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Everything posted by Roablin

  1. It looks incredible, this is the first I've seen of that poster. It's so awesome that my favorite book is being turned into a beautiful movie like this.
  2. Roablin

    Laser Tag

    Meh, for me it's not about the game, which really does fail. For me it's about a band of cousins roaring and shouting at everyone in sight. That's fun. That's why I go once or twice a year.
  3. I've never had a real dog, but this is exactly how I feel about minecraft dogs.
  4. Roablin

    Vanquish Yi

    What's your summoner name? Mine is Roablin.
  5. Roablin

    So Guys

    This here weather went from very cold to extremely hot in the span of one 6 hour car trip. Not sure about that there weather, but I'm glad to be able to sleep warmly.
  6. I can't really understand what's happening in #4, but it looks cool.
  7. Oh my lord. That Ignika sword is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It's incredible.I'm still working on a Pakari, but haven't even cut out all the pieces yet. =P
  8. Roablin

    Tell Me What To Build

    a hippo with large teeth
  9. CORN ON THE COB! CORN ON THE KABOB!!! Yeah, it's John William's music that makes the movies for me. I could watch them just to listen to the soundtrack. As far as world building goes, I am a huge fan of how they mostly reused and repopulated the universe with species that originated in the originals. I don't like seeing each alien species only once (Chewbacca) and humans all over the place, so the prequels somewhat remedied that for me. I am not overly fond of the final duel in episode I, because although they make flashy moves, it doesn't seem to me like they are actually trying hard to kill each other. It has Darth Maul however, and he just looks cool enough to save the fight. @GSR Wasn't it Black 6 who posted that argument? It's an interesting concept and I'd love to see it done, but I thought he left episode I in.
  10. For the first half of the epic I thought the man was just called "Mr. Smith" as a joke. It took awhile for me to realize it was his real name. The whole fight was pretty good, but my favorite part is still when Xaeraz nervously toys with that butter pat. =)
  11. My first published test, the fiendishly simple Deviously Devilish Dilemma.
  12. Although I loath distrust fear McSmeag don't want in, both George and Plantbert (my pet and plant respectively) adore McSmeag and demand to be a part of this wretched cult.
  13. Roablin


    I don't get any of it.
  14. Actuall I'd imagine it's based on Xaeraz's response to Kraggh's previous blog entry.
  15. I finally aquired cardstock and printed out the numbered Pakari blueprints. Before I start, I have a question. What do you use specifically to stick the segments together? I can't imagine ordinary glue working on such small tabs. Also, could you give any advice on cutting the segments out? I'm new at this, but I can't wait to start!
  16. Roablin

    Name Change

    Obviously FudgeRuptured is where it's at.
  17. Roablin

    Name Change

    Shouldn't it be FudgeRuptured? Unless it's a reference I didn't catch... anyways my name is Roablin and I approve FudgeRuptured (or FudgedRuptered)
  18. I have that power, but it acts like Hahli Inika's mask. It's a constant source of annoyance and frustration until I turn it off, and no one else in my family can hear it as well as I can. I prefer to watch movies on my comp so I don't have to bear that awful grating noise.
  19. It looks like you have your work cut out for you. One question: will the story be related to Bionicle at all?
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