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Everything posted by Nuparu1995

  1. True. I'm sure enough people MoC him as it is. I know I did once.And I also kinda wish (I know they did separately) they released more kits, like all sets in one, for the Kaita models through the years. Or Nektann or the Heat Vision Rahkshi in a non-midget-ish form! Anyone agree?
  2. I agree. Never play it, more a nostalgia factor than anything else since I downloaded it from the BioMedia Project.
  3. I remember the time when the forums were completely packed. Always new canon to discuss. Good stuff, bro. :'D
  4. And it's full scale? Like, you can swing it around dramatically and such?
  5. That's Turaga Dume and Ehrye, both from the 2004 set line. Nice ones, too!
  6. Sounds like something in which I'd be interested! I've been wrestling with becoming a Premier Member for a while now! Seems like a good idea!
  7. Dude! That's super detailed! Major kudos!
  8. It's cute!!! ^^ Sounds like a set I'd actually buy! It'd make some good desk deco.
  9. Not evil, per se, intentionally, but in several senses, yeah. Mind you, he turned out completely wicked and demented. He went super insane and the parameters of his job kinda fell to pieces, which explained all of the non-fixed Matoran.
  10. I didn't even know that there were separate stages! :lol:I wonder, can you buy them in different stages, like on eBay or something?
  11. Astounding work on the armor! Definitely a 10/10!
  12. I totally sympathize with you. Makes me super sad. :(Mmkay, so just an idea. To revive interest (in all forums, even), forum leaders could begin starting a myriad topics just for the sake of it on old topics not brought up for a while, and then let the members run free to discuss it. Could be a sort of forum revival project.
  13. Great job on the silver accents and the bulk-up of the armor! I especially like the Staff of Power - very creative.
  14. I imagine Matoran of Psionics would be exceptionally perceptive, or something like that. Sounds like a question for Mr. Farshtey!
  15. Adorable! So...much...cute!!!!1!!11!!I always rooted for their relationship in the olden days, they were definitely meant for each other.
  16. I haven't bought online for quite a while, though I do browse nowadays, but I got Tahu and Lewa Mata and Turaga Vakama on eBay about two years ago. Very great deal from people selling off their old sets, and from some very kind families who even enclosed a nice note with them wishing me well!
  17. I imagine Kraata of Energy have something akin to Shadow powers, and sort of "absence of light" powers, for lack of a better term, and while Electricity involves the control of an electrical current, Chain Lightning is something like said current arcing from the producer to the subject. Just a loose idea, though.
  18. Toa Canisters do extraordinary things to reach their destination, but I don't know if they're link up with the M.U. Robot's systems in such a manner. I'm sure the robot's systems do in some way make way for them or allow them "easier passage" (i.e. burrowing through and sealing up, as knuckles chaotix mentioned). They are controlled by certain M.U. Robot functions or by Mata Nui, though, such as the launch of the Toa Matau from the Codrex within the M.U. following the Great Cataclysm. Given that, though, then how do we explain the navigation of the Toa Inika's canisters' navigation to Voya Nui while it was still located outside the M.U., especially while Mata Nui was still asleep and the M.U. Robot dormant? Any ideas??
  19. Come to think of it, I never go on the R.P.G. forum either. I've never really taken much interest, but I feel like it's too late to start. Am I missing out on anything?
  20. Dude, sounds really legit! Hope business goes well for you!
  21. Something in which I might be interested!!But, awkward, I didn't even know they canceled Lego Universe. How long did it last, anyway?
  22. Would be interesting, yeah. I'm certainly glad that they didn't choose that name for the line, though.
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