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The Kanohi Force


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Thank you I'm back to my home but these peanut butter elephants are a bit big so I have to leave them outside, sorry

Or you could just, you know, eat them.



I'm sure they'll just eat eachother


But then you won't get any lunch.


How would an elephant even eat another elephant?


You people always seem to think anything can eat anything, and I have to bring you back to reality. First the Krana, and now this.

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Well since literally nothing has happened for at least a week story-wise here yah go.



The days after Halloween



Dallior tried to push his small frame up from behind the couch but failed. "What happnd? Why my teeth urt? Wher am i?"


Shadow staggered out from the kitchen, clutching his stomach. On October 31st Ghidora had turned the entire KF tower into a haunted house, inviting everyone in the city over for a good scare. In return, they got lots of money, and immediately splurged it all on candy, showering it all over the KF lounge and gobbling away greedily. Now, everyone had toothaches, stomachaches, and headaches (and a few extra pounds). "Hey D-Dallior. Whatzuhp?" The Av-Matoran nearly collapsed.


Then in came Arzaki, who was out of town helping the community and getting rid of those nasty forests that were always cluttering the ground. "What in Mata Nui's grandfather's pet toad's dimples!?!?!!?!?! What did you guys do to yourselves?!?!"


"Wha..." Shadow groaned. "What about pimples?"


"GHIDORA! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW AND EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED!!!" The valiant fire warrior raged, angrily stomping the floor. In a few moments, the elevator brought down a very groggy Ghidora. "Oheyoureback whoknewhowasyourtrip didyoupickupanycandy becausewehavehad enoughoverherethanks. How are(burp) you?"He wheeled in a wheelchair and proceeded to sit in it.


Arzaki groaned. "You... You overhogged on 45 tons of candy and now you've all got severe dental issues except you, Ghidora?"


"And Shadow," Ghiddy burped again. "He just spent five minutes brushing his teeth at high speeds. Kakama and all. I just swapped my teeth out." He lifted up a jar containing not dentures, but actual teeth coated in chocolate. "So whatsyourplan?"


"Well" Arzy gritted his teeth. "First off, we STOP EATING CANDY DALLIOR" He rushed the Pakari-clad Leedur and sliced the Tootsie Roll he was about to nom in half, setting both parts ablaze. "And then we get a dentist that knows how to fix the caveties before they get any wor-"


"No. No no no. Ghiddy. Why the Karz."


The Ghiddy in question was wearing a doctor's jacket and holding several sharp medical tools in his hand. Aside him was the dentist's chair from BBC #71. "What? Professionals are pricey."



"No! Lemme go! Help!"


Bonkle was strapped in tight, as Ghiddy and Jakura encircled him. "Velkum to mine insanitee barbersho- oh wait. Dentist's office... Right?" He gave a questioning glance towards the not caring Jakura. "Whatever. First we're gonna drill out your canines, then implant parakeet toenails where they were, and then give you anesthetic so it won't hurt. Rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaaddddddyyyyyyyyyyy?"


"NO! I'M SAYING NO HERE!" Bonkle pulled back as the buzzsaw arm came towards his jaw. "SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE! HELP! I'M BEING ATTACKED BY A PSYCHOPATH WHO'S ALSO MY BOSS! CALL 9-1-1! HURRY!!!"


"My ears..." Ghidora clutched his head. "You know what? Anesthetic now. Nurse!"


Jakura gritted his teeth and handed Ghidora a suitcase. Unpacking tons of tubes and needles from it, he proceeded to hit Bonkle over the head with it until he went unconscious.



Dallior woke up with a headache. "My stars... What happened? I was on a table one second and-"


All around him were KF members staring in awe at each others' teeth, all perfectly shiny. "But-" Bonkle handed him a mirror so he could see the cavity-free skeletal grinders in his mouth. "Wow! How did you do that Ghidora?" Shadow and Ghidora stood at the other end of the room, sitting in two wheelchairs. "Oh, nothing really. I just said the magic words and brushed them with my uber-secret special formula of awesomeness!"


Arzaki broke the silence of the three-minute long glare from the group. "Hope it wasn't diaper formula. Heh."



Later, Shadow and Ghidora were laughing. "Whelp, i owe you one, Shadow. Thanks for helping me pull that off!"


"No problemo" The Kakama-wearing comic maker replied. "Mask of healing. They never saw it coming!"

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Yet again, you are my polar opposite in almost every wayalthough we do share one similarity:

Neither of us can use grammar properly.

You've just given me an idea.


I dread to know what this is.


Anyway, Shadow said he wanted to do a halloween special, so we'll wait for him to finish that. (I personally hope I''m dressed as a kumquat)

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Yet again, you are my polar opposite in almost every wayalthough we do share one similarity:

Neither of us can use grammar properly.

You've just given me an idea.


I dread to know what this is.


Anyway, Shadow said he wanted to do a halloween special, so we'll wait for him to finish that. (I personally hope I''m dressed as a kumquat)


It's a Venn-Diagram written in matoran, and with an accompanying picture of the Ying Yang symbol, with a Hau replacing one circle, and a Komau replacing the other.

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Nah. I think it was more just picking a random membur to sit in the chair, and you happened to be the first that came to mind. Besides, since joining, you've become a very recognizable member, and having that sense of familiarity is helpful for a lot of readers.


But that's just my answer. :P

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~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to


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Nah. I think it was more just picking a random membur to sit in the chair, and you happened to be the first that came to mind. Besides, since joining, you've become a very recognizable member, and having that sense of familiarity is helpful for a lot of readers.


But that's just my answer. :P

Are you kidding


I am Here to Torture all SOULS




I just ran the names through my head and said "Why not Bonkle? yeah, let's go with Bonkle."


Also if you want you could PM me that story and I'll post it if Dallior doesn't.

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Speaking of candy, a guy scammed me at school by selling me a bag of candy that totaled to 10$ for 20$. I got my money back in the end, and I got to keep the candy. 

So I scammed him for 10 dollars instead. 

Edited by Irrie: The Loremaster
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It's been way too long since I've written anything for BZPower, an entire 5 days! I've been caught up with a jazz concert I'm performing in this week, as well as attempting at writing music based off of DragonFable. 

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This is a tale by Dragon. Enjoy. Edits to the chapter consisted on fixing some grammar issues and sliding it into the center.


A large white foot hit the Ground outside the Tower.
“TONIGHT….. I FEAST ON FEAR….” Said the Golden beast.

The Kanohi Force was playing Laser Tag In one of the Levels labeled “Unknown”, Underlings Vs. Leedurs, Icarus was turning a corner, when he heard the clanking of Ghiddy’s Heavy Armor Suit, so he jumped through a hole in a wall, and found himself in a Maze.
Irnakk then came reeeaaal close and snapped, Then the Maze was filled with…
“Locusts…. Krill…. TARANTULAS!”

Arzaki pointed his laser gun at himself, and got himself out for 7 seconds, but getting himself points as well.
Then Irnakk, with a Bazooka came around the corner, and shot a giant water balloon.

Meyres and Bonkle were getting milkshakes for everyone. “A strawberry for Dragon, A chocolate for Tahu, Another chocolate for… Everyone else.”
“How many People are on your list?” asked the clerk.
“Errr… I DON’T KNOW!” said Bonkle, before throwing 666 Irriebucks at the clerk and running off with the milkshake machine.

Ghiddy saw Tahu, he then pulled the trigger, and several thousand lasers were sent at Tahu, igniting his fireworks.
And two lasers came back at him.
Then He was in Irnakks mind. “It seems the current writer can’t figure out something for you, so I’ll just do this.” Irnakk stopped thinking for a second, and Ghidora ceased to exist.

Out of the smoke from Tahu’s fireworks, came a Nuurakh. “FIREWORKS IDENTIFIED. ILLEGAL.”
“nooooooooooooooo.com” responded Tahu, before being arrested.

The rest of the Kanohi force had heard all the screams and left a long time ago, when Meyres and Bonkle arrived…
“Why doesn’t the machine work!”

EASTER. 2016.
The Kanohi Force unlocked the laser tag room for the first time in months, and The Forgotten Chronicler tumbled out.
“W-w-why?” said TFC
“Oh, we forgot about you.”

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Random chapter just because I haven't written anything in a while. Yay!!



It had been a week since Halloween, and the Force was still recovering from their sugar-rush-induced partying. The party had gone on all night, and at some point, expanded out into the street. A squad of Bezevahk attempted to shut down the fun, but a chance arrival of a member dressed as Princess Celestia from My Little Pony drove Ghidora into a Karzfire frenzy, trashing the Vahki squad and most of the street. 


Naturally, the Staffers didn't take well to this. It wasn't long before Black Six and Tufi arrived to close things down. As per usual, they took Shadow aside and threatened warned him not to let this sort of thing happen again. After that, the Force and their guests went back inside the Tower and resumed partying.


Now, a week later, most of them were still recouping. The Krana Force was left in charge of cleaning up all the candy wrappers (since Shadow had enlisted them to go and acquire as much candy as they could), Dallior and Pohatu took down decorations. Jakura, Irrie, Dragon, and Petewa were repairing any damage to the Tower.


And Ghiddy... Well, Ghiddy was still stumbling through the hallways in a sugar-induced stupor. He sometimes freaked the other memburz late at night as he wandered around, moaning like a sugar-obsessed zombie. Needless to say, it was quite terrifying.


It was on this night that Dane and Kovika discovered something truly bizarre. The two of them were raiding the 20th-floor kitchen at 2:45 in the morning when they heard something moving from the hallway. Kovika poked his head out the door. "Who is it?" Dane asked him.


The Toa of Ice glanced back and forth, but he could see no one. But the footsteps continued, moving away from them. "No idea. I can't see anyone. But I definitely hear someone."


"Maybe someone upstairs?"


"No, I heard the footsteps right next to me a second ago."


Dane cautiously approached the door, and glanced out as well. "Can't we turn on the lights?"


Kovika shook his head. "Shadow has the whole Tower on a system. The main power shuts off at 1 and doesn't come back on for another 5 hours."


The Bo-Toa rolled his eyes. "Great. I didn't grab a flashlight."


"You wanna go after this? What if it's a ghost?"


"Please, there's no such thing."


Casper huffed indignantly, and floated through the wall, ignoring the pair.


Kovika fished through his night-robe. "I keep a mini-flashlight in here somewhere. Ah, here it is." He pulled it out and clicked on the light, which didn't illuminate much. "Eh, it's better than nothing." He led the way out into the hallway. "I think it went this way."


They headed to the left, figuring that they could catch the source of the disturbance, since the hall wrapped around the outside of the kitchen and bathrooms. The only way out was to take the elevator up or down. They hadn't gone far when they heard the footsteps again. This time from behind them. Kovika whirled, pointing his flashlight at the source, but there was nothing to see. "I can't see..." Dane started. But before he could finish his sentence, a gust of chill air passed over them. Dane glanced over at the Ice Toa. "Please say that was you."


Kovika gulped. "I would, but I'd be lying..."


Dane threw his hands in the air. "Okay, now I'm a little freaked out. I'm going back to my room." And he stumbled away into the darkened hallway. Kovika glanced around for a moment before following. Both of their rooms were on the southeast corner of the Tower, just past the kitchen entry.


As they rounded the corner, they saw light streaming out of the kitchen door, and heard a faint melodic whispering. They edged closer, panic rising in their chests. Now they could hear a faint thumping sound. Kovika switched off his flashlight in hopes of not giving themselves away.

The Ice Toa turned to Dane. "We look in quick, then back out. If it's a ghost, we run. If it's a burglar, I flash-freeze him and you wrap him in vines."


"Got it." They had come to within a few feet of the door by now.


"Okay." Kovika steeled himself, and Dane ironed himself. "One, two..."


Before he could finish the countdown, a swaying shadow appeared in the doorway, it's figure sweeping up over the wall on the opposite side. The two of them had just poked their heads past the doorframe, and the sudden appearance startled them so much that....




For what they saw, just inside the kitchen, was...






The Av-Matoran turned off his music and stared at the two of them. "Hey, keep it down, boys. You're loud enough to wake the dead."


Dane stepped away from Kovika and muttered, "Hooh, boy, I hope not."


Kovika slapped the other on the shoulder. "You said it. Well, I'm off to bed."


"Wait a minute," Dane interjected. "If it's just T1S, then what was with the footsteps earlier? And that cold breeze?"


Shadow smiled. "Av-Matoran. Bent the light to hide myself. And that breeze was me using my Kakama. In the dark, I can run right past you and you wouldn't see a thing." He raised an eyebrow. "Hope I didn't scare you too much."


"Scared?" Kovika scoffed. "We weren't scared."


"If you say so."


As the Toa turned to go to their rooms, Shadow whooshed by to stand before them. "Boo."


The two shrieked as Kovika jumped into Dane's arms, knocking the other Toa over.


Shadow leaned over them. "Good night, boys." Then he turned out the kitchen light, leaving them in darkness.


The end. 




By the way, if you thought this chapter was just an excuse to show off that video of me... Then you'd be 100% correct. :P

Edited by T1Shadow: The Artisan
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~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to


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