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Blog Comments posted by Xaeraz

  1. In my extremely biased opinion, Skyrim < Fallout 3 New Vegas < Oblivion < games that really can't be compared due to limitations set at the time.


    If only because the faces got less weird and the glitches became less game-brakey and more accidentally hilarious.

    Minor change to make Makaru's comment better, so he has an actually good game in the second slot.


    Fallout and TES are different beasts who share an engine and a basic premise, though. Open World RPGs, but the way they handle is significantly different due to the setting and how skills and such work. I wouldn't call one better than the other, per se.


    But, if characters are your problem, the Bethesda Fallouts might be worth your while. There's still plenty of characters, some of which have very small roles, but there's several who keep cropping up. New Vegas is better than 3, IMO, but that's probably because it was developed in part with bsidian, who don't right quests about vampires in train tunnels.

  2. Science fiction, as a genre, has two forms: "hard" and "soft". Soft is the stuff that essentially just uses "science" as a passing (and out-of-this-world-wrong) explanation for something in the world or has a generic backdrop of something future-y. Really hand-wavy. Hard science fiction is awesome. It draws heavily on known and cutting edge science to create a world.




    My classification:

    Jurassic Park - mildly firm

    Interstellar - oh come on love isn't a force

    Star Wars - space opera, so real soft

    The Core - soft as silk

    Lucy - softer than a baby's bottom

    Jurassic World - seriously you aren't trying anymore this is just a dumb action movie that capitalizes on ignorance

    Jurassic Park is "Mildly firm" if you ignore a couple serious, gaping flaws (frog dna). I'd rank Interstellar on par with it. But good examples of serious, hard sci-fi are usually literature. Peter F Hamilto and Alistair Reynolds spring to mind, both of them writing some nice, hard SF. Also space operas sometimes.

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