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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. I dunno bones, with all this extra after-info you've kinda dragged this from "least useful mask" into the territory of "Deus Mask Machina" which is, imo, no better. :0
  2. they're 100% right, Bionicle G1 doesn't and never has existed, you've been living a lie, gaslighted, bamboozeled. wake up, america.
  3. more importantly, it means Tahu can attach to Umarak, Backwards!
  4. "It's a trap!" he wanted to exterminate the other six makuta, so he pretended there was a threat in the core, sent the Makuta in, let the Nuva win, rebooted the robot and fried all six of them. :u
  5. wow, way to make the mohtrek actually look like a mask and not just a bug head. :u also this is totally recognisable as bitil, from his tiny torso to his lanky limbs, that's our beetle-guy alright!
  6. IC: Snap [infirmary->Halls->Library] Having her shoulder healed had raised Snap's mood slightly, and she waved thanks to Palma as she walked out into the halls, making he way to the Library, her favorite place in the whole school. Her hand was already full of petals and the wilted pink scraps flittered around her as she teleported through the doorway, striking a brief pose, then continuing towards the shelves... IC: Teeth [Refectory->Halls] Yeah, now that those "gods" were gone, I was out of that room like a Ko-Matoran from a volcano. I went tearing through the halls at such speeds, to the casual observer it might look like I actually had somewhere to go. in reality I was just trying to find somewhere quiet to relax again, no rahkshi preferred but few rahkshi would do. Eventually I found myself at the front doors, not ideal but probably a bit less hectic than any room inside the school, i went outside. IC: Kaita [Refectory] The bulky rahkshi grabbed a huge handful of the slop, shoving it in their trisected mouth in only the sloppiest manner possible before speaking, "Disgusting" She said to theirself. "truly repulsive..." OOC: Snap is OFI in the Library, Teeth is OFI out near the Causway, and Kaita is OFI in the refectory. Rose is still out cold in the infirmary, you could probs kick her or something idk, Palma might object.
  7. ah yes, the toa Mata. you know the one problem with them though? they're too small! you put them on an island, they just go on an adventure, they have a car chase and learn a lesson.
  8. by my assumptions and logics: the mask (without scope) can see through objects as far as you physically can, and, assuming it's using actual x-radiation, probably has a shorter range when peering at x-ray resistant materials. o: with scope it can look who knows how far, but i think there's a certain limit to how many objects you can peer through before you suffer the most powerful weakness it could have, a pounding headache!
  9. I keep dissassembling my two sets (Kopaka and Kivoda) because they make up the majority of my CCBS parts, and anything i make without those parts looks like it jumped off a 2005 MOCpages page. ouch.
  10. So this is what homeworld thinks of Fusion?
  11. I am going to get back into the game soon, i just took a, uh, kinda long pause because a mix of sick and halloween, oops. :0 anyway, enjoy this gabage meme for oyur bionicle RPG discussion!
  12. "Battle-Bat" is the conceptualized winged villain, eh? oh well, i was kinda close i guess. also digging those twin-slicers, who wants to bet they were fused by their chain? :u
  13. Not to be petty but isn't this more of "laser vision" a completely seperate rahkshi power? (although why we didn't just get a single rahkshi of beam-vision i have no idea, oh well.) pretty sure heat-vision fires beams of, well, heat, however that works? microwaves? :0
  14. I reckon Umarak has a bow with a launcher (like Vizuna and Skull Warrior), and the thing chained to his sword is an ammo clip to hold the extra studs. Huh, never thoguht of it like that, an ammo-clip (or "Energy Quiver" as i feel driven to call it) is a really nice touch. :u
  15. Underwhelming version, played straight: they would finish their lunch and promptly drop dead. Overwhelming version, bones grants it too much power: that would qualify as a "lesser part" of their "overall goal", they would piledrive 600 Gadunkas before completing their main quest.
  16. a buzzsaw AND a chainsaw? how does that work? is it an inline set of buzzsaws that give the superficial appearance of a chainsaw, or is it a buzzsaw made of a pinwheel of smaller plasma-chainsaws? :0 Reference here to Palma having fixed up everyone in need of it ooh, good to know, now i can pilot my lesser-damaged Rahkshi on out of there. o:
  17. Well, to be fair, almsot all of G1's chapter books just used the stock box art for covers too, so...
  18. huh, a surprising lack of Don Bluth style movie posters, for shame. o: (also my entry is still 20% done as we speak on this final poll announcment so for shame to me too i guess.)
  19. wow, what a neat use of that old rubber-band-holding-bit o: and it's all monochromatic too, spooky! and finally, the horrid array of completely inaccurate dental practition tools to up the nightmare (as all spooky dentist chairs have!) really really solid model. o:
  20. Thanks!, though i guess it would probably spoil it to say most of the asymmetry came from my low resources. oops. Yeah, the piraka-pelvis was a last-minute spark of creativity while i was mulling over possible hip attatcments. o: (i wouldn't suggest it though, i've frequently had posing problems when using piraka skulls anywhere, i tihnk it's the hole in the side of the ball that does it.)
  21. I dunno, that is kinda what Lego is about, sorta? er, i mean, That is the way... of the Bionicle.
  22. Basher put Onua's mask on, but it got blasted right back off by the toas' UNITY SMASH
  23. i always assumed it was "control" as in control when working, making his masks very precise and well-crafted, but not very creative. hence, people liked Ekimu's "creation" based masks better than makuta's more standardized, "controlled" masks. o:
  24. i gotta admit this is probably hte best one, only one suggestion here though, in that you seem to have left poor Mata-Nui's abysmal limb proportions, and that perhaps some of the custiomisation could have gone to either shorter arms or longer legs?
  25. ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT??? HOW?? i have put off waaaaay too much itme for this lets see what i can do with the remainder oops. (sorry for my poor work ethic. :u)
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