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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. Responsible for the constant creeping in my soul... Describe lime green connections in a line.
  2. 1/5 I've seen your posts around, but I can't say that I know you very well haha. Nice pictures though!
  3. Plot twist, all non-organic Suletu's look like Hau's so that nobody knows they're being mind read. (Obviously not true, Hewkii found Kongu's Suletu before it became organic and they didn't recognize the shape). I actually have never heard that Krakua's mask was a normal Suletu, was this stated officially somewhere like a book or something?
  4. Double checking the actual model below, I can verify that those are indeed X-pod container lids. I collected practically all of them and am very familiar with their design lol
  5. Happy (belated) birthday to BZPower! I remember first discovering this site, and since then having so many good memories with the people here. May there be many more to come!
  6. Well the biggest reason was because Metru Nui was the Matoran's original home, and it was where the Turaga meant for the Matoran to return to eventually anyways. Because of Makuta hiding in his lair between them and the area below, without Toa they couldn't make the journey back. With the seven Toa and Makuta defeated they could finally go back and rebuild the city, as the city's survival was vital to Mata Nui's health. Of course they found out later they were to late, and he was dying anyways...
  7. Considering the matoran/toa were supposed to be "shut down" once Mata Nui fulfilled his destiny, I don't think the great beings would have bothered programming the agori language into the matoran since they weren't meant to interact.
  8. It's a pity, I really wanted to collect the G2 Tahu and his protector/creature as to complete my Tahu collection, but as of right now, they're *way* to expensive for my wallet right now...
  9. To be fair, it was a very nice blaster for the large vehicles that came out that same year, I'd say that'd be a great use for it. As a handheld gun though? Very heavy indeed.
  10. I was also sad when the last comic book bundle "power of the great beings" got canceled, I was really looking forward to finishing off the Bara Magna series with that on, I was a big supporter of the comics.
  11. I suppose my biggest disappointment is that 2006 and 2007 never got movies made of them. I would have enjoyed seeing the Piraka and Barraki fight the Toa Inika/Mahri and the stories behind those years would be a fun thriller I'd think.
  12. I'm trying really hard not to get any hopes up, and to tell myself that I'd be content with a Ratatouille or Legend of Zelda set (to be honest both of those would be really cool) but yes I am definitely hoping that Sokoda's Bionicle idea passes, that would make my day, week, month, even year if that happened lol
  13. As a lover of both BIONICLE and Settlers of Catan, I have to say, well done! This looks like a very fun combination of the two, and the way you utilized the MNOG art is very cool!
  14. This raises the question regarding Krika being "regret"... did Teridax ever display regret over his actions in any of the media variations? Internally or otherwise?
  15. How do ppl get away with bootleg sets? Are the pieces technically different, or sold under a different name to avoid copyright? I never really understood knock off brands.
  16. I have 1 (stage 1 version since that's my favorite face type, and that's the type that appeared in the comics). I don't really plan on collecting more, I just wanted one shadow kraata for my collection, and I decided a long time ago I wasn't going to try and collect every single kraata type, so I'm happy with it. EDIT: Congrats on your achievement btw!
  17. The Piraka Stronghold system set, got it second hand in a shrewd business deal and at a great price.
  18. Actually to make a small correction, none of Nektann's faction were enslaved by the Golden-Skinned being, the being was created by the Skakdi who were trying to defy Teridax's rule as the new "great spirit" while Nektann had allied himself with Teridax. I don't think it was very clear what happened to Nektann's Skakdi after Teridax's defeat, but the Golden-Skinned being's followers were a seperate group of Skakdi.
  19. The Toa Mistika and their weird masks. To be honest they don't even really resemble the originals, nuva or otherwise.
  20. Hmm I can't seeem to remember the specifics, where did it say that Jovan and his team didn't have a choice? In all other instances of turaga transformation, the Toa chooses willingly to sacrifice their power, it wasn't forced upon them.
  21. I'd wager Teridax would love absorbing Thanos into his essence. Course Thanos is very strong willed, it'd be difficult for Teri to squash his mind once done (but then, he's one of the most strong willed characters in the MU so there's that to consider)
  22. So it seems that Faber has stopped using the 3IO hashtag anymore, and has switched to "Biological chronicle of survival" or #biovival as stated in this new instagram post. He posted a new art that he drew, and also a speed paint video of it as well, both are cool I'd recommend checking them out. It appears he's still asking people to let him know if they'll help support him in his crusade, whatever that may be.
  23. True, I wouldn't mind seeing a Bohrok Survival game, with different modes where you have to survive against waves and waves of Bohrok breeds, and another where you have to race against a clock (maybe a few hours or so, that pauses when you log off) to collect the krana and take the fight to the Bahrag before the island is completely destroyed (with a constantly updating map that shows how much of the terrain has been decimated). Either that, or just a simple Metru Nui game, where you get to explore the city in it's prime, that'd be fun too!
  24. My personal theory is that he built his own Suva in Kini-Nui, and kept it there for old times sake.
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