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Gangs of Metru Nui Discussion

Padishah Mehmet II

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This looks interesting.


Name: Alpha (real name unknown)
Gender: Female
Species: Vo-Toa
Kanohi: Great Mask of Rahi Control
Element: Lightning
Faction: Her pack and nothing else. Let the rest of the island burn, if they make it out intact, she couldn’t care less.
Appearance: Alpha’s appearance is a far cry from what one imagines a Toa to be. She does not have the bearing of a proud, noble warrior in the least. She has more in common with the Rahi she commands than anything else. Her blue and steel-grey body is lean and lithe as a result of her harsh lifestyle. This lifestyle has also given her many scars, the most visible of which stretches across her face; indeed, this is the wound that rendered her right eye black and nonfunctional. Her one good eye shines a bright blue, with the other being covered by a bit of black cloth. When she moves she wastes no energy, moving more like a hound on the hunt then a warrior. Her Great Mask has a passing resemblance to a Faxon, but it is indistinct at best, as the edges are sharper and more defined.
Her armor, one of the remnants of her former life is dark bronze in coloration; though originally a high-quality set years of hard living have dulled its coloration and given it quite a few dents, scraps and the like. It’ll do the job, but any beauty it once had has long departed, some underclothing made of brown cloth serves to connect the disparate pieces of armor. A tattered black cloak complete with a hood serves as her traveling clothing, as her life is nothing but travel at this point, she wears it all times. Here and there crude patches testify to quick repair jobs. A small pack hangs at her side, filled with food and assorted salvage.
Powers: Alpha has control over the element of lightning, particularly in the defensive and offensive applications of this skill. It’s also very handy for starting fires on cold nights. Her mask grants her the power to control Rahi, though she can only directly control a few at a time. She prefers to use her mask to allow her to challenge the head of any given pack for leadership, or pull out a member of her pack that is in a large amount of danger.
Equipment: Various tools (knives, heatstones, lightstones and the like) stored away in a brown pack, along with some dried meat. Her primary weapon is a long, ornate metal staff tipped with a protosteel blade. Though like the remnants of her former life, it’s starting to get on in the years and it shows. She typically uses this staff to channel her lightning.
Skills: Alpha is a skilled combatant, having lived for years in the wildest parts of Metru-Nui with naught but her pack at her side. She doesn’t subscribe to any one fighting style; rather she does whatever will kill her enemy the quickest. She doesn’t care about being flashy or graceful; she cares about killing something so she has something to eat that night. Her travels ensure she knows the island quite well, the hidden nooks and crannies, the types of Rahi that inhabit an area, where convoys tend to travel and of course, how to hunt and survive in the wilderness. She is a survivalist in the most extreme sense of the word. She’s got that killer instinct, and won’t hesitate to carry out any strategy that would ensure her survival, no matter how brutal it might be. As a result of her speechless status, she’s also grown adept at communicating through gestures and the like.
Weaknesses: For one, an old war injury ensures she cannot speak beyond growls and other noises, the finer points of verbal communication are utterly lost on her. She is blind in one eye and as a result, has quite the blind spot in battle.
Bio: Old enough to remember when the island wasn’t a den of ganglords and chaos, Alpha originally arrived upon Metru-Nui as the escort for a Turaga of some renown, hailing from the Southern Islands. When the situation on Metru Nui degenerated, her charge was one of the first to fall to the blades of the petty gangsters. Alpha herself was wounded in the attack, resulting in the loss of her voice. Sitting in her hospital bed, she watched the entire island fall into infighting and senseless violence. In time, she grew cold and disdainful of the failed society she saw. Toa had bled and died throughout the ages…only for their ungrateful, slow-witted and short-sighted charges to tear themselves apart. One day, she rose from her bed and walked out into the decaying cityscape, not once looking back.
Alpha soon fell in with one of the packs of Kavinika that wondered the land, claiming leadership over them thanks to her powers over Rahi. She swore she would survive this long, dark night, she would outlast the folly of so many others, she knew there was no future for the civilization of Metru-Nui, so it made a striking amount of sense to throw her lot in with creatures used to savagery and violence. As the years dragged by, she developed an affection for the Rahi at her command, seeing in them much of herself. Through no fault of their own, they had been caught up in the violence and insanity of the “civilized” inhabitants of the island. She has since done everything she can to ensure her pack survives this, even if it lowered her own chances of survival. Now she and her packmates wonder the wild streets of the city, hiding in the darkness and stalking their prey.
Let the city burn. The Rahi were here long before the first building scrapped the sky, they will be here long after the final building falls to the ground and, insofar as she is concerned, so will Alpha.
Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Circle, Northwind, unaffiliated; take a page? You're on, dude.


Name: [ Laredo (‘Scruff’) ]

Gender: [ Male ]

Species: [ Turaga ]

Kanohi: [ Noble Faxon, custom-crafted to resemble a Great Kadin; possesses multiple other non-powered Kanohi as well ]

Element: [ Iron ]

Faction: [ Essentially unaffiliated; does harbor some pro-Northwind sympathies, and is highly mistrustful of the ‘big government’ Circle ]

Appearance: [ Take the word ‘Turaga’. Now take whatever stereotypical mental image it brings with it, and rip the thing into tiny shreds and toss ‘em… well, wherever. Just take that cliché and burn it to ashes, then burn the ashes.

Prepare to meet the grumpy old man who can blow your head off from three hundred yards with any ranged weapon under the twin suns, detonate three thousand pounds of home-built landmines under your tail section just when you decide he’s snoring happily away in front of his living room telescreen, and then pull out the ol’ mixed martial arts moves and kick your newbie butt to cytoplasm when you finally get to him.

Or just ask the last half-dozen street thugs who had him on their hit lists. They’ll tell you. If you can understand what they’re saying through the busted teeth and the body casts.

He’s a full head taller than a tall Matoran, built rawboned but solid, like a wedge of iron or maybe a twenty-ton rusted-out cargo transporter. Sure, he looks like you ran him through a blender, took a hatchet to his outer armor plating, and then hosed him down with a blowtorch, but that just lets the hostiles know what they’re up against. He’s survived wars, quests, food poisoning, zombie outbreaks, gangsters, multiple assassination attempts… and he’s still around and kicking and just as ornery as ever. When he fulfilled his destiny and passed on the mantle of Toa to a new generation, this old dude didn’t set back and take it easy. After all, chronologically speaking, he was no more elderly than most of the Matoran around, and a whole lot younger than some. Why retire? There’s always someone, somewhere, who needs a hero… whatever form the hero comes in.

Ever the dedicated warrior-athlete, ever the skilled master craftsman, he kept in shape, kept in practice, and, over the years, completely overhauled and rebuilt his newly-wizened Turaga’s body into a rugged physical powerhouse worthy of Artakha himself. He didn’t go for frills; in keeping with the style of his custom-built ‘Kadin’, he went with ‘sharktooth’-ridged protosteel plate, fully functional shoulder spikes, and built-in riot vest. He didn’t go for movie-star muscle and good looks; he went with tough, functional, and prizefighter ugly. He wasn’t out to catch the babes; he was out to stay alive.

His visible organic tissues are a dark, beat-up gunmetal in color, as are his mechanical components and external armor carapace, with a few patches of atypical dusty olive green here and there to kinda break up the monotony, like. Keen, electric blue eyes squint watchfully from the protection of his armored ‘riot helmet’-type Kanohi, and when it’s not hidden by a few crisscrossed tactical ammunition bandoliers or a dusty leather utility vest, his heartlight can be seen to consist of this same color shade as well. The little finger on his right hand is missing, severed cleanly at the first joint, and he bears a distinctive ‘survivalist biohazard’ tattoo etched in light grey-green across the outside of his left bicep, along with the motto ‘Old Guys Rule’.

He’s tough, capable veteran with centuries of hard-bought experience behind him, yet, as his sturdy-but-stooped shoulders, slight limp, and vaguely hunched posture show, he is still a rather aged individual whose years of bitter trails, bloody wars, and rough living are finally beginning to catch up with him a bit… just a bit. And he knows it, and although he accepts it (surprisingly) with all the graceful wisdom of most classical Turaga, it does make him that much more paranoid, wary, and trigger-happy.

And he was bad enough to start with. Heaven help the unfortunate gangsters who stumble onto his private patch of bomb-rigged desert in the suburbs of Po-Metru, because they sure as won’t have time, or, in a few seconds, an adequate number of functional limbs and brain cells, to help themselves.

Powers: [ As is the case with all Turaga of Iron, Laredo’s innate elemental abilities grant him an unusually high level of physical endurance and resilience. He is also capable of consciously manipulating and creating his element to a certain extent, a useful skill he has honed to perfection through years of practice.

Additionally, and again in keeping with the abilities of most Turaga, he possesses the level of mental discipline necessary to activate Kanohi masks of Noble power class. In Laredo’s case, his trusty, ever-versatile Mask of Kindred, which allows him to temporarily replicate specific natural abilities of his current environment’s native Rahi, albeit at cost of a few seconds’ preparation, and within the limit of no more than one copied ability active at a time.

Equipment: [ Let’s just say, any and every type of weapon or tool you can possibly imagine, as long as the only known blueprints for it aren’t hidden away in some top-security military vault. Laredo likes to carry around a little bit of everything, from pliers to garrote wire to imported hand grenades, to semi-serrated survival knives and night vision goggles, and for every pound of gear he’s got on his person, he’s got several hundred more pounds of gear back in his home-sweet-home reinforced-concrete bunker-blockhouse.

But of course, everyone has their weapon of choice. In this Old Man Turaga’s case, his very own ‘Badge of Office’. When he signed off his Toa Powers, his Toa Tool signed off as well… but like its owner, it didn’t settle for a cliché. It morphed into a heavy-caliber plasmatic handgun, lovingly nicknamed ‘Dragon Flame’, which Laredo now carries in a covert shoulder holster beneath his outer garb. Sleek and rugged, of solid protosteel construction and simple-yet-imposing design, this firearm’s inner workings and operation are simple. An internal elemental energy converter siphons raw elemental energy from the surrounding environment, re-structures and condenses it into immensely powerful bolts of ionized plasma-gel, which are then stored in the magazine in preparation for firing. The handgun’s maximum rate of fire is roughly two rounds per second; each individual bolt is capable of blowing a three-inch cubit crater in solid protosteel, burning straight through five feet of heavy oak planking, or simultaneously disintegrating and cauterizing the average Matoran’s skull with a single direct hit.

Firepower, accuracy, durability, and ease of use are this weapon’s strong points; reloading speed and range, however, are not. The bolts have an average effective range of no more than twenty or thirty yards, after which they begin to break up and dissipate, and the energy converter requires a flat minimum of thirty seconds to fully recharge each individual slot in the ten-round magazine. In addition, firing a bolt forces the handgun to vent large amounts of excess heat and steam along with the projectile itself, resulting in significant recoil, intense muzzle flash, and a rather obvious amount of noise. In terms of decibels, not enough to damage the hearing of the shooter or even cause him discomfort, but certainly enough to give away his presence and position; a potentially fatal drawback.

Still and all, in a non-covert situation, Dragon Flame is a weapon to be feared and avoided at all costs. It has saved its owner’s hide on more than one occasion, and he carries it with him everywhere he goes… along with the aforesaid array of other weapons that are also to be feared and avoided at all costs.

Skills: [ Like most serious survivalists, Laredo is something of a stereotypical jack-of-all-trades, incredibly adaptable and resourceful, fairly skilled in a great variety of tasks and true master of but a few. Small-scale guerilla combat of any type, with any weapon, is his uncontested specialty as regards ‘things you probably don’t normally do every day’, followed closely by urban and wilderness survival, but he’s also a decent hand with rock climbing, shallow-water diving, explosives, disaster-zone medical care, and covert operations. Much of his skill in these areas is self-taught; he has had little or no formal training of any sort, save that received while operating in conjunction with Jovan’s Team.

A former Nynrah Ghost, Laredo is an absolute wizard with anything mechanical, and makes his living as a part-time self-employed engineer and equipment trader. He’s particularly fond of weapons and heavy machinery, but… well, yeah. You name it, he can build it, fix it, or find a way to render it permanently inoperable. He’s very much a tinkerer, constantly modifying and adapting his gear as the mood strikes him, and it’s this ‘restless hands’ quality that makes him a particularly dangerous person to confront. Hostiles are never sure of just what unstable prototype gadget they might be faced with next, and so they generally steer clear of his turf altogether.

Which makes life flow a whole lot smoother for everyone, because single-shot Cordak blasters concealed in second-hand walking canes tend to pack some serious recoil, and, as everyone knows, old people bruise mighty easily.

Weaknesses: [ Sure, Laredo can take down practically anything his size, or within a few hundred pounds of it… but all things considered, in a hard-fisted city dominated by morally ambiguous Toa, eight-foot Vortixx dockhands, and musclebound Skakdi hit men, even a rebuilt and unretired Turaga’s got all he can do to hold his own. Simply put, in terms of close-quarters melee, he’s a pretty small person drifting in the big guys’ circles. One-on-one, he can come out all right; any steeper odds than that, however, and he’d better start hunting the nearest storm drain. For this reason, he likes a bit of room to maneuver… which is, unfortunately, rather scarce in the overcrowded streets of Metru Nui.

Additionally, and in a more psychological sense, Laredo’s nervous paranoia, trigger-happy style, and near-fanatical suspicion of anyone and everything, come with definite drawbacks. He trusts practically no one, and hasn’t operated as a team player since his good old days as a Toa… even then, he was something of a loner, seeing traps everywhere (including amidst the deeds of his ‘friends’) and sometimes dangerously overestimating the intelligence of his foes. His favored method of dealing with risk is to blow the out of every potentially dangerous variable in sight; in a word, he’s going to shoot first and ask questions later, which definitely isn’t always the best course of action in an urban environment.

Bio: [ Simply put, Laredo’s been around. His earliest days as a Matoran were spent mainly in the industrial jungles of Xia, where he operated as a solo member of the elite craftsman’s guild known as the ‘Nynrah Ghosts’. He traveled extensively during this period of his life, feeding a strong wanderlust and exhibiting a consistent tendency for stumbling into dangerous situations, be they blood feuds between cannibalistic Southern Islanders, grim Po-Matoran range wars on the Northern Continent, or spur-of-the-moment running gang battles through the streets of Stelt. From the very beginning, he relished the challenge, excitement, and primal drama of these adventures, even actively seeking them out when fate didn’t do it for him. Time would fail to speak of the trails he’s wandered, of the storms he’s weathered, of the legends he’s seen and had a hand in forming.

Sometime, somewhere, however, he confronted his calling, set his semi-civilian life firmly behind him, and donned the mantle of Toa-hero. This transformation, and the subsequent solo campaigns against darkness that he carried out courtesy of his accumulated skill, hard-bought experience, and newly-tapped powers, are assumed to have taken place somewhere in or near the Southern Continent and the future realm of Voya Nui, for he was in position to sign on with Jovan’s Team when they arrived there a few decades later in epic quest of the Mask of Life.

Realizing their destiny was his own, the scarred Toa of Iron fought, struggled, and grieved alongside them as they hacked their path through uncharted wilderness to the infamous Mount Valmai, battled their way into the very heart of the Chamber of Life, and retrieved the artifact they sought. With them, the only team he had ever known or cared to know, he descended into the depths of the Core of the Universe, watched as the mask was used to heal the Great Spirit himself at cost of a terrible sacrifice, and lent his aid in the dangerous return journey to the Ignika’s chosen Chamber.

Having fulfilled his destiny within a relatively short period of time, Laredo was reluctant to immediately give up his Toa Power, and when Jovan’s Team settled down to new careers as Turaga of the Southern Continent, he left them and set off anew in search of adventure. For several centuries, he wandered nearly every known corner of the universe, from his homeland of Xia to the cliffs of Nynrah, and added yet another wealth of knowledge and experience to his roster. However, with the onset of the Brotherhood of Makuta’s ‘threat removal’ campaign against certain elemental subspecies of Toa, including his own of Iron, his projected life expectancy began to rapidly decrease and, after narrowly surviving a series of increasingly deadly assassination attempts, Laredo finally decided it was time to call it quits and seek the underground while he still could. Ever the foresighted tactician, he created an unusual six Toa Stones, one or two of which are known to remain, as yet, inactivated.

As a ‘mere’ Turaga, his potential threat to the Brotherhood was significantly diminished, and although he was still subjected to a handful of tentative attacks over the coming years, he managed to keep one step ahead of his enemies through ceaseless travel, endless networks of carefully-prepared escape routes, and constant vigilance. Even when the infamous Dark Hunters began to lay murder plots against him, as was their custom for all Turaga, he was able to evade and parry the double threat with surprising ease... as well a few quarter-ton explosive devices. Laredo never did, never does, leave anything to chance if he can prevent it.

Inevitably, of course, this sort of lifestyle began to wear him down both physically and mentally, and by the catastrophic Great Cataclysm, he had roughened into an exceedingly bitter, cantankerous individual, constantly on edge and constantly on the move. The universe-wide turmoil brought on by the aforesaid disaster was the final straw, and Turaga Laredo, alias ‘Scruff’, vowed to seek out a lair and have done with running.

Enter, Metru Nui. It took him another thousand years of careful search before he selected the newly-rebuilt City of Legends as his homeland metropolis, and even then, with the threat of the Brotherhood effectively removed by the Destiny War, he felt uncomfortable taking up a semi-static lifestyle. But when this old refugee finally settled down in the dusty suburbs of central Po-Metru, he built to last. Gangs, street fighting, the demolition of the sea passages… all this, he has watched with wary eyes through the high-powered scope of a laser crossbow. He sticks up for justice when he can, and the local thugs have learned to leave him strictly alone, but mostly he just keeps his head down and his voice turned off. Underworld politics mean little to him; all he really wants is to be left alone in his cozy little military spec defensive compound with his apocalypse-ready arsenal of traps, weapons, and maple-baked beans. His own private bunker in the heart of a war zone.

He doesn’t want trouble, but he can handle it.

Notes: [ Currently none; this section is subject to change as gameplay progresses. ]

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Approved with all the enthusiasm and force I can muster.


I'm still looking for a suitable GIF to express my reaction.


EDIT: GIF found



Edited by Simon the Digger



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Personally, I'm just amused and slightly irritated by how EVERYONE FLOCKS TO THE ARCHIVES regardless of what faction they're in or even if it matters to them :P


Well, in my defense Skyra has a totally legit reason for hiding in the archives.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Personally, I'm just amused and slightly irritated by how EVERYONE FLOCKS TO THE ARCHIVES regardless of what faction they're in or even if it matters to them :P


I think it was a great move to start the RPG by introducing a battle in the Archives right away. Good way to attract activity early on. I admire that.

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Personally, I'm just amused and slightly irritated by how EVERYONE FLOCKS TO THE ARCHIVES regardless of what faction they're in or even if it matters to them :P

I think it was a great move to start the RPG by introducing a battle in the Archives right away. Good way to attract activity early on. I admire that.

Fostering Daedra Syndrome always works.

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Personally, I'm just amused and slightly irritated by how EVERYONE FLOCKS TO THE ARCHIVES regardless of what faction they're in or even if it matters to them :P



This must be where I say that I was half-tempted to have Zarembo keep a hidehole apartment in the upper levels of the Archives.


Glad I didn't and went with a more standard fare. :P

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Fostering Daedra Syndrome always works.


Is that the disease Peryite uses in his Daedric Quest? #oblivioustobzprpg


Personally, I'm just amused and slightly irritated by how EVERYONE FLOCKS TO THE ARCHIVES regardless of what faction they're in or even if it matters to them :P


I think it was a great move to start the RPG by introducing a battle in the Archives right away. Good way to attract activity early on. I admire that.




Hopefully. If this RPG dies, I'll shed many manly tears. Or maybe a single tear, if we're doing this Eragon style. Hopefully we won't have to find out.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Toa Levacius Zehvor, I hope you don't mind me picking up your labels for OOC and IC; I really quite like them ^_^ If it is a problem, I'll change it. I thought they were very clear and easy to identify.


This is the first text-based RPG in which I have participated. Rebel Toa, anarchy, tyranny, and rampant, talking frost beetles are certainly an intriguing thing to join in on.


Being an Onu-Matoran, the latter was the most enticing :3

Nokama Chameleon


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OOC: Kayn, has this Spherus Magna story of yours been proven? Remember, the story detaches from the canon in the 2008 storyline, but the MU beings never learned of that place.


Three things -


- Unless someone drugged me while I was reading the front topic, the robot never even left Aqua Magna. Spherus Magna is still shattered.

- Spherus Magna is also a name for "paradise," so you'd be basically listening to a story about a guy going to heaven. Sort of like Dante's Inferno, only going up the staircase.

- Since when do Toa Stones grant elemental powers? Someone on the staff can correct me if I'm wrong, but unless someone updated Bionicle in the last three years, elemental powers are something innate to a being. The same goes for Toa power - only certain beings have Toa power, and unless they do, they can never be a Toa. Toa stones hold the Toa power of another Toa, which when activated at certain shrines and the like, cause the matoran to transform into a Toa and activates both their innate Toa power and elemental power.


As I said, I'm not sure what the staff ruled on, so I could be completely wrong. Either way, it's too early in the morning (i.e -it's the morning) and I'm confused.


Toa Levacius Zehvor, I hope you don't mind me picking up your labels for OOC and IC; I really quite like them ^_^ If it is a problem, I'll change it. I thought they were very clear and easy to identify.

This is the first text-based RPG in which I have participated. Rebel Toa, anarchy, tyranny, and rampant, talking frost beetles are certainly an intriguing thing to join in on.


Bah, I blatantly steal other peoples tags all the time. :P I just wanted to try these ones out for a contest. I happen to like formats that show name and location; when I scan through a topic, I know to rule out posts from characters in another locale than any of mine. The usefulness of the name goes without saying, though sometimes that gets left out. I suppose that's what color coding is for.


So yeah, nobody's going to stop you. Just use what you like, man.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Agh, I'm really really sorry about the confusion of Kayn's story. I will fix it in as the least amount of points as possible.


1. Since I'm extremely intelligent, I managed to end up thinking that Aqua Magna was called Spherus Magna. So whenever I mention Spherus Magna, I was thinking about Aqua Magna. No reverse Dante Inferno's intended. Thanks for mentioning Aqua Magna, I wouldn't have remembered otherwise!


2. The whole Toa stone thing is not normal. The stone that Kayn used was an invention of an unnameable Turaga. They were only usable once, so you won't be getting unfairly overpowered Kayn popping up randomly.


I hope this slightly clears things up.

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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I accidentally posted my profile in the other forum (GoM profiles), and since my copy and paste function isn't working for some reason I can't post it here. :/ So please approve it thanks :)

Let me know if I need to make any adjustments.

Edited by Toa of Anarchy

BZPRPG Characters

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I accidentally posted my profile in the other forum (GoM profiles), and since my copy and paste function isn't working for some reason I can't post it here. :/ So please approve it thanks :)

Let me know if I need to make any adjustments.

You need to make a ton. I don't want to be nitpicky, but you have to follow the profile form in this page + no, sorry, you can't have two Rahkshi powers.


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Name: Paladium

Gender: Female

Species: Toa

Kanohi: Organic Mask of Clairvoyance -- crafted in a similar manner to the Kanohi Inika. Pros of it being organic are visions more prolific and potent than that of an inorganic one, cons are it possesses a capricious sentience making the visions debilitating and often very inconvenient. Paladium is locked in a complex stalemate with her mask and is effectively unable to remove it or switch it with other masks.

Element: Sonics

Faction: The Northwinds

Appearance: Paladium is ancient. As such, she is war-torn and scarred. Once tall and lanky, she's now inflicted with a limp and a slouch that require her to use a cane. Her armor is a mix of dark gray and dull gold, a washed-out emblem of her original status as a soldier. Her gray Kanohi is alive and constantly pulsating, covered in scales.

Powers: Standard sonics powers, fine-tuned due to extensive training and experience. Her elemental mastery and seer-like qualities granted by the Kanohi make up for her physical slowness and deafness caused to constant exposure to the sound of battle.

Equipment: A staff with a hidden retractable blade. Typically used as a tool rather than a weapon as she is not fit for hand-to-hand combat.

Skills: While still incapable of hearing, Paladium is able to pick up the general "shape" and volume of sounds and is also a skilled lip-reader. She has the sharpened mind of a soldier and battle experience.

Weaknesses: Obviously her physical slowness and deafness are a weakness, and as such she prefers to refrain from physical fighting and, when she does fight, stays in the back lines. Her mask has the power to give her a dramatic upper hand but she does not necessarily trust its visions due to the fact that it often purposely misguides her.

Bio: Paladium is an ancient veteran from the southern islands. Left deaf and physically weak by the endless battles she struggled in, she now considers herself a moral authority. Though long due to have transformed into a Turaga, she believes she has more use on the battlefield than as a sage. Once she aspired to join the high ranks of the Circle, but after witnessing their corruption become more and more apparent her stubbornness was finally subdued and she joined the then-new Northwinds. She's still not completely aware of how her nature shapes her own judgment, but after learning about how her own unwillingness to learn caused her people great injustices both inside and outside the law, she chose to take a more liberal stance in politics. Currently learning about Metru Nui and its nuanced power system, she prefers to take part in smaller missions meant to correct injustices, much like a vigilante version of the sort of leader she once wanted to become. She is almost politically invisible and lives in isolation in Po-Metru, always waiting for new chances to spring into action. As per custom of her home island, she believes in a pantheon of higher power, one which is the highest echelon of truth and believed to be attainable by mortals such as herself. As a Matoran, she dreamed of joining the ranks of these gods, but as she learned more about herself and her philosophy she realized that coveting a seat in the pantheon was not only selfish, it was counterproductive. She still holds a blazing ambition, one that she is currently curbing in order to maintain stealth in society.

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A note, today was very busy for me, responses will probably be up tomorrow, depending.

It's alright :P I'm not in a rush to find out what's going to happen between the wolves and us :smash:

Edited by Toa Kayn

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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Can someone explain to a time-zone displaced guy what is going on?

Fight in the Archives ended, Circle meeting started, a pack of wolves is about to get another meal, and Scruffy is being fantastic.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Can someone explain to a time-zone displaced guy what is going on?

Fight in the Archives ended, Circle meeting started, a pack of wolves is about to get another meal, and Scruffy is being fantastic.


'...a pack of wolves is about to get another meal...'


Well, my future doesn't seem so bright. We will have to see what happens :P

Edited by Toa Kayn

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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Good concept with the Organic Kanohi. Does it give visions at the same rate (ie, not often and fairly unpredictably) as the one in canon?




Considering its sentience and tendency towards mind games, I'd say that on average it's about the same but with more identifiable (not necessarily predictable) patterns. It's hard to say considering the few canon examples we have but my assumption is a synthetic mask's nature would be "the occasional vision out of nowhere" whereas Paladium's mask tends to show visions in more meaningful situations, potentially even as a call to action between missions. Regardless, it's no free token to making the right move, considering how the mask can be benevolent or malevolent depending on its whims.

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