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Blog Comments posted by Makuta_of_Oz

  1. How do you say Bionicle is banned? There's still discussion on Bionicle. But Bionicle is no longer producing content for us to discuss (at least until Greg gets back to writing the serials), and MLP provides the social groups here on BZP to discuss something with semi-regularity. There's no need to fear BZP shifting its focus to something like MLP (although now that you've suggested it something like that may roll around for April Fools' Day next year). If BZP were to shift its focus, I expect it would strive to focus more on LEGO in general, or Hero Factory. I'm a little disappointed that it hasn't done that, but the fact that it hasn't (and shows no sign of doing so), is enough to convince me that BIONICLE will always remain at the core of BZP.

    I say Bionicle is banned because I'm a Bionicle addict, and because "banned" is always the first word I use when I can't do/have something.


    Also, as far as I'm aware, MLP first came here with the last April Fool's Day. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. I understand that MLP is popular, but I dismiss it as a meme because of how that interest is shown here, which appears to me the same way as many other memes that have come and gone, only this has lasted far longer, even outlasting the downtime! Plus, I don't see the meme dominating anything beyond Bionicle communities, except a strong presence on deviantArt.


    There's nothing wrong with having multiple interests. I'm a Bionicle fan with a Pokemon avatar, playing a Commander Keen computer game. But as far as I know this is a Bionicle forum, but the fact that Bionicle is banned and MLP is popular here scares me into thinking MLP will take over this forum and make it MLPZP, as ~MatoroIgnika~ said. Or am I just spending way too much time in the blogs? :P


    One thing is for sure: that was my addiction to Bionicle talking in that entry, and I do regret making it and the preceeding poll. And yes it's an addiction.

  3. DVDs are not very delicate. I accept the fact that he is messing with you, but it seems like a non-issue, since nothing was damaged, just displaced.- 55555

    I do get the feeling he was doing it for attention, but because of the severity of his disability, I felt it was highly likely they would get damaged or lost among all the other junk he had stuffed under his bed.


    Plus, beds are heavy.

  4. I'm certainly against 'bullying', but that message isn't powerful at all, and it's not going to help stop that kind of thing from happening.


    Really? It looked to me like the students had gotten the message. Or had the problem kids all been suspended that day?

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