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IC - Verak - The Coast of Leva Bay

I recoiled slightly as the Rahkshi's face cracked open, revealing a glimpse of some dark, wet, many-eyed face inset deep in it's armor. But then its angular armor plates were sealed again, and it visibly relaxed as it glanced at Lash. She scared me a little, that she had so much control over this thing. 

I overwhelm my atrophied self-preservation instincts and step closer to this living spawn of Makuta, and trace my fingertips along the seam in its face. A kind of tingling awe spreading out into my body from the point where I was making physical contact with the legendary creature. #####. I wonder how small the club of people is who can truthfully claim they've pet a Rahkshi?

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

Lash leaned up against the boat, letting Verak go ahead prodding Breathless. The Toa's curiosity seemed genuine, and if it turned out he'd come all this way just to make a vain attempt at heroism by trying to kill the Rahkshi, he'd come to regret the decision quite quickly. 

Verak found the metallic material of the Rahkshi's shell to be almost unnaturally cool to the touch, damp in some spots from the flecks of sea spray wafting in from the bay. A subtle air current seemed to flow over and around the contours of the creature's face and carapace, moving one way, then the other, as the Rahkshi instinctively absorbed then released the air around it, poised to deploy its powers at the slightest provocation. 

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar



I couldn't believe how passive it was, unflinching at the touch of a stranger, a behavior in direct contrast to the aura of threat it is still able to exude.

"Mata Nui, Lash, how did you get this thing so tame?"

I wonder how far it will let me go. I push a little harder on the seam of its face, trying to pry open its faceplate and get a look at the hidden fleshy face inside...

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

"Antidermis. Some kind of weird slimy stuff from Makuta's lair," Lash explained, "I've heard that it can be used to mutate people, even rahi, like those tree-eating beetles that were let loose in Le-Wahi a while back. But if you use it on a Rahkshi, it seems to make the creature completely obedient." 

A low hiss of warning wafted from the Rahkshi's mouth, its slitted eyes narrowing at Verak as he tried to pry its faceplates apart. He could feel a resistance to his efforts, as whatever mechanism or muscles manipulated the pieces of the faceplate pushed against his attempted intrusion. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


You know, maybe I was too pre-emptive about trying to leave this island. Rahkshi, mind control slime, memory fog... it seemed as if Mata-Nui had more than it's fair share of secrets to share still.

My thoughts are ripped back to the present as a snakelike hiss finally comes from the creature in front of me, and I instinctually jerk my hand back. 

"Sorry, mate," I tell Breathless, and turn around to face Lash. "This is crazy. Have you used this thing to... I don't know? Rob a bank or kill your enemies? You've got a whole lot of power at your fingertips, sister."

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

"I'd by lying if I said I haven't thought about it," she replied, shrugging, "But if I go around killing folks or committing crimes I'll end up with a target on my back and every Toa on the island coming after me. It's more useful as a bodyguard."

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

"I also didn't teach it any of that." The Rahkshi didn't react to Verak's motions, save to squint at him quizzically. "Most people on this rock are terrified of Rahkshi. If I turn it into a joke by making it do tricks, I'm diminishing that fear factor, and suddenly it becomes a lot less useful as a bodyguard." 

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

This'll be good... she thought, standing back and saying nothing while Verak manhandled the Rahkshi. 

The Rahkshi didn't resist as Verak raised and repositioned its arm; it had been poked and prodded aplenty during its time being studied by the Ussalry, after all. But it didn't seem to be paying any particular attention to the motion the Toa was trying to demonstrate. Its unblinking eyes were instead fixated on his face, studying his expression and intent with an unsettling intensity. 

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: Solan Iudex - 'The Dancing Crab', Ostia

"Now...I don't 'member you telling me I can't smoke in here, but regardless, if you cared that much you should have stubbed the karzin' cig out yourself. Oh, I know ya wouldn't dare. I'm just sayin'. Yeah, yeah, I'll go outside. Keep ya mask on."

The bartender trying to reason with the careless veteran eventually gave up, as, midway through standing up, Solan Iudex paused and relit his cigarette, before sitting back down. Discerning whether he was acting out of genuine mental confusion or using his state as an excuse seemed a task of deduction that the Po-Matoran really wasn't prepared to perform after the long shift he just had. He simply shrugged at a few of the customers around the Su-Toa who exclaimed at Solan's sudden growing small cloud of smoke, the man periodically taking swigs from a tall glass of ale in-between his drags.

Solan, both literally and figuratively, didn't know why he was here. It'd been yet another uneventful day of travel, and no opportunities for him had presented themselves, those that had, had outright rejected him. Mercenary work, of late, was highly competitive, and it was difficult for an battered fool like himself to convince any potential employers that he was fit to work in pretty much any field. He sometimes pondered guard work, but it seemed that was much more thinking and sitting around than he was really capable of doing. Though he could probably do a better job than most of the clowns that they had working already.

And so, he languished. Maybe he hoped an opportunity would present itself to him, a job would fall out of the sky, to whisk him away from his troubles and downs.

Perhaps even a final journey...?




He coughed and spat as he realised he'd unintentionally bitten into his cigarette.

OOC: Open for interaction

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"Your evil has claimed the lives of many good men! No longer!"

BZPRPG Arc 3 Profiles I GOBM Profiles

22 7 0 19 3 14 19 7 4 24 12 4 0 13


IC: Verak (Leva Bay)

Once the Rahkshi's arm was in position, I turn to face it in the eyes. "Alright, mate, you've got some intense eye contact going here, I like it. Now this is what I want you to do with me every time you finish beating somebody up:"

I wind up and give Breathless a proper palm-stinging high five. 

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--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------


IC: Lash - Leva Bay

Oh karz.

Being an animalistic slug in augmented armour meant that Rahkshi couldn't really feel pain in the conventional sense. But Breathless could certainly discern the different between a gentle touch and a hard strike, with Verak's forceful high-five definitively falling into the latter category. A category that was normally reserved for an attempt to cause it harm... 

The sound of flesh slapping armour echoed across the rocks and water for a moment... before being drowned out by the withering whine of whirling wind as Breathless started to draw upon its powers and raise its staff, ready to rend the Toa in twain for daring to strike it. 

"Stop!" Lash's voice cut through the noise, "Relax. I'll tell you when someone needs killing." 

With what seemed to be visible reluctance, the Rahkshi lowered its stave, regarding the Toa once more as it waited to see what he would do next.

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar



My mischievous grin was sucked off my face as the Rahkshi pulled the air out of my lungs, leaving me in a state of panic. Drowning is a special kind of fear, one that rings so many alarm bells in your brain that you can't really think about anything else; in this case, I was so disoriented that I didn't notice Breathless raise its staff to strike me until Lash told it to stop.

I gasp in immensely satisfying lungfuls of air and stumble away from the Rahkshi, coughing and gagging and putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. After I recover, I turn to Lash with a bewildered, giddy smile. "******, I was hoping it would swing at me and I'd get to find out if my Calix is faster than a Rahkshi."

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--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

  • 2 weeks later...

IC: [Kohra - Iron Mahi, Second Passenger Car]


Her head was throbbing again, the constant swaying of the train wasn’t helping her feel any better and despite things staying relatively civilized between Datrox and the other Toa, there was entirely too much philosophical chit-chat. Wasn’t there someone in trouble?


The Vortixx was already pushing her way past Dolbren with a wince as she had to steady herself against the corridor wall without bumping into him too much, although she didn’t apologize about the odd elbow here and there either. Karz knew he was wide enough.


“You sound real concerned, you know?” She muttered under her breath, audibly exasperated as she made her way to the door.


She hit the opening switch and after a second to find a handhold, pulled herself across the gap and into the first carriage. 

OOC: @oncertainty @Tarn

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IC: Minnorak - The Iron Mahi, First Passenger Car

As she stepped into the carriage, Kohra found the menacing mass that was Minnorak waiting, standing just a few bio back from the door. He narrowed his eyes at the newcomer through the angular eye-slits of his helmet's Rahkshi-styled faceplate, staring at her for a moment before speaking. 

He spoke just five words, in a tone both calm and commanding. 

"Return to your seat, please." 

He would only ask nicely once. 


@Vezok's Friend @Tarn @oncertainty

  • Like 2

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar


IC: [Kohra - Iron Mahi, First Passenger Car]


Compared to the armored figure now in front of her, the sickly vortixx looked rather diminutive. But she didn’t seem to be cognizant of that fact. Minnorak’s words reached her, but it took a second for them to process. She blinked, but kept moving. Why was he talking like he was in charge? There was no time for this. He clearly wasn’t with the railroad - didn’t even have a name tag. 


“What…yeah sure, I’ll just be a minute.” 


She gestured with her visible hand for the other Vortixx to stand aside as she passed, looking for whoever needed help or someone actually in charge on this train. 

OOC: @Tarn @oncertainty @Nato G

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IC: Dolbren - The Iron Mahi

Dolbren raised the brows of his mask. He couldn't hear the specifics of the  Vortixx's comment, mumbled as she pushed her way past him, but the tone was clear enough. Some people just didn't know how to deal with tact. For all she knew, he really was trying to help people. Still: when people showed you who they were, it was best to believe them. Not to mention, when it was revealed how things were going to happen, there was no use fighting the tide. He looked over to Datrox.

"Well. I thought we might try the cargo cabin for the Sentinels, but it looks like your friend was impatient."

He looked back to the fore of the carriage, peering down the aisle.

"I don't want to overstep my bounds but, is she all right?"

After less than a breath's pause, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah, don't answer that. Bad habit to pry. I don't need to know."

He really, really felt like he did.

"I can't say I like it, but if she's going up there she could probably use the support."

Nice and noncommittal. That was for the best. It was nigh-on out of his hands. Deal with it Minnorak. Deal with it Surdo.

What's that you say; leaving someone (someones?) out? Oh, well, Karmine or Baszlin? That would be be educational, certainly, but hard to imagine it might not just escalate things further.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Nato G @Tarn

  • Like 4

IC: Datrox Karvan - Po-Wahi - The Iron Mahi (Second Passenger Car)


He took a couple steps after her and began to reach his hand out in vain, quickly putting it back at his side. Datrox stopped and looked back at Dolbren.

“…I think you’ve pried enough, yeah,” he said, still half-thinking about the things the Ba-Toa had said to him. Maybe he was right, but for now that wasn’t important. Datrox looked towards the cargo cabin, then back down the aisle to the other passenger car, at Kohra. “I didn’t want to get the Sentinels involved anyway,” Datrox admitted, “especially if it turns out to be nothing, after all.” He said the last part in a way that, to Dolbren’s ears, sounded awfully insincere. The longer he had spoken to the other Toa, the more Datrox was becoming more and more convinced his paranoia had been right.

He didn’t want to be apart from Kohra. In a situation like this, where he wasn’t fully sure what was going on yet, Datrox felt more concerned about her than he had before. A couple of glances her way, even after she had gotten on the next car, gave away that much. Then again, even with her condition, Kohra was still armed. That gave him some peace of mind. And maybe some time.

“I don’t want to leave her alone too along,” Datrox said, half-turning away from the other Toa and preparing to walk. “I think something else is going on here. At least, I have an idea. Maybe just a hunch.”

He pulled back his cloak, revealing a lightly-armored body in a shade of maroon. He wasn’t sure what the Ba-Toa would do next, but the conversation felt unfinished.

“So do you have any more words of wisdom for me before I go over there?”

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@oncertainty@Nato G

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(shout out to max)

On 8/18/2022 at 8:17 AM, Vezok's Friend said:

IC: [Kohra - Iron Mahi, First Passenger Car]

“What…yeah sure, I’ll just be a minute.” She gestured with her visible hand for the other Vortixx to stand aside as she passed, looking for whoever needed help or someone actually in charge on this train. 

IC: Minnorak - The Iron Mahi, First Passenger Car

Behind the visor of his helmet, Minnorak’s brow furrowed. This Vortixx appeared… unwell. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she seemed distracted, oblivious to the nature of the situation at hand and the implicit threat of an armed and armoured Vortixx blocking her path.

At Kohra’s gesture for him to step aside, Minnorak instead widened his stance slightly and planted his feet, repositioning his shield and halberd to effectively block what little room in the aisle his bulky body wasn’t already occupying. If she tried to push past, he would push back.

“Return to your seat,” he growled again, his tone far more forceful this time. “No one needs to get hurt today.”

@Vezok's Friend @Tarn @oncertainty

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Ballads of the Bionicle - lore/character songs

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash, The Outsiders

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

  • 2 weeks later...

IC: Dolbren - The Iron Mahi [Second Passenger Car]

Datrox was probably right. He wasn't doing what Dolbren wanted him to do, but Dolbren could tell that he saw truly, at least in part. And if he didn't know now, he would know soon enough. The team in the first passenger car, with the exception of Surdo, were not possessed of Dolbren's own considerable social niceties. So be it. Perhaps Quoribay had well-considered when he chose the teams, however much Dolbren wished he could indulge himself. He knew how to do his job well enough.

As soon as the red-armoured Toa said it, Dolbren considered Datrox's last remark. He smiled. It was genuine. The Ta-Toa might be tiring of their game, and he was so honestly worried about his Vortixx friend, but he had forgotten an essential truth of their situation. For a while, at least, no one would be getting off the train. Every piece remained in play.

"Go then, keep your friend out of trouble. I do hope you don't need that sword to do it though. Keep out of trouble yourself, for that matter. And for your question, well. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have any wisdom to give. I just pay attention, that's all."

He gave a loose salute.

"I'll be here if you need me, not like I have anywhere else to go."

He leaned against the back wall of the carriage, and crossed his arms.

As soon as Datrox turned away, Dolbren's expression hardened. He stared down the aisle, past both Datrox and his friend, to the looming form of Minnorak. Catching the Vortixx's gaze as best he could, Dolbren gave a wink. Given his reputation and position within the Outsiders, Dolbren was sure that Minnorak knew how to distribute force if he needed to. If Datrox thought mucking with their plans would be easy, he was in for a surprise. All he could do now was wait in anticipation. Based on Minnorak's stance, however, he didn't imagine he would have to wait for long.

OOC: @Tarn @Vezok's Friend @Nato G apologies for the wait, all!

  • Like 4

IC: [Kohra - Iron Mahi, First Passenger Car]


The vortixx took another step, and promptly bumped into Minnorak, blocking the aisle. She paused for an instant, then slowly raised her head to look at the other Vortixx. She still didn’t look any better, but in those bloodshot eyes, there was a glint of…something. Kohra felt her obscured left hand twitch below her poncho. She didn’t want to pick a fight at all, and especially not in her current state, but this was getting ridiculous and upsetting.


“They said someone’s already hurt; I’m trying to get help.” 


As she spoke, an edge crept into her voice too. 


So what are you doing?

OOC: @Tarn@oncertainty@Nato G

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  • 1 month later...

IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia]

Swish. Clang. Crunch.

The pedestrians of Ostia parted, pressing up against the cliff walls of the narrow streets, for among them, a statue marched. Matoran slowed, Toa's eyes narrowed, Skakdi grimaced, and Vortixx raised eyebrows. Regardless, none were foolish enough to verbalize their sentiments at any level beyond a whisper. They let Frii'Glokk pass without any incident - his presence was noteworthy enough, and none had the reason nor the gall to interrupt his formulaic stride.

Swish. Clang. Crunch. Creak.

The saloon doors of the Dancing Crab relented to Frii'Glokk's advance, brushing against his reinforced midsection. The grey Skakdi hadn't pushed the doors open - he walked through the threshold as if the meager obstacle wasn't there. It wasn't apparent whether this was due to not caring, or if his sealed helmet so thoroughly encased his head to block any peripheral vision.

Dead blue eyes returned stares as he walked to one side of the room. The wooden bench creaked in protest as the unorthodox knight sat, legs wide. He hunched forwards, forearms resting perfectly still on his knees. His left hand dangled loosely. Where his right would have been, the barrel of a launcher told a story. Underneath it was mounted a cruel bayonet, and at the base of that bayonet was skewered a piece of parchment, crudely stamped with ink that promised an impossible future.

After a few moments, prior conversations among the patrons resumed. Frii'Glokk sat still, staring at an island a thousand kio away.

OOC: @Ghosthands @Visaru @Nato G et al., there's a new guy in town.

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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

All eyes in the bar darted towards the big guy who entered just then -- and then darted back just as fast, lest any attention be drawn towards themselves. Not me, though, of course. Had anyone asked, in the moment, I would have said that it was because I knew I could take him in a fight if need be. But, with you, I can be more candid (knowing, as I do, your feelings about my bravado): I recognized the paper that was strung to his bayonet, or at least what was written on it. Lohkar really had sown his oats around town, so to speak. And since the Captain was busy with another would-be sailor, I knew this one would have to be on me.

But, hey. I could take him if need be, remember? 

Taking my cup with me, I moseyed my way over to him, neither too casually for it be strange that I landed in his midst, nor too directly to seem like an immediate threat. He was even bigger up close, bigger than Raknar had been, and armoured more heavily than seemed wise for a sea voyage. Maybe he had gotten drummed off the Fowadi -- too much even for their lax opinions on the value of buoyancy at sea. Still, a big guy like him could be useful -- without Raknar, or Perkahn, or even ol' Doomslayer to cover, the 'Vika's crew favoured dexterity far too much to raw strength.

"Call of the ocean, eh?" I said, leaning on the wall next to him. "Seems like it's getting louder for everyone nowadays."



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1 hour ago, Void Emissary said:

IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

Taking my cup with me, I moseyed my way over to him, neither too casually for it be strange that I landed in his midst, nor too directly to seem like an immediate threat.

"Call of the ocean, eh?" I said, leaning on the wall next to him. "Seems like it's getting louder for everyone nowadays."

IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab]

Deep breaths echoed through the helmet, brushing past the vertical slats that covered the narrow mouthpiece to grate the bar's musky air beyond. They were almost mechanical in their precision, as if each volume of air had been meticulously measured in a great bowl, and much focus has been put into controlling their otherwise meaningless timing. Vaporized sweat turbulently curled in contact with the hazy aftermath of cigars.

The exhalations paused in preparation for an answer, although the fully encased husk was as still as a statue externally. A few moments after the Skakdi's blue glowing optics pulsed to face the approaching Le-Toa, he replied.

"Louder." he slowly echoed. Not as a question, moreso to chew the word, as if is passing through his own tongue was proof of its tastefulness.

"In a sense," the stranger agreed, sentence hanging on for a qualifier. "What beckons me is beyond the ocean."

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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

It was his eyes that made me hesitate, seeing how they were as clear and blue as a windless sea -- at once beautiful and brutal, and all the stranger to be seen within such overwhelming armour. I found myself recalling the corpse-blue eyes of my old tutor, that rangy old Lesterin and his Hobbesian logic, and I felt something cold grip my heart and twist my bowels. I wondered if Teacher, the wretch, was on his way to this Zakaz himself, and quickly placated myself with visions of him within the claws of Lash's Rahkshi. Still, I found myself floundering for the proper word to proceed with.

"Ah," was what I finally settled on, laughing as breezily as I could to buy myself time to think. "You mean the islands?"

I leaned in towards him a touch closer, careful to do so slowly and keeping my hands far from the swords at my belt -- I just needed to be close enough to provide us with the smallest amount of privacy.

"I hope you don't mind my asking," I said, lowering my voice a touch, "but what draws you to them so?"



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Posted (edited)

IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab]

The answer to the Le-Toa's question rose between the two. It stopped stone-still in front of the Toa's chestplate, the eerie proximity of the prosthetic weapon dissuading any further leaning. Skewered at the end of that answer's sharp blade was a question of its own. The paper's dragging edges twirled the wisps of smoke in the air after a minuscule delay.

"You the fella I'm looking for?"

Aside from his bad (or good, depending on your point of view) arm, the Skakdi hadn't moved a muscle. Nothing about his casual posture or deep stare seemed to mesh with the fact that his gun-arm and its associated bayonet was raised in between him and the toa - there was only a complete nonchalance.

OOC: @Void Emissary

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

I had to force myself not to flinch as I forced a grin at the sight of this fellow's gun pointed at my chest. The life I've led, you'd think I'd be used to having weapons drawn on me by now, but truth be told, I'm not sure if that's a thing you can ever truly become nonchalant towards -- you simply learn to keep your nerve. And I had enough nerve to start figuring that this gesture of his meant one of two things: either he was deranged enough to try threatening his potential employer right out of the gate, or he was clueless of his own imposing nature.

By God, were we just getting the freaks today?

"That would be me," I said, before  "Or, rather, I'm the fella you're looking for's representative -- the Captain's busy at the moment, but--"

I raised a hand casually, as though I was moving to scratch my temple, and a soft breeze arose from out of nowhere behind me, scattering the napkins at my crewmates' table.

"--he might be over in a bit. May I sit, in the meantime?"



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IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab]

With the shuffle of metal on metal as joints heaved, the Skakdi's arm blaster returned to its previous posture. It clanked against the cuisse that plated his thigh, mirroring his true arm in supporting the Skakdi's forward lean. Although he was sitting on the the wooden bench that made up a row of dingy half-booth tables, one could be mistaken for believing that he merely chose to sit down and the timber happened to obstruct his path. It was a still, balanced pose, both patient and impatient, as if he was frozen in the process of getting up or sitting down, yet ready to use all limbs to propel himself upright if necessary. His eyes remained affixed to the stranger.

OOC: @Void Emissary

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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

"Hm," I replied, and I sat down on the bench next to this guy, laying my glass on the table between us. Now that I could look him in the eye, I was able to ground myself once again, and swallow some of the concern that had been gnawing at me. I reminded myself, best I could, that I had beaten back the forces of the Necromancer only a few months back, and that none of those 'kuta-skulls had entered my vicinity wanting something tangible from me -- which, the way I saw it, gave me something to work with. Negotiations were something, after all, that I had been trained in since birth.

"So, you're interested in joining the Infernavika, is what I'm inferring?" I began, nodding slightly towards the Captain and my crew-mates in the other booth. "What's your usual business? You ever worked on a ship before?"



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IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab]

"So, you're interested in joining the Infernavika, is what I'm inferring?"

A nod.

"You ever worked on a ship before?"

The armored eyes twitched at that final question. He was silent for a moment, the measure breathing absent amongst the room's many background noises.

After a pause, the skakdi leaned back against the wall, armor creaking. His eyes glowed brighter.


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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

Posted (edited)

IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

Yeah, and I was a friar. Most of the welders I knew (which admittedly did not belong to a large fellowship) didn't walk around with cannons where their arms should have been -- that particular contraption screamed mercenary. The long, pregnant pause before his answer only echoed that assertion. But, hey, as I've mentioned before, we've all got pasts, and people don't tend to join up with pirate ships because they want to linger in theirs. Let the guy have his dreams of being a welder, I say.

"Welding, eh?" I repeated. "What sort of ships did you weld on, previous? Guard, privateer?"



Edited by Void Emissary
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Posted (edited)

IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab]

"Ships..." he replied, optics focused on a memory that seemed out of reach far behind the Toa. They snapped back. "Not in a long time."

"All I remember about the last time I was on a ship:" he clarified, raising his blaster arm (blastarm?) once more, this time more towards the ceiling in an appeal to the gods instead of in between him and the Toa. "A Vortixx gave me this. Some people who had it coming died. Ship sank. I didn't die."

"It was a different era," he said with a shrug, sinking back into the seat. "But of late; I weld walls. Beams. Armor. Wounds, once or twice."

"You asked what I do: I weld. I can weld. I do weld. But welding is not what brought me here. You understand this."

"You asked if I worked ships: long ago, far away from here, and not out of my own choice. You understand why I have unfinished business over there."

Edited by BULiK
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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Gunner | The Dancing Crab

I took a drink of whiskey, watching his eyes over the glass' rim. There was something in there -- a twitch, a shift. You know how good I've gotten at reading those sorts of things, the minutiae of a living being. It was the best way I ever knew my father, the only way I had ever known my mother, and my protection from my brother -- which is how I knew that this guy, gun raised up, didn't mean any harm at the moment. No, you live with my brother for long enough, and you knew when trouble was coming for you. And this fella?

He was trouble coming for someone else.

"Slavery's a rotten thing," I said, touching my glass back down to the table, sucking breath through my teeth, "and revenge I understand. And if you can weld and you can fight and you can heal in a pinch, the 'Vika could use you, and it'll pay you fairly. But be aware that we're not headed to war. We'll get you there and we'll get you back, if that's what you want, but... your business is your own, you understand?"



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IC: Solan Iudex - Introduction at the 'Dancing Crab' (With the Vika crew!)

A puff of the worst tobacco Gunner and Frii'Glokk had ever smelled in their lives clouded up inbetween them, as a man somewhat idly stood by them, giving Frii'Glokk's thousand bio stare a run for its money. He looked like an beaten ash bear wearing a Kanohi. He was, however, clutching something in the hand that wasn't holding his cigarette - a slightly rumpled parchment with a several spots of browning and even a hole inbetween one of the letters. 

He seemed to have his eyes on the table between the two patrons, scratching his dirty padded trousers. This carried on for a minute until the Toa spoke up.

"Neither of you called something out to me or anything, right?" Solan stuck the ciggie in his mouth for now, finally breaking his stare to take looks at the two sat across from one another.

OOC: @BULiK @Void Emissary

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