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I have had some dreams in the past about bootleg BIONICLE sets showing up in stores, being more successful than the actual sets of G2. These sets really look like anything between the sets of 2001 and early 2009. Some of which borrowing elements from later or earlier years, such as masks, tools, colors, ect.


I started having these dreams back in march about two months before the first leaks of G2 back in 2014. They started as redesigns of the 2001 Toa, be them more complex and far larger.


In the dream I had last night I walked into a store, and in a far back isle there where smaller sets, one which appeared as Metus with like a jetpack and some stuff on his chest, next to him where Lewa/Kopaka Phantoka Hybrids which I would later pick up and see that there was no name on the set itself.


The dream started off with me in the mid to right part of the isle (for reference the Metus and Le-paka sets where on the far left) in front of me where 2001 Tahu sets, but one which advertised "Find the Mask of Valor" which was a silhouette of Tahu with and oversized silhouette of an Arthron, on the side of the canister it advertised that you could store him back in the canister. The thing is he looked like my Self-MOC, or at least had his mask.


Behind me where 2002/2005 hybrid sets, looks like a mixture of the Bohrok and the Titans from 2005 and the Bahrag. In the mid to left part of the isle were pseudo 2007/2003 hybrid sets, dark backgrounds, underwater themes, vehicles, yet having a silver Avohkii advertised. The mid isle I recall was empty, except for. Some tiny Tohunga sized sets.


Oh yeah! All the containers for the small sets were TINY, so tiny that the real set couldn't fit inside IRL.


Anyway, I then walked down to the left end of the Isle, finding those 2008-2009 sets, Metus and Phantoka. I recall it ending when I opened a Metus sets, and tried to figure out how to attach the stuff to his chest.


I also do recall that the isle itself was PACKED with people, be them mostly small children. But I do recall this one kid (who I recall had a very specific talking disability, as in he could talk but it all sounded jumbled, as if he has some sort of disorder) opened a Tahu set to look inside, and he was begging his parents for it prior to opening it. He looked inside and was speechless. Not sure what ever happened to him in-dream though. I do know that he just left it there (the jerk).



I also do recall dearly saying or feeling as if 'these guys' stole the ideas from ARA for whatever reason... Maybe because they stole my Mask!

Edited by Toa Imrukii

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Well, I had a dream last night where I was in a small rectangular building eating with three other people at a table in a corner of the room. Then, a blue Jeep crashed through the whole middle of the building and kept driving forward. Now there was a gaping hole and the people I was eating with were as if they didn't notice the Jeep at all. I walked out of the building and went into a big metallic garage. There was a SWAT team in the garage that pointed their guns at me shouting in some made up language, and I ran out. I saw a red helicopter and a red plane in the distance and somehow remembered that some random world dominator with all the power in the world was hunting me down. I ran to my car only to see the plane shoot a missile at it. I looked at my ruined car and ran back into the rectangular building. Someone new was there and asked me what I was doing. I said "I'm hiding. He somehow did a backflip into that blue jeep and crashed into me. I woke up in that building and someone told me I was unconscious for an hour. I looked outside and saw a tsunami the size of a skyscraper. I shouted "RUN" to everyone else and ran out, only to be engulfed in the water. I woke up after that.  :(

The Chronicles of The Chronicler WIP.


Hey-O, I leik Jell-O

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Well, I had a dream last night where I was in a small rectangular building eating with three other people at a table in a corner of the room. Then, a blue Jeep crashed through the whole middle of the building and kept driving forward. Now there was a gaping hole and the people I was eating with were as if they didn't notice the Jeep at all. I walked out of the building and went into a big metallic garage. There was a SWAT team in the garage that pointed their guns at me shouting in some made up language, and I ran out. I saw a red helicopter and a red plane in the distance and somehow remembered that some random world dominator with all the power in the world was hunting me down. I ran to my car only to see the plane shoot a missile at it. I looked at my ruined car and ran back into the rectangular building. Someone new was there and asked me what I was doing. I said "I'm hiding. He somehow did a backflip into that blue jeep and crashed into me. I woke up in that building and someone told me I was unconscious for an hour. I looked outside and saw a tsunami the size of a skyscraper. I shouted "RUN" to everyone else and ran out, only to be engulfed in the water. I woke up after that.  :(

I would pay to see this animated. Sounds hilarious. :lol:



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Well, I had a dream last night where I was in a small rectangular building eating with three other people at a table in a corner of the room. Then, a blue Jeep crashed through the whole middle of the building and kept driving forward. Now there was a gaping hole and the people I was eating with were as if they didn't notice the Jeep at all. I walked out of the building and went into a big metallic garage. There was a SWAT team in the garage that pointed their guns at me shouting in some made up language, and I ran out. I saw a red helicopter and a red plane in the distance and somehow remembered that some random world dominator with all the power in the world was hunting me down. I ran to my car only to see the plane shoot a missile at it. I looked at my ruined car and ran back into the rectangular building. Someone new was there and asked me what I was doing. I said "I'm hiding. He somehow did a backflip into that blue jeep and crashed into me. I woke up in that building and someone told me I was unconscious for an hour. I looked outside and saw a tsunami the size of a skyscraper. I shouted "RUN" to everyone else and ran out, only to be engulfed in the water. I woke up after that.  :(

I would pay to see this animated. Sounds hilarious. :lol:


More like terrifying.  :(

The Chronicles of The Chronicler WIP.


Hey-O, I leik Jell-O

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OK, last night, I dreamed that my two dear doggles had gotten out of the backyard through the gate (that someone who is not me had left open) and went out to explore the neighborhood.  They decided to plunk down in the middle of the street and let the pavement warm their bellies.  Then, out of nowhere, this teenage girl drove up, while talking on her phone and not paying attention, and was headed straight for my doggles.  Neither she nor the doggles knew what was going on.  Just before the girl's car hit my doggles, I woke up.

When I got out of bed, I proceeded to hug, pet, and snuggle my doggles like there was no tomorrow.  Then I had to go take my driver's license test.  (Which I passed.  Clear the roads, y'all.)

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OK, last night, I dreamed that my two dear doggles had gotten out of the backyard through the gate (that someone who is not me had left open) and went out to explore the neighborhood.  They decided to plunk down in the middle of the street and let the pavement warm their bellies.  Then, out of nowhere, this teenage girl drove up, while talking on her phone and not paying attention, and was headed straight for my doggles.  Neither she nor the doggles knew what was going on.  Just before the girl's car hit my doggles, I woke up.

When I got out of bed, I proceeded to hug, pet, and snuggle my doggles like there was no tomorrow.  Then I had to go take my driver's license test.  (Which I passed.  Clear the roads, y'all.)

Freaking! BECKY!


Anyway, I had a dream when I was like three or four, where I was tossed into an active volcano. Excluding the Volcano, I and the person who pushed me in looked like stick figures. I am sure now that it was a vision of things to come, and things did come. Bad things.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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  • 2 weeks later...

that sounds friggin' hilarious, you gotta share more details if you can remember them

​anyways on my side of the dream world i had a couple about my crush the other day, all based around embarrassing myself in front of her because of course they were (i actually got to see her that same day and did not, in fact, embarrass myself in front of her so frick you anxiety)

​also vaguely remember a super weird dream (i think something involving dogs?), and another where i was hanging out at a local park with a friend i know thru tumblr and that was nice

(shout out to max)

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Not exactly a dream, per se, but more like remembering things from the past while I'm asleep.

When I was 5-8, I used to pretend that I was different characters from all these different things all the time.  I wouldn't listen to anyone who said otherwise, and usually got in trouble when I told someone that I was some character.

Well, I had a flashback last night to one particularly disastrous example of my pretending.  I was at the choir class that I took when I was 6, and I had managed to convince myself that I was Horton the Elephant, from the Dr. Seuss books.  I told everyone that I was Horton the Elephant, and I even had the teacher write "Horton" on my nametag.  When I got home, the teacher told my mom about it, and let's just say I couldn't sit down for 30 minutes after that.


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that sounds friggin' hilarious, you gotta share more details if you can remember them


​anyways on my side of the dream world i had a couple about my crush the other day, all based around embarrassing myself in front of her because of course they were (i actually got to see her that same day and did not, in fact, embarrass myself in front of her so frick you anxiety)


​also vaguely remember a super weird dream (i think something involving dogs?), and another where i was hanging out at a local park with a friend i know thru tumblr and that was nice


I only vaguely remember my old man walking into the same room that Freeza was in. And that's when Freeza decided to drop his disguise.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream the other night that all men are created equally the bones in my hands were actually big, rock-hard, white jalapeno slices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This morning I had this strange dream where me, my sister and (probably) a friend of hers traveled together across impressive-looking "mountainous rainforest" region via flying (!?) and a bit of hiking. Not long after (at least it felt so to me) we reached the "edge of the world", where we paused to examine the strange sight in front of us.


Located a few meters away ahead from us was a thick, white mist/fog lie. So thick it was that we cannot see through it, hence we could only guess what lie ahead of us beneath that fog.


I double-checked a map (it looked like the map item in Minecraft) I was holding at that time - it seemed to indicate that we three are indeed at the edge of the world. I asked out loud "interesting, I wonder what lies beyond that mist". My sister and her friend boldly walked forth and ventured into the mist, while I kinda froze in place and wished that they would be safe. A minute or so after they disappeared into the mist, I began to worry for their safety, wondering if they would be attacked - or worse, mutated - by unseen macilious forces.


I shouted "remember to run backwards if you spot any danger!", hoping they would be able to hear me. For every seconds that eclipsed after I said that, my heard beat pounded more heavily as I get more nervous. A few seconds later, my worst fear was confirmed as I hear my sister and her friend screamed (something along the lines of) "RUUUNNN!!!" Utterly frightened, I sprinted away from the mist while glancing back once every few steps, hoping my companions would show up escaping from the mist (while at the same time dreading what they could have transformed into).


My dream ends abruptly at this point :P

Your left brain contains nothing right, while your right brain contains nothing left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe last month or so, I had a dream where I was walking around a store similar to Target, KMart, and Wal-Mart. I was just browsing; I had $9 (two $1 and a $7 bill, oddly enough). I walked into the video game section in search of anything RWBY-related. Dream-me and I knew about the RWBY game on Steam, but no, he wanted something for the Xbox One because his PC can't even properly handle Minecraft (true story). Finding nothing that fit my criteria, I left the video game section and stumbled upon a new LEGO theme. It was a theme just for Deadpool! A theme where every set had Deadpool? How could anyone lose? Oh, I'll tell you why. The sets themselves looked strange and boring. Every set, all sealed away in boxes with neon green borders, involved Deadpool fighting DC characters in scenes with no play features apart from a horse or two in one set. The set that stood out the most to me, though, was Deadpool fighting the Joker and Harley Quinn near a giant bottle. That was the set. Three minifigures and a big bottle made of transparent sand-green pieces. The bottle was just supposed to lay on its side while Deadpool battles the villains on or around it. Needless to say, I didn't take much longer to wake up.


I'll give you guys a BIONICLE-related dream this time. I was in a LEGO store that was full of BIONICLE sets. The selection was astounding, too. Imagine a decently-sized LEGO store completely stocked with enough unique BIONICLE sets to last a ten-year run. That's how amazing the variety was. None of the sets, excluding Kongu Inika and the Thornatus V9 (which didn't have a driver), were real, either. Now, as you could probably guess, the recurring theme of me being short on money in my dreams kicks in, so I couldn't get anything good. The biggest set I could afford was an orange and blue palette swap of Tarduk with a green tail that was the same piece as the little green blade on Tuma's sword. This mysterious set was named "Nuparu." I tried to buy him, but the second after I did, I woke up.


I think my dreams are teasing me with cool stuff and an empty wallet... Silly dreams; I don't need you to do that. :P

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mindeth the cobwebs

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a blue and orange nuparu 100% sounds like it could have been a post-2006 g1 set

2008 and beyond at best, considering every piece in the set (with different colors) was used in 2009. In fact, maybe it could have been Matoran Nuparu Hordika or something. That would explain his beast-like posture, claws, and tail.

mindeth the cobwebs

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a blue and orange nuparu 100% sounds like it could have been a post-2006 g1 set

2008 and beyond at best, considering every piece in the set (with different colors) was used in 2009. In fact, maybe it could have been Matoran Nuparu Hordika or something. That would explain his beast-like posture, claws, and tail.



A Deadpool Lego set would be AMAZING!!! I'd definitely want that!  :D B-)

Your left brain contains nothing right, while your right brain contains nothing left.

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a blue and orange nuparu 100% sounds like it could have been a post-2006 g1 set

2008 and beyond at best, considering every piece in the set (with different colors) was used in 2009. In fact, maybe it could have been Matoran Nuparu Hordika or something. That would explain his beast-like posture, claws, and tail.



A Deadpool Lego set would be AMAZING!!! I'd definitely want that!  :D B-)


Here you go! This one sounds way better than the stuff I dreamed up...

mindeth the cobwebs

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and suddenly jolted awake because of it? yes. i seem to recall reading an explanation of why that happened but i've forgotten what it was.

In simple terms our monkey DNA is trying to tell us your about to fall out of a tree. Edited by ToaTimeLord

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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Weirdest one in recent memory involved me at this mall I used to go to as a kid.  I was with all of my extended family who live in the same city as me.  For some reason, a bunch of cops came in and started gunning everyone down except for my family.  We were just told "Move along, nothing to see here".  We all got in a clown car and escaped.  Yes, a clown car.


We got back to my place, which was under maintenance for some reason (at the time I had this dream, one of our bathrooms was under maintenance, but in the dream, the entire outside of the house was, complete with scaffolding.  It was the same crew).  I went up to my room to take a nap and take in everything that had just happened.


Then while I'm in bed, Michael Jordan crawls out from under my covers just to tell me that he's working on Space Jam 2.  He then crawls back in and disappears.


Then I woke up.


On a completely unrelated note, most of my dreams have a fictional Chinatown in it.  Even though my actual home town has a Chinatown (which I regularly go to), my dreams always use a Chinatown fabricated by my dreams itself.  But in every dream I've ever had that has involved this location, it always consistently looks the exact same.  I have never put any thought into creating this place (and I'm a guy who loves to daydream up characters and locations), but in my dreams, it's a well-established place that is almost completely consistent in how it appears.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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that chinatown bit is interesting. dream continuity is such a strange thing.

​(a special mention to the space jam 2 part)

​anyways, speaking of continuity in dreams: have you ever had a dream that felt like, or was a continuation of a previous one? i know i've had a couple cases where i feel like a dream i'm having is almost like a follow-up to one i had the night before

Edited by Claudio Kilgannon

(shout out to max)

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I once had a dream where I lived in a town set up in a massive ravine. Think of this deep, wide trench with steep walls, ledges carved into the walls, big ramps that were used to get to the ledges, certain parts of the walls hollowed out to serve as homes, and then a flat floor on the ravine. Seriously, this ravine was big enough to have an entire town in it. Anyway, my family and I were walking around, grocery bags in hand with food and stuff in them. We were heading home, but doing some sightseeing along the way. So, we get to a part where the ravine opens up to an open-air circular area, and on the other side, the ravine started back up again. In the middle of the circular area, there was this tiled pool of water that took up almost the entire town circle, and it was a big town circle. There were no fountains or anything; just blue tile. I took off my shoes and, groceries in hand, stepped into the pool, which only went up a little past my feet. I just walk around, enjoying myself, when all of a sudden, I wake up. In the dream. I woke up in my trench-wall home in the dream! I had a dream within a dream!


Yeah, that last part is the only reason why this dream is special compared to my other dreams...

mindeth the cobwebs

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a blue and orange nuparu 100% sounds like it could have been a post-2006 g1 set

2008 and beyond at best, considering every piece in the set (with different colors) was used in 2009. In fact, maybe it could have been Matoran Nuparu Hordika or something. That would explain his beast-like posture, claws, and tail.



A Deadpool Lego set would be AMAZING!!! I'd definitely want that!  :D B-)


Here you go! This one sounds way better than the stuff I dreamed up...


Aha! Ain't that amazing!  B-)

Your left brain contains nothing right, while your right brain contains nothing left.

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Harassment removed.

Edited by Makaru

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep having weird dreams that involve me and the BIONICLE community over on Tumblr attempting to build MOCs and share building tips, but every time we try, things somehow spiral downward to a debate over whether the "No Waifu No Laifu" thing is true.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First memorable dream I have had in a while happened just before I woke up today.


I was in a school of some kind and I was doodling with a red and blue coloring pencil. I was sketching small stuff for my ARA project. Then I was ordered to go to the principal's office. When there i was greeted by by three or four people, and that I was in trouble for discussing my faith. I recalled something that never happened, and asked if it was about my saying 'Merry Christmas'. They said in a sarcastic manner, 'No, that's not why you are here'. I then recalled something that never happened, me explaining my faith to a friend in an open area, and I guessed that the exclusiveness and, ahem, 'insensitivity' of Christianity upset people who had overheard the conversation and were not even a part of it. I felt really singled out and thought the whole thing was wrong. A lady resembling Lilith Crane from Cheers and Frasier told me, 'you know of the [uS] Constitution, right'? My dream self knew what the lady was referring to but my real self, observing from the head of the dream-self, was clueless. I said 'Heh, yeah I know the Constitution. Many of it's writers where Christian and so you have to read it through the point of view and the historical, and moral & religious background of the time period and the writers to understand it properly, you can't just read it and get stuff from it (my dream-self then recalled the Holy Bible and mentally compared it in that similar fashion)". The main lady scoffed at me with a hard eye-roll then abruptly got up from her place at the other end fo the able and when to the room next door (which there was a glass panel with unused window blinders so I could see her). Another lady, who reminded me of a lady from Fox News with auburn hair (i don't know her name, haven't watched the channel in a while), said "I grew up Muslim but later became a Christian. So I understand, but you simply cannot talk about this stuff", saying it with a fake-arse smile, reminded me of a robot. The first lady came back and threw down two stacks of paper in front of me, for some darn reason they being in the shape of sneaker shoes (one being white with light blue shoelace art, the other being light blue with white shoelace art. The first lady said and pointed to the light blue shoe paper, "Here, right down all the reasons why you are wrong", then pointed to the white, "And here, write down why you think you are right. You cannot leave until every single paper in each stack is filled out with words." They all then gathered their things and left, locking the door with a key behind them. My dream-self thought, "this is easy, I wont be doing much with the blue paper though. now, where do I even begin??" It was here that my real-self, observing from within my own head, didn't want to watch myself write out something long and exhausted for such cruddy cow-crud reasons, and so realized it was all a dream and left the dream.


Felt like I peeked into the middle of something already fleshed out and in motion, like another life. A part of me wants to know what happened after that day. It was real yet... not. Hmm. I myself have never gotten into that kind of trouble, but I have often thought that I might get in trouble for such discussions. Maybe that's where it comes from. Proud of that dream-self for being confident, though the whole scenario was just weird.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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First memorable dream I have had in a while happened just before I woke up today.


I was in a school of some kind and I was doodling with a red and blue coloring pencil. I was sketching small stuff for my ARA project. Then I was ordered to go to the principal's office. When there i was greeted by by three or four people, and that I was in trouble for discussing my faith. I recalled something that never happened, and asked if it was about my saying 'Merry Christmas'. They said in a sarcastic manner, 'No, that's not why you are here'. I then recalled something that never happened, me explaining my faith to a friend in an open area, and I guessed that the exclusiveness and, ahem, 'insensitivity' of Christianity upset people who had overheard the conversation and were not even a part of it. I felt really singled out and thought the whole thing was wrong. A lady resembling Lilith Crane from Cheers and Frasier told me, 'you know of the [uS] Constitution, right'? My dream self knew what the lady was referring to but my real self, observing from the head of the dream-self, was clueless. I said 'Heh, yeah I know the Constitution. Many of it's writers where Christian and so you have to read it through the point of view and the historical, and moral & religious background of the time period and the writers to understand it properly, you can't just read it and get stuff from it (my dream-self then recalled the Holy Bible and mentally compared it in that similar fashion)". The main lady scoffed at me with a hard eye-roll then abruptly got up from her place at the other end fo the able and when to the room next door (which there was a glass panel with unused window blinders so I could see her). Another lady, who reminded me of a lady from Fox News with auburn hair (i don't know her name, haven't watched the channel in a while), said "I grew up Muslim but later became a Christian. So I understand, but you simply cannot talk about this stuff", saying it with a fake-arse smile, reminded me of a robot. The first lady came back and threw down two stacks of paper in front of me, for some darn reason they being in the shape of sneaker shoes (one being white with light blue shoelace art, the other being light blue with white shoelace art. The first lady said and pointed to the light blue shoe paper, "Here, right down all the reasons why you are wrong", then pointed to the white, "And here, write down why you think you are right. You cannot leave until every single paper in each stack is filled out with words." They all then gathered their things and left, locking the door with a key behind them. My dream-self thought, "this is easy, I wont be doing much with the blue paper though. now, where do I even begin??" It was here that my real-self, observing from within my own head, didn't want to watch myself write out something long and exhausted for such cruddy cow-crud reasons, and so realized it was all a dream and left the dream.


Felt like I peeked into the middle of something already fleshed out and in motion, like another life. A part of me wants to know what happened after that day. It was real yet... not. Hmm. I myself have never gotten into that kind of trouble, but I have often thought that I might get in trouble for such discussions. Maybe that's where it comes from. Proud of that dream-self for being confident, though the whole scenario was just weird.



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This is a dream that keeps happening to me.


It involves me standing in a void, white floor dark starless sky.

In front of me is a lady my age with long curly Brown hair.

There always seems to be a pink peach glow around her. Right before she turns around I wake up.

Last night I saw who it was.

It was my good friend who graduated last year.

In the dream she said "one day you will bring the stars to my fingers."

As she said this she was crying but in the good joyful way.


I then woke up and just after the Christmas concert I had tonight she showed up for it.

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Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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This is a dream that keeps happening to me.


It involves me standing in a void, white floor dark starless sky.

In front of me is a lady my age with long curly Brown hair.

There always seems to be a pink peach glow around her. Right before she turns around I wake up.

Last night I saw who it was.

It was my good friend who graduated last year.

In the dream she said "one day you will bring the stars to my fingers."

As she said this she was crying but in the good joyful way.


I then woke up and just after the Christmas concert I had tonight she showed up for it.

Heh, sounds great. :)



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I'm not sure if I've ever spoken of these dreams, but a few months before the first leaks of G2, I had a dream that my mother brought me to the toy store. I was in my twenties I think in-dream, and the year was like 2020 in dream. I had gotten off of a long and hard week of work, and my mother wanted to take me to to the toystore, of all places. Begrudgingly I agreed, and when we got there, there were G2 BIONICLE sets that I had somehow not heard of.


That was the beginning of a series of dreams, that up until I want to say maybe up to a couple of months ago I was still having.


The next dream was that my mother was driving back, and we decided to go to a Mexican place, said place hower was literally a portal to mexico. So, I spoke my only line of spanish I knew, and the waitress assured to me that there was no need for that, for they spoke english. This dream was rather brief.



Then, sometime later these dreams devolved into dreams related to the toys, but them somehow being bootlegs, and selling better than the official sets. Whatever the reason why such a shift, I dunno, but I can't list them all off now, for there were too many I had for me to think about them off of the top of my head. But hopefully if I can recall more I'll post them at a later date.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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OK, I had a really strange dream last night, and I just have to share it.

I dreamed that my sister and I went to one of those old-fashioned arcades; you know, the ones with big old console games and little crank machines that dispense small goodies in plastic balls.  My sister found that one of those crank machines advertised a chance to win a 24-karat golden something (the something escapes my memory at this moment) that was in the machine, so, naturally, being the greedy person that she is, she wasted all her quarters trying to get the 24-karat golden something out of the machine.  Then she dragged me away from my game of Galaga and tried to get me to help her break into the machine and rummage through it to get the 24-karat golden something.

I sabotaged her attempts, because doing stuff like that is wrong, and I eventually called he cops on her, which gave me a strange sense of satisfaction.

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Last night, I had a dream where I was chilling on a bed, fiddling with a Mega Bloks Halo figure while my dad tried to lecture me on my spending habits. I reassured him that I buy my Halo figures responsibly and that they wouldn't cut too deeply into my pay checks. I wonder if that means I'm afraid that I can't collect the Halo figures anymore. Anyway, after the fatherly words of wisdom, I go outside and I appear to be in a rural area. The dirt is moist and the skies are really cloudy. A minivan pulls up near me and I girl I knew from high school hopped out. I haven't seen her in months because she went to college out of state, which applies to the dream and real life. My dream counterpart and me missed her terribly and we shared a nice hug before texting about our lives instead of hanging out.

mindeth the cobwebs

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A girl I knew from high school hopped out. I haven't seen her in months because she went to college out of state, which applies to the dream and real life. My dream counterpart and me missed her terribly and we shared a nice hug before texting about our lives instead of hanging out.

This basically describes my life right now.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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