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Lime Paradox

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Blog Comments posted by Lime Paradox


    I admittedly don't follow the comics forum, but I do look at the polls of contests, and I think this is the first time I've seen anyone call BAC ironically terrible. In all cases that I can recall people who were fans of it seemed to not acknowledge that, and often outright denied it.

    I know most of the people who make those comments; they know it's ironically terrible. They're continuing the joke by insisting it's a masterpiece. It's why I even use the term masterpiece; it's ironic, because it is truly awful. (Yet, on a deeper level, perhaps masterfully so.)



    As ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE I'm going to have to disagree here, if only in that "ironically terrible" is just a really misleading way to describe it


    Like... SBaHJ could be said to have been "ironically terrible" at first, seeing as it started out as a direct parody of a specific bad comic series, but it very quickly became its own distinct thing. And BAC never even had that going for it - it started off not as a mockery of actual bad comics, but as a blatant derivative of SBaHJ and developed its own identity from there. BAC's brand of "terrible" has always been a good ways removed from actual realistic terrible, and only distances itself further as we improve our abilities as authors and it becomes wrapped up in its own traditions and injokes


    If I wanted to just make BAC look bad, it would be A LOT uglier, because the BAC aesthetic actually has a lot of thought put into it to make sure it only looks "bad" in exactly the right ways. If the goal was to imitate the actual bad series that populate BZP's comic forum, I'd be throwing around MS Paint airbrush effects, generic grassbrush and lensflare backgrounds, gratuitous smudge tool, etc. Instead, most of the effects used are stuff like oversaturation, constant sharpening filters, saving the comics as jpegs so low-quality that they actually wouldn't be possible in MS Paint, etc - all of which go toward creating a look very specific to BAC and things like it. Even the spelling and grammar "errors" are distinctly divorced from anything I have ever seen anyone on the internet unintentionally type like. Its visual style and sense of humor work for reasons that, while somewhat alien compared to "traditionally good", also remain mostly disconnected from actual awful things


    Basically BAC is a DISTINCT STYLE, and kind of an acquired taste I guess, but boiling it down to "ironically terrible" is all kinds of innacurate

    • Upvote 4
  2. Because I don't want to read the comments for the last section, I will comment here, and only on what we agree upon.


    There is definitely a problem with the treatment of LGBT people. Too many people treat them as if they're not people at all. Now, everybody knows what I think about the whole issue, but I am sick and tired of hearing people describe them with curse words and just treat them in a poor manner in general. I don't support what they work for, but given the opportunity, I will defend them from persecutors, just as I would defend someone who is being treated wrong for elements of their religion (for instance, my sisters wearing skirts all of the time, which earns them much ridicule on the part of their soccer teammates and so forth.)


    And that's as far as I care to discuss the issue right now.

    Is this... really necessary right now


    Like I get what you're trying to say, and congratulations on actually having something resembling a conscience I guess


    But the whole thing just sort of comes off as "hey everyone I am still a vile homophobe, and I have no issue with directly contributing to the problem in other ways, but I am still sort of a decent person, please believe me on this"


    Next time you want to sound sympathetic for the stuff LGBT people have to deal with, MAYBE consider not prefacing it with a reminder that you still think they totally suck

  3. But what if I say that being a homosexual is a choice? What if I say you are born a Christian?


    Kahi I'm sorry but that is a REALLY terrible argument


    Christianity is a set of beliefs that are passed on from person to person and is up to one's personal interpretation, just like any other religion


    Like I guess you could be born predisposed to be a religious kind of person that would be more likely to believe what someone else tells them about this stuff but


    No one is going to be "born Christian" in the sense that they have like the entire Bible in their head or something


    That's just



  4. Silly brickeens, reusing age-old sprite sheets made by others is a fine art

    It can be. :)


    The use of sprites is terrible in comics. It ruins the idea of the comics forum (at least for me). Comics should be drawn, whether on a computer or by hand.

    I'm against the use of visually unappealing art in comics, but that's never stopped anyone...


    I'm not sure what the point of this blog entry is, other than an excuse for people to whine about sprite comics. I'm sorry that the hand-drawn comics you linked too aren't swimming in praise, but as far as I'm aware, they're really getting no less attention than any of the other entries. It's also worth noting that they're all seriously lacking in the plot department, and the art in all three consists solely of rough, colorless sketches. To be bluntly honest, the only one that I'm actually impressed by is Kakaru's, and that one doesn't really even fit the mystery theme of the contest. =/

  5. You don't have to be super-obsessed with music to listen to anything other than what's played on the radio.


    I know that. I'm just saying that for some people, music really just doesn't matter enough to go actively looking for it. I happen to be one of those people, in case it wasn't obvious.

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