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IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

Muir smiled admiringly. "On the matter of Truth, I can very much assure you that we are in agreement."

Muir looked to Vrill, and then reached into his coat again, this time producing the stone badge that he had been granted by Akiri Renaka. "You seem an honourable sort, Priicu, and have twice now chosen to stand steadfast in the face of those more powerful than you – something that I greatly respect. Our mission is one around which we would like to maintain some secrecy, for reasons you are already deducing, but I find myself inclined to trust you."

He held out the palm-sized tablet to the Matoran, showing him in turn the seal of Po-Koro emblazoned upon it, and Akiri Renaka's description of the task she had assigned him: to investigate the crimes of Skorm, of the Toa Kalta.

"You can investigate the badge more closely if you wish, but it will hold up to scrutiny. As for being found in conspiracy, that was part of the reason for my offer of legal aid – you are not at fault for any of the events that you have found yourself caught up in, and have only done what you felt was right. You need only ask, and I will do all that I can to protect you from harm, as a lawyer and as a Toa."

For a moment, Muir seemed more like an overgrown Matoran than a Toa, an impression created as much by his short stature as it was by his earnestness. It occurred to the lawyer that in some ways, Priicu reminded him of himself; interesting that Vrill, duplicitous as he was, would so often find himself drawn to those few brave souls who valued honesty above all else. Not for the first time, Muir wondered if his partner was perhaps more principled than he wished others to believe.


Edited by Goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Vibe alert



IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

Vrill knew there was no use attempting to dissuade Fenn from explaining everything to the Matoran. Hopefully he would leave out Vrill's real fake name, as that would be counterproductive. At the very least, this made Fenn the plausible leader here, a potential scapegoat if need be that would keep Vrill's enemies on a wild Dikapi chase.

As the two nerds discussed legalities, Vrill wordlessly turned to scour the nearby shelves, ensuring that his subsequent roll of the optics wasn't visible to the other two. The dark-clothed agent wasn't big into books, but he knew how useful they could be - after all, that was why this was his first stop on his investigation. Vrill retrieved an archived copy of the Mata Nui Daily, skimming through it to look for something he had seen during his last visit - a puff piece on Ko-Koro's new defenders. Apparently Cyrix had been unavailable for comment due to injuries from the 2nd battle of Ko-Koro following Tarkhan's announcement ceremony. Unfortunately, that didn't leave much aside from his general appearance in the event's illustration, and a few stray lines describing him so the public could recognize one of their new Toa-Heroes ([sic] - must have been a Le-Koronan reporter).

"Cyrix. Le-Toa, green and silver. Volitak," Vrill stated as he scanned the author's description of whoever had evidently been tailing him. That Kanohi might explain how Vrill had been spotted so quickly, especially given Priicu must be telling the truth and the librarian didn't report the suspicious Cy-Toa himself. Had Cyrix been cloaked in the Sanctum? That would be bad. That's not to mention that Cyrix was probably the one most attuned to the job of following Vrill. Time to double-check the descriptions of the other Kalta as well.

And that's a disk and a crossbow. Not one for getting up close and personal, huh?

This all raised the million-widget question: how high did this go? Odds were slim Cyrix was acting alone. Maybe his leader gave him the assignment because a single Toa with a Volitak was best suited for it. But how would Aelied know? Did Tarkhan already know what Korzaa had tasked Vrill with?


Did Korzaa want this to happen, was this a gambit? Was Vrill just a knight driving deep into the other side of the board to bait out a sloppy counter attack? Let the Akiri make a mistake?


Vrill knew what he was doing.

Edited by BULiK
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On 1/27/2022 at 5:30 PM, BULiK said:

IC: Nichou [Ihu-Koro, Snowcap Inn]

"We're headed downriver to Ga-Koro soon. I doubt we'll have this much peace and quiet down there, with the new fleet and all."

[Ihu-Koro, Snowcap Inn (Ranok)]

“Ah, the fleet of crystal ships from over the sea.  Now that’s a story.”  He paused a second, his green eyes lingering over the other two matoran, openly studying them.  “Though…to be honest, I’m more interested in yours.   Could I…join you?”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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  OOC: Yes I'm doing it

IC: Nichou [Ihu-Koro, Snowcap Inn]

A sliver of a grin grew on Nichou's face. Perhaps an inkling of a memory.

"If you're ready to leave right now, you're welcome to come with us."

It was an answer that needed no further clarification. There was no contract or obligation beyond Unity itself. The three Matoran would swiftly find themselves on the other side of the Ihu Gap, a parting amongst the titular mountain's steep ridges. As they crossed past the apex, their destination came into view. First, the sparkling fleet arriving at the shores of Naho bay, then Ga-Koro itself, and past it the sweeping grasslands of Ga-Wahi that stretched from the fertile Hura Mafa river delta to the hillsides just below them on their path, where countless creeks joined their strength.

It was all downhill from there, and there was so much to look forward to.

OOC: Nichou, Sigrus, & Ranok to Ga-Wahi. Finally.

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IC: Sir Dahkapa (Wise Man's Archive)

Dahkapa followed the Matoran to the philosophy section and was impressed by its size. As he approached the shelves, he glanced over the books, tomes and codices, wondering if he recognized any of them. Some of the titles did seem familiar to him, despite his pre-Conversion memories being so disorganized. He then turned to see which ones the Matoran recommended, admiring his way of showing the recommendations with minimal speaking required. There was no doubt this Matoran truly was a Ko-Koroan.

The long list of recommendations ended, and Dahkapa picked up the last one. He examined its cover, reading its title and the name of the author, then turned to the Matoran with a slight smile. "Not sure I'd call this suggestion unbiased. But it does sound like an interesting book." Opening and browsing through it, he thought how the tome would be useful for those who failed to understand the viewpoint of a follower of Ak'rei'an such as himself. Then again, being understood was part of the subject matter. Perhaps it was his fault that others did not see things in the same way?

Whatever the case, it did pique his curiosity, and introspection felt like something he needed. "Perhaps I will go with this one."


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On 1/31/2022 at 7:35 PM, Goose said:

IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

"You can investigate the badge more closely if you wish, but it will hold up to scrutiny. As for being found in conspiracy, that was part of the reason for my offer of legal aid – you are not at fault for any of the events that you have found yourself caught up in, and have only done what you felt was right. You need only ask, and I will do all that I can to protect you from harm, as a lawyer and as a Toa."


On 1/31/2022 at 11:15 PM, BULiK said:

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

Vrill knew what he was doing.

IC: Priicu - Wise Man's Archive (still the most peaceful place in Ko-Koro, I assure you!)

Unlike the Toa of Crystal, Priicu didn't know what he was doing. He held a hand up with a little nod at the offered piece of certification. Whether he trusted Muir or not, he wouldn't have known the difference between an authentic Po-Koro tablet of authentication and a broken Kolhii ball, so looking would have served no purpose. He glanced at 'Syzygos', little escaping his eyes or ears when in his library. He had hoped his potential associate would have been the one to explain things to him. He had wanted his input, when it came to the matter of partnership. The question would have to wait though. Muir was speaking.

He sighed neutrally, pensively, feeling more like a Turaga than a Matoran, himself. "Thank you, Muir," he said genuinely. "But your assessment of me isn't quite..." He searched for a short way of putting it, but had to forego Ko-Koro directness to better convey his meaning, "On the mark. I don't care much for honor, at least my own. I'm just... simple." His eyes wandered across the books, to the Toa of Crystal, then back to Muir's. "I'm good with numbers. Money. I have a sharp memory. But I'm not a complex man. And the 'Wise Man's Archive' isn't named for me." He allowed himself a small smile. "Right now I'm torn between staying out of trouble, and keeping my Koro out of trouble. Or getting it out, I suppose. If the government is corrupt." He sighed again. "Torn right in two." He tapped his hands, the metal ticking dully together, and looked aside in thought. "What use would I be to you?" he asked eventually, looking back up to the lawyer.

He was friendly. More so than was customary in Ko-Koro, but not uncomfortably so. He wondered if it was this sort of attitude that had endeared Kopaka to Pohatu, once. Again, he wasn't sure what to make of it. Friendliness, a carrot to win him over? It was surprising for a Toa in his situation to be forthcoming, but Priicu didn't detect falsehood in his words, for whatever that might be worth. He wished he could spend more time speaking with him, to be honest, though he doubted they had the time. He had many questions.

21 hours ago, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Wise Man's Archive)

The long list of recommendations ended, and Dahkapa picked up the last one. He examined its cover, reading its title and the name of the author, then turned to the Matoran with a slight smile. "Not sure I'd call this suggestion unbiased. But it does sound like an interesting book." Opening and browsing through it, he thought how the tome would be useful for those who failed to understand the viewpoint of a follower of Ak'rei'an such as himself. Then again, being understood was part of the subject matter. Perhaps it was his fault that others did not see things in the same way?

Whatever the case, it did pique his curiosity, and introspection felt like something he needed. "Perhaps I will go with this one."

IC? Saat - also the Wise Man's Archive

The Ko-Matoran nodded in what passed in Ko-Koro for sheepishness. He raised his head a little as the Toa chose to read his book, a mix of feelings displaying subtly, and he nodded. "I... I appreciate it."

Judging by the table of contents, the book opened with the theory that minds fundamentally operated on the same functions, borrowing assumptions from other philosophers to build an argument that a person was both nature and nurture, nature playing the role of exactly how the nurture took root. From there, it presented the problem: lack of understanding between opposing philosophical and moral viewpoints. The solution addresses through the rest of the book was presented in the following steps: self-examination to determine bias and the source of these biases, projection of that self-examination onto the other person to determine how they could have arrived at their position, a breakdown of difference in worldview and arrival at understanding of terms and starting point before engaging in debate, and then a process of leading others through the same or similar steps that led one to one's conclusions. It capped off with an added section advising one to place extra emphasis on critically evaluating one's biases and mental framework, developing an openness to rejecting theses that did not fit, and a detachment from one's convictions replaced by an attachment to a pursuit of truth, no matter the cost to one's personal beliefs.

Ko-Matoran were actually quite chatty. Just not with their mouths.

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IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

Muir nodded sympathetically, thinking of his retirement from the Sentinels. "I understand entirely. However, I think you may have misunderstood me – valuing honour is not what makes a person honourable. You say you're simple, but even now, you think of the needs of your Koro. You could have accepted that bribe, or feigned ignorance entirely in order to capitalise upon Syzygos' business proposals. You could have told us nothing upon our arrival. You chose the truth because it ends less messily, but there aren't many who would see it that way, seeking instead to profit or to keep their heads in the sand. This is what you call simplicity – to have a job, and do it well; to tell the truth, rather than take advantage; to think both of yourself, and of your village."

Muir's deep blue eyes carried an intensity now, the same intensity that had assessed Stannis and found him wanting. It was Muir at his truest, taking the clues he had gathered and solving a soul. "You call that simplicity, and I call it honour. I call it Truth. What worth is complexity, when it's the very thing that keeps us from being honest to others and true to ourselves?"

Muir glanced over at Vrill, much as Priicu had done, and spoke in a softer tone. "I will not judge you, should you decide that you would rather have no part of this. Nor will I rescind my offer of legal help, should you ever need it. As for your 'use', that's a question best answered by my partner, who has told me little of his first encounter with you. As you've likely gathered, the traditional Ko-Koronan brevity runs deep in him."


Edited by Goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

"Use is a strong word," Vrill opened, surprisingly suavely for his grizzled voice. "But if you're volunteering for more of a favor than you're owed already..."

'Syzygos' slowly looked at the newspaper in his hands, then shelved it with meticulous care, holding the room's air hostage. After a few moments of what they could only assume (but could never quite be sure) was thinking, he turned back towards the librarian, optics refocused.

"If Cyrix wants to find me so bad that he'd go underneath the table to do it," the Cy-Toa stated, shooting his partner a dangerous, confidently recognizable look. "Maybe you should go tell him I came back to make some more copies. That I'm here right now, and that since you're such a model citizen, you went straight to tell him as soon as you were sure I was preoccupied with my work."

What Priicu didn't know was as valuable as what he did know, so Vrill refrained from elaborating much further about the nature of what Fenn knew was a trap. All in all, the plan was, on the surface, rather -

"Simple," the undercover guardsman confirmed with a playful nod. "Maybe even truthful, too," the agent added with a wink to Muirtagh.

"Whaddaya think, pal?"

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IC: Sir Dahkapa (Wise Man's Archive)

Dahkapa closed the book. "I presume I don't need to show you my library card as you just gave it to me," he said, still having the same slight smile. "I'll take the book with me and read it when I can. When do I need to return it?"

While the book was by no means thin, Dahkapa remembered being a fast reader, and that skill probably hadn't gotten very rusty yet. He thought he could finish the entire tome in several sittings depending on how digestible the material was. As long as the loan period was reasonable, he had no doubt he'd finish the book in time.

But that shouldn't be his current concern. He needed to go to the gates, where Joskander may have already been waiting for him. And after that, he'd need to pay a visit to the Sanctum to find what he was really looking for.


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IC: Cyrix - Cultured Gentry Headquarters, Ko-Koro

Leaning back in the chair, Cyrix glanced out the window to the Sanctum. "I checked with Archives personnel; they hadn't seen anybody who hadn't checked in. I know the Toa is lying; I spotted him leave the Sanctum, he spent a significant amount of time at the Wise Man's Archive, apparently taking notes, and then left for Onu-Koro. Why use a private library? Why not the Sanctum's Archives, if he was on official Sanctum business? Why head straight out the gate when he was done?"

He sighed, glancing back to the chairwoman. "And why send a Toa of Crystal? If the proprietor of the Wise Man's Archive is correct, he's a travelling copyist. Call me old-fashioned, but copying scrolls is hardly something an armed Toa is doing if it's his day job. That he's an agent of Onu-Koro is just my best guess right now, but something is going on, and I have been charged with defending Ko-Koro from any and all threats."

Cyrix leaned forward, putting his hands together, mostly to warm them. "Aelied and I looked into the Cultured Gentry after we were appointed by Tarkahn. I had a lot of time to read when I was recovering from the battle; we know you were appointed by the board partially for being a Toa, and I know that the Cultured Gentry is elbow-deep in tech contracts involving Onu-Koro, that you are connected with current and previous Akiri, and I can bet that somewhere around here is a shortlist for mercenary operatives around the island. The Kalta would appreciate your cooperation with our investigation. Officially. Unofficially, I'd consider it a personal favor if we could look into this matter. If I'm on a wild rahi chase and this guy is a copyist wasting his potential, then I'll still owe you a favor, and on paper we can call this an exercise in private sector cooperation."

OOC: @Emzee

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The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Minnorak – Obsidian Outpost

Minnorak wasn’t a daydreamer.

Not when he had a purpose.

When he was focused on a task, his thoughts didn’t wander, his focus didn’t waver. He didn’t flounder in his fears or roil in his regrets the way some people did when they were left alone with their thoughts.

As he cleared and cleaned the clutter from the halls of Obsidian Outpost, he could forget about the friends that had once shared these walls with him. As he gathered the gear in the courtyard, he could ignore the thought of the bodies buried on the slopes surrounding the outpost. And when he scraped the snow away from the cracked cobblestones, he could avoid dwelling on the day Zero had first brought him to this place.

Long into the afternoon he worked, first alongside Kain, then on his own, after the Matoran slunk away to sleep off the hefty heaping of Draygon’s drink that he’d helped himself to. Long into the night he worked, until there was no work left to be done, and he found himself needling and nitpicking over the littlest things in a vain effort to keep himself busy.

But at last he forced himself to step back and take in his handiwork.

The paths, windows, and doorways were cleared of snow, and fresh lightstones shone in the wall sconces. The floors were cleared of rubbish and grime, and the cases of food and drink had been stacked in the cellar. The stray crates and barrels had been sorted, with those that were still usable being set aside for future use, while the damaged ones had been broken up for firewood. And of course the individual rooms – save for Minnorak’s, of course – had been cleared of any personal belongings that still remained of those that had once dwelled there.

Save for the private gathering chamber downstairs, which still held many of the trophies and memorabilia of the first Outsiders, the Outpost was born anew, with nary a trace left of its traumatic past. A clean slate. A fresh start.

A hollow home, haunted by one man’s memories of what had once been.

Exhausted physically and mentally, Minnorak reluctantly lumbered back to his room, a simple, sparse chamber that still bore a sign with his old codename – Enforcer – on the door. He hadn’t had the heart to take it down yet.

He doffed his armour and slumped down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling to avoid the accusatory glare of his horned helmet, sitting atop a bench by his bedside. He hadn’t worn it in weeks, not since the day he’d buried Draygon. The warrior who’d worn that helmet had been a very different man to the one he was now.

But today had brought him one step closer to being that man again.

Who knew what tomorrow would bring?

Tonight, he knew, would bring dreams, as every night did. Dreams of where he’d been, what he’d seen, who he’d lost. Loves long gone. His friends… his found family. He dreamed of Lash’s blades and Xhalia’s smile, of Forger’s words and Draygon’s laugh, and Zero… always Zero.

He wondered, now more than ever, how many of his choices had been his own in his days with her. She’d always claimed to have never used her hypnosis power on her recruits, but how would he have ever known? How would any of them had known? She’d kept so many secrets, been at the centre of so many mysteries, built the Outsiders up from nothing only to disappear when they’d needed her most… all without ever revealing to anyone what her true intentions had been for the organisation.

Who had she been?

Why had she chosen him?

Dawn brought him no answers.

The first slivers of sunlight creeping through the narrow window stirred him from his slumber, daylight dispelling the dread that desolated his dreams. A new day. A new beginning. He rose from his bed and donned his armour once more, mentally steeling himself for whatever the day would bring. 

It was time to face the future.


OOC: After procrastinating for far too long, Obsidian Outpost and The Outsiders are finally, officially open for business. 

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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On 2/4/2022 at 4:25 AM, Goose said:

IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

"You call that simplicity, and I call it honour. I call it Truth. What worth is complexity, when it's the very thing that keeps us from being honest to others and true to ourselves?"

Muir glanced over at Vrill, much as Priicu had done, and spoke in a softer tone. "I will not judge you, should you decide that you would rather have no part of this. Nor will I rescind my offer of legal help, should you ever need it."


On 2/4/2022 at 5:10 AM, BULiK said:

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

"If Cyrix wants to find me so bad that he'd go underneath the table to do it," the Cy-Toa stated, shooting his partner a dangerous, confidently recognizable look. "Maybe you should go tell him I came back to make some more copies. That I'm here right now, and that since you're such a model citizen, you went straight to tell him as soon as you were sure I was preoccupied with my work."

"Simple," the undercover guardsman confirmed with a playful nod. "Maybe even truthful, too," the agent added with a wink to Muirtagh.

"Whaddaya think, pal?"

IC: Priicu - Wise Man's Archive

He didn't react as positively as Muir might have hoped. The Toa was waxing philosophical, and while such a thing would have been agreeable enough to Priicu in most circumstances, at the moment he had other preoccupations. As such, he averted his gaze, looking back to the Toa of Crystal, trying not to look uncomfortable. Which was easy enough. Chattier than the average Ko-Matoran, he may be, but he knew how to be stoic.

His stoicism didn't last though. His eyes widened at 'Syzygos's proposal. "Lead... a Kalta into a trap?" He glanced between the two nervously, then around the room to make sure once again that no one could hear them. Then again, one could never be certain of even that, in the favored location for De-Matoran, Toa, and Turaga on the island. He wrung his hands. "I couldn't do that. Not unless I had very good reason to believe the Kalta are corrupt." Sure, Cyrix had personally tried to bribe him, but that didn't say that much. He had more proof that Cyrix had been dishonest with him than 'Syzygos' or Muir, but that was just one Kalta, and for all he knew, these two were also lying or omitting the truth. "Now, if you would just like to speak with him..." he suggested.

On 2/5/2022 at 2:06 AM, Daniel the Finlander said:

IC: Sir Dahkapa (Wise Man's Archive)

"I presume I don't need to show you my library card as you just gave it to me," he said, still having the same slight smile. "I'll take the book with me and read it when I can. When do I need to return it?"

IC? Saat

"One week. How may we contact you for a reminder if you do not?"

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IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

The obsidian agent feigned an insulted and disappointed expression. "Trap? I just want to get to the bottom of this. Being direct is the fastest way to resolve any confusion."

"Avoiding meeting face to face will only cause further misunderstandings."

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Sir Dahkapa (Wise Man's Archive)

One week wasn't a long time, but he felt confident he could finish the book before the deadline. "I'd tell you the location of my home, but I don't know if it's still standing. You have my word that I will return it, but if that's not enough, I suppose I'll owe you a late fee."

He put the book away in his bag. "In any case, I must leave now. Thank you for your service, Matoran. May the light of... Mata Nui guide your way."

It was almost painful to say the words, and he felt the urge to spit. But he resisted, forced a smile, and turned around to leave the Archive.


Edited by Daniel the Finlander

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21 hours ago, BULiK said:

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

The obsidian agent feigned an insulted and disappointed expression. "Trap? I just want to get to the bottom of this. Being direct is the fastest way to resolve any confusion."

"Avoiding meeting face to face will only cause further misunderstandings."

IC: Priicu - Wise Man's Archive

He gave a genuinely pained expression to the Toa, then sighed, rubbing his temple and visibly mulling the matter over. "That had been my first idea," he muttered. Then with a sigh he decided not to overthink things. If he was going to be an accomplice to criminal activity, he would be an ignorant one. Plus there was, as far as he could tell, a lawyer on site. The words 'conflict of interest' muddled about at the back of his mind, but he ignored them. "I'll have a message sent." He caught a glimpse of Saat returning from the philosophy aisle and snapped his fingers again, approaching him. "I have a message to be taken to the Sanctum," he told him, walking to the front desk. He spread out a scroll and hastily wrote on the outside- "To Toa Kalta Cyrix" and on the inside, "Syzygos has returned. He is making copies. He should be here for another few hours if you wish to come investigate." He showed the message to the Toa in question, then rolled it up and handed it to his assistant. "Make sure this gets to Toa Cyrix." Then, turning to 'Syzygos', he suggested, "Would you like to get started on the copies?"

Edited by ARROW404
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IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

"We don't have much time to prepare," Vrill told Priicu. "I'll begin by conjuring the tablets in bulk."

"Take us to your emptiest section - just in case."

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Niici - Her Office, Cultured Gentry HQ, Ko-Koro

Thoughts raced through Niici's mind as Cyrix's mention of Onu-Koro began to reminder her of past deeds nearly forgotten. For a brief moment, she wondered if Wokapu, Toa of Air and former CEO of Onu-Koro's biggest mining corporation, was involved. 

No, he couldn't be, Niici thought, His replacement CEO and executive team are all loyal to Cultured Gentry, and most recently reaffirmed their loyalty to me!

That's part of what made the Onu-Koro angle puzzling. While it was possible that smaller organizations could be behind something, the biggest players in that region were part of the Gentry, as far as she knew (though her records could be wrong), and members were explicitly forbidden from conducting espionage on each other. No, whatever this threat was, it was coming from outside the house. Niici could at least rest easy knowing that.

"Cyrix, I will be happy to assist you and the Kalta in any way that I can," Niici said, "As both a Toa and the CEO of the Cultured Gentry, it's also my duty to protect Ko-Koro and its interests. So I'll ask you point-blank: how can me and my associates help now?"

OOC: @Keeper of Kraata

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Cyrix - Niici's Office, Cultured Gentry HQ, Ko-Koro

The Le-Toa leaned back, smiling assuredly. "Thank you. I can give you a description; Toa of Crystal, lean build not too different from myself, black crystal armor. Last I saw he was wearing a cloak and appeared to have a standard sword as his weapon; part of the reason I don't buy the 'wandering scribe' story. Wore an Arthron. The fact that there are not a lot of Cy-Toa active means that the search shouldn't be overwhelming. Priicu, the operator of the Wise Man's Archive, gave me the name Syzygos; I don't know if its an alias or not"

He shifted again, glancing around the office. It was cooler in here than downstairs, probably owing to its occupant. "If he's a mercenary, he's probably worked a caravan protection job at some point; I don't think it would be too difficult to put out some feelers if you don't have your own lists. I'd also appreciate if you could quietly put out a bulletin to see if this guy is moving between Koros."

OOC: @Emzee

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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On 2/7/2022 at 8:52 PM, BULiK said:

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

"We don't have much time to prepare," Vrill told Priicu. "I'll begin by conjuring the tablets in bulk."

"Take us to your emptiest section - just in case."

IC: Priicu

"No need for that, we'll use the back room," he told him, gesturing for him to follow. He led him to, indeed, a rather empty section of the library, then through a door that looked almost identical to the rest of the wall, which led to a dim room, lit by the sunlight filtering through two circular windows at the back, both large enough for a Toa to break through in case of emergency. The contents of the room were varied, most pertaining to book-craft in some way. Caligraphy kits, a bookbinding station, various magnifying, cutting, and writing tools, and a number of things pertaining to upkeep of the library- cleaning implements, a box full of keys, and other such things.

The librarian cleared off a desk and adjusted some screws in the side that made it rise up to a size more fitting of a Toa. "Do you prefer to sit or stand?" he asked, pausing the process to place a lightstone lamp on the desk.

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IC: Niici - Her Office, Cultured Gentry HQ, Ko-Koro

Ink trailed along the blank paper resting in front of Niici as the Toa quickly scribbled down notes to pass to her colleagues. Once she finished, the placed the ornate pen back into its holder. When she met with the other executive board members and certain other members, it was always easier when she had something in writing that they could look over, even if it was just her own scribbling. 

"Just to reiterate: the Cultured Gentry exists strictly a fraternity of merchants who host many charities and grants to the people of Mata Nui. There's very little I can do officially, and essentially what we are looking at is a multitude of favors being exchanged," Niici said, "To help you, I must ask personal favors of my associates. It's largely what we do around here besides the charities. For what it's worth, I do think they all will be willing to help me"

Niici continued, "I suppose that's a long way of saying I'll do what I can -- but no guarantees. I know a member who owns one of the many private security outfits on Mata Nui. I do agree that a Toa of Crystal should be fairly easier to find, especially there's a trail. I'll start sending out this description you gave me, along with the name 'Syzygos'".

Niici gingerly lifted the note and quickly inspected it before laying to the left side of her desk to give more time for the ink to dry.

"And this tracking will be done discreetly of course. The merchants of Mata Nui have many eyes -- and hopefully they'll be willing to lend them to us, so to speak", Niici said.

She smiled gratefully at Cyrix. While there would need to be some favors from her to her members who would assist, something about Cyrix's matter-of-fact explanations assured her that this would be a fruitful endeavor. She would need to pass on that "Kalta charisma" to the members, as her asking for much so soon after being rehired might set off some triggers for some people. Yes, it was much better to frame this as a favor to Ko-Koro's new protectors than as a favor to Niici. Her last run as CEO was not so easily forgotten, and trust rebuilding, while nearly complete, was still ongoing. 

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Cyrix?" Niici asked. 

OOC: @Keeper of Kraata

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

As Vrill walked to the desk, he answered Priicu by drawing his sword and leveling it perpendicularly to the floor. From the edges on both sides grew a translucent blue-green crystal that took the form of a stool. The Cy-Toa wordlessly sat down on his creation, reached his arms over the desk in front of him, and cracked his knuckles. He clapped his hands together and closed his eyes to more easily visualize his task, and spoke as he began his printing press kata.

"Cyrix is looking for me. I need to know why. What he and his friends will and won't say is the fastest and most reliable way to tell us that. When accusations start flying, Fenn will be doing most of the talking. He'll find the truth whether they say it or not. I'm just the innocent bait."

Vrill pulled apart his hands slowy and in between the black-armored palms was a solid block of rectangularly arranged crystal. It prismatically refracted the desk lamp's glow into various shades, the constantly uneven distribution of minute internal imperfections distorting the ground truth behind his creation into a turbulent array of differing perspectives. The detective didn't need to open his optics to see the falsities of the clear substance in front of him - he had his sixth elemental sense that could feel the reality in his hands. That was what mattered. The rapidly-growing crystal was solid and couldn't lie like the light that carelessly bounced through it.

"But before we get there, Priicu, I have another request. To best ensure that we're on a level playing field, I need to know everything he said about me."

Edited by BULiK

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IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

Muir followed in silence, carefully considering his next moves. He was unsurprised to hear that Vrill wanted him to do the talking, and more than a little relieved, given that this was a situation that could quite easily spiral into illegality. Vrill might have carte blanche in how he conducted his investigation, but Muir was a lawyer, and a representative of Po-Koro. The last thing his hometown needed was any further stain upon its name. But the question that occupied Muir's mind was a tad simpler: what would he do, while they waited for Cyrix?

He resolved to speak to Priicu himself, once the Matoran had answered Vrill's latest request. They were in a library, after all; it only made sense to make the most of it.

Edited by Goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/14/2022 at 10:06 AM, BULiK said:

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive]

"Cyrix is looking for me. I need to know why. What he and his friends will and won't say is the fastest and most reliable way to tell us that. When accusations start flying, Fenn will be doing most of the talking. He'll find the truth whether they say it or not. I'm just the innocent bait."


"But before we get there, Priicu, I have another request. To best ensure that we're on a level playing field, I need to know everything he said about me."

IC: Priicu - Wise Man's Archive back room

Priicu listened as the Cy-Toa began speaking, but after a moment of brief confusion realized he was talking to himself. Nodding as the crystal chair came into existence- not for the first time, he wished he could do that- he set the height of the desk for what he estimated to be his partner's sitting height. From the neighboring desk, he brought a copy of the book he had told 'Syzygos' they would be starting with: The Legend of the Bionicle, by Turaga Vakama.

He was about to speak when the Toa spoke again. "Hmm," he mulled, trying to remember the details of his conversation with Cyrix. "He said he saw you leaving the Sanctum. He thought you were suspicious, since you didn't work there, and left the Koro shortly after. He never mentioned a concrete reason to distrust you, just a general suspicion." He tapped his chin. "Oh, a suspicion you were an Onu-Koronan spy. Or something like that."

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OOC: https://youtu.be/3bjEpLoL0ls?t=9

IC: Vrill [Ko-Koro, Wise Man's Archive, The Backroom]

Tracked from the Sanctum? Not good. At the very least, from the sounds of things, Cyrix probably only saw Vrill in his black-armored 'Syzygos' persona, or at worst, thought his typical crystalline color was a disguise to look more Ko-Koronan.

Just a 'general suspicion', though? Vrill glanced to his lie detector, and Muirtagh's face told him that Priicu wasn't being coy. This could only mean one thing: Cyrix knew something Priicu didn't. Something he didn't want Priicu to potentially leak. Something Vrill would have to unearth during the inevitable interrogation.

The Cy-Toa set down the slab of crystal, cracked his knuckles, then closed his optics as he raised one arm to the sky. In his mind's eye he saw the creation in front of him, and he envisioned its beautifully predictable destruction for a few silent moments.

Lines. Angles. Rectangles.

Length. Width. Depth.

Not a crystal column.

Pages. Interlinked.

Within one bar.

Bars. Like a cell.

Had he ever been in a cell?

Cells. Distinct.

Yet together as one.

Unity. Cohesion.

Truthfully both were destiny.

But not for long. Duty would forge the future.

Vrill gave a karate chop with a surprisingly ferocious force. The paradoxical blow delicately made contact with the large bar of crystal and stopped completely with no visible effect. For a moment it appeared as if nothing had changed. Vrill sighed and collected himself.

The Cy-Toa tilted his head to the side, his neck giving a satisfactory pop from the stretch. The collection of perfectly fitting sheets of crystal topped over neatly like dominos.

The deck was loaded. The game would begin soon.

Edited by BULiK
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IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

Vrill was thinking. Muir could see him, trying to move one step ahead – smart, tactical, and shortsighted. But then, that was the benefit of working with a partner; let Vrill keep his eyes ahead. It meant Muir could focus all the more on the present.

"Priicu," he said, softly. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to ask something else of you – this time, in your capacity as a librarian. I have some topics I'd like to research."



Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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On 1/27/2022 at 3:54 AM, Tarn said:

“Alright,” the mountaineer said to Syrik. “Lead the way, then.”

IC (Syrik) [Echelon's Lair]

"No need for you to come inside," Syrik replied smoothly. "We'll be back in just a moment."

He glanced down at Aerus, and the two stepped back through the metal threshold. With a wave of the Toa's hand, the featureless door slid shut. Syrik immediately began to stride along the corridor towards the base's central chamber.

"You're overplaying your hand out there," he remarked to his newfound partner, in a low enough voice to be sure it wouldn't travel beyond the door. "They're hiding something, but I think most of their story is truthful. They didn't come looking for this place, and I don't think they know what they've found...but now they do know we didn't want them to find it. And they're scared. That's a problem."

OOC: @Goose @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~

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IC: Aerus (Echelon's Lair)

"Which is why I then tried to reassure them," Aerus hissed. "I thought I was following your lead. I agree that they're telling most of the truth, but they are still hiding why they're out here. If they're searching for something – an archaeological find, treasure, what-have-you – odds are good they won't be the last group of explorers traipsing around within falling distance of here. Wouldn't you like to know whether the isolation of this place has been compromised?"

OOC: @Ghosthands


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKH7b6HDKGQ

IC: Kreigero [Echelon's Lair]

And now the ghosts were gone. Now there were options. Running was hardly an option, hiding even less so, but there were options. Even one Kreigero remembered from earlier...

The wounded Ko-Matoran put a hand over her chest, clutching the brooch of her cloak. She shivered as she took a deep breath of the harsh air around them. By the time the air had left her lungs, she had made her decision, regardless of what the other two Matoran thought. There was no time to explain, and she knew they would be conflicted anyways: Savrehn too stupidly brave to let Kreigero take such a risk with herself, and Atamai too stupidly stupid to stupid STUPID!

Now was not the time for emotions, however. Kreigero had a job to do and she didn't know how long she had to do it. "Untie yourselves," she reminded the others before getting to work.

She unfastened her cloak and rushed to take it off with one hand, her other still holding her dagger from earlier. The trapper used the blade to slash off a the majority of the snow-white cloak from the brooch.

A few barely audible clicks turned Reyal's head from his watch over the door. He moved to his hunting partner as she knelt down and used what cloth remained attached to the brooch to tie it around the Hapaka's neck. The huntress spoke a few phrases to the animal in a whisper. The Ko-Matoran pointed to the toa's footprints leading along the ice walls and made some strange hand signals.

The Hapaka's optics held a strange wisdom beneath their stillness. He licked Kreigero's Kaukau, blurring part of the tinted visor, and then trotted gracefully down the trail of snowy footprints and out of sight.

Kreigero took the rest of her cloak and began to try to further cover her head wound with it.

Perhaps Reyal would make it to Ko-Koro safely. Perhaps a sanctum guardsman would let him inside the city gates. Perhaps Rhanus would remember the tattered pennant of a rare yet recurring patron.

Kreigero did not have much to hope, but the sliver she felt in that moment would be worth whatever potential reprisal may follow the inevitable reopening of that door.

Edited by BULiK
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IC: Aerus (Echelon's Lair)

Aerus stopped in his tracks, his confusion threatening to trip him over. "So we're letting them go?"

It was too simple. Too risky.

Which meant that Syrik had noticed something he hadn't.

"...What's your angle?"

OOC: @Ghosthands


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Syrik) [Echelon's Lair]

"It's all a calculation, my friend. Risk and reward. You have to consider every outcome."

The Toa looked back to where Aerus had stopped, and beckoned briskly.

"Keep up. The longer we leave them alone out there the longer they have to pull something stupid."

OOC: @Goose

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On 10/26/2021 at 4:09 PM, BULiK said:

IC: Quoribay [Ga-Koro, Streets]

Yeah, I didn't quite understand what he meant by that either. When Surdo decided to turn and depart so abruptly, I gave him a time and a place.

"Tomorrow. Obsidian outpost."

If he looked back, I was already gone.

See, by that point, I hadn't actually, ahem, told Illicia yet.

So I had to slip out of town and take the Ol' Fusa Path to visit the "jewel of the Mangai"...

OOC: Quoribay to Ta-Wahi.

OOC: wtfffff that was OCTOBER?!?!?! Quoribay from Ga-Wahi via Ta-Wahi i guess. took wayyy too long. i'll blame it on the not-thesis.

IC: Quoribay [Obsidian Outpost]

...so as I was saying, THAT'S why Illicia didnt get in on the job in the end. To fast-forward here, once I made sure I had hit up everyone else I might need, I took the cablecar up to Obisidian Outpost, and figured out the last few bits of my master plan along the way.

When I got off the lift full of Ta-koronan carpetbaggers (one of whom being the unwitting source of the widgets I used to pay the toll -

By the way, how RUDE of them to give a toll! Talk about criminal - wait, actually, forcing tolls on cablecar passengers is just legalized hostage taking, I can't really blame them, that's actually genius. If I had thought of that one back in the Shadow Hapaka days I might not have had to run so much. Respect the grindset.

Anyways as I was saying, when I got off the lift to be honest I was impressed with what the Outsiders had done to the place. It wasn't an outpost so much as a fortress. Really been spruced up lately, across the board. Almost reminded me of how Pala-Koro was back in the day. At least I wasn't on the run like when I took a detour through there way back when - I really got to take in the sights as I made my way to the big kahuna of the joint to give the pitch of a lifetime.

OOC: @Nato G set the scene however you like, Quoribay wants to meet with Minnorak for train heist prep

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IC: Aerus (Echelon's Lair)

Aerus began to follow, his cane clacking quicker against the floor as he tried to catch up. "I thought I had. They leave, they remember this place – maybe they die in the snow, maybe they had enough of a scare that they don't come back looking for us. Or maybe they get talkative; Echelon's enemies already know he was based somewhere in the Drifts. On the other hand, if they die, they're far from any road; that scholar would have to be pretty valuable to send anyone looking for him, which seems unlikely, since he's an idiot. The one with the head injury seems to have the most wits about her. If anyone even knows they're out here, they're just a few more Matoran lost to the ice. So what am I missing?"

OOC: @Ghosthands

Edited by Goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Syrik) [Echelon's Lair]

"You're assuming that if I go for the kill, I succeed," Syrik replied as he resumed his stride (slow enough for Aerus to be able to match, but still brisk) towards the base proper. "Don't get me wrong, I'm good at what I do. But there are three of them out there, plus the Hapaka. And you of all people should know never to underestimate a Matoran."

There was a wryness to his words, but the glance he gave Aerus was deadly serious.

"Sure, odds are good I can take them all out. But if I can't — if I go for the kill and just one of them gets away — then we have a much bigger problem on our hands than if we simply...let them go."

He waved open the door to the central chamber and stepped through.

"It's not just about what they know and what they think. It's about what they say to whoever they go blabbing to, and how their story looks. Think about it. A couple of reclusive hermits living in a cave, who gave them some supplies and sent them on their way? That's just another day in the Drifts. Not worth anybody's time to investigate, certainly not when there's a dragon to look into instead. But a couple of reclusive hermits who murdered their friends, just to keep a location secret? That's the kind of thing you investigate. That's how we bring the Sanctum Guard down on our heads, or worse."

OOC: @Goose

Edited by Ghosthands
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IC: Minnorak – Obsidian Outpost

Quoribay found the outpost’s only current occupant in the mess hall, a burly Vortixx hunched uncomfortably behind a bar that had clearly been made with a much smaller being in mind.

The rustic, rectangular room was well-lit, thanks to lightstone lamps spaced periodically around the walls, and the flickering firelight of the hearth simmering in the room’s centre. Tables and chairs of various shapes and sizes were scattered haphazardly around the room, deep drag marks in the floor indicating they’d once been moved around a lot, though most were now dusty from disuse.

Scraps of parchment, pieces of armour, and old weapons were arrayed around the walls, trophies of triumphs long forgotten, and a large wooden sign was nailed to the wall above the bar, bearing the grim axiom of the Outsiders: Live By The Widget, Die By The Blade. Balanced atop the bar itself was a crate of supplies recently purchased from Ko-Koro, from which Minnorak was removing assorted bottles to restock the shelves behind the bar.

At the sound of Quoribay’s approach, Minnorak straightened to his feet and turned towards the newcomer, emerald eyes eagerly drinking in every detail.

A Matoran, alone, his arms and armour appearing both well-used, and well-looked-after.

Someone who could take care of himself.

Someone who meant business.

“Welcome to Obsidian Outpost,” Minnorak intoned, “Are you looking for work… or offering?”


Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Aerus (Echelon's Lair)

"So we keep this exchange as brief as possible," Aerus said, as he slipped into sync with Syrik's pace. "Gives them less time to notice or realise something they shouldn't, and less time to do anything stupid because they think they're backed into a corner."

Stupid. He had allowed himself to get carried away, too focused on the rational choices available to their visitors, forgetting that normal people are fundamentally irrational creatures. A Rahi would chew off its own leg to escape a trap, and then bleed out right next to it; the average Matoran was no different. Expecting them to think as logically as he would, especially when afraid, was a miscalculation.

"Alright, I follow."

OOC: @Ghosthands

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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Syrik) [Echelon's Lair]

"Good," said Syrik. "If it's any consolation, I doubt this place would've stayed secret for long. Frankly it's a miracle Echelon kept it hidden as long as he did. And besides, it wouldn't have much served our purposes anyway. At least this way we should have a good-sized window to move out everything we need to somewhere more suitable."

He glanced across the room to the door that led to Echelon's laboratories.

"Lab still double as the infirmary?"

OOC: @Goose





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IC: Aerus (Echelon's Lair)

Aerus nodded.

If it’s any consolation. It was an odd way for Syrik to put it, but it rang true – Aerus supposed he had, in some strange way, become attached to this place. It had, in effect, been his home ever since he left Ga-Koro all those years ago.

“Merror came pretty close to finding it. If he and his allies think to make another sweep, I don’t see them missing it – if not for the occupation of Ko-Koro, and then Echelon’s death, I have little doubt that they’d have made it here already.” Merror. Aerus wondered if he was even alive; there had been no word of him since before Echelon’s defeat. Despite himself, he hoped the Ta-Toa was okay – sucker though he may have been, he’d shown Aerus a level of trust and kindness that the Matoran had very rarely experienced. But Merror’s persistence was another reason it would be wise to move on. “I’ve had a… contingency in place here, for some time now, working off of the assumption that this base couldn’t stay secret forever. Depending on where we’re relocating to, it may be worth finding some way to activate it, or else it's possible I might have some difficulty staying anonymous.”

OOC: @Ghosthands


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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On 3/3/2022 at 8:45 AM, Goose said:

IC: Muir (Wise Man’s Archive)

Vrill was thinking. Muir could see him, trying to move one step ahead – smart, tactical, and shortsighted. But then, that was the benefit of working with a partner; let Vrill keep his eyes ahead. It meant Muir could focus all the more on the present.

"Priicu," he said, softly. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to ask something else of you – this time, in your capacity as a librarian. I have some topics I'd like to research."


IC: Priicu - Wise Man's Archive, back room

The librarian appreciated for a moment 'Syzygos's second of meditation before his work began. There was something peaceful and artful there, that he felt belonged in the establishment. Then Muir asked for something, and he turned, welcoming the chance to be a simple librarian for a moment. "Yes, of course. I would welcome the distraction."

BZPRPG Profiles
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