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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SPIRIT

  1. Ah, but to have your own window, and more than one power outlet. Such luxury!
  2. And now the obvious question: What's up, doc?
  3. I know you are, but what am I?
  4. Some make the rules, some break the rules.
  5. It was always fecal matter.
  6. Well if he's as good a spy as he says he was, how can you be sure it was really him?
  7. OMG a giant rock! I can't believe what I'm seeing. A giant rock! It's a rock, and it's giant!
  8. This was a good first post. You may have set unattainably high expectations for your future ones. All in all, for someone who claims to be new to an animation program, I feel you did quite well.
  9. I thought about that, but then what do you give Le-Koro? I was thinking you'd put the solar cells at the top of large trees. Then they'd be like biomechanical flowers, drawing in power to the village below. And I guess that's the other thing with jungle. I wanted 6 clean sources of energy (plus I think corn is the primary source of biofuel and that isn't very jungly).
  10. If Lego put me in charge of doing a solid Bionicle Gen 3 reboot, I'd worldbuild the new island around the theme of renewable energy. It'd be easy to divide by element, and who wouldn't want a generation of youth imagining a cleaner planet? The setup would be that you've got these robots living on a tropical island with these jury-rigged energy capturing devices that help power their meager villages. Kind of like a rural Star Wars planet. Ta-Koro: Geo thermal. Village built by a volcano. No brainer. Ko-Koro: Hydro electric. There isn't a lot you can do with ice, but you can do a lot with mountains. Waterfalls, dams, that sort of thing. That being said, you'd have to make the Ko-Matoran more of a mountain people than an ice people. Ga-Koro: Wave power. This is totally a thing (look it up). You've got these generators on the ocean that turn the movement of waves into power. Plus Ko-Koro doesn't have anything else that makes sense, so had to give them hydro. Onu-Koro: Nuclear power (or at least something similar). An almost endless power source that you can just dig up from the ground. Remind anyone of lightstones? Le-Koro: Solar power. Let's double down on the jungle theme here and back off on the air theme. Jungle is a fine element. Plants grow using solar power. Plus Ta-Koro already had geothermal so someone needed to take solar. Po-Koro: Wind power. Stone was a dumb element anyway. Make Le-Koro be about plants and let Po-Koro be a big windy field with windmills all over the place. Regardless of what Lego does end up doing, it would be nice if we got a bit more worldbuilding for Gen 3 than we did for Gen 2. How would you worldbuild for Gen 3?
  11. Prequel Memes combined with We're Number One: a bit of the zeitgeist with something slightly out of date. That's how you become the spiciest memelord.
  12. SPIRIT

    23 now

    I don't know about ye, But I'm feeling twenty three. -Lady Taylor of House Swift
  13. Then, in the final scene of The Last Jedi...
  14. Maybe your job is secretly clothes-optional? Only one way to find out...
  15. Is it true you're a frog made out of chocolate? How do oats, peas, beans, and barley grow? What's your occupation? What's your opinion on the widespread loss of arable land in Sub-Saharan Africa? What's your highest level of education? Should Canada annex Greenland? Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others? Did you win a Lego Magazine contest a few years ago? What was that like? How do you pronounce your last name? Your profile tells me to guess what your favourite colour is. Why is that? Are you seeing anyone special? Are you seeing anyone not so special? Can I ask you more questions?
  16. Talk about a close shave!
  17. It's funny how December can suddenly become April when you're moving countries and starting a new job, but anyway, back to your regularly scheduled, incredibly niche comedic fanfic story. ---- Chapter 5- Episode 1: Quest for Unity (Part 3) (In the Region of Ugly, Melum throws Kopaka backwards, and he definitely doesn't slip along the ice. In anger, he makes a giant crystal blob of ice and hurls it at Melum, who sends it right back at him.) Kopaka: Weird. I totally thought that using ice against like the only other thing on the island that can control ice would work. I guess the old saying "fight ice with ice" isn't true after all. Director: What? That's not a saying. No one says that. Kopaka: I don't know what you're talking about. Everybody says it all the time. Director: Shut up, Elsa. Let's just do a fancy jump cut to Tahu. (The scene jumps to Tahu falling from the totally-not-Ta-Koro-temple-thing and miraculously landing on like the only rock in a pool of lava as Ikir hovers above.) Tahu: Alright, you. It's time to fight ice with ice! Director: STOP ENCOURAGING HIM! (Meanwhile, in the Region of Stone, Pohatu throws a piece of pillar at Ketar, who shatters it with his tail.) Pohatu: Oh great. (Pohatu draws his weapon and Ketar retaliates by throwing a smaller piece of stone at Pohatu's chest, sending him flying into the rest of the pillar. The ground fractures and Pohatu emerges underneath Ketar, knocks him on his back, and pummels him with several large stones.) Pohatu: I got news for you. I don't give up either. Ketar: Oww... I liked you better when your only contribution was throwing Climbing Claws at people. Pohatu: Hey, that was a good tactic! Jaller: Um no it wasn't? I got killed by Turahk because of your uselessness. Go back and watch the final battle with the Rahkshi in Mask of Light. You'll probably notice that Kurahk did more to fight Turahk than you did. Pohatu: Well at least I exist in this generation of Bionicle! Jaller: (Ketar explodes his way out of the pile of rocks.) Pohatu: I'm not gonna beat you, am I? Kopaka: You should try fighting ice with ice. Director: Stop. (Cut back to Tahu in the -- okay, look. We all know where the Toa are and this chapter has like 50 cuts.) Tahu: Maybe winning is not what this is about... Oh look, five bucks! (Tahu leans down to pick it up, which Ikir interprets to be a bow. Ikir bows as well.) Tahu: Oh wait, you guys are like hippogrifs? One would think this would be useful information to have before embarking on this quest. Ekimu: Oh, you know. Vague wisdom reasons.... Also we had to pad out the story with violence. Tahu: Ah, Bionicle never changes. (Cut to Onua approaching a chasm, behind which lies the Temple of Earth.) Onua: Now where'd you go? (Terak appears on the other side of the chasm in the temple.) Onua: Um, what? This chasm goes on for miles. How did you get to the other side like that? It's a chasm, it's not like there are tunnels going the other way... Wait, unless you used your elemental powers to create a bridge across the chasm and then broke it. Terak: Onua: I hate you so much you stupid little -- Director: Ahem! Kids' movie! Onua: Okay, let's work together. (Onua kneels and makes the gesture of the root chakra.) Director: Ahem! Cultral appropriation! Onua: Just cut to the next Toa already. (Cut to Gali.) Gali: Unity is not the triumph of one over another, but the combining of forces. I do not know what you have to share, but I welcome your gifts, as equals. Akida: Equals??! Lady, I'm a FISH! The people of this island have been catching and slaughtering my kind for generations. We live in constant fear of the baited hook. My own father was -- Gali: Yay, we're going to the temple! Akida: (Cut to Onua and Terak, who create a bridge across the chasm.) Pohatu: Whoa, hey! That bridge looks suspiciously stone-based! Onua: Didn't you jump out of a crack in the earth like two minutes ago? Pohatu: Fair enough, carry on. (Cut back to actual Pohatu, who rushes back to the desert after finishing his stupid joke, bowing before Ketar.) Pohatu: Happy? (Ketar bows.) Pohatu: Thank you.. But just so you know -- (Ketar turns back and hisses.) Pohatu: Exactly. We may be partners, but we're not friends. Ketar: Can we be buds? Pohatu: No. Ketar: Chums? Pohatu: No. Ketar: Pals? Pohatu: No. Ketar: Pen pals? Pohatu: ... maybe. But only because I really like pens! (Cut back to Lewa -- since we're still not done with him somehow -- who opens the door to the temple. Inside, he does a lot of unnecessary parkour to get to the top of the tree.) Uxar: You know you can just use your vague jungle powers to get to the top much easier, right? Lewa: You would not BELIEVE the backlog of Assassin's Creed animation the studio is trying to offload on this film. Just go with it, okay? (Lewa approaches his golden mask.) Lewa: The Golden Mask of Unity! (The Toa all put on their golden masks.) Lewa: So what about the other nine masks scattered around the island? Uxar: Yeah, we're not doing that in this generation. Lewa: Aw man, why not? The world is all about blind bags and expensive collectibles these days. Lego: Oh please, what kind of company sells blind bags of highly collectible bits of plastic. Not us, that's for sure. Lewa: Uh... (Lewa turns to Uxar.) Lewa: I am ready. (Cut to Tahu.) Tahu: I am ready. (Cut to Onua.) Onua: I am ready. (Cut to Spongebob.) Spongebob: I'm ready! (Quick cut back to Pohatu who just walks to Ketar without saying any lines.) Pohatu: Whoa, what gives? Director: Look, this show is the most Pohatu that anything has ever been since Comic 1, so shut up. (Cut to Kopaka.) Kopaka: First we are led by duty. Mellum: Ew... (Cut to Gali.) Gali: Then, by unity with the elephants and their creatures. Akida: What? That sentence has no context and made no sense. Did you put on the Mask of Stupid by mistake? (Cut to Lewa and Uxar entering their Unity form.) Antroz: Oh wow, smaller characters that merge onto the backs of the bigger ones? Real original! Lewa: You're just jealous because our version actually looks good. Antroz: (Tahu, Onua, Pohatu, Gali, and Kopaka all merge with their respective Creatures. Cut back to Onua, reaching for his temple... or Terak's eye, I guess?) Onua: What is that? (Onua sees a vision of the complicated path to the Mask of Control.) Onua: Oh my gosh.... we're going to have to play Zelda! Ekimu is giving us all Nintendo Switches! Ekimu: No I'm not. Onua: Ekimu: But I am still giving you copies of the new Zelda game. Onua: Okay, that's just cruel. (Later, the six Toa and their Creatures all meet up and return to the City of the Mask Makers. Evening falls and Tahu, Gali, Onua, and Kopaka meet up with Ekimu.) Tahu: The city's looking good. Ekimu: The people of Okoto are hopeful. Tahu: You guys called on the ancient powers of the universe to deal with a spider infestation. I'd say hopeless is a more accurate descriptor. Ekimu: Ignoring you. They've heard it is the time of unity. It is safe to disengage. Tahu: But surely if it's the time of unity we should just be in these forms all the time! Gali: Can we not? Mine smells like fish. Onua: Mine keeps stabbing me with its claws. Kopaka: I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MINE IS SUPPOSED TO BE! Tahu: Ugh. Fine. (The Toa and the Creatures separate.) Ekimu: I'm glad to see you have made peace with your creatures. Kopaka: It was easy. Ekimu: It wasn't and you know it. Kopaka: Well maybe NEXT TIME we go out on a pointless quest, we could have the short old guy explain everything properly at the beginning! Ekimu: You really don't get how this Bionicle thing works, do you? Tahu: Wow, look at Lewa! (Lewa soars through the air with Uxar on his back and lands in their midst.) Lewa: This is great! Kopaka: For you. You can fly again. Lewa: Yeah, about that. Ekimu, how is making me not be able to fly an upgrade? Ekimu: Oh, you know. Vague wisdom reasons... Lewa: You're a bad person. So Kopaka, why the crying? You can fly too. Gali: But not like that, he can't! Kopaka: I could, I just choose not to. Onua: Wait, Kopaka can fly? How does that even work?? GregF: Well you see Kopaka uses his ice powers to cool the air, forcing it under him, allowing him to -- wait, I don't answer these questions any more. YOUR PROBLEM NOW, MERLIN! Merlin P. Mann: Um... magic. Onua: (Pohatu joins the group.) Lewa: Where's your creature? Pohatu: Back there somewhere. (Ketar joins the group panting.) Ketar: He left me in line at the grocery store, you guys. I had to talk to the cashier and tell her I didn't have any money. Then they made me put all the food back. It was very scary. Gali: I don't get it. Pohatu: I don't like scorpions, okay? And they don't like me. Ketar: Look, buddy. If you think you can just go into a Nui-Jaga's cave and knock it down in a fun little mini game without retribution, then you've got another thing coming. SCORPIONS DON'T FORGET! Pohatu: I thought that was elephants. Director: For the last time, it's ELEMENTS, not ELEPHANTS-- no wait, that's the correct usage. Carry on. Pohatu: When we gotta, we can do that unity thing, but until then, we're fine like this. Lewa: Did you have the vision? Pohatu: Of the exact date and time that Bionicle Generation 3 will be announced? Yeah. Lewa: No... of the maze. Wait, did you really -- Ekimu: You saw a maze? Lewa: No wait, you guys. Pohatu just -- Tahu: And Makuta's mask. When we became one with the Creatures. Ekimu: Of course, it was the creatures who hid the mask. But I know of no labyrinth anywhere on the island. Tahu: Wow, guy who's asleep for thousands of years doesn't know things. Shocking. Onua: But the creatures do, and they will lead us there. Ekimu: Let us hope so. Gali: You look worried. Ekimu: Makuta is powerful. If you can reach the mask, so can he. Pohatu: Unless we kill the Creatures right now. Then the mask will stay hidden and there's no chance of Umarak stealing a Creature to find its location. Then we can stay here and use our powers to help rebuild their utopian society and we never have to hear from Makuta again. Ketar: Pohatu: Fine, we'll do it your way. Tahu: Then we should go. Onua: We will make better time if we've had some rest. Tahu: We need to save the island, you want a nap? Onua: No one's slept in Bionicle since like 2004. Just for once can we have a decently paced story? Lewa: Onua is right. We need to rest. This next bit ain't gonna be easy. There are things out there. Gali: Did you see something? Lewa: A big fella with horns like a stag! Ekimu: That is Umarak, the Hunter. He is an ancient one. And very, very dangerous. Gali: Or, you know, it could've just been a stag. Ekimu: Ah, stags. They are ancient ones. And very, very dangerous... to grass. Lewa: Umarak is dangerous! Get close to that one, you can feel the evil. Onua: What does evil feel like? Lewa: Like pop rocks. Onua: Cool! Lewa: On your eyes... Onua: Ekimu: You have your Golden Masks, and you have made peace with the Creatures. You have done well. Tomorrow, you will begin your search for Makuta's mask, and maybe you can finish this thing. Lewa: Wait, "this thing" as in our quest or "this thing" as in all of Bionicle? Ekimu: Yes. Lewa: You know, you're really not helpful. (Umarak watches the group from a cliff high above.) Umarak: This has only just begun. (Cut to black, roll credits.) Umarak: Or not...
  18. I think you mean a cult of personality classic.
  19. A quick Google Search reveals that Barrakuta is a World of Warcraft player. If Lego had used this name, it would have been disrespectful to the culture of native World of Warcraft players and could have resulted in a lot of negative press. In order to be culturally sensitive to the World of Warcraft players, Lego opted to use the name Makuta Fish. This is definitely what happened and not a case of "oh shoot, I forgot we already used the name 'Makuta' for that other guy. Ehhh, maybe no one will notice and if they do we'll get Greg to contrive an explanation in about 3 years when everyone's already forgotten."
  20. SPIRIT


    "Hey lady, you wanna see why they call me Mega Man?"
  21. EDIT: Thanks for wrecking my joke by making me double post, technology. You always know just what I want.
  22. Cool man. Yo where can i torrent a pirated copy?
  23. Actually, a blank circle would equal an "O", but I do get what you are saying...maybe replace the matoran symbol for O with a circle with a hollow dot in the center, that would be a good replacement...or make the space some new symbol, like a plus sign in the middle of the circle, or something unambiguous like that. Well the first option won't work because that's the symbol for zero. And a plus symbol looks a lot like a 4. Maybe you colour in the whole circle? That'd be pretty tedious to do for every space, though.
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