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Blog Comments posted by Kayru

  1. Quote

    I hope you managed to grow beyond the person you were at seventeen too.

    I definitely find it painful to root through old internet remnants of my former self... we probably all do, to some extent. There's a lot to be said for "growing up online"... it's affected us all in so many ways. But, as long as you like who you are & who you're becoming, who you were is just missing the lessons you learned along the way. :)

    It sounds like your career path is pretty stellar! Congrats on the opportunity to add good to the world. 

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  2. Ahh. Lego is such a perfect subject for D&D character building. :)


    I took a picture of my last two campaign characters, I wonder if I still have them around... Haven't been in a campaign for at least a year, but the character elements and props are still organized into full bead cases just in case for the future. XD

  3. I had a college professor who said "the following" a ridiculous number of times on a daily basis. I used to take a tally in the margin of my notes... I think his record was 47 in a day.  Trust me, there are worse things to overuse than "um" or "you know". :b

    Actually, I think I stopped paying attention to "you know" after working in phone tech support, it seemed about half the Canadian customers I talked to ended almost every sentence (almost never an actual question) with "ya know?" or "yah?". 

    • Worst line in G1 BIONICLE?

      "Brothers, we thought we lost you." The voice acting on this line was so horrendous it nearly ruined the entire movie for me. It definitely ruined Gali for me for a long time. 

    • Worst character(s)?

      Sidorak was obnoxious... but Tuma was worse. 

    • Worst year?

      2008. I literally had 0... 'cares' about what happened that year... the story was superfluous and the sets were horrid.

    • Worst set?

      Bitil. Ugggghhhh

    • Worst wave of sets?

      2008 Toa. Firstly because they came separately as apparently two different things? I don't know the difference and I don't want to know. Secondly because they had such an awesome chance to bring back the originals in a great and respectful way (like they did in many ways for G2) and they just puked silvery unrelated carelessness all over it. And gave a stupid reason for the new look, on top of it. "did we forget to mention five years ago that they can shapeshift? what, that doesn't make sense? oh well, now it's a thing."

    • Worst serial?

      I didn't read them. :v Well, I read the one that was single-image illustrations with text, but I liked it.

    • Worst idea?

      Mata Nui isn't a great spirit, but a big robot. 

    • Worst thing-of-your-choosing?

      How about second-worst idea after my answer to #7: Makuta is a species - the one you know's name is Teridax and most of the others are just sort of 'meh' enemies.

  4. Somehow I escaped having my soul stolen by photography. MUAHAHAHA!


    But seriously it's a bummer we didn't see more of you guys! I will admit that I avoided the hall pretty fervently this year, and in general this con was kind of a mood gutter for me this time around. Hopefully we will get a better chance to meet properly if you come to a full convention in the future. ^^ You should try BricksCascade if you can! Very similar talent level in MOCs, many of the same people and more, more space/less public clutter, and a fantastic return on investment with free Lego.


     Also, no one seemed to have plans for the 'sign-in sheet' so I still have it and am not sure what to do with it. 

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