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Everything posted by Lyichir

  1. Everyone's hatin' on Nex, XT4, and Voltix. I personally think all three of them take traditionally-shunned techniques (such as a less balanced color scheme, a largely-unclad figure, and an eclectic color scheme) and make them work for the characters. Nex reminds me of Mars Mission sets, and while he has more white than his previous form I think it comes across looking pretty okay. XT4 is a more utilitarian robot than the Heroes, and as such has the bare-minimum amount of cladding. But I think this has the net effect of making him look like a drone gone berserk, and the fact that he includes a new, smaller torso piece is amazing in my book. Voltix, meanwhile, has one or two primary colors and about a bazillion secondary colors. But it gives him an appearance that simply radiates power, as I reckon they tried, and largely failed, to do with the previous supercharged character Fire Lord.
  2. Surprisingly few Technic pics. Especially given how much buzz those are getting elsewhere (looks like we'll be getting a helicopter with adjustable blade pitch).
  3. It's what they don't say that is the most tyrannical. Every time I browse BZPower in a ratty pair of sweatpants, I imagine Black Six and DeeVee silently judging me.
  4. They did, it's underneath the helmet. Just like they did with Batman.I mean why isn't the Iron Man head a normal minifig head with painting rather than this caricature of a helmet? It's worse than the Knights Kingdom (the colorful ones) stuff from a few years ago.-CFFor the same reason Batman has a helmet instead of a printed head with his mask on it. It's an iconic part of the character.Batman's a slightly different case. His cowl has a notably different shape than a normal human head. How would you evoke his "ears" on a printed minifig head? I think Iron Man should definitely have a helmet piece over his head, of course, but that doesn't mean I'm 100% satisfied with what they gave him. I think a lot of the added bulk came from focusing on making it "openable", instead of having it just be removed to see Tony's face. If anything, they should have at least given him a body armor piece to compensate for how much bigger the helmet makes his head.
  5. Lyichir

    Hot Topic

    I have multiple issues with Hot Topic. For one, their stock circulates too much and too quickly. Apparently many years ago you could find Sandman shirts there. Not any more. Also, the things they sell are WAY overpriced. And like other people mentioned, the general atmosphere and other customers weird me out. The entire store gives off an aura of not wanting me there.
  6. Lyichir

    Tonight's Closing Thoughts #109

    The marathon wasn't bad. But the new episode was at 10:30, not 10:00 as you said in your blog. YOU LIED TO ME. I ended up missing the episode and had to catch it on unmentionablevideosite.com.
  7. Lyichir

    Toy Fair

    I'm more impressed by the ponies. Hasbro is pandering to the bronies in the best way.
  8. Shipping is innocent at its heart, but when it gets to the point when, like you mentioned, a shipper is blinded to the actual canon and takes offense at the existence of those with differing opinions, that it gets really early. I only support ships that have not been disproven by canon, and I never insist upon others agreeing with my ships.
  9. That was Big Mac's innate strength combined with the power of love. As such he's practically unstoppable... unless you can dig a deep enough hole.
  10. I think this topic is as counterintuitive as the one asking which BIONICLE characters should be made as sets. First of all, I have nothing against Furno and the others, and would rather Hero Factory stayed to its main cast of characters than leave them to the dust. Secondly, none of the characters listed are at all essential. Thirdly, I'd prefer some characters were left to the imaginations of fans, so that they could be realized in the form of MOCs. Fourth, as has been mentioned before, this isn't really in the spirit of Cuusoo. Cuusoo is about your own original ideas be made as sets. This mainly takes previously-seen characters and petitions LEGO to go back to these ideas of theirs, which they never intended to be sets, and release them as sets.
  11. I think it's fine for them to review a Friends set every now and then. A little pink won't kill you.
  12. Lyichir

    Hearts And Hooves Day

    I dunno, from the ending it seemed like the two are developing, if not a romance, at least a stronger friendship. Must have to do with how two people can bond from shared traumatic experiences.
  13. It's very possible that they'll release more than one size of Celestia, since they did so when she was pink.But seriously. Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3? Zecora? Nightmare Moon? White Celestia? I'm pretty sure that, short of providing us with an official Derpy toy, Hasbro has proven their attention toward the fandom.
  14. He's not President of the World. Technically, he is the President of All Presidents. And that doesn't happen until the end, anyway,One of the best parts of Bad Guy Earth is the villains. They're considerably well-written by Axe Cop standards, because Ethan and Malachai, rather than doing as they usually do and just act the roles of Axe Cop and Dinosaur Soldier, played the parts of the Psychic Brothers as well. This makes them a lot more formidable, and grants them a lighter sentence in the end than the usual head-chopped-off. Not that I have a problem with the head-chopped-off ending; just that the more even odds lend themselves to a more cinematic experience.
  15. So pony toys are gonna be available at McDonalds once again this March. I missed out last year (wasn't into ponies this time last year). I might spring for one... or two... or all of them. ,
  16. Lyichir

    More Work!

    Very sexy. Almost a bit too black though, IMO... it's hard to make out the details. Maybe in better lighting it'd look better. Also if you really wanted to go above and beyond, you could fill the tender with something that looks more like coal. The grey battery box is glaring in contrast with the pure blackness of the rest of the model.
  17. I'm definitely waiting. As tempting as it is, and as frustrating as my little brother can be when we watch the show together, I plan to watch the full marathon tomorrow morning in the hopes that my parents might drop in for part of it and learn what it is about the show that makes my brothers and I like it so much.EDIT: When does the marathon start, anyway? I'm in the Eastern time zone.
  18. Technically, Aanch, you did use the Design by Me service once, even though you didn't order anything. Didn't you upload those Blacktron III MOCs to the database in case anyone wished to purchase them?I agree with Aanchir's post, though. While Design by Me was a nifty idea, it wasn't cost-efficient, and there were no real ways it could be made so.
  19. I wouldn't really want ANY of these as sets. A lot of them are characters so obscure I have trouble caring about them at all. A few are slightly more relevant, but still the kinds of characters whom I think are better left to MOCists. I made an awesome (in my opinion), Tuyet MOC, and in terms of BIONICLE, preferred to MOC unseen characters rather than creating a custom character whose story placement could be invalidated by future canon. If any of these, I suppose I'd want a Mata Nui robot set which could make a great display piece if done right. Plus, I think the bulkier, more armor-plated appearance of the Mata Nui Robot could be accomplished better now that Hero Factory has debuted a building system that can better depict those qualities (The Mata Nui robot never really looked especially like other BIONICLE sets, in my opinion).
  20. Dang, I need to catch up on Axe Cop. I fell behind on most of the webcomics I read when my computer got a serious virus, and I haven't redone all my bookmarks since I got it back from tech support.Anyone here read the published miniseries Bad Guy Earth? It's not on the website, but is still amazing. It's everything I love about Axe Cop on the web, but in COLOR!
  21. Nope. They're the blades from this, but in gold.Which, FYI, already appear in said color in this. They are still very cool pieces.
  22. What do you mean? That's been used all over the place! Last year it was on Nuckal's ATV and Battle for Geonosis, the year before it was in a couple of Atlantis, Space Police, and World Racers sets. They've never stopped using it.i think he was talking about the missile itself, the round-rubber oneYup the missile is what I am talking about..But this set uses the same newer missile. The old round one wouldn't even fit where it's placed in this set. So I still don't understand what you're talking about.
  23. I think he's talking about the Hero Factory line in the brackets.~ELM~Righteeo old chap! (the "Usurper" term is HF) Careful, your bias is showing.True, but my bias is unbiased. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif This is the most contradictory statement I've ever seen. Is your hate also unhateful? Is your bitterness also unbitter? Bionicle ended because it couldn't keep going, and if Hero Factory hadn't replaced it something else would.Continuing to complain about BIONICLE being replaced by Hero Factory is like complaining about Dumbledore's original actor being replaced in the Harry Potter movies. The original died. The only options were replacing it or leaving it gone and offering no replacement at all.
  24. Like I said in an earlier post, I'll probably be getting one of these Friends sets before the year is through. I rarely disassemble my sets for the parts. And I am one of these 20-year-old males you speak of.I applaud BZP for diversifying the scope of the site in general, as well as which reviews get frontpaged.
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