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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SPIRIT



    Huh, neat. So my hands actually do detach in the way you described, but I'm having a bit of trouble reattaching them. Wow there's a lot of blood right now. help


    It's hard to believe that it was just over two years ago that I decided to become a full-time bearded man. There's a surprisingly deep subculture surrounding the grooming of one's facial hair, I've learned. Before committing, I made the conscious decision to look at what other men were doing and pick and choose what I wanted for my own face. One of the things I learned from this is that different men have different bald spot patterns on their face. So a beard like Jafar's might just grow like that naturally rather than being the product of careful shaving. Another thing is moustaches. Some people have a large canvass of hair follicles for moustache growth (see also Tom Selleck), whereas others do not. It seems to me unless you can grow a Selleck-esque moustache, you're probably better to go with at least a goatee if not the full beard. The ol' pencil moustache just ain't cutting it these days (especially if you wear those giant glasses from the 1970s -- I think that gets you immediately arrested). And don't think you can cheat the system by going with no moustache. That's right, Amish people. A moustache on its own looks good, a moustache and beard looks good, but a beard without a moustache looks awful. Obviously no Amish people are reading this, but if you see any Amish people, let them know I think their practice of going moustache-less is very silly. (As well as their reasoning for it, but you can look that up on your own time). Now what else... A good beard is well-trimmed around the edges. Make sure you shave off those stray cheek hairs and your neck. Probably follow the jaw-line for that. That's a good rule of thumb. I notice a lot of guys don't do that, and once you go past a certain length, it just doesn't look good. A jaw-line beard really adds definition to your face. And then there's women with moustaches. Hate to break it to you ladies, but if men have to groom our facial hair, you definitely have to groom yours. Yadda, yadda, beauty on the inside, but it takes like two seconds and makes the world of difference. Personally, I do the full beard to the jawline, and I think my ideal length is somewhere around 3/8 inch, but it is fun to grow it out every now and then to feel a little regal. How about you guys? What's your facial hair situation?
  3. My kingdom for a Crabrawler with Iron Fist. Ugh, this is like the Sinnoh honey trees all over again.
  4. We should have acted. They're already here. The Instruction Manuals told of their return. Their defeat was merely a delay 'til the time after the box was opened, when the sons of Skybrick would spill their own parts. But no one wanted to believe... Believe they even existed. And when the truth finally dawns... It dawns in plastic! But... there is one they fear. In their tongue, he is "Brickvahkiin": Legoborn!
  5. Will you name your firstborn child after me?
  6. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time...
  7. The Christmas season should start December 26th.
  8. Honestly, what fantasy story franchise wouldn't make a good open-world RPG? And yeah, I'd play the heck out of a Bionicle Telltale game. Like, I'd even go back and try the alternate options. How many Mahi do we have to sacrifice to Makuta to make this game happen?
  9. Black licorice ice cream. No one will ever eat me, and I'll live forever.
  10. SPIRIT

    a question

    Donald Trump. "I hereby pledge to appoint this guy called SPIRIT to some really cushy government job. No takebacksies."
  11. Well originally everyone was going to be male, so at least they managed to fix water before wrecking everything. Unfortunately the marketing stats back up Lego's decision in that many boys feel uncomfortable buying toys that represent female characters. While Lego could spearhead the charge on this sort of equality, they also have their own bank accounts to think of and aren't really incentivized to make these sorts of changes.
  12. Moving to Metru Nui was a bold and controversial move. While it was originally planned out when they conceived of the line, I think they could've done a much better job of world-building it for the audience. Simple things like "there are other Matoran populations", "there are other sentient species", or "literally everyone is tens of thousands of years old" would've been useful information at the outset. You don't have to go into details, you don't have to reveal everything, but at least give the audience something to work with at the beginning.
  13. I guess the important thing to consider is that Energized Protodermis is basically magic. Who's to say it doesn't have the ability to recycle carbon and generate magnetic fields without shifting the continents? I mean, we're already talking about a planet that can safely split into three spheres and have all three of them support life. Conventional Earth science basically goes out the window. And as for your questions about the giant robot, I'm sure they would've just built him lying down. Much more efficient.
  14. It does seem like they may have originally had another purpose for Dume. I mean, when they find his body just unceremoniously dumped in the Archives, they really just glaze over the fact that their city's beloved leader is in a coma. "Oh, we'll come back for him later... in a Flash movie on the website... that isn't actually released." My theory is that similar to the scene with the Lorak, they dropped a more complicated plotline where Dume was originally complicit with Makuta before being betrayed by him. There's no way to prove this, obviously, but it's the only way the scene with Dume talking to the big red eyes makes any sense.
  15. Or you could just say that you don't have access to a car. That's pretty normal.
  16. How do you type with boxing gloves on?
  17. If not being able to drive is holding you back, then you must learn to drive! Don't let anything stand in the way of true love.
  18. SPIRIT

    Join the Club

    The club can't even handle me right now! But that's probably because I don't actually have an X-Box...
  19. Where's the rebel base? Talk! I can see your will is strong. Well, we have ways of making you talk... WHERE ARE YOUR REBEL FRIENDS NOW?
  20. I'd really regret spending all this time getting a degree I could never use. Otherwise, I think I'm good.
  21. SPIRIT

    look at this cat

    Don't tell me what to look at.
  22. SPIRIT


    Harambe may not have won the election, but he won our hearts.
  23. SPIRIT


    White and gold, and if anyone disagrees I'll make dem black and blue. Capiche?
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