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Something strange I would like to tell you about: My Brother has the power to infiltrate people's dreams! 


Let me explain the story:


many years ago...


I was sleeping, having a dream, in the dream I was Anakin Skywalker and I was fighting Cin Drallig (A jedi you fight in the revenge of the sith video game), I had defeated him in the lightsabre duel, then Emporer Palpatine came and congratulated me on my achievement, then he told me to wake up, I promptly awoke and continued with my morning, my Brother woke up later, I asked him what he dreamt about (as was a tradition in those days) and he told the exact same story as my dream, except he was Palpatine, not Anakin...


Turns out he had the same thing happen with our Grandpa, so we decided it was a "power" he possessed, although we don't know if he still has it because he never dreams anymore.

I often have dreams that are predictions of the future, be them incredibly criptic, or even rarer far clearer ones, though still mostly criptic.


And though not a night dream, I do sometimes have waking visions which also tell of future events and be them good or bad, they are things to soon happen.



I do not know why I have these, but if you care to believe it, aparently one of my great grandmother on my mother's side was clairvoyant, she had a vision of her friend dying in a terrible car crash, and a few months later it happened. Than she predicted her own death, and a few days later she died. That is the most famous instance of clairvoyance in my family. This relative of mine was a direct relative to me. But believe it or not, I frankly am skeptical and unsure myself, it may very well be genetic somehow that I have this ability, but really I am really unsure of it all for myself.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Genetically inherited future seeing dreams you say?

Basically me.

I started getting strong gut feelings very young, even think up test answers before we got the test.

Most of these events I already knew from flashbacks of dreams I've had.

I tell my parents about this later in life and my mom tells me every woman on her side of the family has these weird feeling also. To our knowledge I'm the only male to get the gift.

There are time when you get crazy dark dreams and wonder what it means because it always means something.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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My mom, my brother, and myself also have dreams that tell visions of the future, and sometimes as I sense the setting of the vision grows closer via a 'deja vu' feeling I make decisions that alter what was forseen. Whether it had any weight or not idk.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Dreams are such strange things! while on the topic of seeing the future, my Brother told me his theory once, he believes that the subconscious is timeless, allowing visions from the future to leak into dreams (when the subconscious is most active).


I do remember some future seeing dreams but I can't remember the exact details except for the latest one:


The dream started with me entering sainsbury's to look for the latest issue of the lego Ninjago magazine and it's exclusive figure, but for some reason the magazine was scattered all around the store, a few months later I made the same expedition and as it turns out, they have a promotional stand for the magazine at every till.


Does anyone else have recurring fictional places in there dreams? Because I have a few of those.


Additionally I will write about my short dream tonight:


An order from Bricklink had arrived, I was expecting to get just a few kanohi masks but when I opened the package about a hundred of them poured out! after sorted I discovered that there were 4 yellow kaukaus 2 light blue kaukaus and a ton more that I couldn't count before I woke up.

Edited by CommanderKumo

My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClo2J14RKmVtcnoJTv7g6PA , Bionicle films coming soon!

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Dreams are such strange things! while on the topic of seeing the future, my Brother told me his theory once, he believes that the subconscious is timeless, allowing visions from the future to leak into dreams (when the subconscious is most active).


I do remember some future seeing dreams but I can't remember the exact details except for the latest one:


The dream started with me entering sainsbury's to look for the latest issue of the lego Ninjago magazine and it's exclusive figure, but for some reason the magazine was scattered all around the store, a few months later I made the same expedition and as it turns out, they have a promotional stand for the magazine at every till.


Does anyone else have recurring fictional places in there dreams? Because I have a few of those.


Additionally I will write about my short dream tonight:


An order from Bricklink had arrived, I was expecting to get just a few kanohi masks but when I opened the package about a hundred of them poured out! after sorted I discovered that there were 4 yellow kaukaus 2 light blue kaukaus and a ton more that I couldn't count before I woke up.

If that Bricklink dream comes true, let it be known that I call dibs on buying a yellow and a light blue Kaukau, if you're selling.


I had a dream with a lot of details I can't recall too well. Somewhere in the desert, some sort of government authority froze time to recreate an underwater battle that recently happened, where someone stole something important. I remember there were Imperial stormtroopers chasing me through the water-like environment. It involved some kind of government secret. I had a document that I was supposed to deliver to someone in the government, but one of my friends was a beneficiary of the theft and wanted me to give her the document or she'd kill me. She's an attractive girl too, and we talked about that as we fought.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


Click here to visit my library!

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Dreams are such strange things! while on the topic of seeing the future, my Brother told me his theory once, he believes that the subconscious is timeless, allowing visions from the future to leak into dreams (when the subconscious is most active).


I do remember some future seeing dreams but I can't remember the exact details except for the latest one:


The dream started with me entering sainsbury's to look for the latest issue of the lego Ninjago magazine and it's exclusive figure, but for some reason the magazine was scattered all around the store, a few months later I made the same expedition and as it turns out, they have a promotional stand for the magazine at every till.


Does anyone else have recurring fictional places in there dreams? Because I have a few of those.


Additionally I will write about my short dream tonight:


An order from Bricklink had arrived, I was expecting to get just a few kanohi masks but when I opened the package about a hundred of them poured out! after sorted I discovered that there were 4 yellow kaukaus 2 light blue kaukaus and a ton more that I couldn't count before I woke up.

If that Bricklink dream comes true, let it be known that I call dibs on buying a yellow and a light blue Kaukau, if you're selling.


I had a dream with a lot of details I can't recall too well. Somewhere in the desert, some sort of government authority froze time to recreate an underwater battle that recently happened, where someone stole something important. I remember there were Imperial stormtroopers chasing me through the water-like environment. It involved some kind of government secret. I had a document that I was supposed to deliver to someone in the government, but one of my friends was a beneficiary of the theft and wanted me to give her the document or she'd kill me. She's an attractive girl too, and we talked about that as we fought.


I certainly hope the bricklink dream comes true! ;)


Your dream sounds like it would make a brilliant movie plot!

My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClo2J14RKmVtcnoJTv7g6PA , Bionicle films coming soon!

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I've been doing some research into my physic abilities.

Apparently in Astrology there are three types of people





Seers and Mediators are closely linked because only a rare view members of the population are one of the two.

An individuals can only be one of the two. Since the gifts are polar opposites of each other.

Anyway it turns out seers out people who have foresight are more likely to be female because the future is fluid like water and air with are feminine elements.

Mediators or individual who can communicate with people who have passed away are more likely to be male because people and the past lives are fixed like fire and earth the masculine elements.


Here's the interesting part.

I'm a Sagittarius a fire sign. I should be talking to dead people right well it turns out that at my birth Venus was very close to my houses sign making it flip to a femine fire sign allowing me to take on a gift normally I should not have.


Also fun fact I know how to write out personalized star charts. I'm a bit of a astrology nerd.

Edited by Chief TimeLord of Tesara

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't posted in here in a while, but hoo boy, last night's dream was such a doozy, I just had to share it.

In events preceding said dream, the girl I'm madly in like with and I sorta got back together.  Which is good.  And which is what I think led me to have this dream.

The dream started out with me and Tab (which is what we'll call her for the sake of relative anonymity) sitting on the big ol' couch in my house, watching some anime.  Boku no Hero Academia, if you're wondering.  She was snuggled up against me, I had my arm around her shoulder, and we were both just feeling warm and fuzzy.

Outta nowhere, Tab turned to me and asked, "Hey, do you wanna see something cool?"  Naturally, I said, "Yeah, sure."  She said, "OK, but yo have to close your eyes first."  So I did.  Me being the male that I am, I immediately started thinking that this something cool had something to do with her clothes, if you know what I mean.  (pls don't censor me mods)  After a minute, Tab said, "OK, open."

And when I opened them, Tab was a mermaid.  Not like a Little Mermaid type of mermaid, no.  A mermaid that looked something like a mix between this and this.  And her fishiness was just sitting there, on my couch.  She was smiling playfully.

For some reason, my dream self was terrified of fish, so I drew out a cleaver and chopped Mermaid Tab to pieces.

Then I woke up.

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Edited by Tufi Piyufi
Inappropriate content removed.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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My dreams as of late have been rather...vision-like. Some fun, but most are dark, disturbed, cryptic, and in some cases downright terrifying. Strangely enough, some of these dreams seem to have particular people as their focus...problem is, at the time of the dreams, those various people haven't crossed my mind in a while prior. One strange dream I've had is restoring my first car...somehow finding it a junkyard and convincing my parents, my friends, and even a few people of influence to invest in fixing it...and somehow, we all pull it off. One recent dream involved a major attack in a big city. Not sure what the city was or why I'd even have been there, but I remember seeing a building chopped in half by a railgun...and then a jump-cut to the aftermath and seeing total devastation. I've had many other dark dreams, but most of them are simply too horrifying and disturbing to share here. Many involve nuclear war, among other bleak things. Another happy, but strange, dream I had was becoming close friends with a celebrity I'm fond of...by being on a really long flight with them. Crazier still, in the dream they admitted to being somewhat knowledgeable of who I was, which is something that my best friend speculates to be the case in real life anyways. 

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Scrubbish, what a strange dream! still going good with Tab then? (I remember the back story from that other thread)


Usually I'm very good at remembering dreams, but recently I can't recall a single one, how strange!


I can't remember most of my recent ones because they're so horrifying that my brain purges the memory as soon as I wake up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a dream a bad bad dream.


I dreamed about two days ago my first band director (retired and still alive IRL) passed away and the whole band was upset. The next day we had a substitute teach and all the band kids had to go to a different classroom. Well this guy was a jerk kept making jokes that we were over emotional nerds. Well dream me snapped I used all of my creative curse words and expressed my emotion.

Everyone stared at me in shock and awe that I just snapped and lashed out and said what they were thinking.

Well instead of being sent to the Dean he and the whole school staff comes to the classroom. I tell them this guys a jerk and that we are all emotion because a big role model in our lives just died the other day.

And I wake up.


This is the most vivid dream I've had in a long time. I'm a bit concern something big is about to happen.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone ever dreamt of waking up within the dream more than once in the one dream? I mean, it's not quite Inception but it's happened to me once or twice. I felt as if I'd woken up on two separate occasions in the one night - but the dream went on regardless. And then I really woke up, and scratched my head, as I hadn't watched Inception for almost a year and was wondering why this was happening to me.

"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus


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Has anyone ever dreamt of waking up within the dream more than once in the one dream? I mean, it's not quite Inception but it's happened to me once or twice. I felt as if I'd woken up on two separate occasions in the one night - but the dream went on regardless. And then I really woke up, and scratched my head, as I hadn't watched Inception for almost a year and was wondering why this was happening to me.


Yeah, I have had that happen to me. Have a weird dream, wake up, have a full day, go to sleep, then actually wake up and I feel so exhausted from dreaming that I don't want to "life".



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I had a disturbing multi-layered dream last night.


It begins in a dream-within-a-dream. My one-year-old half-sister dies and, subsequently, I see another baby being revived by some kind of supernatural healer. Then I wake up into the normal-level dream.


In the normal-level dream, my baby sister dies again. I go see our dad and her mother at their home (which, unlike their normal suburban home in the waking world, is much larger and nicer, like a mansion, but emptier). Our dad is inconsolable. While I'm there, I remember my previous dream. I don't remember if I tell him about it or not. I do remember going up the spiraling marble staircase to the second floor, when I realize there are lots of other people I don't know scattered throughout the house. Most of the people seem dirty, if that makes sense. Poorer folk who you wouldn't expect to see in a such a nice house.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


Click here to visit my library!

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Has anyone ever dreamt of waking up within the dream more than once in the one dream? I mean, it's not quite Inception but it's happened to me once or twice. I felt as if I'd woken up on two separate occasions in the one night - but the dream went on regardless. And then I really woke up, and scratched my head, as I hadn't watched Inception for almost a year and was wondering why this was happening to me.

Dude, practically every night when I dream this happens. It especially sucks when you have an absolutely awesome dream, and actually wake up to find that it didn't actually happen. Case and point, I had a dream several years ago that LEGO released Minifigures Series like McToran packs which ultimately on a small level lead up to some evedently big thing in the lore, only to wake to find that it wasn't the case, and actually BIONICLE had been cancelled about a year prior by the point when I had te dream IRL. This dream has actually repeated several times since than, so I have become sort of used to it by now, I just wish I knew what it meant now.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Has anyone ever dreamt of waking up within the dream more than once in the one dream? I mean, it's not quite Inception but it's happened to me once or twice. I felt as if I'd woken up on two separate occasions in the one night - but the dream went on regardless. And then I really woke up, and scratched my head, as I hadn't watched Inception for almost a year and was wondering why this was happening to me.

Dude, practically every night when I dream this happens. It especially sucks when you have an absolutely awesome dream, and actually wake up to find that it didn't actually happen. Case and point, I had a dream several years ago that LEGO released Minifigures Series like McToran packs which ultimately on a small level lead up to some evedently big thing in the lore, only to wake to find that it wasn't the case, and actually BIONICLE had been cancelled about a year prior by the point when I had te dream IRL. This dream has actually repeated several times since than, so I have become sort of used to it by now, I just wish I knew what it meant now.


I'm no dream expert, but it sounds like you just miss BIONICLE and wish it reached its full potential (like having more McToran released). I've never had those same dreams but it's how I feel and reading about your dream just brought back those feelings of incompleteness.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


Click here to visit my library!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think my last dream involved pirates, to some degree.  I don't really remember; I was in too much of a haze to really focus on it.

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Last night, I dreamt I was drifting aimlessly through the town mall on Australia Day (day after tomorrow), and picked a fight with a bearded man. I then ran into a nearby carpark after its conclusion. Apart from the strange and clinical mood I found myself in, and the smoothness of my every movement, it wasn't a particularly "out there" dream.

"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a weird one last night.


I was part of a post-apocalyptic resistance army with my friend from college. Sometimes she and I would just leave the base for a bit to climb on stuff Assassin's Creed style when we just needed to clear our heads. We started falling for each other while we were doing this. It was painfully obvious that we both liked each other in the final act of the dream, but when people would ask if we were dating, we'd both deny it.


We made a successful final stand against our enemy (some ill-defined monsters that ravaged the country or whatever), so she and I were gonna celebrate by making it official. Then I woke up. For a second, I was disappointed, but then reality hit and whatever romantic feelings I had for her in the dream were gone IRL.


IRL I've been thinking about her a lot lately, though in less of a romantic way and more of a "we should hang out more" way. I do wonder if this dream is telling me anything.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Had a weird one last night.


I was part of a post-apocalyptic resistance army with my friend from college. Sometimes she and I would just leave the base for a bit to climb on stuff Assassin's Creed style when we just needed to clear our heads. We started falling for each other while we were doing this. It was painfully obvious that we both liked each other in the final act of the dream, but when people would ask if we were dating, we'd both deny it.


We made a successful final stand against our enemy (some ill-defined monsters that ravaged the country or whatever), so she and I were gonna celebrate by making it official. Then I woke up. For a second, I was disappointed, but then reality hit and whatever romantic feelings I had for her in the dream were gone IRL.


IRL I've been thinking about her a lot lately, though in less of a romantic way and more of a "we should hang out more" way. I do wonder if this dream is telling me anything.

That would make a good anime.


I wish I had more narrative dreams, or that I could remember them better. I know I had interesting dreams in the last two nights, but I can't remember a single thing about them. (Not counting the dreams I shouldn't mention right now.) Probably doesn't help that I sleep at weird times.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


Click here to visit my library!

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Had a weird one last night.


I was part of a post-apocalyptic resistance army with my friend from college. Sometimes she and I would just leave the base for a bit to climb on stuff Assassin's Creed style when we just needed to clear our heads. We started falling for each other while we were doing this. It was painfully obvious that we both liked each other in the final act of the dream, but when people would ask if we were dating, we'd both deny it.


We made a successful final stand against our enemy (some ill-defined monsters that ravaged the country or whatever), so she and I were gonna celebrate by making it official. Then I woke up. For a second, I was disappointed, but then reality hit and whatever romantic feelings I had for her in the dream were gone IRL.


IRL I've been thinking about her a lot lately, though in less of a romantic way and more of a "we should hang out more" way. I do wonder if this dream is telling me anything.

That would make a good anime.


Isn't this the plot for Dragon ball super right now?

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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  • 1 month later...

Had a strange dream last night involving the Voltron Paladins trying to pilot a Gundam. That's probably a sign that I need to stop watching anime at 1 in the morning.

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Had a strange dream last night involving the Voltron Paladins trying to pilot a Gundam. That's probably a sign that I need to stop watching anime at 1 in the morning.

Was it one mobile suit with 5 cockpits? Were they all jammed into one cockpit? Did they each have their own mobile suit? I must know!

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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  • 1 month later...

Dreams now apparently fuel my literary ideas.  Last night, I dreamed about a magic sword, a group of knights, and a wizard on the run from an anti-magic kingdom.  I'm going to use these ideas in that novel I'm writing now.  Thanks, nighttime subconscious.

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Two unrelated things I remember from my dream last night,

1) Corrie Lejuwaan was there and I was totally trying to impress her. 

2) Me and my friends ended a Zombie Apocalypse by just attracting them to my house and killing them when they got close.


At least, I think those two things are unrelated...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a strange one last night.

I was back in college for some reason. I was completely back in the mindset I had as a college kid (for context, I'm in my early 20s and starting a new job tomorrow). I was in some class that involved having to do a literary analysis on a cartoon video. It was drawn in the style of a children's picture book, but it had a bunch of allusions to political upheaval or something.


Instead of a car, in this dream I drove a horse carriage that I could lift and move with my own two hands. It was the size of a smart car but with a much taller roof. I recall getting into a car accident with said horse carriage, then waking up.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Once again I'm not too good at recalling the exact details but...


I had a dream that at least two (or more) of my friends died. It was very depressing. 


There was someone accompanying me, I can't recall who it was. We were driving along a brick road in a van until I asked to stop when I saw a mirror-like... memorial thing. But also like a touch pad you could interact with to show the dead, their obituaries, and their last words. 


I collapsed there, mourning in the cold winds. Crying a lot. And I was crying when I awoke. I can't recall if I too died at the end of the dream - there felt like an indeterminable time between the end and when I awoke, like a deathly void - or if I cried myself awake.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Last dream i had, i was at some hair cut place to get my hair buzzed. I had never been here before, it was sterile white with white flourescent lights, silver chairs, and teal-green chair cushions and cloth body covers, the windows giving view to a lack of view, a complete darkness like existence outside of this long room was absent and void, the glow from the white lights inside making fuzzy opacity merely touch the outer blackness. I while I knew what I wanted (to get my hair buzzed), I felt too tense that I refused to speak. Two co-workers were there was well (they being husband and wife) and were chatting. Eventually, an old teenage infatuation of mine walked in and apparently worked in this phantom establishment as a hair-cutter/stylist. For some reason, probably from my memory, the two co-workers began to talk badly about me in hushed voices but ignorant that I could still clearly hear them. I feel like more happened, but remembering similar rhetoric from IRL, i began to be pulled out and I woke up soon afterwards.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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