his burns were catching up to him, not good. He turned to Fang. "My friend, I think we should wrap this up and hurry, as I believe I do not have long to remain conscious. Let us just finish these 'negotiations' and be done with him." He turned to Shark. "Funny, I thought someone who assisted me in planning out the methods for our teams' victory would not be so heartless, nor did I think you would be an idiot. For you forget that you are in the air and I hold a launcher that fires large metal spheres. Do you think that is a good combination when in the hands of an angry fellow with a friend wounded? Neither did I. Though your methods for gaining victory on this exercise are unorthodox and monstrous, I commemorate you as to attempting to gain leverage on one with morals similar to my own. I should really beat you senseless when we all have recovered back at the school. But enough of me making threats, that is simply to vent my anger. This needs to end, and soon. So as for you, give Fang his friend, and I will not expel you from your vantage point and beat you with what strength I have left." After that long talk, Sido turned back to Fang. "Please, I may not be conscious for long, and I may be weak, but whatever is needed to get Recoil to the Crawler quickly, I will do so.":

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang did not turn from his negotiations as he addressed the Rahkshi beside him. "Be silent, thief. Your prattling is not helping matters. I would have you know the only reason I would not have you unconscious is because I doubt my ability to carry two Rahkshi back to the Crawler."


Was it so difficult to see that the more words came out of his mouth, the more foolish he sounded?



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Why was the villain speaking such things to them? Her words were doing little to sway him as to her innocence.


"Sp-pare us y-your w-w-words, f-fiend," he muttered. "Y-you m-may h-have m-my c-c-companion c-c-convinced, b-b-but there is n-no m-mercy t-t-to b-be f-f-found in y-your t-t-twisted h-heart. T-truly, if y-your t-t-trials h-had f-f-forged y-you b-b-better, y-you w-would not b-b-be w-waiting upon t-t-two v-v-victims of y-your c-cruelty."

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IC Kat:


I frowned,narrowing my eyes at him.


"Don't you ever make light of my experiences."


"Don't you talk to me about what I should have been forged into when I've seen my friends broken and dead on the floor, and it took all I had not to End the killer's life right then and there!"


"When I had to suck it up and let that go, because it would have destroyed me from the inside if I held onto it!"


"When I had to watch the body of my friend burn, and it hurt almost as much as when I saw him die!"


I stared the leafy Rahk down.


"Until you've seen death and pain.... you have no right to tell me who I should be."

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


"Y-you c-claim t-t-to have seen suffering, yet y-you shrink n-not f-from c-c-causing it," Root spat. "A h-hero w-would see p-p-pain and strive t-t-to p-p-prevent it. Y-you may n-not think y-yourself a v-villain, b-b-but y-you c-c-cannot d-deny y-your own c-c-cowardice!"

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IC Kat:


I stood, walking over to the PlantRahk, kneeling beside him, my voice taking on an icy edge.


"Tell me, when's the last time you had to think good and hard about what to do, knowing someone could live or die because of that decision? I don't shirk from causing pain when it is in the interests of helping the people I care about. I fight and hurt to protect them. And you'd do the exact same thing in my place."


I turned away.


I hated this, I'd finally stopped second guessing myself, and this guy was doing it for me.

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