Zorglorfian Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 Recently Windrider thumbnailed my large image. How do I thumbnail something myself? Thanks! Quote Credit to Moist! from the Spectral Avohkii Enterprises for the super sig! ^The Chronicles of Chandu: ElementElites, Ivu, Equinox. An epic written by cylex7^ "I applaud your valiant ways in the face of futility." - Makuta Kazyx, CoC Chapter 6 of CoC ElementElites is up!!! Please review!
Reznas Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 (edited) Recently Windrider thumbnailed my large image. How do I thumbnail something myself? Thanks!By making a smaller version of the image, and linking it to the larger version on whatever site it's uploaded to. -RezEDIT: You can also take a part of an image, such as the head/mask, and use that as the thumbnail. You may need to resize still, however. Hope this helps! Edited May 10, 2012 by -Reznas- Quote
-Windrider- Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 In addition, if you are uploading to Brickshelf or Majhost (and I believe Photobucket as well), the site will do all the work for you. When viewing the folder to which you have uploaded your images, you will notice that the array of images on the page is comprised of thumbnails. Right-click the image that you need, and copy the image location. You now have the URL of the image's thumbnail. For Bshelf and Majhost, it should look like this:http://www.majhost.com/gallery/your username/folder name/thumb/image name.extension_thumb.jpgWhen I need to thumbnail an oversize image, I just go into the BBCode of the post and use the formula above: after having copied the original URL, I place "/thumb" after the folder name and "thumb.jpg" at the end. The thumbnails will always be JPEGs. I then make the thumbnail link to the original image using the original URL that I copied. Quote
BBBBalta Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 Back when the new forums came online, avatars had to be over 200x200 to work properly, right? Did this change with the recent upgrade? Because my avatar is 168x176 and it works fine. Quote
Sumiki Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 That issue was fixed before the most recent upgrade. Quote avatar by Lady Kopaka
Gatanui Posted May 28, 2012 Posted May 28, 2012 Back when the new forums came online, avatars had to be over 200x200 to work properly, right? Did this change with the recent upgrade? Because my avatar is 168x176 and it works fine.Avatars always worked properly with a size lower than 200x200 px, it´s just that there were issues with updating the avatar in the profile if the size was lower. That has been fixed with the past upgrade already.-Gata Quote - Gata Please don't use my avatar or signature without permission, thanks!
Grantaire Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I'm having a problem with my banners... I used the standard url image, but when I click the picture it opens the URL of the picture in another tab, not the topic I had linked. Anyone know why this is happening? Quote
Blessed Blade Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) Hmm; did you double check the url for the link? Obviously the banner URL is correct, but if you accidentally copy/pasted the wrong URL at one point, or thought you copied it, and instead pasted the previous URL, that would cause the problems.However, I can't really give a proper answer, since I'm not sure of the coding of your signature./EDIT: Wait, you do have a url tag around the images, right? Because I'm not getting any hover preview when I put my cursor over the banners... Edited June 13, 2012 by Pit: Arrow of Light Quote The Pokemon TopicPokemon: Rise of the Rockets - Rise of the Rockets Discussion Topic - Rise of the Rockets Side Stories
Sumiki Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Your code should be like this:[url="TOPIC"][img=PICTURE][/url]If it's like this, and still happens, I suggest posting the code to your signature in code tags so we can see the issue. Quote avatar by Lady Kopaka
Grantaire Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 [acronym=My first vote.][url="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5222entry293945"][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/zarayna/RPG/SFTS/copy_of_strike_from_the_shadows.jpg][/url][/acronym] Quote
Bfahome Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I believe the problem is with the acronym tags.[url="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5222entry293945"][acronym=My first vote.][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/zarayna/RPG/SFTS/copy_of_strike_from_the_shadows.jpg][/acronym][/url]Yup. Put the acronym tags inside the url tags and it should work fine. Quote
Obsessionist Posted August 2, 2012 Posted August 2, 2012 MOCpages had a crash a while back where many users lost their images. Now, I am one of the lucky few whose images (22 MOCs worth) are still lost, and not retrievable at all. My PC died shortly after the crash, I can't re-upload the pictures either. Some of the creations were posted on BZP, though. I know that they were hosted elsewhere, but would BZP have any files saved or something? At least one of the creations was in a BBCC, would that entail a BBC staff having an image somewhere? This is my last hope to get any of these back, any help or images at all would be appreciated. Quote
Gatanui Posted August 2, 2012 Posted August 2, 2012 MOCpages had a crash a while back where many users lost their images. Now, I am one of the lucky few whose images (22 MOCs worth) are still lost, and not retrievable at all. My PC died shortly after the crash, I can't re-upload the pictures either. Some of the creations were posted on BZP, though. I know that they were hosted elsewhere, but would BZP have any files saved or something? At least one of the creations was in a BBCC, would that entail a BBC staff having an image somewhere? This is my last hope to get any of these back, any help or images at all would be appreciated.Your chance may be asking the host who posted the contest polls, they may have saved for creating the thumbnails.-Gata Quote - Gata Please don't use my avatar or signature without permission, thanks!
Makuta DUSt Posted August 6, 2012 Posted August 6, 2012 I have drawn a picture with no constraction figures in it, just Lego men and blocks. Where do I post this, General Art or another place?Also, how do I reduce the size of a picture into under 800x300 pixels? Quote
Reznas Posted August 6, 2012 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) I have drawn a picture with no constraction figures in it, just Lego men and blocks. Where do I post this, General Art or another place?Also, how do I reduce the size of a picture into under 800x300 pixels?As quoted from the General Art rules and guidelines:Since June 2011 all four Artwork forums are now open to LEGO artwork in general, not just Bionicle artwork. So Hero Factory, Atlantis, City, whatever, it all goes in one of these four forum divisions.So to answer your question, General Art would be the way to go.-Rez Edited August 6, 2012 by .:Reznas:. Quote
Gatanui Posted August 6, 2012 Posted August 6, 2012 I have drawn a picture with no constraction figures in it, just Lego men and blocks. Where do I post this, General Art or another place?Also, how do I reduce the size of a picture into under 800x300 pixels?For actually resizing it, you need an image-editing software. Free software you can try is MS Paint, Paint.NET or GIMP.-Gata Quote - Gata Please don't use my avatar or signature without permission, thanks!
~Shockwave~ Posted October 3, 2012 Posted October 3, 2012 ok, so I would like to change my profile pic/avatar. but it doesn't seem to like flickr's url for it, and i cannot copy paste it.Help? Quote 3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising PM me to add me. Steam profile Click here for the BZP Destiny Group
Reznas Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 ok, so I would like to change my profile pic/avatar. but it doesn't seem to like flickr's url for it, and i cannot copy paste it.Help?Make sure to deeplink the image so that you're not linking to anything with the site's background behind it. If that doesn't work, just use brickshelf or something. It may be a problem with flicker.-Rez Quote
~Shockwave~ Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 ok, so I can save it, just had to explore a little more. thanks! Quote 3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising PM me to add me. Steam profile Click here for the BZP Destiny Group
-Windrider- Posted December 13, 2012 Posted December 13, 2012 (edited) So some things have changed with the BBCode. The code used to insert images has changed to this:[IMG=URL of image here]However, things have been really buggy lately and I recommend that everyone use the rich text editor buttons to insert images into posts:Click the button and paste in the image's URL. To turn an image into a link using the RTE, first insert your image. Select it by clicking on it and then click the button and paste in the URL of the link. Edited December 13, 2012 by -Windrider- Quote
Indigogeek Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Hi all, so i've recently decided to be active on bzpower. I attempted to change my signature, adding a picture in, but it just said: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bzpower/public_html/board/converge_public/applications/core/extensions/usercpForms.php:2313) in/home/bzpower/public_html/board/converge_public/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 114Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bzpower/public_html/board/converge_public/applications/core/extensions/usercpForms.php:2313) in/home/bzpower/public_html/board/converge_public/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 127 If it helps, here's the photo: http://25.media.tumb...c8ll2o1_500.jpg I have no clue what happening, and I'd love to find out. thanks! Quote
-Windrider- Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 How did you attempt to insert the image into your signature? Did you use the rich text editor ( button) or BBCode IMG tags? In either case, did you use the exact URL that you pasted above? Quote
>_< Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 So some things have changed with the BBCode. The code used to insert images has changed to this:[img=URL of image here]However, things have been really buggy lately and I recommend that everyone use the rich text editor buttons to insert images into posts:Click the button and paste in the image's URL. To turn an image into a link using the RTE, first insert your image. Select it by clicking on it and then click the button and paste in the URL of the link. Sorry, but I just don't see how this could be what's causing the issues.First of all, when inserting an image through the RTE (Or, more accurately: WYSIWYG editor), let's just say http://example.com/image.png, it will still result in the BBCode[img=http://example.com/image.png]Second, the WYSIWYG editor is an abstraction layer for the Source-mode, not the other way around. It already renders what (should be) the final message, while generating the BBCode used to create said message. If anything, it would either be the WYSIWYG editor generating the incorrect BBCode, or users creating overly complex and/or improperly nested tags.Summarized: How can Source mode be causing the problems, when using the visual implementation in the RTE generates the exact same BBCode? Quote
fishers64 Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 The easiest way to insert an image these days is to right-click on an image on your image-hosting site of choice, select "Copy Image" and paste it into the RTE. Works every time. Quote Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
Taka Nuvia Posted June 8, 2013 Posted June 8, 2013 (edited) Just a quick question regarding signatures/banner size: I know that they're supposed to be 800x300 px at max, but the problem is that the preview of the signature always includes this line which makes it -just- larger than the supposed size, even though the banner is exactly 300 pixels high. So I was wondering whether the size regulations go by banner size or size of the entire signature including the line. EDIT: Also as far as I remember this:What are the size limits of sigs and avatars?The file size of your avatar and signature may not pass 100 kB COMBINED. Your entire signature is limited to a space of 800x300 pixels. You can use any combination of up to ten images and text to fill this area. Should you use an 800x300 image, however, you will have no room for additional text. Larger images have larger filesizes, so please do always check the file size.was written before the line was added to the signature preview, which came with one of the updates... well, I'm a bit confused. ^^' Edited June 8, 2013 by Taka Nuvia Quote My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)
Black Six Posted June 8, 2013 Posted June 8, 2013 The line was not intentional and has been removed. Quote Bio of a BZP Admin
Kopekemaster Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 So here's my question:I recently posted some things in BBC. I just put in links to the images, but they are ~4.5 MB in size (I hosted them on bricklink, by the way).Is that all right? Do the picture limits only apply to pictures embedded on BZP itself? Quote My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!) My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct) Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)
Black Six Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 So here's my question:I recently posted some things in BBC.I just put in links to the images, but they are ~4.5 MB in size (I hosted them on bricklink, by the way).Is that all right? Do the picture limits only apply to pictures embedded on BZP itself?No, that's not alright. Putting a 4.5 MB image in your post takes it longer to load no matter where it's hosted. In the BBC forum you should not be posting images larger than 100 kB. The limit for the rest of the forums is 300 kB. Anything larger than that should be linked to. Quote Bio of a BZP Admin
Kopekemaster Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 Sorry, I'm not sure if I worded that very well.Here is the BBC post, you can see what I'm talking about there:http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10017 Quote My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!) My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct) Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)
Black Six Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 Okay, I guess a clarification needs to be made between posting and linking to images.Posting an image is embedding an image in a post so it displays when the post loads. The thumbnail in your topic is posted.Linking to an image is inserting the URL of an image as a hyperlink so that when someone clicks on it they are taken to the image. You linked to the images of your MOC in the topic.You can link to any size image. Posting images is limited as I said above. Quote Bio of a BZP Admin
Kopekemaster Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 OK, thanks! Now I won't have to keep wondering if I am doing something wrong. Quote My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!) My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct) Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)
Indigogeek Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 I'm trying to get my sig working as an animation (as you can see below it doesn't) I've tried everything for this. i've tried [*][MEDIA=width,height]URLofFile[/MEDIA] and even it with lowercase "MEDIA"s I tried with no dimensions, and the dimensions used (550 100 ) however it just isn't working. Can someone give me a detailed walkthrough of what i'm doing wrong? Quote
-Windrider- Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 (edited) You need to add in the http part to the URL - somehow, leaving that out messes up the tags.[media='550,100']http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Nuparu77/Avatars/swarm_banr1.swf[/media] Edited December 3, 2013 by -Windrider- Quote
Indigogeek Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 (edited) Working now, I appreciate it! Trying to change my sig, every time I try to use my image (i've tried sharing it through imgur, and brickshelf) this pops up: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. I originally made the photo in paint.net, and tried saving it as a jpg, then a png. I've made sure to make it less then 100 KB, what's going on? Edit: Double post merged to newest post date.-Wind- Edited January 2, 2014 by -Windrider- Quote
Bfahome Posted January 2, 2014 Posted January 2, 2014 Is the URL in your sig now the one you're trying to embed? Because that's the page for the image, not the image itself. This is the deeplinked image. (Otherwise the board thinks you're trying to embed a webpage in your sig.) Quote
Indigogeek Posted January 3, 2014 Posted January 3, 2014 Lol yea thanks, completly missed that. Quote
Takhamavahu Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 One I can't seem to find in here: When posting a picture in a post or a new topic, how do I make a very big image appear smaller in the post? Quote Flash Fire Adaptive Armour Where They All Are Tobduk Nikila Iron Wolf Artakha Adaptive Armour 2 Helryx Lariska
fishers64 Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 I think you have to resize it manually. Lots of image editing programs allow you to do this, or Flickr does it if you know where to look. Quote Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
Reznas Posted September 22, 2014 Posted September 22, 2014 One I can't seem to find in here: When posting a picture in a post or a new topic, how do I make a very big image appear smaller in the post? First of all, the software on the forums actually resizes any image you post, no matter the size, so that it fits the dimensions of the forums (this doesn't solve your problem, but it's always nice to remember ). Secondly, the best way to resize an image is to use photo-editing software like Photoshop or GIMP. If you need help on that specifically, I can further assist you. -Rez Quote
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