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On ED, They were asking what would be a good Side-Series to target the young Male demographic. What do you think? I personally think Daring Do would be a good side-series.

I'd want a Rarity series.

^ Looks like I should've waited with that.Seems to be a fake. =/

What? When was it confirmed as a fake?

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I finally caught up all the episodes I've missed since traveling to New Zealand, and I have to say Smile will be stuck in my head forever ever ever ever. And I love Pinkie obliterating the 4th wall to nothing. Hearts and Hooves day was probably my favorite one that I missed out on though. Just reminds me how much I love the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Scootaloo.



the greatest chicken/dodo/scooter riding Pegasus ever

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Just re-watched "A Friend in Deed". A few comments.First of all, "Smile, Smile, Smile" is the best Pinkie Pie song to date. She still got some silly, somewhat annoying, largely spontaneous songs later in the episode, as is traditional, but none came close to how well this main song impresses, defines her character, and defines her relationship with the ponies around her.A moral that not everybody will want to be your friend would have been OK, but it's not exactly in line with the theme of the show, that being that "Friendship is Magic"-- especially based on how the episode developed from when Cranky was first introduced. Sure, it'd be great to show that some ponies want to spend their time alone or with other friends, but a character as sad and pathetic as Cranky Doodle Donkey would have utterly broken that moral, and twisted it into "some people are so sad and pathetic, it's not worth the trouble of making friends with them, so just let them wallow in the shallow comfort that is their memories of better times". The moral of letting people enjoy what they enjoy, even if it doesn't involve friendship, could better be left for another episode, preferably with a character who is happily antisocial and not one who avoids others because they're always miserable.Also, I can't help but notice that there sure is a lot of romance in MLP:FiM this season. Culminating in a wedding in the finale, apparently. It's quite nice to see romance in the show, because it's treated with a great deal of innocence and some silliness, unlike a lot of shipping which treats characters as destined soul-mates.

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Is anyone else getting excited for "Dragon Quest?" Sounds like a promising Spike episode. ^^

The moral of letting people enjoy what they enjoy, even if it doesn't involve friendship, could better be left for another episode, preferably with a character who is happily antisocial and not one who avoids others because they're always miserable.

We already had a character like that; Twilight Sparkle in the first episode. We all saw how that turned out. XP

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Cranky was just old. I mean, Granny Smith isn't exactly winning any awards for outer beauty.

Granny Smith is completely different, though. She's done in the exact same style as all the other ponies, just aged a lot. Cranky wasn't just old, he's so differently done he looks like he belongs to a different cartoon.250px-Granny_Smith_S2E06.png 250px-Cranky_Doodle_Donkey.pngNote how on Cranky, they stay a lot closer to a real donkey's anatomy. His head and tail are very different to what the ponies have. Now obviously if he's a donkey he's going to be a bit different, but what they've done there is make him look like a complete alien. They should have stylized him to match the rest of the show.
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To me, his different art style works well. :P

Edited by Valenti

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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And Cranky looked more like the other ponies in the flashback, which ironically was done in the style of a different cartoon. And besides, Matilda is as beautiful as anypony else, so it's not like the creators wanted to marginalize donkeys as being "like ponies, but uglier." It's just that Cranky's a sort of grubby-looking character, as befits a character who cares more about their memories than keeping up appearances.Also, I heard some people saying it would've been neat if Cranky's love had turned out to have died. I disagree, because then the episode would've essentially been a condensed, less emotional version of Pixar's Up.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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... I honestly don't see what the fuss is about Cranky...? O.oI mean... sure he's a donkey, but his style does fit in with that of the show... He has the same giant eyes, a similar torso (for lack of a better word) build. The only real differences are his legs (which aren't too big of a jump from Granny Smith's, they're just shaped differently, but they have the same joint effect. Also, donkeys tend to have thin legs based on what I've seen.), his mouth (donkeys tend to have that area stand out in a patch unlike ponies, so it's not crazy to throw that in) his tail and lack of mane (he's a donkey... "Well, duh!") A donkey is a different animal from a pony, and the more little differences they add would make that note "This isn't a pony" to the viewer, and that's probably something they kept in mind. We can't all have everyone looking the same, that's just not how reality works. Also, it shows how accepting PinkiePie is; she doesn't care what you are or how alien you look; she'll love you no matter what. XDOther than that, the coloring and shading fits, he has a similar outline and he's a cartoon... plain and simple, he fits in with the MLP style.

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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I thought the art style was rather well done. It sorta showed the effect of losing someone precious to you can have. Once he and Matilda were reunited, he looked so much better. Also in the flashback he looked really good. Anyway, the next episode sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. Fluttershy becoming assertive and forceful? I can definitely see how this is going to affect everypony.



the greatest chicken/dodo/scooter riding Pegasus ever

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I, for one, cannot wait until the next episode.Also, we need a Rainbow Dash/Applejack duet.Ashleigh Ball singing with herself? Yes please.

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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So... Why exactly does "A Friend in Deed" use a different song for the credits. Last time I remember this happening was for "The Return of Harmony Part 2," but that's understandable since it's the season opener. This episode wasn't anything special, so why does it use a different song?Not that I'm complaining. It was a nice little tune. It just seems like a weird choice.Kalhiki


You're Doomed, Rayman!

Boy! I just love it when my computer doesn't tell me when my battery is getting low!

(that's sarcasm, by the way)

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I, for one, cannot wait until the next episode. Also, we need a Rainbow Dash/Applejack duet. Ashleigh Ball singing with herself? Yes please.

We need another Rarity episode. :P Or at least another mane six episode.
I think a Pipsqueak and Dinky ep would be nice...
YES TO ALL THREE! :P Edited by My Little Taku
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So... Why exactly does "A Friend in Deed" use a different song for the credits. Last time I remember this happening was for "The Return of Harmony Part 2," but that's understandable since it's the season opener. This episode wasn't anything special, so why does it use a different song?Not that I'm complaining. It was a nice little tune. It just seems like a weird choice.Kalhiki

...It was Yankee Doodle.
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I know it was Yankee Doodle. I was just wondering why this episode got special treatment and had a different song for the credits instead of the usual theme song.Kalhiki


You're Doomed, Rayman!

Boy! I just love it when my computer doesn't tell me when my battery is getting low!

(that's sarcasm, by the way)

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It's not unheard of for a show to replace its usual ending theme with a song that's appropriate for the particular episode. Return of Harmony Part 2 and A Friend in Deed are the only two Season Two episodes that I think fit that criteria - and as a whole, I think they could have done it in Swarm of the Century with Pinkie's Polka, but that's about it. Very few episodes have fitting songs that make sense to replace the usual credits theme.

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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I, for one, cannot wait until the next episode. Also, we need a Rainbow Dash/Applejack duet. Ashleigh Ball singing with herself? Yes please.

We need another Rarity episode. :P Or at least another mane six episode.
I think a Pipsqueak and Dinky ep would be nice...
Of course I would say...YES!!!!!!! As awesome as it was for pinkie to destroy the fourth wall several times and act like it never existed, the mane six must return with speaking roles, or at least 3 cuz we have been going with either background ponies or only one mane character.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I don't think I'm getting my point across. Of course Cranky's going to be different if he's a Donkey, but I think they went way too far with making him different. Have a look at this:cranky_pony_creator.pngI made that on the pony creator. Let's say that's young Cranky, because I couldn't age him. Now, compare that to young Cranky in the show:cranky_young.jpgCan you see how different he is to the ponies and their style now? Even when he's young, he's got bony looking legs, a very different head shape to the ponies, nostrils sticking out, and a pretty different looking tail as well. I just think it's silly that the ponies have their lovely sleek designs and come in all the colors of the rainbow, and then these donkeys have contrastingly realistic features and are limited to real life colors. Why shouldn't they share the lovely stylization? You'll probably all think I'm mad going on like this, but I just find that sort of thing really annoying. wacko.gif

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Your Cranky just looks like an unhappy pony with a colored nose.The main characters of the show are the ponies, and so far most other (non-fictional) species were for the most part more realistic, if somewhat stylized. There weren't multi-colored buffalo either, and most of the pet-tier animals are realistic.It's probably because most of what we're shown are ponies, and a lot of them, so to keep scenes visually interesting they come in a variety of colors. Since Cranky and some of the others are either minor or one-off characters, they don't need to be fanciful, and can (and should) be more realistic to better distinguish them.


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Yeah, I couldn't do everything I wanted to with the creator.I'm well aware that the buffalo and the cows are much closer to reality, but I still feel that seeing as Cranky is a donkey and thus related to ponies that he should be closer to their style than than anything else. Iunno, I just can't help disliking the way he's represented.

Edited by Brickeens
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Well, the Stubborn Mule from season 1 looked quite different as well... :PAlso, I now have the complete Mane Six from the blind bags. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngAnd a Glow in the Dark Twilight Sparkle, too.

Edited by Valenti

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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Duly noted, will be taken care of when daylight returns. *charges cell phone*

Edited by Valenti

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I personally think Cranky matches the show just fine. Sure, he's ever-so-slightly more realistic, but there's no reason they have to stylize all characters the same. The Windigos are clearly based on horses, but they, too, are much more realistic than most ponies. It's all a matter of what impression is supposed to be given, and in this case, the intended impression is that the donkeys are in fact a different species than the ponies and so have slightly different features. On the whole, the donkey designs seem just as sleek as the pony designs to me, just stylized a bit differently so you can tell they're not ponies.

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I've been trapped in the world of Minecraft for the past few months, so I only just started catching up on Ponies this morning.Hearts and Hooves was sorta meh in my opinion, while The Last Roundup was kinda a load of nothing. But all the other episodes I've seen so far were fantastic. I loved The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.The brothers were fantastic, their song was excellent, and as far as I'm concerned, Flutterdash is now canon.Ponyville has a serious cider addiction.Also, Flim and Flam are the Weasley Twins. :3

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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blindbagged01.pngLucky Dreams, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle², Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Blues Noteworthy.Twirity and FlutterDash may or may not be intentional. Edited by Valenti

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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Is it just me, or does Rarity have Bon-Bon's hair? :blink:

She has her own hair, it's just stylized a bit. :PColors are rather washed out due to the unexpected brightness of the flash. :P

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I, for one, cannot wait until the next episode. Also, we need a Rainbow Dash/Applejack duet. Ashleigh Ball singing with herself? Yes please.

We need another Rarity episode. :P Or at least another mane six episode.
I think a Pipsqueak and Dinky ep would be nice...
Of course I would say...YES!!!!!!! As awesome as it was for pinkie to destroy the fourth wall several times and act like it never existed, the mane six must return with speaking roles, or at least 3 cuz we have been going with either background ponies or only one mane character.
I'm still rooting for a Scootaloo episode. Also agree we need to see the Mane 6 back in action.



the greatest chicken/dodo/scooter riding Pegasus ever

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