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Blog Comments posted by Reznas

  1. Metroid is hands down my favourite game franchise. Can't believe it's been 30 years! It's a bit disappointing, because I never got a chance to play the Prime series, which looked amazing. But I've played through Zero Mission and Fusion multiple times, I've played Prime Hunters (the Nintendo DS game), I've played Other M, but am yet to finish it, the original Metroid, Metroid 2: Return of Samus and a bit of Super Metroid. I wish I had the tenacity to go for 100% runs, but I mostly went for speed runs on Zero Mission and Fusion.


    I think a list of your top 10 favourites would be really cool!







    Personally, I think Han Solo isn't dead. :D I mean, Luke survived a fall down into a huge chasm after getting his hand chopped off, and the Emperor survived a heck of a lot of things, including falling down a chasm. Han Solo coming back would not surprise me, not only because of past occurrences, but also because it's Harrison Ford, and his character generates views and in turn, money. Taking him out altogether takes away some nostalgia from fans. I just can't believe they would kill him off so quickly.










    Fair enough. I had no idea that Harrison Ford had wanted that. :)



  3. Personally, I think Han Solo isn't dead. :D I mean, Luke survived a fall down into a huge chasm after getting his hand chopped off, and the Emperor survived a heck of a lot of things, including falling down a chasm. Han Solo coming back would not surprise me, not only because of past occurrences, but also because it's Harrison Ford, and his character generates views and in turn, money. Taking him out altogether takes away some nostalgia from fans. I just can't believe they would kill him off so quickly.




    If I had a million dollars, I would buy an island, specifically Australia and destroy all spiders, snakes and things that can kill me from it and keep all of those glorious accents around. Only problem is, even with a million dollars, I'll still have an economy down under...




    I think you've overestimated what a million dollars can get you there. 



    I think you've missed the bolded section. :P



  5. As an audio engineer, I just want to agree with what others have said about Beats probably not being the way to go. Shockwave is right in saying that $200 or more is when you start getting studio quality. I would even say that upwards of $100-$150 are when you start getting some lower quality studio pairs. Depending on what you want, there are a lot of really cheap earphones out there, like everyone has mentioned, that get you really good quality for their price range. But if you're really looking for a nicer pair, don't go with beats. Sennheiser makes some great high-end earphones, and there are lots of other notable brands that make great ones. I've had some good experience with Philips, as well. 



  6. This one is a bit older, but 12 Angry Men(1957). One of my favorite movies since I first watched it. The writing is so strong, and it is just incredible. Seriously great story, great cinematography, great blocking, urrggg.


    I just love it a whole lot. 


    Just wanted to drop by and say that I totally, totally second this if you haven't already seen it. Such an incredible movie. :)



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  7. It's not her duty to teach you about Brontosaurus' in the middle of what is clearly a personal vent post.


    Well, in my eyes, it's either her being sarcastic and me still being confused about how dinosaurs are misrepresented in the media, or her being informative so I can learn something and better understand the misrepresentation of dinosaurs. I'm really only interested in learning, as I admit I'm not exactly knowledgeable on the subject.


    Well, I mean, I acknowledge that I can be sarcastic regarding inaccurate media portrayals of dinosaurs. I mean, I think I'm justified in it to an extent; the public view of palaeontology is fraught with misconceptions and misinformation, so to not care about it feels like a white flag, surrender to an uneducated public. I complain about a lack of accuracy because if I don't, it will keep happening, and people will keep thinking of dinosaurs the wrong way. It's like evolution or homosexuality in that fashion; the more misinformation spreads, the more people think they know about something when they don't.


    Of course, this has nothing to do with pop culture portrayals of dinosaurs because this is talking about news stories. You know, stories which in theory are the facts. If they show an outdated picture of Brontosaurus, people who don't know better (i.e. just about anyone excited for the return of the genus) will accept it as fact. Considering these are people who are likely to consider any science that changed after they stopped being children as fungible and ignorable, this represents a serious problem.


    I'm not asking you not to be sarcastic. It is justified, in a way, because of the misinformation and misconceptions that are so common in the media. Like I said, I understand why you would be irritated. I'm just asking that you be informative, so I can learn the truth about dinosaurs and be able to discern truth from misconception.



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  8. Hey, I think it's really cool that you care so much about paleontology and the study of dinosaurs, and I certainly think that many times dinosaurs are very much misrepresented in the media. But the passive aggressive way you write these entries has, at least personally, felt like an attack on me and others that still enjoy Jurassic Park and other media interpretations of dinosaurs, regardless of their scientific accuracy. While I think misinterpretation can certainly be annoying, especially for experts in a particular field, I actually found the Jurassic Park series very enjoyable. I can understand your irritation, however. Could I recommend that you make your entries more informative rather than satirical? From my observation, you seem really knowledgeable about dinosaurs, and I'd like to learn more about how they are misrepresented in the media. Maybe in this case give a bit of information comparing the scientific qualities of genus Brontosaurus versus the way the media misrepresents it?



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