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Secret Santa Gift-Hint Entry!

Inferna Firesword


Alright, so Ehksidian and I both thought that we might want to provide hints to the others partaking in the Secret Santa event. During a SS that my workplace had, my boss put up a sheet with our names on it, and we were to write down what we liked so whoever got our names would have an idea of what they'd like to get.


Now, we have profile pages here, and records of our posts/topics, but that only goes so far, especially for those that haven't been here very long. Hence, this post.


Here, those participating can mention what our interests are, and what (if anything) we're doing on the forums these days. That way, those that don't know each other very well can get a point to start from.


I guess I'll start.


Interests: Video games (Destiny, Hearthstone, Dishonored, Pokémon ... there's a list on my profile), writing (my victim will likely get a Short Story of some kind), trying to learn how to draw (I -love- seeing fanart of my characters)

Currently working on: Reborn


Those interested should post below. Any hints as to whose name you were given shall be smote with the Banhammer edited with the Almighty Editing Tool. =P


EDIT (12/5/15): Adding to my list for greater detail and fixing errors.

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Interests: Vidja Gaems (Undertale, Xenoblade X, Pokemon, a lot of games really), anime (JoJo's bizarre adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gurren Lagann, pretty much mecha in general) MOCs (boy it's almost like we're on a BIONICLE WEBSITE)


Working on: final exams ahahaha kill me please. aside from that, writing a thing for a story.

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My interests list on my profile is still accurate. I also like donuts, Sprite, warhammers, stories, funny and comedic stuff, smashingly awesome music, and anything nerdy. Proud G&T subculture resident *pulls out RNG*.  


I'm still working on computer science stuff and web design and writing stories and HF RPG. And whatever I need to do for the name I was given [CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET]. 

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Interests: Touhou(mai laifu), F-Zero, Xenoblade, HyperDimension Neptunia, Fist of the North Star, and Jojo's bizarre adventure. Just to name a few ^^


Working on: I just lurk a lot and participate in mafia games... oh and looking for jobs while I decide what to do in the future.

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Interests: Gaming, MOCs, Art, music, reading


currently participating in mafia, reading comics, reading epics, figuring out what to do for my secret santa victim recipient...

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Interests~: Vidya gamus(Halo, Fallout, Elder Scrolls(MORROWIND!), Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Metroid, LoZ, and a bunch of others that would take up waaaaay too much space.


Animu: Gurren Lagann, Clannad(after story too), SAO(yeah yeah bad taste and all laugh it up), Dragon Ball, Fairy Tail, Ouran Host Club, Nichijou, and others that again would take up too much space.


Series and other general things: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pokemon, BIONICLE(crazy, right?), The Titanic, TMNT, cats, dogs, Archie Sonic comics, and yet again many other things.


Currently: Playing RPG's on the forum and working hard on my Secret Santa gift!

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Interests: Dinosaurs, primarily. Other major interests include Pokémon, Transformers, Studio Ghibli, and of course, LEGO/Bionicle.


Working on: On the forums? Not much. I have some characters in mind for HFRPG, but otherwise, my presence here is mostly none.

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Interests: BIONICLE mainly. I enjoy writing and making art, this of course transitions to my love for comics. I also have my own BIONICLE OC, by the name of Soran, which is featured in my comics, so if my secret santa is doing anything art related, there's your Go-To reference. Honestly I'd probably take about anything, so knock yourself out Mr. (Or Ms./Mrs.) Secret Santa.


Currently working on: The Comics forum. Specifically, Soran's Comics, the Snazzy Kit, as well as a new series I'm in the process of creating named, "The Road to Home". I'm also working on the present for my present receiver person… Busy, Busy.

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Thanks for coming up with this idea/making the blog entry, Inferna!

Interests: BIONICLE! Also Mortal Kombat, and Transformers. And myself. Hear me out on that last part - I love other people's art, and I especially enjoy it when they draw versions of me. Sound a bit arrogant? It might be, but if you'd like to try your hand at a picture of a buff, Hau Nuva-bearing, Toa Nuva of Fire with a big-arse sword... by all means, do so!

On the less self-absorbed side of things, I enjoy MOCs, fanfic (that doesn't involve questionable content), and anything with a good dose of creativity put into it! I'm not a picky guy. Comics are a fav of mine, too.

Currently working on: Fanfiction, art, and mostly schoolwork - a LOT of schoolwork, so apologies if you, my recipient, receive your gift right at the last moment. I love to role-play, and would like to rejoin the BZPRPG soon. Don't know if that helps, but there ya go.

Thank you!

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Interests: Games (To the Moon, Bastion, and Transistor being top three, also Minecraft at times), MOCing, Drawing (I'm sure you could find plenty of ideas on my Flickr and DA accounts), Reading (definitely wouldn't mind a short story or something).


Currently working on: MOCing like mad, all kinds of art projects, and RPing in Corpus Rahkshi.

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I like Dragon Ball Z, Bionicle, Doraemon, Shia LaBeouf, Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, Spider-Man, the 2014 Strider game, Elsword, and Star Wars. Basic stuff.


I'm working on Sybregatory, which is over in the comics forum. It's only got one comic, which is rather pathetic when you look at the release date, but I hope to put out some more before Christmas Eve.

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Interests: Pretty much every fandom you can think of except Supernatural (gasp) or anime (double gasp). I also love MOCs and art, so if someone wants to art something like THIS in any format or medium, (anime, TF, MOC) feel absolutely free.


WORKING ON: Comics, comedys, and helping to lead the Kanohi Force mentioned by Shadow.

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Interests: Bionicle, Metroid, the TV show Lost, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, watching people play video games on Youtube, writing stories that try to be different from the norm, the Marvel cinematic Universe, Batman, cats, and making interesting blog entries that made one laugh, make one think, or just share my thoughts on a subject.


Working on: Getting my motivation up to continue working on a short story I've started but never finished. (Hint: it's probably going to be a long time until it gets posted. :P)

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Interests: Fire Emblem Awakening (just so it's clear, Lucina specifically, if you couldn't tell from my display name), Bravely Default, Mafia, The Pyro, Writing, Time Travel
Currently working on: Secret Santa gift

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I have a lot of interests but some good starting points are:

- Bionicle: Favourite wave is Bara Magna, favourite character is Malum. I have some OCs, but pretty much all of them would not be on BZPower. I need to put more work up. Anyway Malum things would hit close to my heart.


- Hero Factory: I do the HF RPG, and I have... Five? Five. Five characters there so far. Three even have picture representation! I love stuff of my OCs, and if that's what you're gunning for, HF RPG would be the best bet.


- Transformers: Why did Transformers Animated only get three seasons :c :c :c


- Horror: I love it, it's my favourite genre. I love both good and bad horror.


- Writing: I do really like to write. I will be either writing or drawing for my Secret Santa-ee.


- Drawing: As above, love to draw, will either be doing this or writing for mine.


Currently, I am most present in the HF RPG. I want to get back into drawing and writing and posting the products of those two things, but I am very lazy and nitpicky about my work. Mostly lazy. I used to be pretty present in the S&T since I love science and have a very good memory for the storyline, so I could jump in with science facts and Bionicle trivia, but I haven't looked there in ages. Another thing I need to do more of.

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Interests: Bionicle, Star Wars, Star Trek, Twin Peaks, Uncharted, MOCing, Recording podcasts with friends (when everything works), making subpar videos.


Currently working on: Bionicle The Vlog Series, Galidor Video Reviews, and other content related to the Bionicle Comedy Central. I am also working on finals at the moment. Yea.

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Interests: Bionicle, Pokemon, Minecraft, Metroid, Mario Kart, SSB, Halo, LotR, The Inheritance Cycle, and Chronicles of Narnia.


Currently: Trying to finish LotR, a Rorzakh revamp, Nuzlocke in Pokemon Pearl, and obtain every pokemon in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.

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Video Games: Team Fortress 2 (hats!), Pokemon, Metal Gear Solid, Hearthstone, probably a lot more that I'm forgetting

Hobbies: Writing, playing piano

Movies: good ones Generally anything Marvel, but wayyyyyy more than that. I have a lot of favorites that range from Shawshank to Interstellar and everywhere in between and around, and of course anything Star Wars.

TV: 30 RockPsychAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D., currently watching Master of None

Books: LoTR (so cliche), again a lot more than I can really list here, currently reading Science Fiction Hall of Fame: Vol 1

Other Interests: BIONICLE (obvi), most things sci-fi or fantasy

Currently: Writing a lot and counting down the days until finals destroy me

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I like SPORE(the PC game[unless your more familiar with the Wii or DS games]), Digimon, skylanders(if you even know what that is), My Little Pony:FiM, Bowser(from Mario just in case your more familiar with another Bowser), MOCs, combiner models,art(but I don't do much myself), medabots, kirby, and R.O.B.


When it comes to games I like Sonic Unleashed, Spectrobes, Excitebots, Megabyte Punch(but I've only played the demo), Mario and Luigi series games (especially Bowser's Inside Story), and Super Mario Galaxy.


I'm not doing anything currently though.

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Here, people know me primarily as an art enthusiast and always willing to try new ideas and projects when it comes to Bionicle. I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I sew, I do the papercraft and more. My interests: Disney, Pixar, Bionicle, Halo, Warframe, Stargate, etc. etc. (a lot of the stories/worlds I like have a mix of ancient culture with sci-fi) I'm always looking into different cultures for ideas for Bionicle design. I also like a lot of metal music and also the sad music, if it's melodramatic, I'll like it. 

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Star Wars, Marvel, Bionicle (o rly), Magic: the Gathering, Doctor Who



Wasting time playing Endless Sky, RPing, counting down the days until The Force Awakens, occasionally doing a bit of MOCing in LDD. 

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I'm rather fond of Psych, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Transformers, Bionicle, Ninjago, Art, the written word, Sunstreaker, Chrismas, Hafu, Power Rangers, life, the universe, and everything in it.


But mostly, just Spaceships and Dinosaurs.

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I'm interested in Bionicle and CG animation. The Voya Nui saga was always something of a favorite of mine. Really, I'll appreciate any art form. I chose my username before learning about the trans-tamaru thing, but I'm down with it.

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- Video games: Deus Ex series, Mass Effect series, Bioshock Infinite, Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2), Dark Souls (first one only; haven't played the second), Mirror's Edge.

- Hobbies: Reading, writing, gaming

- Star Wars

- Audio dramas: Adventures in Odyssey and the Father Gilbert mysteries in particular.


BZP activity: Minimal these days as I am currently writing a novel and don't have the time for multiple leisure pursuits, but I was most active in the Bionicle RPGs. My favorite of my own characters are Faora from the BZPRPG and Von Worten from Bionifight: Infinite.


Other: I'm an Apostolic Pentecostal Christian.


Current activities: Writing a Christian fantasy-ish novel, playing the Mass Effect games, and, uh, not much else, really.

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