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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SPIRIT


    Cursed Blog Entry

    Instructions unclear. Tore a hole in space-time.


    And now a reading from the Book of Internet; chapter 9, verse 14. And lo spake the people to the prophet, "pics or it didn't happen!"

    im back

    While you may have wisdom, power, and courage, you have not demonstrated sufficient mastery of the subjunctive mood! Now go and collect the 9 McGuffin crystals and don't come back until you can use obscure and outdated rules of English grammar properly!
  4. Hay is for horses.
  5. If you want convenient spelling conventions (or phonemic orthography), Wikipedia recommends learning Italian, Turkish, Spanish, or Finnish. You'll also get fewer people calling you a nerd. Nerd.


    So what kind of master's degree is all this pain and suffering for anyway?
  7. The trick is to seek out these moments before you can fully contemplate the futility of the human struggle, the paradoxical nature of free will, or the fact that you will never be able to fully share the depths of your soul with another human, leaving you with a perpetual sense of loneliness even when you're with other people. lol
  8. Oh you children and your spring breaks. I'll just be working like a grownup.

    Another G2 Question

    Beauty and the Beast. Next question, please.
  10. SPIRIT

    Story Time

    That was a good story. Like sappy viral video good. Quickly copyright it before someone steals it.
  11. SPIRIT


    Well, if you love him so much, why don't you marry him? And then like invite me to the wedding and let me have lots of cake or something I don't know...
  12. What makes sense to me is that Artakha would've made the Nuva Cube and Symbols as a safeguard against the Bahrag, and never anticipated the Kal. The Brotherhood of Makuta were worried about them too, placing Exo-Toa nearby to stand guard against them too. No one really knew what the Bohrok were, but it was clear that they were numerous and that they posed a serious threat to Metru Nui and the safety and security of the Matoran Universe. (Which is really weird because they were designed to remove the camouflage from the Giant Robot's face, but if there were Bohrok stored underneath Metru Nui, surely someone would've seen them marching off to complete this task. Unless the camouflage was only ever used on Aqua Magna, which would also be weird because that's the point of having the system in the first place if it's never used? And then how many Av-Matoran had to die for this really inefficient cleaning system to be functional?!) Look, just don't go too far down the rabbit hole of retcons. Lost my train of thought... Okay, so Artakha makes the cage and the lock, because he knows Bohrok are important, but what he doesn't expect is that the Bahrag would be one step ahead of him by making six Elite Bohrok that are immune to the effects of the cage. So either the Bahrag knew specifically about the cage, or they surmised that they might face some threat of that nature. Now, as to who put the idea to steal the symbols in the Kal's head, we already know this. They had a psychic connection to the Bahrag, since the Bahrag awakened them. It stands to reason that the Bahrag would've also told the Kal to look for symbols that matched the lock on their cage.
  13. SPIRIT

    Space is cool

    Waitaminute... in Bionicle Gen 2, the Toa each came from different planets. 6 Toa planets + 1 Okoto planet = we just found the Gen 2 Solar System!
  14. Pancakes have by far the best maple syrup absorption of the three options. And really, that's why people eat pancakes: so that you can eat as much maple syrup as possible without choking.
  15. SPIRIT

    G2 Bionicle

    Umarak the Hunter was pretty legit. The guy had articulated antlers, for goodness sake.
  16. Edit: An accidental dupe post? There's something I've not done in a long time...
  17. Have you tried pricking your finger on a cursed spinning wheel? How about a poison apple? How about making your brother jealous of how much the Matoran love you?
  18. Stamina makes training Speed easier??? This would have been helpful information 14 years ago!
  19. SPIRIT

    My New Baby

    Thanks, it's a pretty high-power bookshelf. 5 shelves, particle board interior, 100 book processor speed. It's pretty great. Specs: -4.7GHz AMD FX-9590 octa-core processor with 16GB of RAM -2TB hard drive -240GB solid state drive -NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card with 8GB of dedicated video memory Got it from Best Buy. And yeah, it's crazy how white things will just turn yellow like that. All my iPhone cables are disgusting despite being fairly well cared for. Yo mama! Say hello to your new half brother.
  20. SPIRIT

    My New Baby

    For scale that's a 43' TV right next to it. And yes, I will be getting a stand, but it won't arrive until next week.
  21. I would be excited if my town had any PokéStops.
  22. The missing Kanohi to complete my collection. That's how you know she's the one.
  23. SPIRIT

    Hitler Dream

    It's time to stop reading history textbooks before bed.
  24. SPIRIT


    How to win my heart.
  25. Psh, that's nothing. I can draw that without even lifting my pencil.
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