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Blog Comments posted by Portalfig

  1. Thanks for all the replies, guys! I'm certainly thinking through it all.


    Sumiki: Yeah, the "future factor" is a really big deal to me in this context because of just the sheer amount of school I am expecting to do. It is pretty much the reason why I didn't just shrug and go with college A. It is definitely a huge factor in all of this.


    fishers: Thank you! Yep, that is pretty much the plan! Dr. Portal does have a pretty nice ring to it, doesn't it?


    Zox: Man, can I just say that this reply is literally the best? Because it is literally the best. You are correct that I did not ask for advice, but man am I glad to see this. It's just absolutely fantastic. Thank you very much.


    I wanted to like go through and like, reply point for point, but the only real thing I can say is that your advice for this visit to College B is really, really good advice. I will certainly look at the more personal side at this college, and try to not compare it apples to apples to College A, but as it's own thing. I just have to keep my mind open.


    My visit is on Friday, so I guess we'll see!


    (Also, yes. Freaking Longhorns. haha)

  2. Welcome to the "I feel old in my early twenties" club!


    We have music played at a moderate level, but not so low you have to strain your ears to hear the music. There's chips and pop and salsa and lemonade and water: so, you know, go nuts. Also we play board games and just chat and swap funny stories.

    Did somebody say...


    B O A R D   G A M E S ?


    'cause I really like board games. We should have this party sometime so we can play some B O D   G E S

    • Upvote 4
  3. I guess my evil scheme to get you out worked, albeit with drastic side effects I didn't see coming.


    I've gone to a Radioshack once, and that was because they were like the only store within like 45 minutes of me that had thermal paste in stock. And seeing as I needed that paste in order to do my school, because without it my computer wouldn't turn on...


    Well, I've had a fairly good opinion of them since then, to be honest. Sucks that the entire place is closing down, though. Hopefully your next employment is more enjoyable for you!

    • Upvote 2
  4. ...i searched my name on tumblr...


    ...what did i see?...


    ...someone asking why i use...


    ...i actually laughed...


    ...as it is just a habit...


    ...and once i started...


    ...i cant stop...


    ...just thought i would mention this...


    ...i found it amusing...




    Yep. That works pretty good. Channel the inner e.e. cummings and roll with it. *nods*

    • Upvote 3
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