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RPG Forum Contest 27

Black Six

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RPG Forum Text-Based RPG Contest 27It's that time again. No theme this time, just give us your best Bionicle RPG!Any questions about the theme may be asked in this topic.Here's how these contests work:
    [*]The contest will be run every three (3) months, or four (4) times a year.[*]All members are welcome to enter the contest.
      [*]Each member can only enter one (1) Text-based RPG entry.[*]The only exception to this is that BZPRPG and RPG Contest staff will not be permitted to make entries.

    [*]There will be three winners selected in every contest.

      [*]The winners will be the three RPGs with the most votes after one or more rounds of voting (depending on the number of entries).

    [*]Whether or not a given RPG wins or not, it will be allowed to run in future contests, with the below conditions and restrictions.

      [*]For and RPG that lost a contest, the creator must make an attempt to alter and improve their entry before entering it in the next contest.[*]If an RPG has won four (4) consecutive contests that it has entered, it can not enter the next four contests. It does not, however, have to be altered before being entered again after its break, although the creator can do so if they desire to.
        [*]Example: A RPG wins two contests in a row. It is not entered in the next contest. It is entered and wins the fourth and fifth contests. At this point it cannot be entered into the next four contests.

      [*]Other restrictions as a result of other rules or administrative action may prevent a member from submitting an RPG.

    [*]At the end of the three-month interval between contests, if an active RPG does not win again, it will be closed.

      [*]If a former winner wins again at a later date, the creator of the RPG can choose to continue in the old topic where they left off or start over again in a new topic.

    [*]If the creator or members of a winning RPG break the RPG forum rules, that RPG will be closed.

      [*]The next runner-up from the previous contest will be allowed to run for the remainder of the term.[*]The offending RPG will not be allowed to participate in the next contest.

    [*]This system is designed to be more fair than the TBRPG approval process has been in the past, so absolutely no complaining.

TBRPG EntriesThe following is what determines a Text-Based RPG entry. The creator of each entry must provide at least:

    [*]A brief introduction to the RPG.
      [*]A description of the setting, the time and place the events occur.[*]A history of what has happened leading up to the current situation.[*]The characters and creatures involved. Does this take place in the canonical Bionicle Universe, or is this your own island with its own heroes and villains?

    [*]A description on how you plan to further to story.

      [*]Does it follow the actual Bionicle story or take place in a setting of your own creation?[*]Is there an outline on where you plan for it go?[*]Will the players be allowed to choose the direction the story takes?[*]Is there an ultimate goal or quest, or is it merely a world for members to inhabit?

    [*]Requirements for those wishing to participate in your RPG.

      [*]Will members be taking the role of existing characters or characters you have created?[*]Can they make their own characters? If so, what sort of restrictions will be placed on them?[*]What sort of equipment, masks, stats, etc will members get when they begin?

    [*]Rules determining how players will interact with the environment and other characters.

      [*]How will the winner of battles be determined?[*]How will members buy and upgrade their equipment?[*]Will members level up? How will they gain experience?

The above information can be submitted however the creator prefers. It does not have to be delineated in this way, as long as it is all there.Contest ProceduresHow the contest is going to be run. Here is the format the contest will operate under:

    [*]Members will have three weeks to draft and submit entries.
      [*]Entries will be posted in the Contest Submission thread. Any entries posted elsewhere or PMed will be disregarded.[*]At the end of this period, no further entries will be accepted.

    [*]The entries will be grouped into as few polls as possible for the initial round of voting.[*]Each round of voting will last for two to three days (48-72 hours).[*]The format of subsequent rounds of voting will be determined depending on the number of entries.[*]The three entries with the most votes in the final round of voting will be declared the winners.

Any questions can be posted in the Contest Rules Thread or PMed to Contest Host Black Six.NOTE - All current TBRPGs must be submitted as entries if they wish to continue running.Entries can be SUBMITTED from now until 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, March 24th.You can review other entries and discuss the reviews in the Review Topic.

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So, the contest has arrived, but our records don't show from where.


Obscure references to Morrowind aside, time to put forth my next RPG before the council. Best of luck to all others who enter!


EDIT: Also, am I missing something or is the wrong topic pinned? ._.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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I look forward to entering. Am I allowed to do a cross between a canonical and fictional (my own) story?


Yup. As long as it's definitely a Bionicle RPG.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Seriously looking forward to entering my RPG in this contest. I have a feeling it's going to blow. Your. Minds.(read: confuse the heck out of you. It confused me when I was writing it)Good luck to everyone else who's entering :)

Edited by Clockwork Kineticist

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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Part of me thinks I should "submit an entry" using a convolutedly complex "alternate dimension" Bionicle world I've thought up just to see what happens. The other part of me thinks I should just use it as a short story series (I think this forum calls them "epics"?) like I originally intended....But both parts agree I have enough going on at the moment. And then there's the whole "new guy" factor that may or may not effect the whole "credibility" aspect. So odds are I'll just read the other entries. Good luck to all who are signing up.

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Popularity really only comes into effect when people are trying to decide between two equally good games. Then they usually go with the GM they know they like the game-style of.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Would anyone be interested in Dystopian being re-entered? I would like to see how many would consider playing or voting before possibly commiting to something that will take quite a bit of my time.






Please do that.

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Go for it Darkon of Lannister.


I plan to get reviews for everything up at some point. Plan.


Oh, and one more thing - I am currently looking to see if anyone is interested in possibly acting as a staff member and possibly a Co-GM for Mystery. If you are interested in the job and what it will entail, please don't hesitate to shoot out a PM. The more, the merrier as far as I'm concerned. If you don't want any of the plot lines spoiled, I'll make sure not to tell you. Even if you did want spoilers you wouldn't get them. Nothing before its time.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Really, it's just easier to throw the canon gender rules out the window when making an RPG. Especially if you want the extra votes. People like to have creative freedom.

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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Really, it's just easier to throw the canon gender rules out the window when making an RPG. Especially if you want the extra votes. People like to have creative freedom.


This is true. I tend to stick by them when making my own characters, but its good to have the option to change once in a while.


Also, Transformation has now been officially entered. Go check it out, and, if you have a moment, post some feedback. I'm always looking for ways to improve.

Edited by The Lorax


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question, how long must it be (i mean minimum, and maximum idealy)?


There is no minimum. I think War Zone proved that. As long as you meet the requirements up above.


As far as maximum, there isn't one either. But you need to keep the readers entertained if it drags on. The internet, for all of the good things it has given us, seems to have lowered attention spans. Dramatically.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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