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Nuju Metru

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Tenjin's is actually on his left. Taranis' is on his right.

Unfortunately, Tenjin shoved Taranis to the side after the same was done to him in an effort to avoid the plasma fire, which now means that he's striking from more or less the middle of the aisle, as the move wouldn't have even connected with Sorox otherwise. And since it was originally aimed at the underside of his jaw, and a Shoryuken generally involves twisting the body so that the blow impacts specifically around those regions, you effectively just gave me a free shot anywhere from his heartlight down to his lower sternum.

Now if we take into consideration the fact that he's also being suspended in midair by his mask, this means that the impact is going to effectively treat his body like a scale; if one side moves up, then the other has to move down in response, which would then cause him to hit the ceiling and collide into the rest of Tenjin's arm in essentially the same position he normally stands in, thus halting his momentum and making the only directions he can feasibly travel in afterwards backwards and down.

Wait, suspended in midair? I'm not sure that's how a Kadin works.


From what it sounds like, you're thinking it's going to flip him 360 degrees and land him on the floor, but that automatically negates any forward momentum, and I'm pretty sure a Kadin doesn't work like that. And a second thing to consider here, Tenjin/Taranis don't seize the opportunity of disabling an already ridiculously ragdoll opponent.


Maybe I'm viewing this wrong here, but if the entire punch knocks him out of the air and flat on his back, then 1. his legs are most definitely going to clobber the Skakdi in the jaw if he's that close to them, and 2. assuming Tenjin/Taranis work like a wall of meat, as that seems to be what they are, then...


...They'd probably get knocked over and onto Sorox if the shield attack hits, actually. You know what, I'll roll with this. It could be interesting.

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If the Kadin didn't at least somewhat suspend its user in the air, then they wouldn't be able to lift themselves off of the ground, and then it wouldn't be called the Mask of Flight. Granted, he can't just sit there indefinitely as if he had a Mask of Levitation, but they still operate under a similar ruleset.

Again, if Sorox is flying towards the pair's chests, and Tenjin moves to effectively perform a Shoryuken, he's not going to have that much left over to deal with if he's effectively knocking him back into the upright postition and diverting it into the ceiling, especially now that the trajectory of his flight path has changed; his own Kadin would now literally be propelling him in that direction anyway. Between the original impact, the placement of his opponent's limb, his own mask, and the fact that his body would now be reacting to the blow as if he was a moving gyroscope due to his current defiance of gravity, it is simply not possible for him to sail over their heads and onto the other side of the train. Most of his momentum is now taking him in an entirely different direction, and the amount still moving him forward is going to slam him straight into the Skakdi's arm.

As for Hubert's last post, that's also still technically being disputed. There just haven't been any new posts regarding it since yesterday.

Edited by Timageness
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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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I could, but seeing as to how they're barely noticed as is aside from the occasional rant OOC, I'd have a really hard time justifying putting in the additional effort to make them look more presentable when virtually nobody ends up reading them anyway.

So yeah, needless to say, that's not very high up on my list of priorities at the moment.

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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People are far more likely to take what you say seriously if your posts don't look like a newbie who took +5 to Grammar as a starting skill.

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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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I could, but seeing as to how they're barely noticed as is aside from the occasional rant OOC, I'd have a really hard time justifying putting in the additional effort to make them look more presentable when virtually nobody ends up reading them anyway.

So yeah, needless to say, that's not very high up on my list of priorities at the moment.

"people never pay attention to me so i'm going to be difficult and refuse to do a simple request so i can further stall a quest that's already been on hold for almost months now instead of just working out the argument"

(shout out to max)

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As much as I would absolutely love to read through your (no doubt) highly intricate explanation as to how a lack of paragraph spacing of all things is enough to stall a quest, I'm affraid I simply have too many other interests preventing me from giving it the time it so rightfully deserves.

Besides, how am I even holding it up to begin with? As of Silvan's last GM post, we have still yet to receive replies from Cyramar, Dalyn, or Kynaera, all of whom have absolutely nothing to do with the events pertaining to this current discussion and all of which need to be typed up before I can play as Taranis and Tenjin again anyway. The way I see it, this conversation doesn't even begin to harm the flow of interaction for anyone until such a time when those actually exist.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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didn't say you were holding it up on your own, just meant that you were further stalling something that by many factors has been slow-moving anyways.

if you want my explanation as to why your hang-ups on pressing enter a couple times could slow the argument, it's because people just want your posts to be easier to read so they can respond to them accordingly, and now that you've refused to do that we've hit a lull in the discussion

and yeah sure disputing two characters actions (including one you're currently in a fight with) doesn't harm the flow of interaction at all but whatever, i'll go back to being irrelevant and waiting for a chance to post as datrox again

(shout out to max)

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So I'm scrolling through the Wahi threads, trying to get a basic grasp of current goings on. That being said, if someone wanted to point me in the direction of something to get my character Korruhn in on, it would be appreciated. Currently located in Ko-Wahi.


"This spot marks our grave; but you may rest here too, if you like."


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I assume you're aware of the change in Ko's ownership from Matoro to the Legacy? Apologies, I can't remember when people come and go relative to in-game events sometimes.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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My breadth of knowledge pertaining to the RPG is essentially nonexistent at this point. Been making attempts to return to roleplaying for about 4 or so years now, but I never seem to get more than one post out before getting dragged away again. I feel I'll be more motivated if I get involved with something, instead of just meandering off at my own pace.


"This spot marks our grave; but you may rest here too, if you like."


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So I'm scrolling through the Wahi threads, trying to get a basic grasp of current goings on. That being said, if someone wanted to point me in the direction of something to get my character Korruhn in on, it would be appreciated. Currently located in Ko-Wahi.

Hey there, old timer.

Edited by EmperorWhenua
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My breadth of knowledge pertaining to the RPG is essentially nonexistent at this point. Been making attempts to return to roleplaying for about 4 or so years now, but I never seem to get more than one post out before getting dragged away again. I feel I'll be more motivated if I get involved with something, instead of just meandering off at my own pace.


Well, the big thing you need to know is that Makuta's old followers took over Ko-Koro and the psychic foreigners are in Ga-Koro.


On the note of finding a plot to get involved in, I'll see if I can remember anything in the area. Someone might know of one I don't.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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So I'm scrolling through the Wahi threads, trying to get a basic grasp of current goings on. That being said, if someone wanted to point me in the direction of something to get my character Korruhn in on, it would be appreciated. Currently located in Ko-Wahi.

Hey there, old timer.


And here I thought I was far beyond the days of recognizing any of the faces around here anymore, haha. Pleasure to see you, EW.


Side note: Korruhn has been overhauled since last year, profile link provided for reference. Going to break away from the militaristic cliche and go down a more grim and mystic path this time around.


"This spot marks our grave; but you may rest here too, if you like."


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I could, but seeing as to how they're barely noticed as is aside from the occasional rant OOC, I'd have a really hard time justifying putting in the additional effort to make them look more presentable when virtually nobody ends up reading them anyway.

So yeah, needless to say, that's not very high up on my list of priorities at the moment.

Just press ENTER a second time.

Although if that's not your speed, I'd be an old-fashioned guy and go with the indents.

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Haha, right? I just popped back for a peek a few days ago after god-knows how long, and I think I'll stick around. Writing will give me something to do, and I do miss it.


Well, on that note, I feel it would be a disservice to not whip together an arc and show these young folks what the old guys can still do haha.


You see people never really leave the bzprpg, they can try to escape, but it brings them back in the end.


You're telling me haha. I still remember when I first got into this bloody thing, probably about 12 years back now!


"This spot marks our grave; but you may rest here too, if you like."


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didn't say you were holding it up on your own, just meant that you were further stalling something that by many factors has been slow-moving anyways.


if you want my explanation as to why your hang-ups on pressing enter a couple times could slow the argument, it's because people just want your posts to be easier to read so they can respond to them accordingly, and now that you've refused to do that we've hit a lull in the discussion


and yeah sure disputing two characters actions (including one you're currently in a fight with) doesn't harm the flow of interaction at all but whatever, i'll go back to being irrelevant and waiting for a chance to post as datrox again


Yeah, well, for someone so quick to jump onto the Grammar Police bandwagon, I find it somewhat ironic that both of your last posts completely lack any form of capitalisation whatsoever. Not that there's inherently anything wrong with that, mind you (this is the internet, after all, so my standards for reading here aren't exactly all that high in the first place), but still, it does come off as slightly hypocritical, and you don't see me trying to get you to change.

You're right; it doesn't. Again, according to the cycle Silvan wanted to set up, we all get to make exactly one move between each of his GM responses. Until those three type something up and Silvan himself is allowed to proceed, the only thing preventing you from continuing forward with your own character is the order itself, not me.



I could, but seeing as to how they're barely noticed as is aside from the occasional rant OOC, I'd have a really hard time justifying putting in the additional effort to make them look more presentable when virtually nobody ends up reading them anyway.

So yeah, needless to say, that's not very high up on my list of priorities at the moment.

Just press ENTER a second time.

Although if that's not your speed, I'd be an old-fashioned guy and go with the indents.


For a group of individuals who supposedly take pride in their levels of general acceptance, the fact that this even exists as a conversation is utterly ridiculous. Now if what I was typing up was in an obscenely bright color and every third word was a gif or something else along those lines, your argument may have actually had a leg to stand on there, but if the lack of paragraph spacing was really that big of an issue for people, it strikes me as rather odd that it's taken someone 2+ years to actually get around to pointing this out.

Regardless, I've addressed what I saw as issues, only half of which have been resolved so far, and I'm through wasting my time and effort talking about something that literally has zero impact on any actual form of gameplay, aside from others using it as a reason to fuel their own inflated sense of ignorance. So either we veer back on topic and discuss something that's relevant to the heist itself, namely the problems surrounding Hubert's entrance, or I simply walk out on the whole thing altogether, leaving everyone else involved with the much less entertaining 8 on 2 scenario. At this point, I really don't care which ends up happening anymore, and even less so about what any of you happen to think of me due to presenting this as a potential outcome. Say what you want, but when the time comes for me to do so, I stick to my guns.

Considering that RPGs in general are primarily supposed to be about having fun, the fact that everyone is so quick to nitpick about relatively stupid things strikes me as nothing but sad, and frankly, it flat out ruins the experience. And for the record, these were the only two points I have left:


- A focused sonic attack, no matter how unintentional, generally aimed above the heads of two other characters, is highly unlikely to shatter every single window belonging to the car it takes place in. This goes doubly so for one positioned a few feet behind the being performing said attack, and was primarily made to correct an error in logic.

- If said windows were specifically created to withstand higher amounts of potential damage, as was the rest of the train's exterior, then it's likely not possible for either the sound, nor Hubert's character attempting to kick their way inside, to break them unless an extreme amount of effort is applied. Assuming that the Exo-Matoran vaguely resemble the alternate Boxor model, this could effectively be the same substance protecting their cockpits while simultaneosly allowing their pilots to see what's going on outside, as Rahkshi armor normally doesn't contain any fully transparent elements like the original Bohrok did.


Again, this was literally all I was attempting to dispute in regards to the Silvan/Hubert side of things. Why this had to go on some random alternate tangent for the past day is completely beyond me.

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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didn't say you were holding it up on your own, just meant that you were further stalling something that by many factors has been slow-moving anyways.


if you want my explanation as to why your hang-ups on pressing enter a couple times could slow the argument, it's because people just want your posts to be easier to read so they can respond to them accordingly, and now that you've refused to do that we've hit a lull in the discussion


and yeah sure disputing two characters actions (including one you're currently in a fight with) doesn't harm the flow of interaction at all but whatever, i'll go back to being irrelevant and waiting for a chance to post as datrox again

You know, here's a brilliant idea that might contribute to the discussion


If we can read Timageness's posts, then let's not gripe about them, as there's a lot worse grammar on the boards, mine for instance, just look at this overabundance of commas


EDIT: Okay Tim calm yourself, that's a whole extra wall of text there

Edited by The Ghrinch
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Considering that I haven't once tried my hand at obliterating the word filter at any point in this conversation, I'd say that I'm plenty calm as is.

When 90% of my future posts start becoming expletive-laced hashtags, and the rest is as incoherent as the speech of the Tasmanian Devil, that's when you'll know I'm actually raging. Thankfully, I have the foresight to simply leave and return later before ever reaching that point, as that state of mind tends to never accomplish much of anything.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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didn't say you were holding it up on your own, just meant that you were further stalling something that by many factors has been slow-moving anyways.


if you want my explanation as to why your hang-ups on pressing enter a couple times could slow the argument, it's because people just want your posts to be easier to read so they can respond to them accordingly, and now that you've refused to do that we've hit a lull in the discussion


and yeah sure disputing two characters actions (including one you're currently in a fight with) doesn't harm the flow of interaction at all but whatever, i'll go back to being irrelevant and waiting for a chance to post as datrox again


Yeah, well, for someone so quick to jump onto the Grammar Police bandwagon, I find it somewhat ironic that both of your last posts completely lack any form of capitalisation whatsoever. Not that there's inherently anything wrong with that, mind you (this is the internet, after all, so my standards for reading here aren't exactly all that high in the first place), but still, it does come off as slightly hypocritical, and you don't see me trying to get you to change.

You're right; it doesn't. Again, according to the cycle Silvan wanted to set up, we all get to make exactly one move between each of his GM responses. Until those three type something up and Silvan himself is allowed to proceed, the only thing preventing you from continuing forward with your own character is the order itself, not me.

are you actually coming at me for my style of posting ooc.


Here, is this better for you? I'm sorry that I'm apparently a hypocrite for using proper grammar but just not using capitalization because I like how it looks, and because that's how I type out stuff on other websites. Maybe if I didn't use capitalization in my IC posts you'd have a bit more to go on but right now you're just being super petty towards me for no reason (and before you say anything about Hubert and I being petty about the spacing, you're literally saying you don't have the time to just hit enter a couple times).


ALSO, to explain myself further, AGAIN, Sorox and Hubert's character's actions are currently up in the air because you disputed them (the only person who disputed them, need I remind you) so whether they actually happened isn't final yet. Once we've worked something out, whether Hubert's character is on the train currently and whether Sorox made the move he did, their posts will be "canon" and we can get on to just waiting for the last three players involved to post and get to the next cycle (which we might have to just go to the next cycle anyways, Aegis hasn't posted since December and who knows when Legolover will post again). That's how you slowed things because now we have to work out this discussion, you didn't bring a whole dang quest to a grinding halt, I've already explained this. But if you wanna drag out an even more pointless aspect of this already pointless argument, go ahead.


One last thing: you're going on about people nitpicking about stupid things but you had problems with flavor text.


now peace i'm done with this dumb argument i already tapped out of a post ago

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(shout out to max)

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Well I don't know mate, all Hubert tried to do was suggest something, a little constructive criticism. You're the one making a big deal out of pressing the enter key twice.


I mean if that really stresses your fingers out that much I understand.

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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All right, people, let's keep it civil in here.


@Timageness: some paragraph spacing honestly would improve your posts' readability. Big, solid blocks of text aren't very easy on the eyes. How you format your posts is entirely your choice, of course, but I do recommend that you listen to your fellow players' advice. You complain that your posts are hardly ever noticed: have you considered that this might be because people find them difficult to read?


@Timageness and @Claudio Kilgannon: escalating the argument isn't helping anyone. Hubert's friendly advice is being lost in a storm of "yeah well YOU do THIS". If IC events need to be disputed, then discuss them constructively; if a quest is going slowly, don't throw around blame. Calm it down, please.

Edited by Ghosthands
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Looking back over things, I do seem to have overestimated the amount of sonic attacks that were being thrown around. All I can really say was that a recent funeral had left me feeling rather stressed and low on energy. Any open windows are not like that because they are broken.


As the person running the quest could I just ask you to try and write less wall-of-text-like posts, Timageness? I don't mean to try and force you to do anything but it would make my job so much easier. Your posts can be difficult to get through at times.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Just a forewarning, but this is by no means supposed to be argumentative, and was in the process of being typed up well before even Ghosthands stepped in.

Claudio, dude, you literally just came after me for mine, and if it seems like I was giving you some form of attitude, it's likely because this was your first post in regards to this entire conversation:



I could, but seeing as to how they're barely noticed as is aside from the occasional rant OOC, I'd have a really hard time justifying putting in the additional effort to make them look more presentable when virtually nobody ends up reading them anyway.

So yeah, needless to say, that's not very high up on my list of priorities at the moment.

"people never pay attention to me so i'm going to be difficult and refuse to do a simple request so i can further stall a quest that's already been on hold for almost months now instead of just working out the argument"


Just how exactly was I supposed to respond to this?

To be perfectly fair, I did say that there wasn't anything inherently wrong with the way you've been posting OOC. But have you ever stopped to consider that maybe I happen to like the way my posts currently look as well? Like I said, I'm not saying that you should have to change either, but from my side of the fence, this didn't feel like criticism at all, no matter where it was coming from. Something else to take into consideration; I don't actually own a computer like the rest of you. Everything I type up is on a PS4, and as anyone who's ever used the browser on that particular console can tell you, the entire virtual keyboard completely disappears every time one selects the Enter key. It's annoying, yes, but seeing as to how I'm not made of money, it's just something I have to deal with. Also, while I'm usually in the process of typing stuff up, I periodically have to take a break to let my dogs outside, which only serves to stress me out even further, as one consistently tries to go after all of my mom's cats and the other absolutely hates her own pit bull. So on top of all that, now I also have to worry about whether someone is going to have to go to the vet each and every day, and I'm left constantly looking over my shoulder trying to make sure my house doesn't turn into a total war zone. And to make matters even worse, she then has to walk through my room just to get to the only bathroom in our duplex, and conveniently ends up forgetting to lock, and sometimes even properly shut, all the doors behind her.

So yeah, trying to remember to hit a specific key one more time is kind of a big deal when literally everything I live with is constantly trying to kill each other.

As far as Sorox is concerned, Ghidora made his edits, and last time I checked, I'm fine with them now. Frankly, I'd love for things to go faster as well, but if you had a problem with something that was previously written, you would want others to take the time to hear you out as too, no matter how relatively small the issue was. And coming from the person you just got into it with, it's really not cool when you feel like you have to fight tooth and nail just to get that minute amount of consideration. I'm not purposely trying to come out here to wreck anyone's day simply because I'm an ####### (though I will admit, sometimes it does occasionally seem that way), and I'm not out here attempting to stall the game any longer than necessary out of a sense of spite. In fact, if I didn't enjoy being here and honestly thought they didn't deserve to be looked over, I wouldn't be trying to correct them at all.

Again, formatting shouldn't matter so much. Personally, I make it a habit to read through every post of every topic I'm in, no matter how I think it's being presented, simply out of respect for my fellow players. If others can't bring themselves to do the same, well, that's on them. What's unfortunate, however, is when this happens to make someone feel overlooked, which then leads to them doing even more drastic things in order to fill the void left by the lack of attention, and then things like this





Just don't expect people who have to read your posts in detail (if they're running a quest, say) to even consider taking you seriously after this.



tend to not mean as much as a consequence anymore because they already think that they're not being taken seriously to begin with. Hence pretty everything I've said up until now.

If it will finally help put this discussion to bed, I'll try to cut down on the actual length of my posts. I do still have to type up responses for two different characters, however, so please just keep that in mind. Also, I want to come out and say that it was never my intention to turn this entire thing into a four day-long verbal brawl, so for that, I humbly apologize. Like I said before, I'm going through a ton of stuff too, and unfortunately, it's had a habit of altering my mindset long before I've even had the chance to log in.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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Okay, okay. 


It's been a while, like, more or less 2+ years since my last post (stuff actually got kinda nuts IRL around the time and to be honest I just forgot everything). So, I was wondering some stuff and looked through that BZPRPG "what's goin on" post and like, apparently it hasn't been updated for a long while? I read bits here and there to try and speed up looking through it to what was relevant to my old character. 


Been kinda flirting with the idea of popping back, and sorta like missed my character a lot. Soooo I was wonderrrrriiiiiiing, if that is as outdated as it seems to be based on the "last edited" timestamp; if there's like, a basic rundown of events anywhere relating to the Dasaka? (Character was Fursic, Vwynolyn who's profile is... is buried uh... somewhere... in that there profiles thread). 


Mostly just like, uh... if I popped back in with my character, like... where I would basically be able to play her I guess? Since I'm kinda at a bit of a loss, I mean I get what's written in the post, but if it's over a year old I'm preeeettttttyyyyyy sure stuff happened since then. If not I'll actually be impressed and everyone here gets a gold star for making this easier. (Are the Dasaka like pretty much just hanging out in Ga-koro so other locations would be off limits on Mata-Nui I guess? x.x;;; )


And like uh, if there'd be something around I could like put her into to be involved? I always had a hard time finding things going on to be involved with, sooooo... yeaaaaaaaahhh.


Unless I missed like a basic rundown of stuff. I might've. If there's one on this page I'm suddenly gonna feel silly now.



Edited by Kitastrophe
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Hi Kit. <3 


What is this, an family old guard reunion?

To be completely honest I wandered in here a week ago and was like, just remembering old stuff in a Discord channel and like, had like a sudden urge to come back haha. I kinda sat on the thought for a bit since I didn't want to just come and go, and then other familiar faces popped up and I was like "does this just click in people around the same time or something jeeze."


Mostly I forgot about my character and realized I really missed playing her.

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