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Kal the Guardian

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1323369523.pngI've fallen asleep. I keep drifting deeper and deeper inside of my head. All these years, and yet I do not wake. Nor do I feel the slightest tug of reality. I just continue deeper into unconsciousness.Lately, my dreams have been filled with the visions of friends long forgotten, and enemies forcefully forgotten. For some reason, I feel as if I just finished settling at the deepest reaches of a trance put upon me a lifetime ago. Finally, I feel that I can begin the long journey to recovering.But although things now feel more like I believe life used to be, I no longer trust what I know to be my dream version of friends. They feel almost too real. And the sting of the enemy's weapons grows increasingly painful. Yet still, I do not wake.So, all my friends with me, I dream.


Lost to time, the inhabitants of a southern island sleep. They have been that way for as long as anyone passing through can remember. No one knows why they sleep or why they won't wake. And the Makuta of the island has long gone missing. Also, no longer does anyone remember the real name of the island or the name of its long forgotten protector.For centuries the island lay alone, due to its harshly tropical climate, its ferocious breed of Rahi, and its one inaccessible bay. Only those with the ability of flight, teleportation, or the clever use of their powers have visited, and found nothing changed from the stories they had heard. And the strange howls of the night beasts now haunt the daylight, discouraging all intruders and would be thieves.Even the other Makuta left the island alone for a time, having more important things to worry about than some island stuck in slumber. Finally, after a large amount of continued myths of various hidden objects of worth that lead to threats to strip the island bare, they placed a teleportation scrambler system up around the island and left it at that. And so the island has stayed that way, secluded from the outside world, for longer than anyone cares to remember.Of course, not all are satisfied with the apathy surrounding the island. There are those who ask questions and want to find answers, no matter the consequence, because they believe it to be the right thing to do. Despite individual persuasions, they all want the same thing: Answers.Answers to questions like: Why do the Rahi of the island not devour or destroy the Matoran and the small villages they sleep in? What are the Rahi on that island, anyway? Why do the Matoran still sleep? Can they be woken up? Why has no one done anything yet? Where is their Makuta? Why did the Brotherhood really put up the teleportation scrambler and dismiss the island? And what caused all this in the first place?So, this unnamed group gathered members from far and near and grew as more questions were asked and answers demanded. They came to be known as the Insomniac Group, perhaps referring to their tireless researching of the island, which they had titled: Dreamland. They attained the help of various Scientists and Researchers and Developers and anyone else that they thought could help them in their quest to get on and explore the island and find its answers despite previous botched attempts.And, with the many new additional members, the mandatory background checks became increasingly rare, due to continued sloth, until it seemed that just about anyone could join the quest for any reason. And when the day finally came where everything was prepared for the treacherous terrain of the bay and island, they gathered their things, loaded up their boats, and headed for Dreamland.The docking was indeed treacherous. The measly remains of what was once a wooden pier that shuddered in a newly formed storm was all there was to signal the only slightly less dangerous opening up onto the island in the cliffs that surround the bay. One ship had to stay out at sea to avoid being smashed against the cliffs due to the fierce storm while the others carefully docked and unloaded with the help of the few water elemental controllers. Something to be noted is that despite all those who controlled weather and the Toa of water and air, they could not even hinder the storm in its onslaught. This in itself was warning enough of what was to come.The rest of the next three days was spent unloading and moving equipment, and searching for a suitable spot to set up the first camp. On the rise of the sun on the fourth cloudy day, all the boats, excluding the one still out at sea because of the stubbornly continuing storm, were on the bottom of the bay and all those guarding the boats were found slain. Actually, the only way to figure out that they were slain was the torn and shredded armor left behind.That was when things began to unravel.Almost as if Rahkshi were assaulting them, the Insomniac Group slowly began to fracture due to increased amounts of fear and anger among their respective members. It didn't help that the island Rahi, which the group simply began calling, "Rhaks", were nowhere to be seen, and yet still heard. The cries of the Rhaks pierced the night and invaded random times of the day, putting everyone on edge as they moved about the island and managed to set up three different camps where they found clear ground.The day the first Rhak showed itself was the day when the Insomniac Group truly split and fled to different camps for their own various, irrational reasons.It has been three weeks since the first and so far only Rhak has been seen as it rampaged through the three camps, strangely only wrecking equipment and attacking those that got in its way, and the three groups have since done what they could to set up their equipment from the camps into various bases as best they could. Perhaps because of the island and its pressures, or perhaps because of some unknown power, the three smaller groups are now fiercely protective of their bases from the other groups. Not only are they now irrationally hostile towards each other, but they all have different objectives they wish to achieve. And it doesn't help when one group has equipment the other group needs.Strangely, the groups seem completely normal when conversing with each other, but will erupt in anger when another being from an opposing camp is spotted. Another factor might be that the trees and shrubbery seemed to part for the Rhak, when it seems to hinder everyone else. There are many things to be asked about the island, even while apart from the other groups.But all live in fear of the Rhaks and what running into one would mean.Three weeks passed, with the storm over the island keeping up its ferocity. All the groups spent their time patching up what they could and protecting what they couldn't from the other groups. With the pounding rain leaking through the intensely thick canopy, not much progress was made in exploring or getting off the island.And then the almost unnatural storm cleared momentarily, and the fifth ship docked and unloaded, only to find barely controlled chaos.The storm then came back in with all its ferocity.


All Matoran on a southern island, nick-named Dreamland, have been asleep for as long as anyone can remember. Their Makuta is missing, and this is in the time when the Makuta still did their jobs. The Brotherhood reviewed the island and, due to multiple myths that led to attempts to "mine" the island of all its assets, set up a teleportation scrambler around it. Seeing that it was illogical to try to get onto the island by any other means, the Brotherhood then left it at that and cast the island from their memory.This led to beings on surrounding islands to question what was really going on. After many years and a few failed research attempts, a group amassed members, set on going to and researching what had happened on the island. Coming to be named the Insomniac Group, they gathered all the experts that they could to build them what they would need to get onto and survive on the island. After a few years of preparation, they finally felt they were ready, and the group cast off with five ships to the island.In the treacherous, cliff walled bay of Dreamland, one boat was forced to stay at sea because of a storm that appeared, while the four others successfully unloaded after much work. The storm, despite the efforts of those on the boats, was not able to be lessened and definately not stopped. The fourth day on the island, the Insomniac Group found the boats already unloaded were destroyed, sunk to the bottom of the bay, and all that was left of those set up to guard the boats were a few badly shredded pieces of armor. Meanwhile, the almost unnatural storm continued to stop the fifth boat from docking.Now stuck on the island, at least momentarily, the group painstakingly set up three different camps, each with a different purpose. Then, the first native Rahi of the island, which they quickly named a "Rhak" due to its reptilian appearance and slight resemblance to a Rahkshi, showed up and went on a rampage, destroying equipment and all who got in its way.After this, the camps were turned as best the groups could into bases, and the three different groups became suddenly hostile towards one another, while still trying to accomplish their self defined individual tasks. A rather irrational behavior in that they are only hostile toward members of the other bases. Something seems to be affecting them.And then there's the Rhaks. Even though the groups have only seen one, the almost constant cries remind them that they all have a hidden, common enemy that has still chosen not to attack in full force.Finally, after three weeks spent mostly repairing equipment, a short break in the storm appeared, and the fifth ship managed to dock and unload its contents, also placing you on Dreamland. The storm above once again rages on, drenching everything.


You're ship has finally docked. You are on Dreamland. The Insomniac Group that you belong to has strangely divided into three separate sections, each with its own motives (Described later). You may be strong individuals compared to the NPCs, but you too are pulled on by uncontrollable feelings of anger and fear that seem to radiate through the air. While you probably will break beyond this simple emotional barrier holding the NPCs in place, remember that once or if you choose a certain group, you are no longer welcomed by any other group if your loyalties become public knowledge.Your options are simple:You can try to leave the accursed island;You can try to discover the secrets of the island and then make an action based upon that new knowledge;Or you can die.The second option is the preferred one. After all, why else play the RPG? But remember, you must have fun. Or else.




A mid-sized island with dense tropical foliage and cliffs surrounding the whole island, this is where you'll be playing the game. The terrain is treacherous and everything slopes upwards towards the apparently dormant volcano. The canopy is almost impenetrable from above or below except in certain places. And the storm above now seems not to be able to be stopped.While you do have a map of the island, nothing has been named, or explored yet. New information on the island will come as the players or NPCs explore. Meanwhile, the known locations:Only Bay Passage-This is the only passageway to the Bay. It has been widened by the Insomniac Group, but is still steep and somewhat treacherous, definitely so in the rain. Water runs down the middle of it as the rain continues to poor. Footing is hard to find, even more so after all of your equipment was taken up it. What is left of a dock appears to be the hastily built remains of others that might have come before you.The cliffs are the most gentle here. Trees from the top of these cliffs branch out far over the bay and lower down many vines that are thicker than most rope. The area around the path seems to be almost cut out on purpose due to how it cuts into the cliffs and provides a way up onto the island, but so much dirt and roots now cover it that no one is able to see if it was actually cut out of the rock of the cliffs.Camp Site A-The first camp to be up and the first camp to become more of a base, this camp is situated in a widened clearing with an open sky. One of the few spots like it on the island. It has ten trailers all with different purposes: One kitchen, two power generators, one equipment repair shop, one armor and weapons shop, one empty trailer for gathering samples, and four large housing trailers.The ground in this area is all ferns and small shrubs. Even after being cut away for the camp, they seem to be re-growing at a frightening rate. The opening above is perfectly circular and seems to attract the darkest storm clouds that are always threatening with lightning.Camp Site B-After crossing four rivers in the delta, B was set up in a small clearing on already trampled ferns. The trees are thick and the sky cannot be seen, making the area full of deep shadows from what light makes it through the canopy. It has ten buildings all with different purposes. Instead of an armor and weapons shop, they have a trailer full of scientific data gatherers and other devices.The area appears to have some trees that appear to be oldest so far found on the island. They are heavily knotted and their large gnarled branches intertwine with the younger trees around them. Large roots stick out of the ground everywhere. In some places these roots are high enough to walk under.Camp Site C-With a trek straight to the mountain not possible due to terrain and the large equipment trailers that barely made it along the path from camp B, C was set up next to the River, almost on the muddy banks. The canopy is wound shut, and almost no light gets through. It has fourteen buildings all with different purposes. The four extra trailers are secure cages for any indigenous species of Rahi.The trees here appear to be the healthiest so far with tall trunks and branches only high up. Many vines can be seen climbing up the trees, only to spread out onto the branches and hang back down to the earth. The camp is set among the trees, due to there being no clearing whatsoever, and along with the constant state of night provided by the canopy, visibility is low, even with lanterns set up that cast dark shadows everywhere. Water trickles down from above, but the rain is mostly blocked, unlike the other camps.Pathways-The larger pathways have been painstaking hewn from the surrounding foliage on top of what were once smaller pathways. And considering how the trees seemed to resist the blades of the vehicles/labs, new large paths are not soon to be made, especially in the continued rain and with dulled and damaged equipment. Meanwhile, the smaller pathways are badly overgrown with numerous roots and vines. And considering the thick canopy, it is hard to move around effectively.*Please note that on the map, buildings are over emphasized. And the terrain is thick and the island large, making movement slower and dangerous on foot and in flight when not on the paths.

Of Factions and Motives

The Insomniac Group members on Dreamland have officially split. While there are no official names as of yet, they can be listed by what they hope to accomplish.Researchers-The Researchers wish to continue with their original purpose for coming to the island and find the secrets of the Matoran located sleeping in their villages. The researches set up at Camp B because they knew a Matoran Village was close because of old texts they had found in their research beforehand. Unfortunately, due to their damaged equipment and the pouring rain, they haven't been able to explore much of anything. They can also account for there being a village somewhere around Camp C, but they do not know if there are any other villages.Hunters-The members of the Hunters have taken a fascination with the Rhaks of the island and wish to discover their secrets, or even another of the species, considering only one has been seen. Unfortunately, in the rain and dense foliage, they can't find any tracks or anything else to find the Rahi. They have shrugged off the others to secure their objective and have set up camp as nearest as they could get to the only source of freshwater on the island with Camp C.Forfeiters-The Forfeiters just wish to take what they can from the island and leave it in one piece. Unfortunately, without any boats, they can't leave. They have been busy fixing their equipment and don't have any knowledge to effectively make a boat out of the gnarly trees around them. And even when they find out about the one boat intact, it will not be large enough to hold all of their beloved equipment and the "samples" they wish to acquire from the island.Of course, their main objective remains the same: Gather everything of worth or power from the island and then return back to the rest of the universe to sell it. (Repeat for infinite wealth. U mad?) These are the beings who should have been rejected due to background checks, but obviously, they weren't.Missions-These will be added to the Discussion topic once they as they are discovered.


BZP Rules apply, all of them.No god-modding (e.g. controlling someone else's character, having your character do something impossible). And if someone god-modes against you, don't do it back, tell the Staff.This is a Text-Based RPG, so to join in you post what is basically a miniature story for what is currently happening to your character.Please, try to use good grammar. It helps everyone out.Use IC for In-Character and OOC for Out-Of-Character.For example:

IC: The Toa glanced at his friend as he scanned the perimeter, looking for enemies.OOC: Hey Lewa34Dude, want to join us?

Don't extensively control other people's characters without their permission (Bunnying).Don't injure another character without permission.Comedy is accepted, but keep it realistic and to a minimum. No random pie flinging contests.Don't glory hog or continuously degrade someone else's character.All characters are incapable of performing Nova Blasts.All major discoveries or story twists must go through me first.The Jungle is VERY thick and movement is hard. Please keep this in mind. Traveling will NOT be easy and will take several posts to go down the paths even. And as of this moment, you will find that you can’t break out above the canopy for some reason, please keep this in mind as well. I know this is restrictive, but hopefully players will open up the island quickly as they begin to explore. I just really don’t want players to be zipping around the island like I normally see in RPGs. Although if you do move too fast, prepared to be stricken out at by the Rahi of the island. This is mostly due to things that need to be found out before other things. Let me know if you can't stand this, because I will try to re-work it if it absolutely must change.And most important of all, HAVE FUN! And pick fights with random people, everyone loves a good fight.

Game Master

I am the Game Master of this RPG. And as such, I control the story and NPCs. I make sure fights stay fair. I approve profiles. I assign Co-GMs and the like. And I deal out punishment and hand out rewards.Punishments will be given after the rules are broken, like any good GM would do.-First, I will tell you in a PM or in the discussion topic what you did wrong and ask you to stop.-Secondly, if you continue to/or break a different rule, I will injure your character.-Third strike, and you have one of your characters killed.-Final Punishment is being banned from the RPG for as long as needed to fix behavior issues of any kind. A week at the least.Now for the good part: Rewards.Rewards will be handed out to players that are especially helpful in one way or another. These rewards include but are not limited to: More characters; a new power; a new mask; an upgraded weapon; misc.; etc.Hopefully there will be no punishments, but plenty of rewards.Co-GMs-Toa of DancingHe can approve profiles and deal out punishments or rewards. Warnings can also be issued (of course before any punishing happens), and I might have him control some NPCs, depending on how things go.

Everything Else

To comment on or discuss the happenings of the RPG, go to the Discussion Topic. There you will see Faction Missions that Must Be Accomplished Above All Else and a collection of Past Events of Immense Importance. That is also where you can post your profiles for approval.Once profiles are approved, they can then be posted in the Profile Topic. You post once there and then edit in your other characters. You are allowed a max of three characters per player.OPENING GM IC:The canopy wept as the ever pouring rain spilled down through the intertwined branches of the overhead trees. Anger, resentment, and fear hung in the air like the vines that littered the trees. Water pooled at the top of the only bay passage and spilled over the lip of a protruding root. The rain water began to cascade down the path, making it almost impossible to navigate.If one listened over the pounding of the rain on the leaves above, one could hear a sharp crack once in a while as the last surviving ship was smashed up against the cliffs as the water began to churn. The wind from the storm couldn’t be felt in the foliage, but out in the open bay, it assailed the cliffs as well.A few trailers sat in growing puddles and many large crates sat stacked around a Toa and two Skakdi of Gravity. Since there was no smooth ground, everything sat at an odd angle, coated in a sheen of water. The two Skakdi were arguing over something, and the Toa was trying to intervene.A shadowy figure leaned against the crates lying around the trio. He watched them with interest, taking note of several other beings around him that seemed to be on edge. He scratched behind his Kakama and rolled his neck. A cup made of shadow appeared before him and he let it fill with the falling water.Taking a drink and finishing the cup, the Toa of Shadow let the cup dissipate. He climbed atop three crates and balanced on top as they began to sway. Looking towards the beings who seemed to be in most control of themselves, he yelled, “Fellow Insomniac Members!”The Toa paused as a loud roar suddenly spilt open the jungle and made everything seem to pale in comparison to the sound. The Shadow controller was surprised as a shiver ran down his spine. He had never heard anything like that before.Everyone was silent for a few moments afterwards. The Toa, in a softer voice, began to speak again, “As you can hear, we can’t stay sitting here. My name is Shadouk. And I propose that we find the rest of our expedition. A scouting party should locate it so we can move our gear. Obviously half of us need to stay here to protect the gear in the meantime.“And in case you can’t hear it, our boat sounds like it’s being smashed to smithereens. Some of us need to find a way to secure it.”A Matoran called out, “Who put you in charge?”The Toa rolled his eyes. “I’m just pointing out the obviously things that need to be done instead of all of us just sitting here and quarreling.” With this, Shadouk climbed down from his perch and landed smack dab in the middle of a muddy puddle. He wiped off the water pooling in the grooves of his mask and said, “I volunteer to scout out for the rest of our group. And that shoddy path over there looks the most promising. Anyone who wants to join me can.”

Edited by Kal the Guardian


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Worhdock / Dawn at the Only Bay PassageWorhdock looked up at the area around the Only Bay Passage, in the sky above. The only place one could see the sky."Some storm." he said, trying to use his weather control to at least clam it in the general vacinity.Worhdock looked at the area around. "Come on everyone, we need to secure the ship!" He began walking out towards where the ship was, hoping to use the ropes available to tether it down.IC: Levacius / Same PlaceTwo toa were squabling with each other. From behind, the so called 'Cievasul' appearing, placing his arms around their necks and saying, "Come on you two, no fighting! It's a bright, glorious day!"Lightning cracked and thunder rolled. It really wasn't.Pushing both away, he began walking around. "Forget the ship!" he called out at Worhdock. "We can always build a new one. This island is crawling with trees. Possibly literaly, I've been to a few islands with crawling trees.""Besides, we need to find the others. Who knows what they could have done by now."IC: Thalidon / Same Place - Heading down the PathThalidon, meanwhile, was heading off into the jungle through the path. He hoped to find some Rahi in the area, and that was his main goal at the time. So far, he was the first one along the path.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Sedgulus shouldered his rifle, sighing. "Alright," he began, "You lot can keep on bickering. You do that, while I go and get you food." The Toa of Iron trudged after Thalidon, continuing to mutter under his breath. "And you will just eat that food, and not thank me for getting it. I will risk my life in the jungle while you stay here, and move boxes..."IC: Rekia practically radiated anger. All of her preparation, the time spent planning, the forward payments...And her mercenaries never boarded the boats. The Regaliphile stood in the rain, weapons strapped on, and a very ornate paper umbrella firmly in her grasp. Not that it did much. The rain seemed to come from every direction, and was determined to her her a wet and misirable as possible.Perhaps not my most well laid plan...The wind picked up, snatching the umbrella out of her hand, and pulling it into the forest, where it was torn to shreds against the trees....I'm gonna kill somebody...Rekia turned and followed Cievasul. She figured it would be a good idea to see what they had found...IC:Torhak grinned, and snapped his goggles over his eyes.It hurt. He supposed that it was supposed to hurt.The Skakdi strutted over to Worhdock, a broad grin on his face as usual. "I can get there using my powers, but I ain't able to pull it myself."

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Worhdock / Only Bay Passage"Well," Worhdock said, looking out to the sea. "This storm isn't cooperating with me. First one didn't either. I just might be able to pull it closer."Creating his own weather to counteract the storm, he caused a gust of wind to push against the unnatural one the storm made. The winds moved the boat a bit closer, and away from the cliffs. but it didn't bode well."I don't think two of us can do this all alone."IC: Thalidon / Up the PathThalidon ignored the complaints of Sedgulus. He hadn't seen any quarry worth his time yet. Still, based on the shattered boxes covering the beach down below, he came to the conclusion something big was on this island - something really big. A worthy hunt, for one who had even pursued Tahtorahk!Straying off the path, he began looking around for anything that he could hunt.IC: Levacius / Only Bay PassageLooking to see at least one being was with him, Levacius proclaimed, "And off we go! Into the desolate unknown of the forests - I wonder if the path is yellow - and into that beyond!"He began walking off, towards the path, as if he expected the entire group to stop their packing and follow him.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:Torhak sighed. "I need some rope." The Skakdi turned to the rest of the group. "OI! Some rope here! NOW!"IC:Rekia stared at the man she was following, trying to hide her exasperation. She was following a crazy. The Regaliphile looked over her shoulder, a desperate look on her face. Don't leave me alone with this guy!

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Jynhi: Jynhi stumbled into the lush forest. "Where am I?" she mumbled as she looked out for any sentient beings.OOC: Toa of Light ready for interaction! :PIC: Ornas:"Die you stupid Rhaks!" Ornas shouted in his sleep, still remembering the slaughter of his partners. He awoke on the sandy beach, and shook the sand off of him.OOC: Magnet charging up for interaction. :P

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IC (Camp Site B ):The rain was a blanket. It fell across the camp, what little got through the canopy of old trees craning above the tents, in a sheen of water.Ena shivered. Some blanket.The Toa of Magnetism retreated under the cloth folds of her tent and shut the entrance. There she sat for a while, her legs curled up against her torso, her arms wrapped around her knees. What research was she supposed to do in conditions like these? She was a Toa of Magnetism. She was not a Toa of Water, so she couldn't shrug off the raindrops like they were nothing; she was not even a Toa of Ice, who could stand the cold.So she waited.She was used to waiting.OOC: If anyone wants to chat while waiting for the storm to clear, Ena's your gal.

Edited by Legolover-361
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IC: Levacius / Near the PathLooking around, Levacius started shouting out. "You there!" he called to a nearby toa, heading to the forest. "You there!" he called out a toa down at the beach just waking up. "You there!" he called to a toa who had just moved to hide in her tent. "You there, shadowy dude who likes bossing people around as much as I do!" he called to the toa of shadow who had been barking out orders."Off to find the others!" Getting only quizzical looks from others at first, he shrugged and said, "Is the crazy, overexciting thing not going? I mean, I can go with calm and relaxed it it works."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Hgn'Svn/Only Bay Passage, Being ScientificIC:

Completely ignoring the storm, the rambunctiousness, and the whole of it. All of it except the forest, the island, the beauty of it all. He stumbled forward with his equipment, immediately summing a few small but sturdy rahi to help. After scratching their chins, he marched straight forward, ignoring everything. "Zhis... zhis izh ze mozt beautiful zhing in zhe vorld."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Kroghun: Only Bay Passage: Approaching Hgn'Svt: "Yes. It's beautiful," Kroghun said, walking up to the Toa with the funny accent. Despite not liking people much, Kroghun always felt more comfortable with others who shared his element. "It's not like other islands. It's so much stranger, so much madder, so much darker..."A savage grin spread across the Matoran's face."...and so much better."


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Hgn'Svn/Only Bay Passage, Being ScientificIC:

Hgn'Svt nodded and kept marched forward with his mole-like rahi following. "Yesh. Amazhing. Are you a schientizt too?"

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Worhdock / Only Bay Passage"Hey!" Worhdock called over Hgn'Svn. "Stop summoning cute animals and summon something that can stop ships from floating away. Like a giant mud squid or something, I don't know or care."OOC: Small topic. :|-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - Laorus/Doro - Path to Campsite C: The ground was muddy and wet as the rain continued to seep through the canopy above. As such it was perfectly reasonable for the large, silver boar that was currently trudging down the path to leave six inch-deep footprints in the ground, which stayed there as it continued to move down the path.On its back, a Toa-like being rode, seated upon a saddle that seemed to be built into the beast's back. Across her back a halberd was slung, the long handle placed within a holster. Her pale blue eyes paid no attention to her surroundings, only watching the ground before her as she steered her steed. The rain, the wind, the cold... none of that registered to her armored body.Laorus continued forward.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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Hgn'Svn/Only Bay Passage, Being ScientificIC:

"Eh? Oh! I apologizhe, zir. Let'zh zee... Oh dear... It zeems zhat zee bay izh frezh out of rahi I can uzhe. Ah! Cruel fate. But I can obtain provizhionz for uzh!" Hgn'Svt exclaimed as the forest began to rustle, soon turning into a thunder. A small herd of mahi came from the forest and gathered into a tight group. With a grimace on his face, the toa whispered something to one of them. It fell asleep almost instantly, followed by him breaking it's neck."Zo gruezome... but vhat can ve do? Anyvays, 'o can weild vire here? Ve need our meat cooked," he asked, also gathered various fruits and vegetables from the forest with his power.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: At the Bay Passage, Kharish was dealing with a few patients, those who had been wounded during the crash landing. Her Quick Healing power bathed them in warm energy that steadily sealed up cuts and scrapes as she aligned bones so they could set properlyIC: Codjok careened through the jungle, wildly jammering and giggling to himself. Why shouldn't he? It was his jungle now! The whole island was his, his!


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IC: Thalidon / Off the main pathThalidon stopped, his sonar having detected something. Bow ready, he pulled the string and turned in that direction. It wasn't another camp dweller, just a Rahi. Taking aim, he fired. The arrow streaked out, hitting the Rahi and piercing it dead instantly.IC: Levacius / Only Bay Passage, Near PathLevacius shrugged and looked at Rekia. "Alright, come on. Apparently we're the only ones interested in seeing what the others want."Turning, he began making his way up the path.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: "Hang on a second..." Rekia muttered. The shark lady turned back to the shore."HEY! QUIT SITTING THERE DOING NOTHING AND GO FIND SOME HELP WITH US!"Torhak turned around at this, then turned back to the crates he was rummaging through, throwing a rather rude hand gesture at her over his shoulder.Rekia seemed to swell with rage at this, but kept her mouth firmly shut.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Levacius / Only Bay Passage + Heading Up Path"Eh, ignore them." he said with a shrug."Don't mind the crazy talk from before, but this whole place is crazier than a Le-Koro dance party, if a bit quieter and with less drums. Didn't catch your name back on the ship, what was it?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:"Rekia Vas Slythyyn, sole heir of the Slythyyn family..." the Regaliphile thought for a second, then added, "Though on this god-forsaken island, I suppose titles are of little use. Rekia is fine. Or 'My Lady'."

Edited by Evex is back baby YEAH
They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Levacius / Up the Path"Slythyyn family, eh?" he said. "Didn't we recently raid one of their ships? Or was that another family? Oh bother!, hard to keep track of that all."Deciding it would be better to keep his mouth shut, he said, "Never heard of 'em, 'My Lady'. Southern Islands or one of the Continents?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Su'un - Camp Site BSu'un glanced around, looking for somewhere to shelter. This blasted rain was seriously cold, and was ruining the books and papers in his bag.Finally, he found a tent. Not much, but better than nothing, he supposed. He stepped inside, only to see a Toa (Ena) sitting there.'Oh, sorry. I can, uh, leave if...'IC: Katan - Path near Bay PassageKatan grumbled softly to himself. Leave it to him to get stuck on the most miserable island in all the Universe.He walked up the path, checking his hand. On the trip, some di'kut had tried to stab him, but got his hand instead. Needless to say, he didn't last long. But he hand had seen better days, and he really needed a healer.So it was just good fortune when he spotted a Rahkshi, who seemed to be a medic (Kharish) mending injuries sustained on the trip.'Excuse me,' he began, holding out his hand, 'Can you help with this?'-Void

Edited by Emissary to the Void


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IC: The Toa said the name of her family with some recognition, despite his apparent ignorance. She would have to look into that. "Northern Continent."

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Levacius / Up the Path"Ah yes, the Northern Continent. Lovely place - you remember back when the Barraki were in control there? Interesting time, to say the least. Brotherhood didn't do a very good job with the clean up though. Beat an army, and you still have to deal with the internal collapse. Ever been the Peninsula? You know, acid falls, razor crystals on the mountain slopes, volcanoes."He chuckled. "Somehow, I get the feeling that it's more pleasant than this place."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: "Sadly, it was before my time," she said, with honest sadness. Pridak had been and interesting man. Her family had managed to keep some record safe from the Brotherhood."And no, I stay away from the peninsula. My family had a disagreement with the Makuta there, before my time. She still holds a grudge."

Edited by Evex is back baby YEAH
They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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IC: Levacius / Up the Path"Meh. Makuta have a disagreement with just about everyone as far as I'm concerned. I mean, have you ever looked at Destral? It pretty much screams out, 'We are the Brotherhood and we hate everyone!' as loudly as an island possibly can." he responded."So, what're you here for? Research? The chance to hunt deadly Rahi? Ancient artifacts to sell on the market? Or just sightseeing?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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GM IC: Worhdock’s attempts to stem the storm were met with failure. In fact, the storm seemed to push back at the being of Toa appearance. The winds resisted and then did reverse at his attempts, although with far greater force. The boat stopped smashing against the cliffs and instead began to strain at its tethers, now threatening to rip away and be lost. Thalidon’s kill did indeed die instantly. And since he was still using his radar, he would notice that something was quickly approaching. Actually, it had already arrived. A streak of gray raced past, taking the dead Rahi with it. And if blind being went to move, he would find that the roots of the surrounding trees had crept up and around his feet without his notice. Both Rahi, the dead and the living, were gone as fast as they had been found. Jynhi soon found the vines she was wondering through grew ever thicker. In fact, improbably so. They were like wall, it seemed. And it didn’t help when the patches of mud ended in upturned roots that threatened to trip her up. Although her intangibility was helping her move, it didn’t help that she was lost. Ornas would find that there was no beach for him to wake up on, just a very muddy path with water running down it. Not to mention that was insanely steep and had almost no handholds. Behind him he would find the last ship bobbing in the raging water, ready to break free of its bonds. At the top of the steep path, he would find crates stacked everywhere with two trailers sitting beside. A few beings were near the top of the path though, somehow amidst a group of friendly Rahi and managing to retain a firm grip and not slide down. Laorus would find that Doro was sometimes scraping up against the surrounding trees as they seemed to moving in on the being. The mud grew deeper and the roots more pronounced. And this was only the path. The lowest tree branches did seem to rise up somewhat, though, the farther she went. Codjok was met with a face full of spiked branches that seemed out of place in the surrounding forest. In fact, if the Skakdi had been paying attention instead of careening around everywhere, he would have noticed that the branches had not been there before. Actually, if he looked now, the branches would be gone. It appeared “his” forest did not like him. The rest of the camp was as chaotic as could be. Beings were ripping open boxes that were to remain closed, and others were guarding crates that should have been opened already. The two trailers now appeared to be stuck, almost wedged in the large roots and growing muck. Not to mention everything was getting all the more wet. Then, once again, everything fell to silence as another exotic roar, just like the last one, filled the air. This one lasted longer and seemed closer to the group near the bay. Several beings cowered in fear, and anxiety now seemed to flood the airways. The bombardment of this new emotion also kept things quiet that much longer after the roar had died down. The Toa and the two Skakdi of gravity moved first, and began to float several crates towards the path. They were not waiting around any longer. And neither were a few Steltians, who lifted up a large crate of their own.Shadouk / Path Leading from the Only Bay Passage/ IC: The Toa looked up with cringe as the noise stopped everything around him. It was going to be hard to get used to that. Shaking his head to clear it, he jogged up to Levacius and Rekia. He nodded his head in greeting and said, “This works well enough. Let’s go before this little impromptu camp explodes.” He didn’t even realize how rude he had been. The Toa instead started to make his way up the path, his feet getting thoroughly caked with mud. Soon enough and he would have to stop to clean it off. Not to mention he didn’t even look back at the Toa and the Shark… Lady? The chaos of loading area was just too much for him.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Levacius / Up the PathLevacius shrugged. "Well don't keep us waiting." he said sarcastically. A scream broke the area - a loud power scream, at least as loud as the Rhakk call.OOC: Don't put 'Shadowtangle' for the IC, don't put 'Shadowtangle' for the IC.... :|IC: Worhdock / Up the PathWorhdock let out his hand, and a spear of white metal formed. A golden nimbus surrounded him as he flew up towards the storm, attempting to use his much increased power to at least stem it and reach the boat. A scream broke the area, though with the clouds around him and lightning flaring, he didn't notice it.IC: Thalidon / Off the PathThalidon screamed a second time, as if challenging the Rhakks. Breaking out of the vines, he began wandering about, trying to find whatever had stolen his kill.-Toa Levaicus Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Mesonak / Path leading from the only bay passageThe chatter of others as they disembarked, heading towards the sole path in which they all must allow... It annoyed him. Hence why we stood, completely silent, using his Volitak to camouflage himself in the trees. "What a dump, the being known as Mesonak pondered to himself. "I'm starting to forget what I bothered signing up for this expedition."With a heavy sigh, Mesonak de-activated his Volitak, becoming visible for the first time since setting foot on the island. His cloak flew wildly in the wind, but not enough for the being inside to become visible. "I suppose it's time for me to get moving," he thought. Drawing his dual chakrams, Mesonak proceeded to begin the trek down the path.OOC: Up for any interaction, plot progression, whatever. :P-Mesonak

Edited by Mesonak

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GM IC: Worhdock would suddenly feel something wrapped around his feet, keeping him from going further. If he looked, he would see the vines from the trees atop the cliff had stretched out and now held him in place. Of course he would probably be more concerned about the five lightning bolts that were converging on him from all sides. The storm, and the island, didn’t seem to be cooperating with him. Thalidon was met with silence. Then the everyday sounds of the forest returned. The Rhak was long gone.Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC: Leaning against a tree, Shadouk used a rock to clean the mud off his feet. He glanced up as a loud scream floated through the forest. Some crazy being was out there yelling.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Worhdock / Only Bay PassageWorhdock sliced through the vines with his spear and moved away, but was still hit by most of the electricity. Hovering back to shore, he groaned. His armor had been badly singed, along with the rest of his body, and parts of him were smoking. He was almost glad for the rain. "Do we have any medics?" he asked.IC: Thalidon / Off the PathThalidon returned to simply stalking through the forests, searching for any more quarry he could go after. This beast was smart, fast, and powerful. It would be a good hunt indeed...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Mesonak / Only bay passage + Up the pathMesonak, lost in thought, continued his trek up the path, slicing through vegetation and branches with his chakrams as he walked. It was dark in the forest, so he called upon his power over light to provide a beacon for him to walk towards. As he began to drift off into deep thought, as Mesonak usually did, a loud scream tore through the forest. His concentration broken, Mesonak's beacon of light disappeared, and he stumbled to the ground. Gathering himself, he began to wonder... "What exactly is happening on this island?!" Speeding up his pace, he continued down the path.-Mesonak

Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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GM IC: The vines Worhdock had sliced reconnected as they fell and quickly retreated to the trees once again. There they were normal vines again, only moving with the wind. Thalidon would find that they were a great hunt indeed. Only a few scattered footprints where to be found before even those were washed away with the falling droplets of what rain was making it through the canopy.Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC: The Toa of Shadows looked up as Mesonak passed him. Now where was that guy going? He was probably going to get himself killed was where.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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IC: Levacius / Up the PathComing up from behind the toa of shadows with (presumably) his shark-lady ally, Levacius patted the toa of shadows on the back and said, "There's time for cleaning later, you know?" before contiuing on.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Manuka, Only Bay Passage.Once the Rhak's cry faded to silence, a tall Vortixx followed the example of the gravity users and grabbed a crate. He began to carry it up the path, stepping high to avoid tripping on roots burried in the mud. He had come to this island to solve a mystery, not to fall flat on his face.


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IC: Vertak, Only Bay Passage:Vertak scowled as he dragged himself down the path, trying his best not to take another bath in the mud."Some island." he muttered, patting the pocket of his cloak that held the account of his journeys to make sure it was still there. "The answers to this place better be worth it when I find them."He slipped and fell onto one knee in the mud; at this point, he was mostly brown rather than black. Muttering under his breath, Vertak carefully stood to his feet again and began walking once more.-ibrow

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IC: Mesonak / Path to Camp ASensing movement, Mesonak looked to his left and saw a group consisting of a being clad in black armor, another with white armor, and... if his mind wasn't deceiving him, someone who could only be described as half shark-half humanoid."Hello. How're you all holding up?" Mesonak asked them, with a forced smile plastered across his face. "I really don't have time for this distraction," he thought to himself. "But better to be friendly rather than hostile. I think I recognize them as members of the Group anyways."-Mesonak

Edited by Mesonak

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