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Transformers useless trivia time!


The original American run of the Transformers toyline was appropriated from multiple Japanese toylines, mainly from the toy company Takara. Officially, the brand is jointly owned by Takara (in Japan and some other Asian regions) and Hasbro (everywhere else). That's why some of the cartoons are American and some of them are more like Japanese anime.


In Japan, Optimus Prime is called "Convoy" because the original Japanese toy that would become Optimus Prime was called "Battle Convoy". They stopped doing this when the Michael Bay movies became a thing. Now he's called "Optimus Prime" there too, but they still use the name "Convoy" for toys specifically aimed at older fans and collectors.


The G1 cartoon ended with a 3-parter after Season 3 called "The Rebirth" which introduced Headmasters and Targetmasters to the canon. The Japanese dub completely ignored The Rebirth and animated three entire seasons which were only aired in Japan and Southeast Asia.

The Southeast Asian broadcast of the Japanese G1 seasons was dubbed in English by the Hong Kong-based Omni Productions (a company known for badly dubbing kung fu movies), leading to faulty translations and subpar-at-best voice acting. Sixshot, who is the Decepticons' "Ninja Staff Officer" in the Japanese continuity, is infamously translated as "Sixshot, the Ninja Consultant".


The Japanese version gave the G1 Headmasters completely different backstories. In America, Headmasters are organic people who wear an armor suit that transforms into a head, while the original Transformer's consciousness is in their headless body. In Japan, the head is the Transformer robot him/herself, and the body is a lifeless robot called a Transtector.


The "Powermaster Optimus Prime" toy became a different character in Japan called Ginrai (pronounced Jinrai), a Japanese-American truck driver who is forcibly bonded to his truck, which turns out to be a Transtector resembling Optimus Prime. The Powermaster concept is reworked into the Godmaster concept in Japan, where a human transforms into a car engine and fuses with their Transtector, making them into a Transformer.


Ginrai's ultimate combination form is called "God Ginrai". In Japanese, this is written so that omitting every other character results in "Gojira/Godzilla". Go-d(do) Ji-n-ra-i.


The Transformers Armada toy of Red Alert has a function where he has an electronic sound that goes "RED UH-LERT! WOO-WOO-WOO-WOO-WOO". This became a Transformers fandom meme during Armada's original run.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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  • 3 weeks later...

  • The Venus flytrap can eat a whole cheeseburger.

A rat can last longer without water than a camel can.

Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows off to mourn the deaths of their cats.

The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It to Beaver."

A snail can have as many as 25,000 teeth.

35% of people who use personal ads for dating are already married.

The words facetious, abstemious, and arsenious contain all the vowels in the correct order.

The Olympic was the titanic's sister ship, and provided 25 years of service.

In every episode of "Seinfeld," there is a Superman somewhere.

There is a city called Rome in every continent.

Snails can sleep for three years without eating.

The surface of the earth is 60% water and 10% ice.

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Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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After the defeat of Boudica and her rebel Brythonic army in AD 61, Roman Britannia did not have any large-scale wars until the betrayal of the Angle mercenaries in the mid-400's AD. Aside from tribal raiding by Picts and Gaels at the borders, that means the land was at peace for 400 years. It hasn't even been that long since the United Kingdom of Great Britain was founded in the 1700's.


Despite being under English rule for less than 800 years, the Cymru (Welsh) do not have their nation represented in any UK flag because it is considered to be under direct English rule and not part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.  Here is a useless fact: I think some green or gold should be added to that Jack. :P


Despite being where the first uprising of the Protestant Revolt took place, Czechia (then-known as Bohemia) has a Protestant minority. This is due to history and the nature of this precise history is better left for more fitting websites.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Despite being under English rule for less than 800 years, the Cymru (Welsh) do not have their nation represented in any UK flag because it is considered to be under direct English rule and not part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.  Here is a useless fact: I think some green or gold should be added to that Jack. :P


Wales isn't "under English rule" - it's actually had its own government (through devolution) for almost twenty years, and it's part of the United Kingdom as a whole. The lack of anything explicitly Welsh on the UK flag is (I think) due to the red cross being the flag of 'England and Wales' (as the land was prior to the late addition of Scotland) rather than just England.

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Despite being under English rule for less than 800 years, the Cymru (Welsh) do not have their nation represented in any UK flag because it is considered to be under direct English rule and not part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.  Here is a useless fact: I think some green or gold should be added to that Jack. :P


Wales isn't "under English rule" - it's actually had its own government (through devolution) for almost twenty years, and it's part of the United Kingdom as a whole. The lack of anything explicitly Welsh on the UK flag is (I think) due to the red cross being the flag of 'England and Wales' (as the land was prior to the late addition of Scotland) rather than just England.


Why do they share a flag if they have equal placement? Remember that the Norman-English conquered the Welsh (with many rebels barring solidified rule). Red cross of St. George has been used by the English ever since they adopted it by paying the former Republic of Genoa for their usage (if memory serves me right, the English crown still pays to use this out of tradition). Other than the old common Christian faith that the white and red cross flag is rooted in, the only reason why the Cymru would use it is because the English use it. I think they may not want to change the flag because it is like a brand, and is a reminder of old Imperial times.


If this is too close to political, I can cease.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Despite being under English rule for less than 800 years, the Cymru (Welsh) do not have their nation represented in any UK flag because it is considered to be under direct English rule and not part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.  Here is a useless fact: I think some green or gold should be added to that Jack. :P


Wales isn't "under English rule" - it's actually had its own government (through devolution) for almost twenty years, and it's part of the United Kingdom as a whole. The lack of anything explicitly Welsh on the UK flag is (I think) due to the red cross being the flag of 'England and Wales' (as the land was prior to the late addition of Scotland) rather than just England.


Why do they share a flag if they have equal placement? Remember that the Norman-English conquered the Welsh (with many rebels barring solidified rule). Red cross of St. George has been used by the English ever since they adopted it by paying the former Republic of Genoa for their usage (if memory serves me right, the English crown still pays to use this out of tradition). Other than the old common Christian faith that the white and red cross flag is rooted in, the only reason why the Cymru would use it is because the English use it. I think they may not want to change the flag because it is like a brand, and is a reminder of old Imperial times.


Just in case you don't know, the Welsh do have their own unique flag, it's just that it isn't incorporated into the UK flag, for one reason or another. Maybe that's not fair, but the UK flag is just a bit too established to be changed now.


The claim about the English flag coming from Genoa isn't historically certain; the exact origin of the flag isn't known for sure.

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Despite being under English rule for less than 800 years, the Cymru (Welsh) do not have their nation represented in any UK flag because it is considered to be under direct English rule and not part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.  Here is a useless fact: I think some green or gold should be added to that Jack. :P


Wales isn't "under English rule" - it's actually had its own government (through devolution) for almost twenty years, and it's part of the United Kingdom as a whole. The lack of anything explicitly Welsh on the UK flag is (I think) due to the red cross being the flag of 'England and Wales' (as the land was prior to the late addition of Scotland) rather than just England.


Why do they share a flag if they have equal placement? Remember that the Norman-English conquered the Welsh (with many rebels barring solidified rule). Red cross of St. George has been used by the English ever since they adopted it by paying the former Republic of Genoa for their usage (if memory serves me right, the English crown still pays to use this out of tradition). Other than the old common Christian faith that the white and red cross flag is rooted in, the only reason why the Cymru would use it is because the English use it. I think they may not want to change the flag because it is like a brand, and is a reminder of old Imperial times.


Just in case you don't know, the Welsh do have their own unique flag, it's just that it isn't incorporated into the UK flag, for one reason or another. Maybe that's not fair, but the UK flag is just a bit too established to be changed now.


The claim about the English flag coming from Genoa isn't historically certain; the exact origin of the flag isn't known for sure.


I know what the modern Welsh flag looks like, I have it hanging in my room as a makeshift curtain along with the flag of the Scottish King Robert the Bruce. I just wish my Welsh flag had thin lines, looks much better. And I will hold that Wales should be represented on there, perhaps by a green or gold pair of stripes to balance North Ireland. Red White and Blue are over-used as is across the world, bit of spice would be nice, and this example has some reason for it too.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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The peace symbol () was originally designed for the CND (Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Since it was never copyrighted or trademarked, it ended up being adopted by peace activists all around the world.

Edited by CHTrilogy

~ CHTrilogy

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The peace symbol () was originally designed for the CND (Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Since it was never copyrighted or trademarked, it ended up being adopted by peace activists all around the world.

I have actually always been passively curious on where this symbol came from, but this thought is only brought up when i see it and forget it afterwards. Thanks.




While the Roman Emperor Basil I the Makedon (or simply Makedon, as his dynasty would be named after this title) had a very interesting life between himself, his predecessor Michael III and his heir Leo VI, one of the more fascinating things about him in my opinion is his bloodline. His family was of Armenian origin (moving the Theme of Thessolanika's Makedonia when he was a young), being directly connected to the Armenian Arsacid dynasty of Armenia, which is a cadet branch of the ancient Arsacid dynasty of the Arsacid Persian Empire (otherwise known as the Parthian Empire). The Parthian Arsacids were directly related to the Achaemenid dynasty of the Achaemenid Empire (the first and most famous Perisan Empire). This means that this Roman Emperor and some of heirs (children of Leo VI Makedon do not count since Leo was actually the scandalous son of Michael III) were of the same bloodline of the very ancient enemies of the Pax Roma Roman Empire and of the earlier Greek-states, from Darius and Xerxes, to Arsaces I and Mithradates I, to both Basil I and the more famous Basil II; all the more interesting since the medieval Roman Empire was effectively a hybrid of ancient Latin and Greek cultures with Christian flair.


With that in mind, despite the Arsacids having direct lineage to the Achaemenids of the Bronze Age, they were not nearly as expansionist as their indirect predecessors (between the two is the brief Makedonian Empire of Alexander then the Seleukid Empire ruled by Greeks). During the Third Century Crisis that rocked the Roman world and destroyed the Han Empire in China, in Perisa the militarist House of Sasan revolted against the Parthain Arsacids and formed the Sassanian Empire to test ambitions of restoring the 'glory' that was had under the empire of House Achaemenid. They were eventually able to by capturing Egypt and the Levantine coast from the Roman Empire (destroying the Cross in the process) before the crucial victories by Roman Emperor Heraklius in their heartland. But, such overly ambitious actions caused by nostalgia goggles led to the unification of Arabia and the rise of the Muslim Caliphates.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 4 weeks later...

  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe couldn't stand the sound of dogs barking and could only write if he had an apple rotting in the drawer of his desk.

The odds of being born male are 51.2%, according to census.

Bacteria are so small that a single drop of liquid contains as many as 50 million of them.

In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.

Spain is the world's leading cork producer.

The first World Series was played between Pittsburgh and Boston in 1903 and was a 9-game series.  Boston won the series 5-3.

Charlie Chaplin once won third place in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest.

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Cows contribute more to global warming than all human technology put together. This is done by the following means: first a cow's body is like a large methane factory, their farts and especially poop are high in concentration of it, and with the increasing amount of population over the past thousand years, mankind has had to conduct mass deforestation in order to provide more grazing room for these cows, the decrease in trees and other foilage contributing to atmospheric change. but, ont he flip side, the earth is long overdue for another great ice age, and it has been cows and their dung and the deforestation for them that has preserved the optimal conditions for a high-technology global human civilization to rise.

Now to sustain it, since we have climbed this mountainside, he need to begin gradually decreasing the amount of cows on the Earth and replace them with a more lean but equally nutritious meat. According to the astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, he says ostriches could be a great alternative. They also can live in many environments so mass deforestation would no longer be needed.


Now let us see if powers like McDonalds would allow greed to get in the way of the common good.  [/sarcasm]



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Cows contribute more to global warming than all human technology put together. This is done by the following means: first a cow's body is like a large methane factory, their farts and especially poop are high in concentration of it, and with the increasing amount of population over the past thousand years, mankind has had to conduct mass deforestation in order to provide more grazing room for these cows, the decrease in trees and other foilage contributing to atmospheric change. but, ont he flip side, the earth is long overdue for another great ice age, and it has been cows and their dung and the deforestation for them that has preserved the optimal conditions for a high-technology global human civilization to rise.

Now to sustain it, since we have climbed this mountainside, he need to begin gradually decreasing the amount of cows on the Earth and replace them with a more lean but equally nutritious meat. According to the astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, he says ostriches could be a great alternative. They also can live in many environments so mass deforestation would no longer be needed.


Now let us see if powers like McDonalds would allow greed to get in the way of the common good. [/sarcasm]

I've actually tried ostrich burger once. It was pretty good, reminded me of lean beef.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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Cows contribute more to global warming than all human technology put together. This is done by the following means: first a cow's body is like a large methane factory, their farts and especially poop are high in concentration of it, and with the increasing amount of population over the past thousand years, mankind has had to conduct mass deforestation in order to provide more grazing room for these cows, the decrease in trees and other foilage contributing to atmospheric change. but, ont he flip side, the earth is long overdue for another great ice age, and it has been cows and their dung and the deforestation for them that has preserved the optimal conditions for a high-technology global human civilization to rise.

Now to sustain it, since we have climbed this mountainside, he need to begin gradually decreasing the amount of cows on the Earth and replace them with a more lean but equally nutritious meat. According to the astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, he says ostriches could be a great alternative. They also can live in many environments so mass deforestation would no longer be needed.


Now let us see if powers like McDonalds would allow greed to get in the way of the common good. [/sarcasm]

I've actually tried ostrich burger once. It was pretty good, reminded me of lean beef.
Nice! There is an Ostrich Festival every year here, and ostrich burgers are the main food there. Unfortunately, I have never had one and haven't been to the festival since I was a small child since we went there once and I was the only one that wanted to go back.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Sun Wukong serves as the inspiration for Son Goku from Dragon Ball and it's sequels.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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There are exactly 146,097 days, 24 hours each, every 400 years.


365 (days) x 400 (years) = 146,000 (days)


But, since this system is slightly slower than the actual solar year, every four years is a leap year, right? So in 400 years, there should be 100 leap days.


146,000 (days) + 100 (days) = 146,100 (days)


Now this is a little-known fact: this system, as described, is actually slightly faster than a true solar year. So, to compensate, years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400 are not leap years. So 1200, 1600, and 2000 were leap years, but 1300, 1400, 1500, 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not. In 400 years, there will be 3 years divisible by 100 but not 400. So, three leap days are taken out of the total.



146,100 (days) - 3 (days) = 146,097 (days)


This is only cosmically inconsequentially off from the actual solar year. So, a year is actually 365.2425 days long.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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Tuva is a cultural subnation in the Russian Confederacy, the native Tuvans being descendants of Ural Turkics who interbred with Mongolian colonists during the existence of the Mongol Empire and one the succeeding-states The Golden Horde.


There is a folk metal band from Tuva called Yat-Kha. Ever wanted to try something different? Give them a try.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Race track time.


Most gladiator fights in Rome were not to the death. They were too expensive for frequent deaths to be practical.

Also, after the Roman Empire was once again split into two after the death of Theodosius I, realm of the Oriental Emperors did not really have much connection to the gladiator fights like the West did, being more interested in chariot races, so once the Occidental imperialship lost power to foreigners and was abolished by the Oriental imperialship (melding the two halves back into a state with a single ruler), gladiator matches were abandoned and all focus was put into the ancient chariot teams (which were long modeled after the chariot games of Alexandria, Egypt). one part of this has to do with the Christian majority in the East not finding them Christian enough (as they were both uselessly bloody and were rooted with pagan tradition), which I personally find hilarious as these very Oriental Romans were usually not okay with death sentences unless they were a true threat (like heretic leaders and rebel commanders), so opted for the more 'merciful' route of mutilating their faces rather than killing them.


Despite being the most notable one, the War of Spartacus was only the third yet largest and final of the three Servile Wars. After the defeat of Spartacus and the crucifixion of all his supporters along one of the roads to the city of Rome, it was illegal for slaves to be near Rome without being accompanied by their masters.


Once the chariot games were made the official games of the Roman Empire, the different colored teams grew to have an almost religious place in the lives of the people, and they morphed into being both sports teams as well as political parties. The two most powerful team-parties were the Nikean Greens and the Venetian Blues, which the Greens lost political power for a long time after they were displeased by the tax reforms of Justinian I and incited the Nikean Riots and the Greens and their angry mob were massacred by Justinian royal guards in the sacred race track the Hippodrome of Konstantinopolis. There was also the Reds and the Whites, but after the recovery of the Greens, these two secondary team-parties were absorbed by the dominant Greens and Blues.








In the Hippodrome of Konstantinopolis, one of the capitals of the Roman Empire since 330 AD, there was a bizarre column that stood well over 26 feet tall that was more ancient than the Roman Empire itself and still stands to this day at around the age of 2500 years, though in ruin, called the Serpent Column. It is made of three metal snakes of brass twisting around each other, their heads arching to the side with toothed jaws open and a large golden bowl resting on their necks where burnt sacrifices were delivered to the gods. After the great Battle of Plataea saw the Greek coalition victorious over Second Achaemenid invasion of Greece, this slithery statue was erected in 478 BC as an offering to Zeus and to the Oracle of Delphi in Egypt in commemoration to those city-states who took part in the war. It is written in ancient Greek on the coils "Those who fought in the War" and goes on to name the cities that took part in the national defense along down the three wrapping tendrils (many of these cities have been lost to time so only their names remain). 


Centuries later around 330 AD, when Roman Emperor Constantine I was designing his new capital of New Rome after razing the remnants of a ruined Byzantium to the ground, he decided to relocate the Serpent Column from Egypt to his new race track, the Hippodrome, whose median was decorated with columns and obelisks, and even a giant statue of Constantine cosplaying as his other god, Sol Invictus (he worshiped both the Sun and Christ). Later on, when New Rome was renamed to Konstantinopolis and pagan practices had died out after the reign of Theodosius I, and the titanic Column of Justinian I (wearing the Triumph feathered crown of Heracleus) was added to the Hippodrome median, illustrations of the Serpent Column sometimes show an orange orb, which makes some think that it is just a simple drawing of fire, or that a large orange-colored jewel orb was resting there, and it is described in later centuries that the serpent column had been transformed by the orders of an unaccredited Emperor as a fountain that shot out water from the mouths of the three serpents.


Much later, such latter descriptions ceased which I will blame on the Crusader's Sack of Constantinople of 1204, as well as the Golden Bowl of Zeus missing. Later in 1453, when the Sultan Mehmed II of Osmanli stormed into Konstantinopolis with his soldiers, while indeed in awe by this decaying architecture-heaven on earth, when he saw the Serpent Column, he saw it as the pagan talisman of the Romans, and in his zealous muslim iconoclasm, took a steel mace and on horseback ran over to the column and swatted one of the jaws off of the ancient statue in show of his victory against the infidel. Later that century, as the new Ottoman rulers learned what was written on the statue and wanted to further quell rebellious attitudes, they had the statue buried deep in dirt so that only the middle and the top of the statue were shown. Then in the year 1700, due to it's great age and probably by being abused by sackers, hit by a mace, and leaned on by drunk tourists, the top with the snake head snapped off and fell apart on the ground. in the 20th Century, the inscriptions were uncovered making it's present height 26 feet, and a limited recreation was made at the site of the temple in Delphi.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios
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A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iaredios, you're so smart.


I'm reading a book on the First Crusade, and it's very interesting. From the book:


The First Crusade began for two declared reasons:


1) to assist the Byzantine Empire, which had previously appealed to Europe for help fighting the expansionist Seljuk Turks, and


2) to reclaim Jerusalem in response to complaints from Christian pilgrims that they were being unreasonably taxed, prevented from entering the city, or otherwise harassed


It's likely that Pope Urban II also called for the crusade to strengthen his own political power in Europe, as well as to stop infighting among European Christians. The pope had a tenuous relationship with the Byzantine emperor. Only 41 years earlier, the Western and Easter churches split over papal priority. Pope Urban might have hoped coming to Constantinople's aid would help mend the rift, but this was unlikely if he was also using the crusade to claim more temporal authority.


Emperor Alexius I's hands were not entirely clean, either. He accepted the crusaders' help, but was unwilling to actually personally lead them like they expected. He didn't seem to fully trust the crusaders, so it was simply convenient to him for them to occupy themselves solving another problem for him. Originally, all land was crusaders captured was returned to the Byzantine Empire, but as the crusade dragged on the alliance between Western and Eastern Christians became less and less tangible.


Also, the crusaders only managed to conquer Antioch because a defector from within, Firuz, betrayed the city and let the crusaders in. In their rush to silence loyal guards to prevent the breach from being discovered too soon, the crusaders mistakenly butchered Firuz's brother to death.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I'm reading a book on the First Crusade, and it's very interesting. From the book:


The First Crusade began for two declared reasons:


1) to assist the Byzantine Empire, which had previously appealed to Europe for help fighting the expansionist Seljuk Turks, and


2) to reclaim Jerusalem in response to complaints from Christian pilgrims that they were being unreasonably taxed, prevented from entering the city, or otherwise harassed


It's likely that Pope Urban II also called for the crusade to strengthen his own political power in Europe, as well as to stop infighting among European Christians. The pope had a tenuous relationship with the Byzantine emperor. Only 41 years earlier, the Western and Easter churches split over papal priority. Pope Urban might have hoped coming to Constantinople's aid would help mend the rift, but this was unlikely if he was also using the crusade to claim more temporal authority.


Emperor Alexius I's hands were not entirely clean, either. He accepted the crusaders' help, but was unwilling to actually personally lead them like they expected. He didn't seem to fully trust the crusaders, so it was simply convenient to him for them to occupy themselves solving another problem for him. Originally, all land was crusaders captured was returned to the Byzantine Empire, but as the crusade dragged on the alliance between Western and Eastern Christians became less and less tangible.


Also, the crusaders only managed to conquer Antioch because a defector from within, Firuz, betrayed the city and let the crusaders in. In their rush to silence loyal guards to prevent the breach from being discovered too soon, the crusaders mistakenly butchered Firuz's brother to death.

Cease thine flattery.


In The Alexiad, it is described that Alexios Komnenos did not personally lead them because of a couple of things. While Alexois did expect soldiers, it was in such a multitude that he couldn't house them all in Constantinople safely, which angered the weary Crusaders and they proceeded to besiege the city. In a compromise, he would allow them to stay in a city on the other side of the Propontis, while the leaders could stay in Constantinople. While meeting with the leaders, (probably in classic Roman xenophobia) he found that though as a society they were now semi-barbarians (in contrast to the traditional view of the 'barbarian' germans and neo-latins) they were personally still like the ancient invaders that took the West, except for Godfrey of Bouillon who Anna Komnenos describes as the most civilized of them all. One of the leaders of the First Crusade (I forget which one tbh) momentarily even sat on the Throne of the Emperor, which Alexius had to initially put up with. One of the reasons that Alexios didn't help lead the First Crusade is because he didn't trust the new flow of warrior monks and pilgrims to not besiege the Roman capital while away from court. In looking out for his own neck and the safety of his people, he also purposefully misdirected the first to group to go into the newly-conquered Turkish territories in Anatolia because they were brutal and resistant to Rhomaion authority (in their own claimed land), and most of that first group were slain by the Seljuks. The remaining forces were much less unruly and they were used appropriately.


And when Antioch was taken, The Alexiad ends with a lengthy treaty between Bohemond Guisscard and Alexios Komnenos, which recognized the Principality of Antioch as being part of Roman Imperial authority. But Bohemond as taught by his dad Robert wasn't the most trustworthy person, and after Alexios' death by gout, Antioch stopped with the charade of being a vassal and acted independent until it and the Kingdom of Jerusalem were brought under Roman influence by Manuel I Komnenos (and lasted until his death).



Now for some related, but actually useful information.



Though the Chalcedonian branches were indeed distinct between the Western and Eastern rites, the Great Schism didn't occur in one specific year, it was a number of things that must be taken into account, like the religious imperial reforms of Theodosius I, the Donations of Constantine, and the Isaurian Iconoclastic period. The events of 1054 are a clusterbleep of egos clashing, and what was initially one church leader excommunicating the other, it escalated as folks took the excommunication of their leaders to mean first the entire city then the entire area of each respecting patriarchate, then allies supporting the other. Things escalated and receded back and forth until Andronikos Komnenos commenced genocide and slavery of Westerners in the Roman Empire in 1182, and the retaliatory, equally heinous massacre and sacking of Constantinople and Rhomaion territories during the failed Fourth Crusade in 1204 permanently severed ties. Just a big mess caused by miscommunication, misunderstanding, greed, and unreasonable hate.



Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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On the subject of Alexius and the crusaders, he was concerned about having so many armed foreigners in his capital, even if they were ostensibly there to serve him. Instead of allowing them all to congregate, knowing they would inevitably become hungry/bored and begin pillaging towns to sustain themselves, he funneled them out of Constantinople into Turkish territory as quickly as he could. Had the Turks known in advance how big of a threat they would be, they could have picked the groups off as they arrived, but they lacked the foresight to begin harassing the crusaders until they had all arrived.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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Go in the far fight in my current sig is the son and heir tot he guy in my avvy



Pablo Picasso's full name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.

Oh great God, no wonder we shorten it! :lol:



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan. There were no records of anyone named Wendy before the book was published.



Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula."

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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There are many different names for "avocado" in Chinese. One of these names is niu you guo (牛油果), which literally means "cow oil fruit" or "butter fruit." Another name, lao li (酪梨), literally means "cheese pear." Still another name, e li (鱷梨), means "crocodile pear."

Edited by Liopleurodon
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  • Hawaiian words do not contain consonant clusters.  For example, Kahlua is not a Hawaiian word.

Sheep have four stomachs.

Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I's mother, had six fingers on one hand.

Frank Lloyd Wright's son invented Lincoln Logs.

There are more than 40,000 characters in the Chinese script.

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