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Everything posted by aldero

  1. 2003: It's Takua's time The Avohkii is here He's a Toa now 2004: In Vakama's day City of Metru Nui Screwed up by Vahki 2005: Get the Matoran Vakama is evil now Should have been Matau
  2. That's the key word: mystery. There is an unbelievable amount of mystery surrounding the Great Beings that is just begging to be explored. If Mata Nui had ever stumbled across some ancient records of the Great Beings and uncovered their motives and hints of their culture, his journey of self-discovery and his development of perspective would have been made so much better. It definitely would have provided the theme with it's signature air of mystery that it admittedly lost in the later years. I'm picturing it right now... Mata Nui getting to the centre of the Maze and finding the blueprints of the Great Spirit Robot and the records following it's construction. Absolutely dripping with atmosphere and drenched in mystery.
  3. Well, that's... indescribably amazing. I'd be more prone to a painting of the Ignika or the Mask of Creation hanging up on my wall, but it doesn't mean I don't want this like crazy.
  4. "What have you done this week, my child?" "Me? I just developed the framework for a fictional language out of several mismatched words, suggested linguistic patterns and mouth anatomy. How about you?" In all seriousness, this is pretty flippin' amazing. I'll hopefully expand on this topic with some phrases and perhaps some sentences later on. Liberties may have to be taken, of course. Please continue blowing my mind in future.
  5. You've lost all your pudding pops!

  6. I don't really have a favourite Glatorian. I never got to like any of them and their personalities. Doesn't mean I don't like Sahmad, though. In fact, I enjoy the Agori much, much more than the Glatorian themselves. One could say that Metus was a discount Ahkmou, but Metus comes across as a significantly more cynical character than the comparatively more innocent Ahkmou.
  7. Aside from the sudden introduction of existentialism in this thread, I will say that G1 was never really retconned or anything. It would have been retconned if a pre-established and understood consequence of an event is changed abruptly to suit the current story's story, but no solid or undoubtable connections have been made that would link the completely separate universes of G1 and G2. They exist separately and prosper independently. Good day.
  8. The graphic novels were excellent and The Legend Reborn... is... infamous. I don't know if I really wanted to see anything about the Great Beings butchered by the films. I would frankly just want to see a pre-rendered mini-movie similar to the Barraki short, the bi-weekly Mata Nui blog narrated by Michael Dorn, a heaped helping of serials and an exclusive graphic novel. That, I don't ever want to see Berix ever again.
  9. I'm sure that at least 100% of us have heard about the canceled tenth graphic novel made by Papercutz, the Power of the Great Beings. It has been stated that this novel would have gone more into depth about Mata Nui's journey into the Valley of the Maze, his path to self-discovery and the assembling of the Prototype Robot before the eventual reformation of Spherus Magna. This cancelation was made even more tragic when all we got out of the Valley of the Maze series was a short comic included with the LEGO Club magazine which glossed over... what? Everything? There is so much that could have been explored beyond the Valley of the Maze story arc, such as the elaborated-on origins of the Baterra, the construction of the Great Spirit Robot and more on what happened after the Shattering. So, my question is: What did you want to see in this novel?
  10. Out of curiosity, how would this look to you? 'cuz having a goal, strength, and flaw is often enough to form the basis of a personality/character in writing and the character descriptions for Nexo have those elements.Look to the flaws added to each G2 Toa to see an example of this yielding a bad result.For a given value of "bad", maybe—I think the flaws added to the G2 Toa are excellent and give them better personalities than the G1 Toa, who barely had personality traits at all outside of their base archetypes. That's... a really good point, actually. Sure, they might come across as much more comical to our cynical selves now, but it helps to give a better sense of identity to the Toa (and for that matter, Ninja). Nexo Knights definitely seems like the theme to sport some well-fleshed out, entertaining characters with their own completely separate identity. Yes, I'm seeing a lot of, say, Nya in Macy, so I hope LEGO shakes things up enough without stirring up the archetype of a witty, confident and deviant female character.
  11. I'd hate to be such a pessimist, but since this series seems to be following the same formula established by Ninjago, we might just get fleshed-out archetypes. My suggestion would be to wait for them to really develop their personalities. Even then, it's all just archetypes.
  12. I'm sure that we've all at least heard of the newest original theme destined for Ninjago proportions, Nexo Knights. I've been craving some good ol' Western-style fantasy ever since the LEGO Kingdoms line ended (2013 Castle theme is utterly irrelevant) and as much as I'd love to see the return of the Fantasy Era style of Castle, I'm quite eager to see Nexo Knights go places. So, my question is: What do you want to see? I'll kick off the discussion on the note of Merlok 2.0. I'll be honest, I love the concept of this guy. He puts a bit of a spin on the wise mentor character we've seen in every, I repeat, every original theme with a story by making him everyone's personal J.A.R.V.I.S. This is a pretty good example of what Nexo Knights should be in my opinion; the same tale with everything changed. With that, I'd love to see some spins on some fantasy archetypes such as dwarves, trolls, skeletons, wizards and, most importantly, dragons.
  13. If you ask me about the ideal G1, it would most certainly involve a lot of issues being addressed. One thing that I didn't necessarily love about the G1 that we did get is that there's almost... a bit too much introduced. So many little MacGuffins and elements were added to the story almost on a whim, such as... I dunno, Hordika venom. That's just off the top of my head. Let's compare stories for an example: 2006: Hey, remember when we said that Mata Nui is sleeping? SIKE! He's actually dying! 2005: The Toa Metru are going back to Metru Nui to save the Matoran... and they... uhh.... were poisoned by biomechanical spiders! I absolutely love stories that take the original, accepted tales and turn them on their head, and yet still make sense within the context of the story. It's probably because of these sudden introductions that G1 doesn't feel as tightly-knit or self-contained as it probably should.
  14. Although I wouldn't be the number one candidate to defend the web series over, say, the soon-to-come graphic novel and the books, a few liberties need to be taken with a web series. I believe the general mindset of making a web series is that you're catering to the more casual fans of the series. The casual fans will stumble across a brief overview and synopsis of the story and the hardcore fans will read every description, book and comic, no matter the age. I think it's important to remember that the hardcore fans are just one slice of the demographic here.
  15. I have no words to describe this. Just one rook would amaze me... now 31 other pieces? Wow.
  16. Ditto. I just treat my hobby, as, well... a hobby. It's a dot point in my personality, not the entire focus. I try my best not to make a huge deal about it.
  17. I've never seen or heard someone outright mock me for following a children's toy line, but I can guarantee that I've gotten one suspicious glare. It's not that I'm afraid to tell them about the hobby that I have spent most of my life obsessing over, but only a handful of people that I know are fully knowledgable about my adoration for the wonderfully-moulded ABS. People don't really seem to care that much about it, and they just shrug it off as being another hobby. No one's really supportive of it, though. I only know of one other friend that likes the line, and even then, he's primarily invested in the Star Wars line and nothing else. I've never really had someone I could talk to about the recently-revealed Brick Bank or season five of Ninjago.
  18. Anyone outside of the Bionicle fandom will probably instantly forget about Menzel 2, so let's give it a reputation.
  19. Well, by this point, Menzel 2 has probably already changed significantly considering it's sheer distance and it's immediately irrelevant and delayed photograph, so we might as well snag it. And plus, I believe that every fandom deserves their own slice of the infinitely expansive Universe.
  20. The Blue Mosque. Other contenders include the Buckingham Palace, the Globe Theatre and Saint Peter's Basilica.
  21. The truth: BIONICLE's run was all a scheme to raise money to build the Great Spirit Robot and go there.
  22. That's intriguing... By this point, Menzel 2 has probably already split apart in some way to form the Solis Magna System. I mean, it's totally plausible. Nice find.
  23. This shall be the review topic for my humble little story that will never see the light of day beyond it's initial status on the comedies feed. Anywho, this review topic shall be used for discussion and idea submission purposes. By submission purposes, I mean adding a character into the story. It doesn't just have to be Bionicle. It can be Galidor, Ninjago, Ultra Agents, Hero Factory, you name it. My only criteria for that is that they have to be official sets. You can make submission for original characters if you want, but preexisting characters are far more likely to have a cameo or role in the story. Adios.
  24. This is a tale about two Matoran. They were also meta. Did I tell you that they are Matoran? Well, they're Matoran. Ah, there it is again... Matoran. AGAIN! Man, I'm good at this Matoran thing. Matoran. Oh! I almost forgot! Not only are they Matoran, they are meta! Alright, enough of that. This isn't just about Meta-Matoran, you know. The title can be misleading. Don't always trust anything that's written down. Life lesson right there. As the writer's mass-deprived hands reached down into the constraction parts pin, he continued on with the intent to construct a duo of memorable, poster-boy Matoran. Most of his constraction stuff by that point wasn't even his own design, so he sought to stop spending money on Protectors and design something himself. That's when it clicked inside his head. "That's it! I'll just take some uninspired inspiration from CallanLoF's minimalist Matoran designs! It'll be perfect!" thought the writer who's definitely not Professor Turnip. A few hours and a few quadrillion torso designs later, he had finally built his two poster-biomechanical beings. Their names soon came to be Lalex and Deklei. For the first few days after Lalex and Deklei's creation, the two were adored. I mean, seriously. They were displayed on the writer's desk so many times, you wouldn't believe it. That was until human psychology kicked in and stopped caring about the two, which led the writer to leave the two on a quaint display shelf next to all of his Monster Fighters sets. Little did he know, Toy Story rules apply to any hunk of plastic with a face. Or a name. Or the wishing for it to be alive. Alright, the rules are next to nonexistent, but the point still stands. Unfortunately, Lalex and Deklei were among the tens of tens of other, neglected models. Following that fateful day, Lalex and Deklei had attempted to make a life for themselves in this dystopia-for-toys known as the writer's bedroom. Needless to say, life was pretty tough out there. I mean, we've got Aldous Witch patrolling the place being all high and mighty. Ugh. (I hear Eljay wants to assassinate that guy...) "Deklei! Deklei! DEKLEI! OPEN YOUR VISION HOLES! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE DRAGON FIGHTS, REMEMBER?" screamed Lalex at the top of his lungs. "Alright! I heard you! No need to yell in all caps. Let's go, then." asserted Deklei. "Do you know about our method of transportation?" queried Lalex. "Why, yes I do. I could hardly forget about the fact that are walking there. It's really not that far." "Well, that would be right, but the minifigures are causing some major traffic in the Giant's Pass. We'll have to take a boat there." "A boat? Really? Couldn't we just catch the Ultra Dragon Bus?" "No can do. We don't have enough universe credits to hitch a ride on that thing. You spent it all on scarf made of pure silver, remember?" "Oh yeah, that. I guess you're right, though. That bus is too prestigious for a bus if you ask me about the prestigiousness of buses." "Must be pretty prestigious." "You have no idea. Anyway, how exactly are we going to the Dragon Fights again?" "Uh... we'll go through Giant's Pass." "Are you insane? The thing is still teeming with minifigures. Ain't no way we're going to go past them without being arrested for minifigure stomping." "Well... it's 10:45... and the fights have already started. The Pass should be at the very least 60% clear." After that unnecessarily long conversation, Lalex and Deklei bravely decided to go through the frankly deadly Giant's Pass in the hopes that they would make it through and catch the Dragon Fights before the irritating campaign ads for Kulta's potential presidential position. Writer's note: Will expand later.
  25. Is the Staff of Artahka technically a weapon? Because it's my pick.
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