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The Legend Rebooted


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Scenario: It's the year 2021, and you've just been given the task of doing a "reboot" of the Bionicle franchise; essentially, a different continuity completely separate from the "G1" series. Naturally, you accept. Lego has basically handed you a copy of the old story bible and said "Here, use this as a guide, but you can make some changes if you like. Knock yourself out." Your budget for the first year is $20 million. How would you go about it? What media would you use to tell the story? Whereabouts in the storyline would you start? Would you make any alterations to the setting, characters, or plot? How would you maximise appeal to the target audience? (For that matter, what kind of audience would you be aiming for?) What would you do?

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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Hmm, not sure if this is allowed, on account of it being a What If topic. Then again becoming a Lego employee in 2021 is possible, so... I'd continue the main story about a century after the final events of the current story, but I'd try to minimise links to the story inside the MU (Spherus Magna's past, however, is fair game). I'd also make the target audience younger teenagers and pre-teens. To begin with, I'd tie off any loose ends I can find, like the Gold-skinned being's attempt at conquest, what will happen to the Kestora, and the constant threat of the baterra. I'd also have new stories start every two years, rather than every year, so the story progresses more slowly, and doesn't get complex as quickly. Regarding media, I'd hope to have a semi-canon MMORPG made to support the story, and have a Bionicle version of Hero Recon team connected to it, with which one can make their own Toa, Glatorian or other species that they can play as in the MMO, AND that they can purchase as a real set! I'd also have 2 or 3 books written per year (one per half-year, plus maybe a final finishing story at the end), as well as a few comics. BIONICLEStory updates would also continue, but again with few ties to the main story. With sets, I'd have 6 small sets, 6 canister sets and 2 large sets released every half-year.

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I'd begin by asking where everyone else who is working on the project with me is.

Well, let's say you're head of the story team, so you'd have access to a few writers, set designers and advertising people. You can approach comic publishers, animation studioes, web designers, musicians, etc. Or, if you like, you can say you're an animator/ director etc and talk about the appraoach you'd take in that situation.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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I would re-edit Mask of Light so that all the characters are digitally replaced by Ewoks.

You mean the Matoran aren't Ewoks? :ohmy: In all seriousness, I don't see why one would have to go by the old story bible if you're talking about a different continuity. Have the same characters, some different ones, and generally alter it in the way that I'd like it more (i.e. killing corny lines like 'that's what friends do'. That friendship is NOT magic.)

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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I would re-edit Mask of Light so that all the characters are digitally replaced by Ewoks.

You mean the Matoran aren't Ewoks? :o In all seriousness, I don't see why one would have to go by the old story bible if you're talking about a different continuity. Have the same characters, some different ones, and generally alter it in the way that I'd like it more (i.e. killing corny lines like 'that's what friends do'. That friendship is NOT magic.)
Well, I'd expect they'd show the story bible to anyone working on Bionicle, just to give them a starting point in case they'd never seen Bionicle before. But in this scenario, it's entirely up to you whether you use it or not. i'd personally love to be shown a copy of it, but that's just me.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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I'd select a team, have them go over general statistics and stuff from the first ten years, compile them and send them to me. From there I'd build concept models of the first wave of figures, draw up some concept art and draft a new story. See how it ran in control groups, and then release it.

Edited by ShardKal
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I'd keep the story for everything just the same, though the set designs would be vastly improved and modernificatinized where needed, (I'm talking to you, Mistake-a!) I'd like to make it appeal to a bigger age range, and obviously appeal to those who grew up on BIONICLE G1, besides the fact that it's BIONICLE and it's back, and I'd definately load it with nostalgia-sauce.I'd really enjoy making the 2001-2003 saga, much more confusing and mysterious. Making it a bit darker wouldn't hurt. I'd love to see the result of a modern (as in the 2020's modern) BIONICLE game to follow the storyline as it goes.

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I would start again. The sun suddenly disappears behind a could of ash, plunging the lands of Spherus Magna into despair and poverty (and a huge economic crisis). People start to wander away migrating to warmer lands as snow closes in from the north and south. Mysterious beings, akin to the Endermen in Minecraft, appear from the ground, confusing people more as they silently pillage smaller villages. Other beings, such as the few remaining Bohrok and Rahkhsi, are called up to help the dwindling Glatorian species. The Toa are all but extinct, but some exist with the power to save the planet. A rag-tag group of heroes, mostly Glatorian, Agori and Matoran, with the help of Tuurahk, the first Rahkshi and a few others (maybe I can fit more Bohrok in somewhere :P) wander off deep into the lands of the mysterious beings to find these last Toa, booed and mocked for their beliefs that Toa are still alive.Or something like that.OR I would use my Virus story.

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My unrealistic want would be to contact Madhouse and have an anime as the main media. I guess the sets would be made using the new building system or whatever they have then, and then I dunno. I think Madhouse could do a pretty sweet job, though. The story would, I guess, be more or less the same minus the rushed ending and with a more episodic thing going to allow the anime be the main form of media.


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Not sure what I would do for sets, personally, though I would have the return of gear movement, which was pretty cool. As for story, I've noticed that Bionicle seems to chategorize entire species (such as the Skakdi, Vortix, or Makuta) as being bad-natured, when the theme should be something like "it's your actions that dictate who you are, not your species". So more emphasis on the Barraki being "honorable" Warlords rather than merciless killers, showing examples of some good Skakdi and Vortix, and emphasizing more on Krika's dilemmas about loyalties to his species.Finally, for movies and that kind of media, while showing the Toa and everyone in CGI was cool, I would honestly rather have it in the cartoon/anime-like appearance of MNOG. I don't know why, but that art style gave a lot more depth to the island of Mata Nui than MoL's style did.One more thing that I'm just going to leave open to you guys. I'm sure we've all seen how the Bionicle story has gotten darker over the years in terms of level of violence. We want the series to be open for all ages, so what do you think about allowing for mature themes for older audiance yet still keeping the main story friendly with younger fans?

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I would re-edit Mask of Light so that all the characters are digitally replaced by Ewoks and the word "Makuta" has been replaced with the phrase "Big shadowy thing that is simply misunderstood."

Nice. Except most people probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Seriously, though. The Matoran sounded like 11-12 year olds. And Makuta was made out to be some guy saying, "Darn it, I'm angry. I'm gotta show everyone how sad and angry I am."



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The goal should basically be to captialize on nostalgia, while keeping the younger fans interested. If the models look interesting/ 'cool" enough, the kids will come. What could really help is being able to reel back in the old fans (which would be us). I have always thought that Lego should start to make at least a few teen/"young adult" lines so the issue of the general money stream of kids "growing out" can be delayed, although it may still be inevitable for many. If we we to try to reach for the older group, the sets would need to be more complex and have more functions (gears!), and the story could be more dark and intense. This can be done because Bionicle wouldn't be "that little kid toy", those who think that they are too cool too go near a bionicle, or those who fear bullying would not have such problems (although its no garuntee). The younger audience may enjoy the challenge. By no way am I saying that the younger audience should be excluded! Also, the whole line doesn't have to be adjusted for this. There is a happy medium somewhere. The sets of old could be revamped, to fit both groups needs. There could be two lines of sets, such as the Toa, and the "Mega-Titans". I feel Lego would have to broaden their audience if this were to work. It would take a monumental effort, but if the can be expanded then Bionicle will have many healthy years to come.

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I'd eliminate the stupid gender rule, and then flip around all the characters' genders. Okay, I'd do more than that, but that's what the Bionicle: Animated project is all about. =P

That's probably the main change I'd make, too. Also fits in with the "appeal to a wider audience" thing.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posting here 'cause all of a sudden I find myself thinking that a reboot would be a good idea. I'd also like to see this topic started up again.The way I see it, there are three points that need to be addressed in rebooting Bionicle.1: The story. This is obvious. The story needs to be acessible to both old fans and new fans, even when it's been running for five to ten years already.2: The sets. These need to be appealing to the new crowd especially, since they're, as far as I can tell, the most likely to buy new sets. They should also be cheap, but that being said, this economy isn't helping there.3: The presentation of the story. This basically means comics or a TV show or somesuch.I'll address these in detail.Sets: I frankly like the Hero Factory 2012 sets that I'm seeing, and I think that a rebooted Bionicle should continue in that vein. I'd like to see more things like the Toa Olda with gear systems, but unfortuantely I recall that not selling too well. I'd say go back to the old run of two sets of six, possibly with small sets but that'd be optional. I do also highly encourage the Olda-style masks that can be knocked off. That was a lot of fun for me when I was a kid.Story: Back to square one. Toa wash up on an island, meet Matoran and Turaga, must fight Makuta. Rewrite the answers, winking at the old fans with references to G1 (such as having Lhii actually show up as a lava surfer), but generally starting all over. Keep their characterizations, but have them more snappily written. Greg may be good at worldbuilding, but the dialogue leaves something to be desired in my opinion. Whether it goes back into scifi or stays mystical would depend on the writer, but I'd like to see a mix--less science fiction than last time, but not totally mystical. Keep Makuta's scheming just as sharp as it was last time, but don't go overboard so he's manipulating every little thing. That wasn't part of his character.Presentation: An animated show, but animated similar to the way the MNOLG was animated, not CGI. Let the sets and such be stylized and more lifelike than the MNOLG, but retain the same general look, especially for the architecture and the terrain, because that was utterly gorgeous. I suggest Templar as the guys to do the animation as well, 'cause they did a great job. Have the episodes start with a recap of the important story points (see the "Previously On" segment, a good example being 24), and have a mix of ones that progress the year's story and others that serve as stand-alone. If you examine Castle, that's a good example of a mix of the two, especially the most recent season: starts off with a massive wham, progressing the story arc, and then cools down for a few episodes before dangling a plot thread from two or so seasons ago and then cooling down again before heating up again.Also, get a social networking fan page.:w:

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What'd I do is essentially a "requel." It would be a technical sequel, but for the first few years it would have little to no mention of the past storyline, but would slowly connect itself by re-introducing the orriginal concepts, so as not to completely confuse the new fanbase. I'd also do two seperate versions of the main story: one being told through comics and being aimed at the younger children, having a much lighter story much akin to the BIONICLE we know. Next, there'd be novels that'd be aimed for the most part at the older demographic, with more action and character development, but not so much action as too turn parents of younger kids that may still be interested away. Plus, no corny lines in the novels. Story... No idea as of yet. I mean I have several ideas for epics I'm writing that have stories that could sort-of work, but all of them heavily, heavily rely on the main cannon as a backstory... The comics would be a monthly thing, while the novels would be released three a year, each serving as an act 1, 2, and 3 of the years story. Giving us a nice rounded and not rushed story for both age groups. Sets wise I'd do basically what LEGO done, really don't see any reason in changing that up unless the story for some reason calls for it.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!:tohu:

Nothin' to see here folks. Just keep movin' along.

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Well, the problem with the novels is that the older fans (IE teens) really don't have the money to pay for them, and so you're expending mmoney without bringing any in. That's why LEGO cancelled several much-anticipated novels, because their financial guys said "this won't pay for itself.":w:

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Well, the problem with the novels is that the older fans (IE teens) really don't have the money to pay for them, and so you're expending mmoney without bringing any in. That's why LEGO cancelled several much-anticipated novels, because their financial guys said "this won't pay for itself.":w:

They should put them on iBooks. Then people would probably buy more, and they wouldn't spend as much on print.
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Ooh... iBooks, didn't think of that one. Any kind of eBook would sell more to the age group determined there. But of course, this is 2021... All those darn youngin's will be too busy flyin' their hoverboards to enjoy good ol' fashion books anyways. :P... What... We'll have hoverboards by then, right...?P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!:tohu:

Edited by The BIONICLE Hero

Nothin' to see here folks. Just keep movin' along.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only think I could think of is making a story in the distant, distant future of Spherus Magna, within the same canon as the old story. (I guess so as not to alienate old fans) Most of the old characters would probably be dead or something and we can start from scratch with an all (or mostly) new cast, maybe keeping one old character as a Turaga or something. Somehow I'd use elements of the old story to make it seem mysterious and deep (for the newcomers, so they get the same feel as the old fans did in '01-'03) or create dramatic irony (for the old fans).

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


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Introducing the fishers64 Master plan to Reboot Bionicle! In responding to your Ruthless Hypothetical, I would take the following steps:1. Bribe Greg Farshtey to accelerate serial publicationI'm sure we can work something out.2. Make Generation 1 Bionicle more accessibleBasically, I would throw all the web videos, DVD Movies, story serials/blogs/podcasts, old Bionicle games, comics, and maybe even the text of the old books on a single website. They are no longer making Lego any profit, so all of them should be available to the public free of charge in case anyone of the younger generation wants to find the old stuff, they will be able to find it in a less confusing format. This is key; the website must be organized well.If I did not place the text of all the books on the website, or even if I did, I would likely push for an omnibus book to be published of all the books of Gen1 Bionicle, simply because I want one. 3. Make a major motion picture with little ties to the old storyWhat I would aim for would be a futuristic Spherus Magna tale told several decades in the future. I was thinking about a war between the Toa and the Great Beings because the GBs do not know the denizens of the MU are now sentient, and each side has to out-innovate the other in pursuit of victory; however, I would be willing to take suggestions. The environment would be the newly high-tech city of New Atero, and I would likely have it done in CGI.The reason I would do a theater movie: people still go to the movies, and if you do a good job of it and publicize it well, it will be hard for people to ignore. They also tend to generate money.I believe that Bionicle still has enough creative talent at Lego and in the fan base to pull off an awesome movie that will appeal to a younger audience, with new main central characters. Even older characters could be brought back without too much backstory if we wanted.The movie could be serialized, but I would go no further than a trilogy and would insist that each new movie be better than the last. 4. Allow the serials to operate in the pastWhile I would change the time frame of the movie (series), I would not change Greg Farshtey's serials, and because he has a few decades to work with in terms of time, he will be able to write pretty much whatever he wants. This is primarily for the benefit of the older fanbase, who will not want the reboot to enhance the serials rather than impinge them. The other benefit of this is that there will be eventually no continuity gaps in the storyline, so less explanation will have to be given for that space in time, because there is story to cover it. 5. MMORPGs and Hero Recon style stuffWhen the movie(s) end, if Lego wishes to continue the line for longer, or even if I have the money while the movies are running, I would consider using Makuta_of_Oz's idea and making a semi-canon MMORPG with characters that you can make sets of; I would expand the idea to include Vortixx, and perhaps allow users to make their own custom Rahi (perhaps to keep as pets in the game?) to purchase. Revealing in-story the Matoran reproductive process would help immensely on these matters. 6. Create a Bionicle iDevice/Android appThis would allow access to the archive mentioned above, the currently running serials, theater movie trailers, and the MMORPG. People will be able to buy standard and custom designed sets right from their mobile devices, and play MMORPG anywhere. I'm actually considering adding a fansite toolbox that will allow you to link to places like BZP, BS01, BioMedia project, etc. The one problem with this is that some of the newer fans will not desire the archive portion because it is confusing and old and some older fans will wish to forget it exists. So the app will be offered with the archive and serials, and without, thus enabling all to get to what they want. And before you say all this isn't possible, remember, this is 2021. The idea of just playing Glatorian Arena 3 on a iPad is enough to send me pacing in circles; the idea of a MMORPG, well, it just might get me off my hover board. Maybe.I haven't decided whether the app will be paid or free yet. Maybe the app with the archive will cost less.7. Sets Obviously, we are going to have the main cast members of the movie as sets, but, thanks to the movie, we are going to have some more money, and I think that money should go into set design.We are going to have a lot more flexibility to do what the fans want. Surveys will be taken, polls made, suggestions considered. Mata Nui robot set? Done. A historical character that didn't get a set before? We can do that. 8. Books, ComicsThese are going to have to be largely ditched, mostly because a) they are not profitable (less people read books these days) and http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png they are drains on GregF's writing time, which would slow down the serials and c) one of the problems of the old Bionicle was that the story was spread over three or four different mediums and it was hard to follow. Limiting it to two mediums will help eliminate that problem. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Notations?

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First, I would start off after the Matoran Universe has "ended" and we are on the surface of the now complete Spherus Magna. The past story will be briefly summarized, mentioned the Great Beings' robot project, the Matoran/Toa, Glatorian/Agori and a bit about the factions. I would for the most part focus on either new characters or refrain from referencing the old, complex story too much.- The Dark Hunters would still be a mercenary organization. They would get a more prominent role in the main story, providing both villains and possibly an anti-hero team. They would also have a lot of power on the new Spherus Magna.- Miserix would be present and explained as being the single remaining Makuta. As such, his sheer power level would make him one of the more powerful characters, appearing now and then but mostly remaining neutral. In fact, I might be inclined to simply call him "the Makuta". Y'know, bring back some of the old 2001 feel. Ditto for other mysterious and reclusive beings such as Artakha: I wouldn't bring them up too much.- Order of Mata Nui almost disbanded, they are now a smaller organization made for helping people in need. A sort of anti-DH, if you will. There would be some conflict between the two, but no open war.- Gender-limits would be removed from MU elements. This not only fits better with the Glatorian version of handling things, but it also simply works better, IMO.- Various "powerless" species would be brought more into the light, such as Vortixx and Steltians. Unlike MU stories where everyone apparently needed a blade with some magic power, I would diminish the use of super-powers somewhat to make things less confusing. Elements and mask powers would stay, of course, but Kanohi should be a bit sparse (hand-made one by one or pilfered from old GB tech buildings) yet also usable by most that could get their hands on one.- No dimension-hopping or time travel, ever.The "main quest" would be the various species trying to find out what, exactly, happened to the Great Beings between the robot's departure and return. I imagine a story similar to the Chozo of the Metroid series here: Everyone is using their advanced tech, but no-one knows how to really build it or where the designers went.

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Here’s what I’d look at first: Target audience. I’d need to make it appeal to both boys and girls. The age? About 5-14, or 5-15. Still, for it to appeal to girls, a more refined, sophisticated, and slender design for the female sets. The masks would look smoother and have a more attractive look about them instead of a mask like Hahli Inika’s or Gali Nuva’s. Anyway, let’s continue to something else.For the universe? Here's an idea: The MU is still existent, with only one Toa Team that hasn’t migrated to Spherus Magna. When they make the journey to SM, they end up in a warped, completely alternate universe. Teridax has died, and Miserix is now at the helm, with the Dark Hunters obeying his every command. The Shadowed One is his second-in-command, and he despises Miserix’s manipulative leadership over the mercenary organizations in the world. However, Ahkmou is third-in-command and is a more significant antagonist than before.The Toa team meets old and new friends, the old ones banished or hiding from the bounty hunters tracking down old Turaga, Matoran, and Toa that once held fame and heroism in the palm of their hand. Some have died from unfortunate death, and others have grouped with the survivors. The rookies begin to plan a group of survivors and newcomers, but they search for clues to escape this demented world – while finding others that have had the same fate.And, the major organizations have died off and faded into the background. The Order of Mata-Nui has now completely disbanded after the Makuta and DH located their fortress, and none have been spotted since the occurrence. The Brotherhood, now integrated with the Dark Hunters, has the primary species: Makuta. To them, Toa are nonexistent, but to confirm that, they search for loners to kill or to impress into the group.So, that’s a long description of what everything would be. For elements, there may be new ones, such as a few rare elements that don’t usually have Toa in them. One will be Crystal, a similar element to Ice but has differences. There would also be Creation as a permanent element, a rare species that has an ability similar to that of the Great Beings. However, they are limited to such things they can create, such as the following: Great Beings, Toa, Matoran, etc.. But, they have the ability to create inanimate objects, plants, and even have the use of other elements. They can also clone themselves, but don’t have the ability to clone others.Genders have been removed from each element now, which also makes the Toa team in the storyline a little more diverse. Such as: The six members of the team include a Toa of Ice, a fire-Toa, a lightning-Toa, a Toa of Earth, a Toa of Air, and a Toa of Water. The Toa of Fire is a female character, the lightning-Toa and water-Toa also female characters. The rest are male beings. And, with this Toa team, I’d probably create romantic interests. For the fire-Toa, the ice-Toa or Toa of Air would be the love interest. There would probably be one other relationship, but it isn’t all that important.So, that’s most of what the story would be. I can’t really think of much else right now, but that would be the basics.

Edited by Peach 00

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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@Peach 00: That sounds amazing. The only thing I disagree on is removing the gender-element part. I like the idea that each tribe has only one gender, but that's just my preference haha. :PEeeee, anyway I already planned out a whole story bible for a Bionicle reboot the other month. This is going to be long. (and possibly boring) Grab some snacks or something. :biggrin:*ahem*Millions of years have passed since the MU inhabitants moved to Spherus Magna and the Agori and Matoran have successfully integrated their societies. Everything is peaceful and the land is once again a paradise. Most of the old characters we know have died of old age. New Matoran have been created and new Agori were born.One day, all the villagers gather in New Atero for an annual sports competition! BUT… during the closing ceremonies, strange, evil creatures start attacking the crowd. They have powers that brainwash the villagers to join the ~dark side~. The Glatorans and Toa try to fight them off but to no avail.During the chaos, 6 Matoran, one from each village, happen to meet by chance and they help each other escape to safety. Now these six Matorans are a bit special. All Matoran have latent elemental powers yadda yadda, but these 6 are exceptionally skilled with manipulating the elements. (Not on a Toa level though, maybe a little past a Turaga’s skill)Anyway, they go back to their respective villages and find that these creatures, along with their brainwashed friends, are attacking their homes. It turns out this new baddie is trying to take over all the villages and rule all of Spherus Magna.The Turagas send away the six on a quest to find the fabled Toa Nuva at the Mountain of Champions. (Bionicle equivalent of Valhalla or Mt. Olympus) They would've send Toa or Glatoran, but the majority of them have fallen to the enemy. However, by this time, no one has seen the Toa in a very, very long time and many doubt they are still alive. But the situation becomes increasingly desperate so the Matoran set off. Tensions are high at first; they keep arguing on what to do since no one actually knows where the Mountains are. They bump into obstacles, monsters, challenges, but eventually they make it and become good friends along the way.Anyway, they reach the Mountain of Champions, which is a huge, beautiful fortress where only the best fighters and tacticians reside. They go through the hallways and find statues of the Toa Nuva…along with plaques stating that they have long died in various battles.Hopeless and about the give up, Axonn appears and gives the Matoran an inspirational speech, and they decide they won’t go down without a fight. They travel to the enemy’s base in the Black Spike Mountains, hatching an elaborate plan to infiltrate and take down the bad guy. (Even though they’re freaking Matoran, but hey. “You don’t have to be a Toa to be a hero” -Jaller, Garan)During the final confrontation, they discover the spirits of the Toa Nuva were actually inside them all along. Upon realizing this, they turn into Toa and save the day.…and Jiayi just gave Bionicle an RPG-isque plot. Yup.Some clarifications:[Matoran] The six Matoran would have personalities very close to their Toa Nuva counterparts. (except they are more immature and reckless) In a way, they are reincarnations of the Tahu and co.[Mountain of Champions] The home of heroes, thought only to exist in legends. It’s actually the base for the Order of Mata Nui! (Which is why the location is so secretive and no one knows where it is. Also, that is why Axonn happens to be there) [Villain] Some generic bad guy, I can’t think of an interesting bad guy. But he’s very evil and bent on world conquest.I’d keep the mythical qualities of 2001 so not everything is explained, (ex: How did those Matoran turn into Toa with no Toa stones or anything?! MAGIC, THAT'S HOW)Also the plot is simple, straight forward and meant to be written in a way so that people with no prior knowledge of Bionicle can tag along! But there will be subtle nods to past events/character for old-school fans. And even if the villain is generic, this was meant to focus more on the Matoran’s character development throughout their quest.I would actually plan this out over a span of 2 years, rather than fitting everything into one. Maybe have the first year's story end just when the Matoran find out the Toa Nuva have been long dead for suspense leading to the next year's story. There'd be comics, books and interactive web content. I'd aim for an "all ages" thing, kinda like Pixar movie story telling. (Simple yet deep, everyone can enjoy it) As for the sets, I'd keep them more "simple" and colourful like the 2001-2003 sets. (Wow, this post is 800+ words, it's like a short essay! xD)

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Good idea, but your major plot twist was kinda lacking (Matoran who can use the elements and have personalities like the Toa Nuva? The Toa Nuva are dead? No John, you are the Toa.) and one of the really appealing things about Bionicle (to me, and likely to others as well) was the fact that the bad guy was smart--to the point that having an avergae baddie in Tuma was very disappointing.:w:

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(I'm still allowed to revive this topic, right?)I would keep the original story as it is, just ironing out a few minor points, and have all of the old sets available through s@h (unrealistic, I know). Then I'd overhaul the bionicle website so you can look up anything you'd like to know more about (explained first in one sentence so you know what it's about, then in a paragraph so you know the basic facts, and then you can keep reading an entire encyclopedic article if you want.)Every year, I'd have a main story set on Spherus Magna that can be followed through webisodes* and things like characters' diaries, with frequent updates, as well as novels for people who like to read it that way. The website and novels would more or less be telling the same story and you wouldn't really need the novels to keep track of it all, but the novels would do things like focus more on certain characters and perspectives. These main stories would have corresponding sets released.I'd also hire a few talented writers who are into Bionicle (Greg, Bonesiii, Ballom...), not only to do the novels but also to do web serials. These may either tie into the main story chronologically (like most serials have done so far) or be flashbacks, and might occasionally have their own tie-in sets (possible s@h only).Last but not least, I'd explore the possiblities of a MMORPG set at the same time as the main story, that could, aside fom just being a playable game, be used as a medium to find out new things about the story. Very important events in the main story would be reflected here.*I'd say in 3d as my first instinct is to think that holds more character than 2d, but then there's The Legend Reborn and Avatar: the Last Airbender to prove me completely wrong. So they'd probably be 2d, which (I think) would also be cheaper.EDIT: for set design, I'd stick to the style we know, but instruct the designers to make sure that every set has something that certainly makes it "worth buying", like using rare colours, an innovative torso design... Also use bright, mata-era colours more often.

Edited by Toanoopie
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