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Posted (edited)

I edited the profile to state that he is Leader Class. And what do you mean "am I sure I am posting these things?"

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)





Well, hey, Aclaraung always has his fall-back option if that village of Zyglak-offshoots like Evex won't worship him.Isn't that right, Lev? I mean, it itsn't really worship, but still. You know what I mean.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


Posted (edited)

By tribe I meant more or less a tool for me to explore politics with.Don't you dare compare to those who play the non-evil drow card. Last I checked there wasn't a book series starring "Chucky the Good Zyglak". :P

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Posted (edited)

@ Basilisk;Yes, but I've still seen plenty of non-evil Zyglak, so it's not that impressive. And hey, sometimes they even go on a Quest!And admittedly, I do enjoy the R.A. Salvatore books. But I never go with the good-monster idea, as I find playing a Human Paladin more satisfying because it fulfills two of my lifelong dreams - being a human and never getting sick.Dwell on that.And there are plenty of small Zyglak tribes, so you can start off in any of them. But they're just Zyglak tribes. They're not known for their politics. It works kind of like this - biggest, meanest, and strongest is in charge. Smaller and weaker ones follow. And they all go on quests.@ Toa of Smooth Jazz;[Final Character Slot Approved]@ Grochi;No.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

Posted (edited)

Lev: Remember my non-evil Zyglak? I actually gave a good reason for that one, thanks to Suicavel, and being spared from being killed. =P Granted, Elynirus didn't believe him until she got whacked on the head and he took a spear for her, but still. =P

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
Lev, I play the good tiefling so I fall into that category you hate.
Good Necromancer here. :P

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.


I have returned for the time being.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

Posted (edited)

Was to post a profile today, but then found that autosave apparently lacks real retaining ability.Suffice to say that a cynical and somewhat depressive Akrainid should be joining the crew of the Southern Charm soon. Assuming he's approved when I post him, of course.

Edited by Joshua L. Chamberlain



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 




Alright, beautiful people, and everyone who plays this RPG, do you guys want a rapid timeskip to morning so you can all set sail? Or do you want the exposition to lengthen?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

Alright, beautiful people, and everyone who plays this RPG, do you guys want a rapid timeskip to morning so you can all set sail? Or do you want the exposition to lengthen?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:
...Might as well timeskip.Although, I mentioned the Azure Thunder as having sailed out before you closed off the docks, in one of my posts, and nobody else on that ship disputed it. I don't get what you're doing with guards being led to that ship.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



Which means that, technically, we should be safe from those guards coming to the ship.Because, even if some of them did see Aclaraung before (which was inevitable) they wouldn't be able to associate him with the ship, due to the fact he wasn't on the ship at that time.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



... I never remembered you guys leaving. I was sitting there for a good ten seconds trying to figure out what Aclaraung was doing in the docks, and now I find out you guys did leave. Huh.Well then.That guy must be drunk then.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)


Well, he did have to make a rather hasty escape a while ago, probably took a few arrows in the wingflesh.But they aren't at the docks right now.And he wouldn't be associated with the Azure Thunder as of his earlier escape. :P

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



The guard was drunk, I say. Evex would have likely assumed that as a Toa, Song would probably have certain privileges in this society.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.


How about thisName:NivigateGender/species:Male. Matoran.Powers: A backup plan, really.Equipment:Mostly ragtag equipment some of which he himself made including: a backpack, carrying various equipment e.g. (rope (various thicknesses and lengths), sickle, hatchet/axe, first aid kit, and a couple of knives), small sailboat with, life boats, ballasts (even though he does not use or need them to keep the boat up), bags, hooks, some string, lots of rope, a small amount of chains, a little extra sailcloth and rigging, boat repair kit (for fixing minor damage), nets (a couple of them anyways), fishing pole and lines and bait, (and lot all stuff concerning the sea in the Mata-Nui online game2 and a few extras), a vast collection of knives (unlike other equipment some of with are quite expensive and in extremely good shape (not that he keeps his other equipment in bad shape)) e.g. skinning knife, paring knife, throwing knives (even though he can not throw knives well), large knives (some even coming close to the length of a sword), a knife he carries about a sixth of a bio long, a much smaller knife he nearly always carries tied to him with a light string, and blade hidden underneath his armour (that can remain hidden even while in a search, a blade built in to his armour (that some may consider an unneeded decoration, but he can use it for more then a decoration.) and so on. He has also hidden small amounts of supplies on several shores. Appearance: Ta-matoran red, with a gold kanohi Hau, and one bright blue hand that is pooly panted red but the paint keeps rubbing off, and he some times gets stared at, he also has a red backpack may go unnoticed by unobservant beings . Yes I know Ta-matoran are not known for sailing, but this one sails anyway. Faction: He’s one of a kind. Personality: He has away of presenting facts that can influence beings with weak minds to believe the way he wants them to, this usually involves guile and bending the truth, and he doesn’t normally do it. He likes to trust people but after they have proved them selves first. He likes to be prepared. He is often despised by fellow traders when the guild raises their prices and he does not (and that he often sells for less than other traders), he raises and lowers his prices depending on how much he paid for his goods. He does not like to be pushed around and may lour enemies in to a false sense of security (and friends some times often as tests to see if he can trust them and if he does not know if they are friends yet). And feels odd when beings stare at his blue hand or he’ll get irritated. Bio: He awakened in Karda Nui. There the Av-matoran seemed to except him as one of their own. As time went on, he never would have know he was not a Av-matoran, if it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t shoot light bolts or change color and he was not as big. But own day a lost Le-matoran came to Karda Nui, he was taking a team of crabs from the northern continent to the southern continent, and some how had gotten lost? The Le-matoran was a nitpicker and at first thought Nivigate to look odd, but Nivigate’s friends helped him to look normal.The Le-matoran walked with Nivigate to the village of light. The energy in Karda Nui seemed to weigh down on the Le-matoran; he looked over to Nivigate who looked as if he had built up immunity to the energy, “probably by living here for so long” The Le-matoran thought, but by taking a second look, he saw that it was taking its toll on him to. Just before the twosome reached the village the Le-matoran said “That blue hand of yours makes you look like a weirdo” Nivigate just looked down at his hand wondering, but as they came into the village square, the Le-matoran’s opinion was quickly changed. The Le-matoran just stared, and Nivigate started to laugh, in the village square, big matoran went about their business, these matoran had some very weird color patters, one was a shiny black; another was gold and purple; another had a green leg, a blue leg, a red chest, a white arm, a black arm, and a orange head; but the one the Le-matoran will remember the most, was the one that was white with big pink pokedots. In search of a home with out such energy. Nivigate went with the Le-matoran. His Av-matoran friends wanted him to stay but knew what the energy did to him, they wished him luck, and told him to come back and visit. The Le matoran went to the southern continent and then to his home in northern continent, and made sure to stop and get directions every chance he got. Nivigate found the atmosphere out of Karda Nui to seem light and easy to move in, and much healthier for him, but despite his good feeling, he missed his friends in Karda Nui. It annoyed Nivigate that nearly everyone he met asked about why he had a gold Hau a red body and one bright blue hand, but what annoyed him more was that he was not sure why. For some reason or another he decided to raise crabs. Crabs, what nice things they were, if you were nice to them they would respect you even if you were white with pink pokedots, but he would need to keep them away from anyone that did not like him or from any negative energy (beings that are mad or upset) because crabs would pickup on those feelings. So he decided that the best one to go to, to help him start a crab farm would be, his now good friend The Le-matoran. The problem arose when the crabs were grown, the crabs could sense friction between others and their master, when the crabs were sold they would only work for Nivigate, and some Ga-matoran (who have blue hands), and of course The Le-matoran (who had helped with raising them and did not think Nivigate looked weird at all (anymore)), some matoran even panted their hands blue each morning to get the crabs to work, but soon tired of that routine and of the mocking (after all who in there right mind would paint their hand blue so that crabs would like them), and would end up returning the crabs. Nivigate was not happy the crabs were treating most matoran without blue hand(s), like other beings had treated him, which is not what he wanted.Nivigate gave his crabs to The Le-matoran (who had helped get his farm started) nearly doubling The Le- matorans crab farm. The Le-matoran used Nivigate’s crabs to breed a new line of crabs that are extremely dedicated to those who raise them and treat them as friends. The Le-matoran now has a rather large company that farms crabs and transports goods. some times when they deliver large amounts of supplies, matoran will gather around the roads and watch the convoy go crawling by, the founder of the company rides a crab with a banner with his name on it“The Le-matoran” But a much larger banner flies high above the convoy, (it’s a big banner that can be seen from far away) witch bares the company name “blue hand”(The company slogan is “lend a blue hand”.) The Le-matoran was happy to help his friend Nivigate get some of the supplies he used to become a sailor. Nivigate now sails the silver sea. To be continued in waves of the south.

Who wants to interact with Stronin? He hasn't done much other than arresting someone.
I will, I need someone to tell Tanika about the Toa Counsel

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI




Besides the fact a small sailboat wouldn't have life boats, I stated a few pages back that nobody starts off the game owning a ship anymore. You have to join someone else on another, or group up with others trapped on land and buy a new one.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)


That was the wrong version here is the new version.Name: NivigateGender/species: Male. Matoran.Powers: A backup plan, really.Equipment: Mostly ragtag equipment some of which he himself made including: a backpack, carrying various equipment e.g. (rope (various thicknesses and lengths), sickle, hatchet/axe, first aid kit, and a couple of knives), supply cart poled by crabs carrying: bags, hooks, some string, lots of rope, a small amount of chains, a little extra sailcloth and rigging, boat repair kit (for fixing minor damage), nets (a couple of them anyways), fishing pole and lines and bait, (and lot all stuff concerning the sea in the Mata-Nui online game2 and a few extras), a vast collection of knives (unlike other equipment some of with are quite expensive and in extremely good shape (not that he keeps his other equipment in bad shape)) e.g. skinning knife, paring knife, throwing knives (even though he can not throw knives well), large knives (some even coming close to the length of a sword), a knife he carries about a quarter of a bio long, a much smaller knife he nearly always carries tied to him with a light string, and blade hidden underneath his armour (that can remain hidden even while in a search, a blade built in to his armour (that some may consider an unneeded decoration, but he can use it for more then a decoration.) and so on. He has also hidden small amounts of supplies on several shores.Appearance: Ta-matoran red, with a gold kanohi Hau, and one bright blue hand that is pooly panted red but the paint keeps rubbing off, and he some times gets stared at, he also has a red backpack may go unnoticed by unobservant beings . Yes I know Ta-matoran are not known for sailing, but this one sails anyway.Faction: He’s one of a kind.Personality: He has away of presenting facts that can influence beings with weak minds to believe the way he wants them to, this usually involves guile and bending the truth, and he doesn’t normally do it. He likes to trust people but after they have proved them selves first. He likes to be prepared. He is often despised by fellow traders when the guild raises their prices and he does not (and that he often sells for less than other traders), he raises and lowers his prices depending on how much he paid for his goods. He does not like to be pushed around and may lour enemies in to a false sense of security (and friends some times often as tests to see if he can trust them and if he does not know if they are friends yet). And feels odd when beings stare at his blue hand or he’ll get irritated.Bio: He awakened in Karda Nui. There the Av-matoran seemed to except him as one of their own. As time went on, he never would have know he was not a Av-matoran, if it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t shoot light bolts or change color and he was not as big.But own day a lost Le-matoran came to Karda Nui, he was taking a team of crabs from the northern continent to the southern continent, and some how had gotten lost? The Le-matoran was a nitpicker and at first thought Nivigate to look odd, but Nivigate’s friends helped him to look normal.The Le-matoran walked with Nivigate to the village of light. The energy in Karda Nui seemed to weigh down on the Le-matoran; he looked over to Nivigate who looked as if he had built up immunity to the energy, “probably by living here for so long” The Le-matoran thought, but by taking a second look, he saw that it was taking its toll on him to. Just before the twosome reached the village the Le-matoran said “That blue hand of yours makes you look like a weirdo” Nivigate just looked down at his hand wondering, but as they came into the village square, the Le-matoran’s opinion was quickly changed.The Le-matoran just stared, and Nivigate started to laugh, in the village square, big matoran went about their business, these matoran had some very weird color patters, one was a shiny black; another was gold and purple; another had a green leg, a blue leg, a red chest, a white arm, a black arm, and a orange head; but the one the Le-matoran will remember the most, was the one that was white with big pink pokedots.In search of a home with out such energy. Nivigate went with the Le-matoran. His Av-matoran friends wanted him to stay but knew what the energy did to him, they wished him luck, and told him to come back and visit. The Le matoran went to the southern continent and then to his home in northern continent, and made sure to stop and get directions every chance he got.Nivigate found the atmosphere out of Karda Nui to seem light and easy to move in, and much healthier for him, but despite his good feeling, he missed his friends in Karda Nui.It annoyed Nivigate that nearly everyone he met asked about why he had a gold Hau a red body and one bright blue hand, but what annoyed him more was that he was not sure why.For some reason or another he decided to raise crabs. Crabs, what nice things they were, if you were nice to them they would respect you even if you were white with pink pokedots, but he would need to keep them away from anyone that did not like him or from any negative energy (beings that are mad or upset) because crabs would pickup on those feelings. So he decided that the best one to go to, to help him start a crab farm would be, his now good friend The Le-matoran. The problem arose when the crabs were grown, the crabs could sense friction between others and their master, when the crabs were sold they would only work for Nivigate, and some Ga-matoran (who have blue hands), and of course The Le-matoran (who had helped with raising them and did not think Nivigate looked weird at all (anymore)), some matoran even panted their hands blue each morning to get the crabs to work, but soon tired of that routine and of the mocking (after all who in there right mind would paint their hand blue so that crabs would like them), and would end up returning the crabs.Nivigate was not happy the crabs were treating most matoran without blue hand(s), like other beings had treated him, which is not what he wanted.Nivigate gave his crabs to The Le-matoran (who had helped get his farm started) nearly doubling The Le- matorans crab farm. The Le-matoran used Nivigate’s crabs to breed a new line of crabs that are extremely dedicated to those who raise them and treat them as friends. The Le-matoran now has a rather large company that farms crabs and transports goods.some times when they deliver large amounts of supplies, matoran will gather around the roads and watch the convoy go crawling by, the founder of the company rides a crab with a banner with his name on it “The Le-matoran”But a much larger banner flies high above the convoy, (it’s a big banner that can be seen from far away) witch bares the company name blue hand”(The company slogan is “lend a blue hand”.)The Le-matoran was happy to help his friend Nivigate get some of the supplies and a team of normal crabs, he then bought a ticket on a ship headed to Yheyn.

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



Posted (edited)

[Approved]-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

Posted (edited)

Character Name: SigfGender & Species: Male Ta-AkrainidPowers: Sigf has no true powers. However, thanks to his race, he possesses multiple abilities: -Enhanced sight and smell; able to track scents with almost as great proficiency as rahi, boasts vision sharper and more precise than that of toa and similar species-Built for stealth, with quiet movement and an uncanny ability to blend into the background-Enhanced regeneration at the level of a 3rd-stage Quick Healing kraata. This comes at the cost of decreased strength-Immune system nullifies most toxins and diseases-Totally amphibious, capable of breathing both air and water-As one of the 'Fire' subspecies, he has heightened resistance to heat and the ability to breathe fire. Sigf has taken this last ability to another level and can breathe flames hot enough to melt armor or simply powerful bursts of gas he chooses not to igniteThe Akrainid has mastered all of the above abilities. While he is hardly the most experienced with them, he can apply each with great skill. Sigf also has a good deal of experience with both firearms and medicine. He has been fighting long enough to even use his tail to hold guns or fire them, and whip his firearms like clubs.The speed of Sigf is also very high. This is more due to technique and his experience than natural advantages over toa, however.Equipment: (1) Combat shotgun-The Akrainid wields a primitive pump-action shotgun of the kind reserved for military purposes. It holds five shells for good penetration and spread of their pellets. He uses it both at short and long ranges as his main weapon.(1) Revolver-Sigf's other custom gun is a large revolver of six chambers. Its bullets are of high caliber for penetration power. It typically takes the role of his backup weapon in case he has no time to reload the shotgun, but is occasionally used to blast more durable Primes and such into oblivion.Appearance: A short and rather lean Akrainid with armor blackened by soot. His eyes are dull gray slits and his face almost always brooding. Sigf's only clothing is in the form of gray bandages he has wrapped across different parts of his self; a strand across his back carries his shotgun sheath while one at his hip has his revolver. Pouches of ammunition and various small medical supplies are to be found on these wrappings. A row of short spines extends down from his crested head to end with the tip of his prehensile tail. Sigf's fingers and feet are both clawed and webbed, with his armor consisting of lamellar scale hide like that of a tahtorak.Faction: RaknarPersonality: Dark, cynical, with a wit as sharp and black as a Damascus steel blade. Sigf is rather depressive and hypercritical to the point that he seems unable to find good in near anything. He is perpetually brooding, moody to a fault. But somehow the Akrainid is, at his core, idealistic.Biography: It is well known to the crew of the Southern Charm both that Sigf has been the third mate of the vessel as long as Raknar has been its captain and that he obeys the captain with a degree of respect that he gives to no one else. What is not well known is that these facts are related. During his travels several years ago, the Dricigil came upon an Akrainid slave in unhappy service to a doctor. He took pity upon the slave and bought him in exchange for a great sum of money. Ever since then, the casual captain has had something of a shadow in the form of the snarky and indebted being Sigf that he rescued long ago. This story covers almost nothing of the Akrainid's life, however, and how he came to be a lone slave in service to a toa doctor is something yet to be found by the crew.Was to write out an expansive Bio, but decided I'd solidify things as I went. All parts of it talking about Raknar are approved by Tyler.

Edited by Joshua L. Chamberlain



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 




Your shotgun isn't going to be any more advanced then what we had in (real life) the late 18th century. A 10 chamber revolver is not going to happen at this time, either - when almost nobody uses firearms, something like that would be considered ridiculous. The same goes for protosteel bullets - yes, there's a lot of that stuff; no, there's not enough to blow it on ammunition for a gun. Protosteel tipped crossbow bolts are a barely maybe, and would be found with the wealthy.Tall and rather lean doesn't really tell me that much when I don't know what the average size of the race is. Just how big is he?I'll let the firebreath stay, but it can't melt protosteel or its equivalents.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

Your shotgun isn't going to be any more advanced then what we had in (real life) the late 18th century. A 10 chamber revolver is not going to happen at this time, either - when almost nobody uses firearms, something like that would be considered ridiculous. The same goes for protosteel bullets - yes, there's a lot of that stuff; no, there's not enough to blow it on ammunition for a gun. Protosteel tipped crossbow bolts are a barely maybe, and would be found with the wealthy.Tall and rather lean doesn't really tell me that much when I don't know what the average size of the race is. Just how big is he?I'll let the firebreath stay, but it can't melt protosteel or its equivalents.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:
Yeah, expected that. I just wanted to see the limit-didn't expect it all to get approved right away. I'll just edit the revolver to 6 and whatnot....Forgot about that. Basically a short and lithe toa.Kk.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 




Aclaraung's breath could probably melt protosteel, given enough time.But it'd be such a waste of breath and energy he wouldn't want to do it, and anybody inside would have been killed from heat long before the armour melted.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



Not any more. You gotta handle the purchase and naming of your craft in the game itself now.Or steal one.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)


Alright. I'm gonne be almost completely gone from Wednesday morning until Monday morning. During that time;-TD has Song, if she's needed.-D.A.V.E. has Kiarak, if he is needed.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Hey, why doesn't Grochi get Song? =P
Because you worry me sometimes. :P
...You let me have Ayeria and Ralin in the other RPG...I assume that in the other-other RPG I'll get Kiarvaung, though, right? :P

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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