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IC: R9 released an agitated beep. Nall stroked her dome again with her hand.


"It's okay," Nall said to the droid. "We're going to get her out of there."


She turned her attention back to the Wookie bartender. "I'm sorry. We were only hoping you knew someone we could talk to. The lower city isn't exactly short on criminals. Surely you must know someone around here we can talk to."




Meanwhile, Tashka looked around. The bar was definitely populated, though she'd found a relatively open area. Still, it was kind of dull over here. The Dueling Ring wasn't providing anything worthwhile, she knew well that she could easily take down most of the upper city champions, if only they'd let a Togruta into the ring.


The Togruta stood and made her way toward the bar, taking a seat at the counter, a few seats down from the Twi'lek and her droid. The droid seemed to be worried, though the reasons why didn't matter much. She paused, taking a moment to think as she tried to decide what to order. Something strong.


"Do you have any Correllian Whiskey?" she finally asked.

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IC( Isariah):


Isariah made a quick check on her comm to ensure the information had transferred safely, then gave a quick shake of her head.


"Nah, last job barely paid for the dry-dock, didn't really leave enough for parts. Matter of fact... how strict is the timetable for that job? What I've got left would just about do for a couple of hot meals here. I'd like to keep my head clear, so I'll be sticking to the canteen, but a bit of food and some time to relax wouldn't go amiss."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: (Swoop Track)


Dak watched as she stood at the edge of the swoop track. Viseria was next to her. There was indeed a race on at the moment, and the stands were crowded, with every person there cheering for a different rider. 


"So how exactly does this work?" The Stormtrooper asked. 


"It's very easy," the Miraluka said in response. "The racers each take turns on the track and try to go as fast as possible. The race ends when everyone has gone at least once, and whoever has the best time wins."


Dak remained quiet. There was a momentary awkwardness as they turned. Nadia was pushing her way through the crowd, moving towards the two women. "Sorry I'm late," she said. "I had to change my pants. Who's in the lead?"


"At the moment..." Viseria muttered. She sighed. "Dorq Joben."


Nadia groaned. "Really? That woman couldn't win a glock-eating contest on Endor."


"You think she's cheating?" Viseria asked.


"It wouldn't be the first time."


"You know her?" Dak interjected.


Nadia smiled. "She's a rider for the Beks, who thinks because she's the daughter of some big-shot speeder designer she can get away with anything."


Dak nodded. Nadia was unsurprisingly tense as she saw Dorq climbing off her speeder and removing her helmet, taking a moment to taunt some of the other racers, as well as shooting a menacing glare toward Nadia.


The Twi'lek remained tense for a moment as she struggled to keep herself from doing anything drastic. "Perhaps we should see if we can get in on this race," Nadia finally said. "You up for some riding?"


"Sure thing," Viseria said. "Let's go."


OOC: Nadia and Dak are open for interaction, though I'm not sure if anyone is able to or has any interest in going to the swoop track.

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Sen Fahl-The Stray Tach


IC: "I think what she meant," Said the nearby Mandalorian, "Was that she had no desire to get involved in anything illegal. Even referring you to someone willing to help might get her into far too much trouble."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: At the sudden remark, R9 swiveled her round dome towards the Mandalorian. Her frustration was clear in the agitated beeps which followed, as well as her wobbling side to side.


Nall quickly took her attention away from the Wookie, placing both hands on the droid. "No, R9, we're not going to abandon her. I'm going to need you to stay calm, okay?"


The astromech droid paused for a moment, turning her dome back toward the Twi'lek. She gave an affirmative whistle in response.


Nall looked toward the Mandalorian next to her. "I'm sorry about the her," she said, motioning toward the droid. "She's upset at the moment, worried for her master. You know what I mean?"

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"I know, boss. You've got that whole sweesonberrry roll weakness." Liare commented playfully, wrapping an arm around the Zeltron and squeezing tightly. He was tempted to ruffle her hair, but he unfortunately found that his other hand was occupied with the food. Contenting himself with a grin, he squeezed her shoulder and maneuvered the coffee tray in his left hand where she could grab it. "One closest to you is yours. Black. One closest to me is mine. No sauce, as ordered."


"Help yourself to the bag. I'll pick at what's left."




Costa took the coffee with a low purr of glee, flicking her wrist out casually to grab the beverage...


...which had the ([un?]intended) added side effect of drawing the bag of sweets from underneath the Inquisitor's arm and bringing it into the outstretched arm of his employer. Costa reached in and grabbed a sweesonberry roll with zeal and took a hearty bite. The sweetness nearly paralyzed her jaw, but it kept the grin plastered right on her face.


"So," she said, when she felt it was safe to talk without drooling (he just forgot about the last time) "hunting. What did you and Raine find at your latest...sweep of the bar?"


She gave him her best side-eye while taking another bite of pastry - and this time, managed to keep a relatively serious face on even as her heart and stomach burst into song at the heady taste of her confection.





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"That the Tach is the best bang for your buck when it comes to strong drinks." The galaxy's greatest con man said irreverently, grinning at his boss' evident delight. He sipped his own coffee, eyes panning up and down the street when he wasn't looking directly at Costa. "Good job not drooling."


"Raine thought he might have found something interesting, but it was nothing. The gangs didn't know anything helpful, either."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Okay, I won't pretend that this is an easy choice. It's not one I'm proud of and it was hard to accept. However, after talking to a few other players and getting some feedback, I've come to realize that it would be in all our best interests. It is my hope that, in the words of Lor San Tekka, this will begin to make things right.


Until further notice, I will no longer be playing as Layna Arkada. One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that her revenge-based storyline is keeping me stuck on Mia's fate, and in order to properly move on I need to do something else. 


This is not to say of course that Layna will be gone forever. I am open to the possibility of re-introducing her in the future should it suit the narrative, preferably in a situation where I can focus on her as a more independent role. However, for now, I have to move on, and I need to get over myself. At present, I'm also not sure where this leaves Dak, as a lot of her role has also been focused on Mia.


However, I still have several other PCs who I still intend to use. Nadia did have some connections, though they aren't driving her too much (I never did get a chance to even show her interacting with Mia) so I should still be able to control her. That also leaves Tashka, Kyra (at least once Strider! posts), and R9. In addition, I have also looked at some possible ideas for new characters (so far nothing huge, and I can't promise much more than they won't have anything to do with Mia). I don't know if I'm going to use any of them yet. We'll see.


Anyway, that's my important announcement. It's not like Layna was an especially popular character anyway, so I don't think anyone will miss her. It wasn't an easy move, though I see no other way at the moment. I guess what I'm saying is don't expect any posts focusing on Layna in the near future.




Now with that out of the way, I guess I should post something.


IC: Nadia eagerly stepped into the ring, her Miraluka friend close behind. It was no surprise when Dorq Joben approached in her usual taunting voice.


"You weren't invited Twi'lek. Go back to where you came from!"


Nadia grew tense. Viseria grabbed her shoulder, hoping to keep her from doing anything drastic.


At that moment, the announcer approached. "Nadia Rinlo," he said. "I didn't know you were attending this race."


"I wasn't," Nadia said. "I just want to beat her!" The Twi'lek motioned toward Dorq.


"Well, we can make room for a star like you. A surprise on the track wouldn't be a bad idea, perhaps during half-time. I'll call for someone to get your swoop bike."


"You're letting her on the track," Dorq yelled, her voice obviously condescending. "I won this fair and square."


"The race isn't over yet," the announcer said. "There's still plenty of racers going after you."


Dorq turned in disgust, storming away from the Twi'lek.


OOC: Nadia is open to interaction.

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IC Odiina:


An hour or so later found Odiina, now in fatigues, watching an old holo of a pod race in her bunk.


"Pak comes in from the left, looking for an opening, but Tanka isn't giving him an inch!"


 She didn't know where the suspect was, and frankly, it was still up to the GM's to say where she got carted off to she didn't care.


"The track opens up, and Pak puts on the speed! This could be close, folks!"


She had mentioned to the others the droid who'd tried to cut her armor, on the off chance there was something more to it than an over protective Astromech.


"Oh! His left pod explodes! Too much strain on that untested machine has caused it to give out at a critical moment! Tanka takes the lead, and the race!"


She frowned, turning off the holo, and getting up. She was bored and needed a break from the monotony.

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IC: "Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a surprise entry," the announcer declared. The crowds were obviously eager to see who their new entry was. Dorq was hardly amused, as she watched Nadia step onto the race track.


"For the halftime show, we've got two champions of the Black Vulkars here to race for you!"


The Twi'lek didn't pay much attention to the announcer. The crowds, on the other hand, were going wild as they saw her. She climbed onto the swoop bike, taking a moment to put her helmet on. She glanced toward the sidelines, where Viseria watched in anticipation. Dorq meanwhile was starting menacingly. 


After getting the signal, Nadia carefully started the engines of the swoop bike. She could already feel the vibrations as the machine revved to life. In a few seconds, she was ready to go.


One more signal, and she was off, zooming around the track. 

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IC (Roka Zale, The Stray Tach): Roka paused and thought about the proposal, glancing around the bar. Big Guy was gone, and so was his smaller friend. The other guy they were talking to was still at the bar, though he seemed to be preoccupied. The feeling of dread had faded too, and so Roka nodded in silent agreement. "Well, I'm having the cargo delivered tomorrow morning, but we can stay around a few days extra if need be. I prefer to hang around a dock a little after picking up cargo anyway, provides less connection to the contact and throws off anyone following me. So yeah, we can stay here and unwind for awhile."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Tashka tried to remain calm as she waited for the Wookie, who seemed to be occupied with the Twi'lek and her astromech droid companion. Another man had entered their conversation, it seemed. Whatever was going on, that droid seemed really nervous. While it was somewhat annoying, the Togruta could wait. As a huntress back on Shili, patience was a valuable skill to learn when it came to finding their prey and warding off predators. She'd be fine as long as no one tried to start anything, at least.


Didn't look like that was much of a problem, though. She turned and looked around the cantina. That Balosar looked like he was closing the deal with his partner. Other than that, everyone seemed minding their own business or gambling. Unless someone was accused of cheating there probably wouldn't be anything going on. Of course, not many sane people would want to start a fight with the wookie at the counter. 


She turned her attention back towards the bar, and waited for the Wookie to finish.

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Sue turned away as Sen explained to the young Twi’lek.

“How do you want it?” TK translated for her.  “On the rocks, neat?”


She wondered if the women would stay this time.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Sue poured the shot for the Togruta woman, set it down on the counter, and then turned back to the Twi’lek and Sen.  TK buzzed over to translate her soft growls.

“Supposing I did know a bunch of criminals.  Hypothetically.  What makes you think any criminal in lower reaches of Taris would risk their hide to break someone out of jail for anything less than a fee far beyond your paygrade?”

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: I noticed you keep saying "women" whenever you're addressing Tashka, as though there's more than one woman when Tashka is by herself.



IC: The Togruta quickly reached for the whiskey in front of her, taking a long swig of it before slamming the glass back on the counter. 



R9 expressed an enthusiastic series of beeps.


"Really?" Nall asked the droid. She turned her attention back towards the wookie. "The Empire doesn't have a huge presence on Taris. They've only got a few understaffed outposts and have higher priorities than holding some petty crook. So security wouldn't be a huge problem." She motioned towards the various patrons at the cantina. "I'd imagine a lot of people around here would enjoy a chance to make trouble for the Empire, even if on a small scale. Now I don't have much in the way of credits, but I do have a very good selection of droid parts at my shop."


R9 whistled again. Nall turned towards her. "Are you sure I should say that?" The droid whistled affirmatively


"Her master's a decorated member of the Rebel Alliance. At the moment, she's been arrested for saving my life, she had to kill two people in the process. It would make a very embarrassing defeat if she was freed before they found out who they were dealing with."

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

TK translated Sue’s brief, low purr as-- “Sweetie.”

The wookiee took a bite of pie and chewed thoughtfully before continuing.

“I don’t know how long you’ve been on Taris, but the lack of imperial presence doesn’t mean we don’t have a functioning government.  A petty criminal is someone who forges a few thousand credits or a low grade spice smuggler.  Those get overlooked.  Someone who shoots and kills two people is a public danger and will most likely be taken to the most central and heavily guarded location available.  Like the Imperial Base, which does in fact exist here.   Or that Star Destroyer than everyone says is in orbit.”

She paused for another nonchalant bite of pie.


“Now, as for the rest of that.  I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it.  Others might not be so discreet.  If I were you, I would sell that droid to the highest bidder and get as far away from here as possible.  Your friend hasn’t done anything but paint a giant target on your back."

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Like the Imperial Base, which does in fact exist here.   Or that Star Destroyer than everyone says is in orbit.



Can we get confirmation on that? Even assumning there is a base, it would probably be at best used for overseeing all the other Imperial operations, and I'm pretty sure the staff would have much bigger things to worry about than some vigilante. I'm not totally convinced they'd even have the means to detain a prisoner. Given the limited resources, the best option would probably be to take them to the nearest Imperial Structure that has space and some area that can be used to temporarily detain the prisoner until transport can be arranged off-world.


Second, I assume you're referring to the Inquisitorious Star Destroyer. I think they're kinda preoccupied at the moment and don't really have any time or interest in arresting a total stranger for crimes committed against other strangers. More likely, Imperial transport would have to be arranged and that would also take time because, you know, the Empire's got more important things to deal with.


IC: R9 expressed a very loud and agitated beep towards the Wookie. It didn't take a translator to know she wasn't too happy about the notion of being sold off to the "highest bidder."

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OOC: Okay, let's take... the US. A state usually has at least one military base. Taris is an entire planet. Let's look at Lothal. Another outer rim planet, but it's not industrialized like Taris, so it's even less important. Lothal had a base and an academy. Tatooine had an academy. It's safe to say that Taris does have an Imperial presence.


IC: Vanndred was making his way downtown. Walking fast.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: With a few agitated whistles, R9 turned away from the counter, extending her third wheel and quickly rolling away. Nall turned back toward the wookie.


"Now look what you've done," she said. "You hurt her feelings."


The Twi'lek stood and moved towards the astromech, who had stopped in the middle of the cantina and was looking around.


"Don't worry," Nall said. "We'll find someone around here."




Tashka took another sip of her whiskey. It looked like the bartender was free from dealing with the astromech droid. Further down the counter, there was a very tall man who seemed to be keeping to himself. She didn't see much of a need to engage him directly.


As the Togruta finished her shot, she placed the glass down on the counter and called to the wookie.


"I think I'm going to need another round," she said. "Things aren't exactly going great for the Vulkars right now."

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

This, thought Sue, is why I didn’t give TK a personality module.


She poured the Togruta another shot, adding it the tab she had noted for the woman.  Then she went back to her dinner.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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This, thought Sue, is why I didn’t give TK a personality module.


OOC: Wow, Sue's not like any bartender I've ever heard of. Isn't listening to other people's problems part of the job? Well, if Sue's not that kind of person I can probably find something else to do. I guess I'm used to the image. Anyway...


IC: The Togruta took a large swig of her whiskey, before once again placing it onto the counter. She looked to her side. That tall man was still present a few stools down. She didn't recognize him, and figured he was probably a spacer who had arrived on Taris for some reason and was ready to leave at the first opportunity. 


Tashka stood and approached the Mandalorian, taking a seat next to him. "Hey," she said, taking a sip of her drink. "You're not from around here, are you?"

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IC (Isariah):


Isariah chuckled at that, shaking her head, "See, I hadn't even thought about that." More quietly, she added, "Been doing too many legit jobs lately, I suppose. It's a good thing you showed up, else I might have forgotten why Khorshid even has hidden compartments, eh?"


Still smiling, she pushed her seat back and walked over to the bar, giving the Wookiee behind it a quick wave.


"Hey, how's it going? And while we're talking, what've you got to eat - hot food only, okay?"

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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  • 2 weeks later...



"You go ahead and do that." The Novatrooper said calmly, turning towards the door and starting to leave. "If you have any luck, you know where to find me. I have some preparations, and conversations, to see to. I will speak with you at a later time."


Rebekah triggered the door, stepped out, and took the few strides down the hall necessary to reach her own door and enter. A few quick movements engaged the lock, and she was free to approach her bed. She took a seat in silence, waiting a few moments, before adjusting her earpiece a little. "I take it you caught all of that, Ms. Dana."




"Humans and their drama..."


A soft noise of displeasure on the line. Full of static. Poor connection or mechanical frustration?


"I heard it all. Accessing personnel files. Give me a second."





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"I would not be overly concerned with it."


After a few moments of quiet, permitting the thought to process in her mind, the rogue Novatrooper flopped backwards onto the bed. The day had been... Unexpectedly trying. Unexpectedly complex. The addition of her remote ally, her flight from her previous search pattern, the confrontation at her apartment, the encounter with the bounty hunter... Her strategy for the day had merely been to continue attempting to locate travel off of the planet. These complications required much more processing.


"I highly doubt that she will locate anything of use. If you locate anything useful for her quest, forward it to her. Otherwise..." A pause, and Rebekah closed her eyes to think. "We should consider our next move."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

At a few verbal commands from Sue, TK buzzed over to Isariah and began to list off the available menu.

“There’s soup--dumpling or red gourd, if you really want to warm your gullet.  Also, crispix and coin crabs.  I’ll make chyntuk or uj cake to order.”

The wookiee gestured down at the dish she was eating from as TK continued.

“I suppose I could spare another slice of pie, if you’re feeling adventurous.”


OOC: Wow, Sue's not like any bartender I've ever heard of. Isn't listening to other people's problems part of the job? Well, if Sue's not that kind of person I can probably find something else to do. I guess I'm used to the image. Anyway...


OOC:  Oh, Sue’s happy to listen to people’s problems.  She’s just not going to point you to the next point in a highly illegal quest.  That may be because she’s a person with her own motivations, not a faceless NPC.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC:  Oh, Sue’s happy to listen to people’s problems.  She’s just not going to point you to the next point in a highly illegal quest.  That may be because she’s a person with her own motivations, not a faceless NPC.


OOC: I'm starting to think I misread your last post, because when I made that remark, I thought she was reacting to Tashka. Now going back over it again, it's looking more like she was frustrated because of R9 than because of an off-hand remark from a customer. If there was a miscommunication, I'm sorry.



IC: (Stray Tach)


The Togruta took another long sip from the small glass in front of her, quickly draining the whiskey it contained, before placing it back on the counter. Already, Tashka was starting to feel the effects of the strong drink, though she hoped she could get one or two more before passing out.


She listened as the droid began to list off items from the cantina's menu to the customer. Some food probably wouldn't be bad idea at the moment. One or two items quickly caught her attention.


"I'll have some coin crabs," Tashka said. "And another shot of whiskey."

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IC (Isariah):


Isariah was about to order, but paused and looked askance at the Togruta, sitting about four meters away from the table - her table - where the droid was reading off the menu, the message of 'Speak when you're spoken to' left unsaid, but pretty heavily implied. Rolling her eyes with perhaps a touch more emphasis than needed, she returned her gaze to the droid.


"Anyway, I'm pretty much running on empty. Might as well take a bowl each of both soups, and... hey, why not, a plate of crabs, too." Having sorted out what she was going to eat, she turned to her friend. "Roka, you having anything, or are you just going to try to sneak crabs off my plate?"

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: That whiskey was strong. Perhaps too strong even for a Togruta warrior. Only two shots and already Tashka was starting to feel strange. There was a buzzing in her montrals, no doubt the alcohol had dampened her usual ability to sense movement. Her eyelids were also starting to grow heavy. Then again, the stuff was made for humans, and the Correllians were known to be heavy drinkers. It shouldn't have been too surprising that the amount needed to take effect would vary between species.


It probably wouldn't take much of the stuff to put Nadia to sleep, Viseria, being near-human, could probably handle it, not that she'd want to. Still, it could have been worse. At least Tashka hadn't ordered any of those repulsive Hutt drinks that were supposed to be toxic to most other races.


It looked like the woman nearby had shot a glance at Tashka. On any other day that may have drawn her attention, possibly even provoking the Togruta. However, now, she didn't feel much like doing anything. That counter was looking like a very good pillow at the moment, as she leaned toward it, resting her head on its surface and running an arm under one of her lekku. She displayed a minor smile as she shuffled for a moment, getting comfortable, and shut her eyes.


OOC: I'm not entirely sure where I'm going at the moment. That's okay, right?

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

As Sue prepared a tray for the customer who just ordered, she noticed the togruta slump over on the bar, clearly asleep.  She held back a snort.  The women might regret her choices later, but she was doing no harm now.  Sue let her be.

She placed the two bowls of soup and the plate of crabs on the tray, checking to see if the woman’s companion wanted anything.


OOC:  Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious she was thinking about R9.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: Oh, well in that case I'm sorry I misread your post.


IC: (Stray Tach)



R9 quickly rolled toward the exit. She was definitely angry with that wookie bartender. That conversation was being replayed in her memory. One would think that a wookie, a species with a long history of being enslaved by various human organizations, would understand the immorality of treating a sentient being as property.


"R9!" She heard Nall calling out. The Twi'lek quickly approached the droid. "I'm sure she didn't mean any harm."


The droid released another beep. 


"You miss her, don't you?"


It didn't take an expert to recognize the sadness in R9's whistle.


"I'm not really sure what we can do for her," Nall said. "She's going to be guarded wherever she is. We'd need an army to break her out, and I don't think a few discount droid parts are going to get us there."


The astromech swivelled her dome towards the Twi'lek, expressing a worried beep. 


Nall paused. "What do you think Kyra would do?"


R9 thought for a moment, not sure what to say. The ex-rebel had deeply cared for the droid, she probably wouldn't want her to get herself captured trying to save her.


R9 let out another whistle.


I'm not sure," Nall said, stroking the droid's dome gently.





She was descending, slowly, through the blue sky. Below her, Tashka could see something she was moving towards, a forest canopy. As she moved closer, she swiftly moved through the trees, her feet landing every so gently on the valley below. A glance around allowed her to realize where she was; she was home, back on Shili. She could see the community in which she had grown up in that isolated part of the forest. It seemed so tranquil now, as she watched others of her kind moving, none of them seeming to take notice of her presence. 


Back at the Stray Tach, Tashka shifted in her sleep. Her light snoring was largely overshadowed by the noise from the chatter of the cantina around her, which she barely seemed to perceive.


OOC: Tashka and R9 are open for interaction.

Edited by Atton Rand
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"You're a schmuck," Costa started, which was about all she could get out without letting a small trail of moisture leak from the corner of her cramping mouth. She took a sip of coffee to ease up the tension and then glared at him, bumping against his side with her whole body and staring dead ahead. "This whole planet is a waste of space. Think of all the things you could raise up here if you put the work into it. And what did they do? They built the same planet over again - but shittier this time."


The Chief Inquisitor grumbled under her breath.


"If it wasn't for the historical value of even a knock-off of Taris in its prime, why, I'd...grrr. And all you did tonight was interrogate a couple girls and get yourself drunk, biiiiig sur-priiiiiise. You suck."




"Fine. If you can't perform your duties admirably in the field then I suppose I'll just have to chip away at your extracurricular activities. You owe me a girl's night as soon as we leave this backwater system. Twelve standard hours. Coffee, a movie in the rec room, and lots and lots of pre-Reformation history."




"That choice, NT-084, is entirely in your hands. It will still take me time to find someone reputable and fearless enough to ascertain your safety if you wish to leave the system. Or I can find a security loophole overnight and find a way to get you onboard Regency. Many of the bridge crew are handpicked by me for holding sympathies similar to yours, which just enough Imperial hardliners to avoid suspicion if someone ran background checks similar in scope to mine. Still easily overpowered in the event of a mutiny. Or we could find you a shuttle or escape pod onboard here for you to escape in, though this would most likely necessitate my departure with you - thus, obviously, limiting my effectiveness when I am removed from Ops Center. You have a few hours to sleep on your options."





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IC: (Stry Tach)


The place was bustling with activity as the ex-Stormtrooper wandered through the entrance. This looked like the place Nadia had mentioned. Apparently Viseria had trouble here, but it seemed like a good place to get drunk, something Dak Ulgo wasn't going to complain about.


Dak stepped into the cantina. As she wandered in, she quickly scanned the area. Her eyes quickly moved back and forth as she looked around for any signs of Imperial Presence. So far there was nothing, though that didn't make her any less tense. She slowly walked toward the bar. There seemed to be plenty of people. As she walked in, she momentarily passed a Twi'lek accompanied by an R2-Unit. From there, she began to make her way towards the bar, where a wookie appeared to be tending, presently organizing a tray of food for a young woman and her friend.


Only a few feet away from that table, a young Togruta had apparently fallen asleep after having too much to drink. Next to her, a very tall man with blonde, blue, and green hair was seated. Dak slowly moved toward the counter, taking a seat next to the tall man. She paused for a moment, trying to figure out what to order. 



OOC: Any word on those new characters I proposed yet?

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It was a short, or relatively short for the sprawling mass of buildings and speederways, trip towards the establishment which Tallik had alluded to. Not the least of which because of the urgency which the Twi'lek and his accomplice had ushered Rav through the city, which brought up a number of questions for the two of them, none of which he had enough time to stop and discuss. They certainly had questions, Tallik made that much clear, though he wasn't too keen on answering them, not when it put a bigger target on them for more than just being guides.


The door to the Stray Tach slid open smoother than Rav would have expected, given the state of the buildings to either side of the bar, drowning out the general ambient hum of repulsor vehicles and low drone of pedestrians with the sounds and smells of a semi-crowded room with readily accessible intoxicants. Stepping into the bar lifted one weight off his shoulders, and slammed another down in it's place. All the same, Rav much preferred the dangerously crowded interior of the bar to the dangerously open pedways, at least then he actually had a chance of getting a glimpse of who's trying to off him rather than just a single bolt from hundreds of meters away. That, or it was just his familiarity with being stuck in a cockpit for days.


He made it a point not to stop in place, though didn't immediately head to the bar itself as he normally would; his contact had informed him of arriving some time ago already. A quick head motion let him scan the immediate area, and he found the worn blue armor almost immediately, though not much else in terms of identifying threats. He decided to take it as a sign of not being observant enough, rather than there being none.


Rav motioned towards the otherwise unoccupied table to his two recent acquaintances, before making his way over, doing his best to make his way around the patrons. He slid into the seat opposite to the other, who was seemingly engrossed in the faintly glowing clear panel of the holozine he was holding.


"You know that stuff goes bad within minutes," Rav offered with a glance over to the glass of liquor, still untouched.


"I hadn't noticed," came the expected response, the being's voice low and distorted by the armored helmet, modulated in apparent disinterest. Said helmet tilted upwards slightly to regard Tallik and Cylund, to which Rav gave a slow nod. He had a feeling that he was going to need their assistance on last time after this.



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OOC: So that's who that strange man was. I thought he seemed suspicious. 


IC: Dak took a deep breath as she tried to make a decision. It looked like this place had a huge variety of choices, enough to easily overwhelm a first-time visitor. The best option she could think of was to wait for the wookie bartender to finish the current order and then ask for a recommendation. That was probably going to take a few minutes. She quickly turned and shot another glance around the cantina. Most of these people were probably criminals, but so far none appeared to have given the now ex-Stormtrooper any attention. So far, her attempt to disappear had proven more or less successful. Most of the cantina's occupants were bunched together, and to them, Dak probably looked like nothing more than a common gang member. The tall man next to her seemed indifferent to her current issues. The only person who may recognize her was Tashka, who even if she was awake would probably be too drunk to remember seeing her.


There was, however, something that did manage to catch the trooper's attention. At the very back of the cantina, she saw someone seated in one of the booths, a masked man who was being approached by three other men. There was a human and a Twi'lek, but the one who seemed to stand out was the person they appeared to be working for, a Zabrak. Wasn't it a Zabrak that the Inquisitorious were hunting? That they had falsely claimed was responsible for the death of her friend? Could that be the very person? 


At that moment, Dak felt a sense of indecisiveness. Part of her wanted to confront him in the hopes of gaining some answers. The other felt scared for the consequences of such an action if she was correct. For now, all she could do was watch.




The village was behind her now. All around there was nothing but the familiar odor of the Turu-Grass that covered the planet. Tashka could feel the grass against her, and continued to wander forth through the field. Then she noticed smoke, smoke and fire...


The Togruta groaned as she semi-consciously half-opened her eyes and started to lift her head. Not much had changed. She was still drunk, and not thinking clearly, and her senses were notably dampened.



OOC: If you don't mind me asking real quick, how well-known is Rav? It's just that R9, a droid who served in the Rebel Alliance and had connections to the New Republic, is also in the cantina. Before I do anything, I thought I should check to see if it was plausible that R9 could recognize him.


Also, Tashka, R9, and Dak are open to interaction.

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"I was performing my duties very admirably," Liare protested, trying to keep the grin off his face while his boss expressed her irritation. Casually, with a widening of the barely stifled grin, he leaned and bumped her back. "It's not my fault my recon got up. And Raine spooked everyone in the bar, not me."


"This is cruel and unusual punishment."




The rogue Novatrooper blinked, the only outward expression of her surprise. Not that her compatriot would be able to see it.


"You planned in the hopes I would take over the Regency. Am I incorrect?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dak stared for a moment. She needed answers. If her intuition was right, those four men could provide an explanation for everything that happened. No doubt that the consequences of finding out what happened would be dangerous. If she was seen, and identified, with the fugitive the Inquisitorious had been hunting, she would become a target. She'd be on the run, and having to disappear. Then again, she wasn't exactly a law-abiding citizen, at least not as far as the Empire was concerned. She was fortunate enough to meet the one Inquisitor who wasn't going to kill her without reason. From what he described, any other member likely would have killed her as soon as she gave the information they asked for. As far as the other stormtroopers were concerned, she was probably a deserter, a very serious crime for a stormtrooper.


So far, nobody seemed to show any signs of hostility towards her. Very likely none of them even knew who she was. It didn't seem like anyone noticed the fugitive either, and probably wouldn't notice a young woman moving towards the back of the cantina. Besides, she was trained as a stormtrooper. If anyone tried to give her grief she could probably take care of herself.


As she stood, Dak thought at length about what she was doing. She wasn't sure what she was going to say yet. If this was indeed the fugitive she was approaching, he'd likely be prepared for any potential threats. All she wanted now was information, but he didn't know that. 

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"Shut your mouth and keep both eyes peeled. Or I add pedicures to the mix. I'm thinking Sith lightsaber red for the polish."






The sound of amusement was odd, as if mechanical or forced. Like she had no idea how to think something was funny...or Dana was sheepish.


"Well, yes. That was the projected outcome. And the one most favorable long-term."



Edited by Pip Bernadotte



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OOC: Okay, so it looks like at the moment I'm probably going to be focusing mainly on Dak for a while. So if there's anyone reading this who was actually invested in Nadia or Kyra, I may have to place those two on hold for now. It's probably not a bad idea anyway seeing as they're not really in a position to enter the main narrative yet and that would give me some time to figure out exactly what I want to do with them. That leaves the three PCs I have at the Stray Tach (Dak, Tashka, and R9) and the ones I introduced in the discussion topic once they're approved.


Of those, I think Dak has the best opportunity to get into the main narrative. Tashka and R9 are both open for interaction of course, so I guess we'll see what happens.


IC: It was hard for the ex-stormtrooper to contain her nerves. She still wasn't sure what she was going to say. After all, walking straight up to a possible fugitive and saying "hey, aren't you that guy everyone's been looking for? I need some information" was probably not going to end well. She needed to use discretion. In a crowded place like the Stray Tach, she could probably avoid drawing attention if she was careful in her choice of words. Nearly every part of her wanted to back off now, especially given she didn't know what would happen next.


Finally, there she was, only a meter or so away from the table where the four men were gathered. She still remained unsure of what to say. First off, she had to be sure she was even talking to the right person, and she had to find a discreet way of doing it.

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