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Posted (edited)

Mi-Kiri is located approximately 43,000 feet in the air. Most clouds form below it. This is why when someone tries teleporting themselves towards it, they get a ballpark estimate of where they land and not something specific.

Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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My you have all been busy! I'm just settling in to read the past 4 pages of content. Please do not reply to any interaction involving Axxon or Tuyet until GMs have responded with those NPCs. It is polite to allow everyone to post before posting again, as much as it may be exciting to keep going. Thanks for your understanding.

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@Unreliable Narrator So apparently I’ve started 4 pages in the past week so if we’re still doing the asking of questions, I have 4 questions for you to look at when you have time:

Regarding the Scroll of Preparations that Mahrika found in the Suva of Fire, is its information found anywhere else?

What was up with the Hafu statues? 

What is Mata Nui’s true name?

Regarding the crystal sword from the Suva of Fire, it supposedly originates from “the Archipelago”. I take this to mean the Kentoku Archipelago. How does the Archipelago fit into the wider world of SK?

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Posted (edited)

As the lucky winner of two pages (71 & 76), I have two questions:

What happens if multiple aspects achieve grand wishes, particularly if they are at odds with one another?

If, say, I dunno, some kind of legendary mask that was, idk, a mono-reality item was infected by a kraata, would that damage the timeline in irreparable ways, or because our characters are in the time between time, it doesn't really change things too much?

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

Posted (edited)

@Unreliable Narrator @Eyru @Vezok's Friend

Sala has fulfilled his Far Shore Adventure with the following prompts.

  • Timeline B?
  • Element Air (Fulfilled by using Far Shore Wraths that manifested as torrents of wind)
  • Character vs. Technology (Fulfilled by making the main threat Vahki and technological horrors)
  • The Story that never was (By making the timeline that was explored never happen in the first place)

Summary: Sala arrived in an alternate timeline where the League won and the GSR stayed intact. Nuparu uploaded his consciousness into the Vahki network and made contact with Mata-Nui, becoming their thrall, with the same happening to Ehlek. The League was then captured and experimented on as the Toa were imprisoned and the Matoran were enslaved by the figurehead of Ehlek and his army of Vahki. Sala arrived and found Turaga Dume, and with the assistance of Toa Juno, was able to free the imprisoned Toa and meet with Toa Vulimai, Bronk, and Twesh. They eventually reached the Codrex, defeated the Cyber-Barraki, and used Nuparu's machine to send Sala back in time to stop Nuparu from uploading his consciousness into the Vahki network.

I hope I have fulfilled my requirements and I am glad to be back and to experience the last week of SKA in character. :D

Edit - 

Link to the entire google doc for reading convenience.

Edited by Sparticus147
Posted (edited)
On 6/22/2021 at 10:54 AM, Kal the Guardian said:

Huh. Weird. Looks fine to me.


On 6/22/2021 at 11:38 PM, ~Xemnas~ said:

Regarding the Scroll of Preparations that Mahrika found in the Suva of Fire, is its information found anywhere else?

What was up with the Hafu statues? 

What is Mata Nui’s true name?

Regarding the crystal sword from the Suva of Fire, it supposedly originates from “the Archipelago”. I take this to mean the Kentoku Archipelago. How does the Archipelago fit into the wider world of SK?

  • If by Scroll of Preparations you mean the crumpled up piece of paper that Mahrika found, then no that is a unique item found only in one location. If you mean the steps written on it, then yes there are a few ways to uncover those instructions.
  • Hafu Statues are scattered across the island. They provide hex-based effects depending on the kanohi placed on their faces. Finding a Hafu statue is a little quest in and of itself, or it can simply be randomly found when passing through certain hexes or areas of the map.
  • Mata Nui's name is Mata Nui.
  • There are many archipelagos in the Bionicle universe. In SKA, it kinda looks like there's one forming now. In this case, what I will say is that this is a clue regarding something else.
On 6/23/2021 at 7:58 AM, BULiK said:

As the lucky winner of two pages (71 & 76), I have two questions:

What happens if multiple aspects achieve grand wishes, particularly if they are at odds with one another?

If, say, I dunno, some kind of legendary mask that was, idk, a mono-reality item was infected by a kraata, would that damage the timeline in irreparable ways, or because our characters are in the time between time, it doesn't really change things too much?

  • The ascended aspects would have the wonderful opportunity to explore the combinations of their grand wishes all coming true. This is a possible ending.
  • I mean, if you consider the implications of Stannis infected the Mask of Creation and therefore all who wore it were destined to work in Stannis' favor then maybe that would give the trilogy a different sort of tone or flavor. If you infect a mono-reality item I may have to do a lot of reading before posting. Try it and find out. :) 

EDIT: @BULiK reminded me there are no labels on the map! How dare I! Here's a labeled game map, with the elemental ruins removed b/c current events... and also Fort Nektann removed because Marrow.


Zakaz Apoc 006.jpg

Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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Happy chat.


Posted (edited)

(It's been more than 24 hours so I am posting again)


@Smudge8, here are the Far Shore Adventure Prompts for Mazor:

  • Timeline: A
  • Element: Fire
  • Conflict: Character vs Supernatural
  • Twist: The Story That Never Was

Optional Prompts (may choose up to 3)

  • Accuracy
  • Creation
  • Duty
  • Faith
  • Peace
  • Purity
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Strategy
  • Unity


@Gecko Greavesy, please see below for the rewards for Xaril: 12, 5, 1, 6, 3, 15 

  • Cordak Blaster
  • Xaril’s main melee weapon is now protosteel
  • Wounds Remain
  • +1 Vuata Maca Crystal
  • +1 Psychological Flaw (player choice)
  • Elemental Cast Iron Skillet
    • This cast iron skillet can be used to channel the elemental powers of iron at the strength of the user, but only when it is in use preparing a meal.


@Sparticus147, please see below for the rewards for Sala: 2, 10, 9

  • Void Sickness
  • +1 Psychological Flaw (player choice)
  • +1 Vial of Hordika Venom (single dosage)

EDIT: total side note, but I really enjoyed reading the nightmare paragraphs for your characters entering Irnakk's Tooth, @Toru Nui

Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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@Unreliable Narrator

I'll be honest I was more worried about finishing mazor's storry, I wasn't aware you actualy prepared prompts for me. So I didn't match the Fire area at all... but I matched the conflict (character vs. Supernatural) and the twist (the story that never was). I would say that by coincidence I covered Faith and Duty.

Basically, I didn't get all the prompts because I intentionally ignored them, do as you will.

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Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




Posted (edited)

@Smudge8, having read the story it looks like you did meet 4 prompts (two required, two optional). Here are the rolls for Mazor's Far Shore Adventure: 5, 5, 19, 10

  • Mazor's disk launcher is now made of protosteel
  • +1 Crystal Blade of the Archipelago (a crystalline sword with a copper wire wrapped hilt capable of harming aspects in their gaseous state. It is otherwise a normal sword.)
  • Young Mazor followed normal Mazor through the portal as an MC (your choice of role). You may create and submit the profile for Young Mazor.
  • Disk's from Mazor's disk launcher are now charged with electricity when fired. Your choice of static, AC, or DC.
Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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Posted (edited)

@Unreliable NarratorWhat do you mean by the choice of static/AC/DC? is that upon firing a disk or do I choose once and all disks are like that.?

Also I'm struggling to see how the electricity type would affect the functionality of the weapon, and I like to think of myself as a science guy.



Edited by Smudge8
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Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




Posted (edited)

@Smudge8: thanks for requesting clarification. It's definitely more in the techno-babble department than the real sciences. The disk launcher adds an electrical effect to each kanoka disk it fires. Each time a disk is fired, you can choose to add a Static Charge, an Alternating Current, or a Direct Current to the disk which then transfers on contact to whatever target the disk hits. Essentially it buffs the kanoka disk to have a passive electrical effect as well as its variable kanoka effects.

Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Unreliable Narrator said:

@Smudge8: thanks for requesting clarification. The disk launcher adds an electrical effect to each kanoka disk it fires. Each time a disk is fired, you can choose to add a Static Charge, an Alternating Current, or a Direct Current to the disk which then transfers on contact to whatever target the disk hits. Essentially it buffs the kanoka disk to have a passive electrical effect as well as its variable kanoka effects.

I think the confusion is over how the specific forms of electrical current change the weapon's nature, not necessarily the electric charge itself. AKA without doing a crash course in electrical engineering 101, what makes AC different from DC in terms of practicality. If we're using disks to transfer power over the grid, to damage someone sitting in an electric chair, make balloons stick to my target, or to charge my iStone, I know what I'd want, but I don't know how well that translates to kanoka in actual combat/puzzle solving.

Edited by BULiK

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

Posted (edited)

Whoa! Just realized a huge mistake. I wrote up elements being able to be used in the Elemental Temple of Light. Please bear with me as I fix this.

EDIT: Sorry, just noticed your post, @Harvali. I was mistaken in thinking elements could be used. I had forgotten that was a thing. I'll update this post when I fix things.

EDIT 2: This post has been updated to fix my mistake. I'm glad I caught it when I still had time today.

Edited by Kal the Guardian
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--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


Posted (edited)

As Six Kingdoms Apocalypse comes towards its timely conclusion, (mark those calendars for June 30th 23:59 Pacific Time) I am proud to announce the Onu-Metru Archives Newest Exhibit: 


After careful preservation by Onu-Matoran archivists, this old relic of Discord based communication during a bygone age is now available for your viewing pleasure (limit 50 entries, first come first serve). Please take care to not touch the art on display as it remains in a fragile stasis.


Edited by Unreliable Narrator
June. I hate auto correct.
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Posted (edited)

So yeah, uh...

The mask of creation in all times and realities is now infected by Caedast, and the mask of life in all times and realities is illuminated by Sorilax. 


Starting to see a pattern here. 

Edited by Unreliable Narrator
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Cool. If I ever write fanfic o that brings up the Ignika, I will casually acknowledge it glowing 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 


Oh hey it actually worked! Now to see if it actually means anything since no one really wears it.


Hey GMs, I figure I better ask this before writing it working. Would Quick Healing channeled through a Kaita Mech allow it to heal from injuries?

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--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------



Any injuries it might sustain. I suppose from Kaiju or maybe enraged Kaita mechs. Or from Kaita too, actually. Just any injuries.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------



I think that would depend on the level of the quick healing kraata, and would depend on the level of hypothetical damage sustained. A low level kraata probably couldn't heal a severed limb caused by a riteborn attack. Good food for thought, but I think it needs to be evaluated case by case.

Happy chat.



I guess I need to be more specific, then. Cravious has a stage 6 Kraata of Quick Healing. Is the Quick Healing power able to be used to repair the mech should it get damaged? Or would Quick Healing not work since functionally the mech is just a machine?


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------



Kanohi up, having some visions of fanfics I wrote. Look it’s the end of the cycle, I felt it made sense for his powers to be affected. 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 



Congrats everyone, we made it to the end. To celebrate the Six Kingdoms Trilogy and our future stories, I posted a fanfic about a version of my PC from the upcoming Xia game. That game is of course a long way off, but I felt like offering a little preview.

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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