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Toa of Ice - 1987

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Everything posted by Toa of Ice - 1987

  1. Nope no 3d for me on these movie. But i'd gladly see a redone Tinseltown Toons style HD versions of the first trilogy, not a reboot but think of it as a upgrade but a few rules. stay in the middle of between too much organic muscle and too much like moving bricks.no unnecessary jokes likes like the ones they did with metus or random screaming like kiina.make the movies make more sense with no continuity errors, such as in MoL when onua mentions that kopaka saved them from the cave in, make a animated scene of the rescue it happening.no lame kohlii match to the deathrelease them as a collectors pack with all movies on fitted on a big blu-ray or 2 disc blu-ray set.
  2. Yeah i wonder why lego does not sell these packs in retail stores instead of forcing it to become rare, especially to those who barely know about it's existence.
  3. I honestly don't think HF will be back, I always felt like Hero Factory was just a filler in the big gap that bionicle left behind in the construction figure line when it went on a break.
  4. It's a good design and all. But i do feel like going on a whim here, may i suggest testing a dark blue skull spider for her face?, the silver mask kinda seems to drown out with all the other silver pieces around it.
  5. G1 Tahu is overrated.... there i said it and i do not regret it. Vezon on the other hand gets a lot of undeserved hatemail in my opinion, i liked his shenanigans and humor.
  6. Bionicle introduced me to my best friend back in 2002 during grade school when i was 15 and we still talk occasionally about it, we started mentioning it more often after G2 started,
  7. Is there any way to find it on YouTube ?..., i'm very interested to see what this is about but sadly i live in a country in Europe where Netflix refuses to shine.
  8. The fact that i was right all along. When i first heard about the 2006 storyline i kept getting nightmare thoughts in my mind regarding "there's probably gonna be a moment where someone has to sacrifice himself so others may pass." and i was instantly right when matoro was the hero i had guessed as the one to sacrifice himself hwen i had been pleading all year that it would not be a Toa of Ice (i'm referring to the chamber of death ) and that was a major cornerstone that turned out to be true when a toa of ice, my favorite element type would be killed off one way or another, and i was right when 2007 came along and the chamber of death confirmed that matoro was not gonna survive the mask of life sotry arc at one point or another. I felt so annoyed that i was close to never buying another bionicle set after 2007 out of spite at how GregF had handled the story.
  9. Indeed if it wasn't for that and the fact that GregF used the flash in the core caused by mata nui's revival as a Deus Ex Machina reason for the makuta were weakened including blinding half their team, rest of them crashed into the swamp and were mutated and of top of that all 6 of them lost acces to most of their abilities, such as krika feeding off energy to remain tangible.
  10. Kakama Nuva 2008, ugly faux kanohi vahi look. all of the turaga masks as well
  11. I barely own anything rare, all i can think of is the dark metru red matoran kanoka launcher from 2004
  12. Just got kopaka and he looks better than he does in pictures. still cant decide with using the stickers.
  13. Those eyes, they stare at us. When i saw the sets i didn't expect Jango Fett to be a set. I wonder if they'll make more characters if these sell well.
  14. Stringer didn't get used very often, and his mysterious secondary color change to transparent blue instead of orange was weird(unless they did not want to get him confused since Nex has a lot of orange.)
  15. How did makuta Miserix get his name again??
  16. The pistons most likely push downwards for supporting the legs on the balljoint end i.e. it grants the vahki leg strength needed to keep running after criminals for long periods without falling over easily, and on arms it's probably used to stregthen arm support on physically strong characters when heavy weapons like axes are swung in combat. (hewkii inika is a good example with his big axe nuparu and so is hahli inika laser harpoon and matoros heavy sword)
  17. Personally i dont like the idea that the G2 masks are literally nuva symbols in mask form. If anyone remembers the bohrok kal comics, the toa nuva's mask would simply become colorless but they still had basic mask powers and able to stay on their feet instead of collapsing while having a drained mask on. I think it was a bad move for G2 to "weaken" the Toa into having masks reduced to elemental batteries while even G1 Toa not classified as were superior to G2 since they had a natural source of energy within them (usually given by toa stone) and still had mask powers as well. Toa Metru, Inika, Mahri and Mata (pre-nuva form) and Lhikan entire team and countless other Toa all had this advantage of having a mask power and not a easily stolen object that serves as a portable enerby source.
  18. Need 1 crucial answer about kopaka okoto, I'm planning on getting him in december but I am concerned about the stickers on his legs, do these stickers fit firmly or has anyone experienced the stickers trying to fall off. I havent decided if i want to apply the stickers on after getting him
  19. Kopaka Okoto's leg armor should've had printed leg detail instead of stickers. mask pack were also a missed opportunity for the 2004 and 2007 masks and recolored eyestalks. Lime green vs orange gets old really fast.
  20. Thumbs up if you understood the hidden pun in Onua's reply to Lewa in the ending
  21. Makuta is propably controlling Kulta because the hammerblow greatly injured him and he's using the skull army for destruction/distraction while he builds a more suitable body to transfer himself into.
  22. Well Gali Mistika's mask doesn't really look like a diving/underwater breathing mask when looked at(not counting the 02 nuva and the 01 kaukau mata versions)
  23. This website show tricks on how to try to get rid of it but be careful, hydrogen peroxide is strong stuff. http://www.retrofixes.com/2013/10/how-to-clean-whiten-yellowed-plastics.html
  24. Wait what, that actually happened?There was a rumor that many people did not accept that Teridax was no longer the lone Makuta because many felt that the Makuta name was unique to him from the start. There were rumors of GregF receiving aggressive messages and hate mail in his private message box. This appeared to offend him.
  25. I see you're trying to incorporate a orange fiery look with the mask included, which is a great idea. But you did so by sacrificed many armor pieces to give him enough character. The skull ribs make him too evil and they just dont seem to work for me. Also at least some more red to break up the ammount of orange even if you wanted to get rid of the gold Also for a full fire theme a giving him a 2009 glatorian flame sword from ackar or 2010 tahu stars fire sword for a weapon and he could with additions com compliment the armored shells...without it his black limbs look very exposed and generic. Overall 7.0/10: Not bad but there is a lot of room for improvement and not bad for a first here on BZPower.
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