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Marvel, Rebirth:

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IC (Norman):


About twenty feet to the northwest of Dom's position, in a red-cross tent, was a chunky (yet funky) technopath looking on the scene with a grin. Mr. Lord was again proving himself to be a genius. Though Norm's mutant abilities weren't of great use in this situation, or even any offensive situation, he enjoyed field work immensely. He finished setting up the red cross shelter before heading out to assist his fellow Brotherhood members.

Edited by Douglas

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Yuri Aleksandrov)

Yuri and a few of his old MACE comrades looked at the television with a strange mixture of increasing smugness and dismay. Yuri spoke first, sipping a probably alcoholic drink from a cup holder in his wheelchair. “A round of applause for New York’s finest, ladies and gentlemen, they have not only made incompetence their goal, they have made it an institution.” The old crippled general shook his head, as reunions went this was a small one, but he liked to keep in touch with his men.

Lieutenant Summers, who had barely escaped persecution, looked like he wanted to spit. “Don’t know where they get off-Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. You all just wait, the morons who run these networks are all gonna be spinning the whole thing into another ‘woe-is-me-and-my-laser-eyes’ sob story. Like they don’t even remember what the Brotherhood used to be like. No fricken respect for all the guys they killed.” Summers eyes glinted as he leaned in closer. “Yeah, these talking heads don’t even remember all the reporters Quicksliver made a sport outta killing.”

Private Reynolds shook his head. “Don’t know man, ain’t like we know for sure he’s still working with those old Brotherhood terrorists, might just be using the name. They don’t handle this right and we’ll be killing each other again before the month is out and I got kids y’know? The Brotherhood gets pushed again and my kid’s school just isn’t safe anymore. Carter was making noise about moving us all out to one of those countries without a lot of mutants. Kept throwing around all the great things about education in Switzerland, couldn’t get him to shut up about it with all the blood you saw on the TV. I’ll take an idealist over a mass murderer any day, no matter how annoying he is.” Reynolds shrugged, clearly worried about what his husband would say about this.

Yuri sighed. “Regardless, this isn’t going to make my job any easier old friends. With HYDRA out there and the Brotherhood distracting everyone….” He waved his hand. “HYDRA’s been blowing up cities. Lord is problem for another day. Worst he’s guilty of is not understanding how the world works. Not exactly terrorist material, give him time to develop and sure, I’m not so sure about it, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Shiloh LeBeau


Shiloh smirked from underneath her rhinestone hat, watching the scene unfold from outside a red-cross tent, looking like an inconspicuous volunteer, wearing the red cross badge proudly. Even the feds didn't have the gall to lay a finger on them now.


Shiloh's camera's were more than happy to get close ups of the stunted faces of America's finest. An awkward situation indeed. Her cellphone coordinated the camera's feeds into her currently live youtube channel, a.k.a. . Shiloh Livens Up the Party.


The internet was a powerful thing, especially when you had the electronics doing all the technical stuff for you.

IC: 'Jess'


Gabriel felt a hand grip her's as she was yanked up onto Jess' bed. The mutant rat had pounced, but found itself going straight through Gabriel as she ascended, it collided with the bed frame with a loud thud.


"What the ###### is that thing and why is it here!?"

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Norman):


As a technopath himself, Norm was well-versed in the ways of the internet. He approached Shiloh, holding up his phone, which was relaying the video from Youtube. Though he was somewhat attracted to his blonde compatriot, he was very bad at talking and had thus never really talked to her. Now was his chance.


"Two hundred hits already," he remarked, tone awkward and face blank.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Gabriel


"The hand or the rat?!" shouted Gabe, her foot lashing out against the rat and sending it flying straight into the wall opposite to them, creating a rather large dent in its surface.


The rat hung against the wall for a second, before it fell, collapsing onto Gabriel's bed with a gentle thud, motionless.


"Think it's dead?"

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IC: 'Jess'


Jess stared at the wall for a second, blinking. "Yeah...at least I hope so." She wasn't too keen on finding out.


IC: Shiloh LeBeau


"Awesome..." She replied, not even taking her eyes off Dominik and the rest of the scene. Something like a snicker was heard coming from....her cellphone?


"Stop that." And it did so.

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Jesika (Ult)

Shiloh's and Norman's conversation, if the exchange of words could even be called such, was interrupted briefly by the sharp sound of a respectably sized bubble of gum popping. The source of the sudden noise was a raven-haired girl standing nearby, who seemed to be completely engrossed in the phone she held out infront of her. She wore a Red Cross t-shirt that seemed one size too large, though it was enough for her to hide the gunmetal wings that were currently folded against her back. People tended to stare, and then ask awkward questions.


And Jesika really didn't like where those questions led.


"Eh, he's alright," The mutant replied, even though the question itself wasn't addressed to her specifically. She glanced up from her phone with two electric eyes towards the other Brotherhood members, and blew another bubble.



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IC: 'Jess'


"I....hate rats...how did it get in here!?" Jess scrambled to find something to throw at it again, she found a hardcover book and chucked that.


IC: Shiloh LeBeau


"Mmmhmmm..." She nodded in agreement, not entirely sure what to say, this guy had never spoken to her before. She glanced at Jesika.

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Norman):


Norm just sort of stood there, his brain having short-circuited by the arrival of another female. He had no idea what to say, and in all honesty Jesika's pale features and general otherworldliness had always kind of freaked him out.


"Oh. It's you."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Jesika (Ult)


"Right, me," Jesika repeated somewhat slowly, one of her eyebrows moving up slightly, though it was hard to tell if she was offended or just confused. During her time within the Brotherhood, Jesika had mainly kept to herself, though trying to adjust to a completely new world had been keeping her somewhat busy.


"Sup Shiloh, and...uh... Nathan? Nelson...?"



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IC: 'Jess'


"Where the heck are you suppose to sleep then? And we need to get rid of it before it starts to rot..."


IC: Shiloh LeBeau


"Nothin much...just recording all this..."

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Jesika (Ult)


"Okay then Nelson," Jesika replied, tossing the phone away with an exasperated sigh. The apps weren't even the same here. Just before the device hit the ground, a static shock seemed to connect with it from the earth, melting completely through the screen and leaving a blacked hole out the other end. The smell of ozone hung in the air after the small display.


Eh, it wasn't her phone anyway.

Edited by gRAViTiC dUbSTEp



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IC: Mimic


"Never picked Nicole to be a traitor... didn't see it in her." Christine shrugged.


"How far you reckon she's gotten?"


IC: Nicole


"I won't," Nicole said. What had she done? There was no going back now. She was truly Hellfire now. She'd betrayed the institute by capturing Dallas. That wasn't her home anymore. Here was.


Nicole had followed Lynae as she had slipped away. She'd found herself in a hallways with Romulus, Lynae and now Annie. Nicole felt Annie push her forward as she began to speak to her.


"Well, I sort of hit Dallas in the head with a bottle, captured him and took him here." there was no sugar coating what she'd done, best to lay her cards on the table.


IC: Jennifer


"Not really... it looks like any names were left off the equipment or the labels were degraded by the ocean."


"All I know is that this should be wake up call number two for SHIELD. We need to stop sitting around and waiting for Hydra attack New York. We need to find them and we need to bring them down. We need to strike them in the heart." these were strange words for Jennifer. She'd spent most of her life as a scientist looking through a microscope at alien microorganisms.


But what Hydra had done. The innocent lives the sleepers had killed around the world. It made Jennifer angry. Suddenly her skin turned a dark blue and she gripped the controls of the sub harder. Even her hair turned blue while her eyes flashed a bright yellow behind her glasses. Jennifer began taking deep breaths.


"Sorry, this doesn't usually happen." she said. As she breathed in deeply her color returned to normal.


IC: Triblade


Matt held the gun in his hand and stared at it for a second. The rest of the ride since he'd announced his feelings had been even more awkward. Can I use it on myself? Matt thought bitterly. He hadn't touched guns much in the past. Instead he'd relied on his powers.


He nodded as he lowered the gun. "I won't," he said. Next thing he knew and he was strolling down the charred road, looking for signs of life, anything. Possible enemies.


"Right," Matt said. He raised the Makarov Aleks had given him. Where his head turned the gun did as well as he began to sweep the area ahead of him cautiously before he moved now. Making sure to duck under any large pile of rubble and to access good points of cover.


"You think any Hydra agents are in the area? Perhaps covering their tracks?" Matt asked. He listened to the silence. The city was deathly quiet around them. He wondered if somewhere someone was screaming; trapped beneath rubble.


"Let's keep moving."

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OOC: Seems like as good a time as any to introduce Remus at long last.


IC (Remus)


Besides the red cross tent was a large, yellow-eyed white wolf, though the green, pine-scented air freshener hung around it's neck would seem to indicate it was a mere tame wolf-hound at the very worst. This would be a mistake on the part of any observers, Remus was no mere wolf, not by a long shot. If she didn't miss her guess she had more combat experience then the entire crowd of stunned police that had gathered around the park. Nervously, she looked at the surrounding buildings, keeping her eyes peeled for a sniper. When she'd allied with the Brotherhood she hadn't known what to expect, if this was an indicator of things to come, she would be losing sleep over security arrangements for the next few decades at the very list. Quite suddenly, her ears perked up and despite her best efforts he tongue was suddenly hanging out of her mouth. Someone was cooking and the part of her mind that belonged to the wolf was, as always, hungry.


Well, at least the air freshener was doing it's job. She had had quite enough of smelling everyone's morning breath after the first few thousand years.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: 'Jess'


Jess was quick to grab the shovel. Not being able to stand the sight of it anymore she scooped up the rat and went toward the window, she didn't even bother to open it as she phased the whole shovel and her arm through the glass and then dropped the rat outside before pulling her arm back in.


"Thank god..." She said, dropping the shovel and collapsing back onto her bed, she shivered.

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"You're a dead man, mutie!" barked the police commissioner through a megaphone upon his arrival. "Sooner or later, your little head games and party tricks won't work! And you'll be worm food!"


"The life of a revolutionary would be quite impossible without a certain amount of fatalism," the Brotherhood leader recited softly, still practically beaming as the cameras rolled on the exchange, beaming the conversation through the tendrils of the Web.


"Hey, wait...I know that quote," protested one of the SWAT officers with his gun to Dom's back. "That's...Malcolm X? Dr. King?"


"It's Mandela, dumbass," barked his partner. Dominik rolled his eyes at both of them, but kept his gaze trained forward. Don't look at the cameras. Don't look at the cops. Look to the leader. Show the people what it is not to bend, and let them show that it doesn't mean you have to break, either. His smile faded away gradually, replaced by a lack of expression as the cops didn't move. The water was still on the ground in front of him; in a slow, deliberate motion, eyes never leaving the police, he bent down and picked it up. Hefted it to chest level. Took a step forward.


The weapons raised.


"You going to have me gunned down, Commissioner?" Dominik asked sharply, voice raised now so that the cameras wouldn't miss a word. "Like a dog in the street? The world is watching closely. Our hit counter is probably rising exponentially by now. Thirty seconds ago we had two hundred hits; chances are we have 200,000 now. How long before it's two million? Twenty million? How many people do you want to risk opening their eyes to this? How many people do you want to see that the American government is bickering with the voices in its head, letting people go displaced and left for deceased in the streets? How many people do you think are going to take well to the fact that the Brotherhood of Mutants is the only group picking fights for the welfare of all men and mutants, while the good people of the New York City Police Department spend their tax dollars just picking fights? Decide now, because right now there are a dozen kids and their families who haven't had a drink of water for two days, and I do not mean to let them dehydrate while you choke on red tape. Let me through, or let me die. Either way, it will all fall on you."


The standoff lasted for another several minutes, so long that Dominik lost track of the mathematics in his head regarding the number of potential viewers. Briefly he wondered if he was going to be shot anyway, and his grip on the water tensed, but finally the commissioner waved the megaphone in a wordless fury. He kept the waiting smile from pursing his lips until the men parted before him like the Red Sea, and Dominik Lord walked through the center. Only when he'd passed the last cop did he take a look at the flashlight shining in the shelter he was looking for and use it to jump. The kids - Darius, Austin, Joel, he remembered - saw the water and ushered their parents from rest, beaming at him and running forward. They called out his name and hugged him.


The cameras were still trained on the police. His work went unseen.


Dom allowed himself to smile.





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IC (Norman):


"Norman..." he muttered, turning to face Dominik. Looking from Shiloh, to Jesika, and back to Dominik, he decided his time would be better spent helping with relief efforts. He hefted a pack of water bottles and began passing them out.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: 'Jess'


"That rat couldn't have been here for very long...I would have noticed if there had been a giant rat in my dorm!"


IC: Shiloh LeBeau


Shiloh felt herself becoming tense as the police pointed their guns at Dominik. What if they didn't care what the world thought and shot him anyway?

Edited by Yoko Littner

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Borte Khan, Saphine)

“They’re fools. All of them.” Borte muttered darkly, sipping slightly from one queer potion or another. The Mongolian alchemist shook her head slightly as she watched the police continue to play right into that terrorist cabal’s hands via one network of talking heads or another. “I don’t think we shall tolerate that mm? Whoever that fellow is…” She gestured vaguely at the police commander. “He clearly doesn’t have the discipline needed to manage the enforcement of law in this…fine city.” Her voice grew dry at the last part.

Saphine shrugged. “Yeah, well, I ain’t the one with my mitts all over their retirement funds.” She was leaned up against the wall of the office, half watching the TV and half wanting to get hope, open up the fridge and grab a drink. She was starting to get just a bit hungry. “Tell ya, least this Lord seems to understand that killin random people ain’t the way to win any hearts and minds.” She snorted. “Fricken Quicksilver. A remember that raid on the last guys stronghold-some of our boys went off the grid after that. Dead I expect.”

Borte nodded slightly. “If the Brotherhood can’t be dismantled, Lord, at least, seems to be relatively harmless.” Being who she was, Borte was already running through old plots and plans regarding the Brotherhood. Ranging from assassination attempts to just leaving them alone if they remained fangless. She despised terrorists, but with law and order just holding by a relative thread, she wasn’t going to go picking a fight that might make the Brotherhood remember it had claws. Not by a long shot.

“Mm.” Saphine was thinking back to her days in MACE. “Well, I wouldn’t want ta be in Jameson’s shoes right now. First he can’t stop HYDRA, now he’s lettin the Brotherhood run roughshod over the city. Don’t matter who they’re workin for, a lot of people just want em gone. Remember the bad old days I expect. Thing is, these people are loud. And they have television networks.” Vince Jackson might actually throw his voice out. She’d like that.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Icitine


There it is... The place of my childhood and... Of some of my biggest mistakes. Lilliana gazed up at institute as she stepped out of the taxi, shifting a bit in her black pencil skirt. She quickly handed the driver his payment and turned back to face the school, clutching her suitcase tightly.


She slowly walked up to the main door, her finger pausing over the doorbell for a moment. No... You need to do this. You were happy here once and can be again. With a deep breath, she rung the bell.

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IC (Romulus)


Romulus settled into his seat, smiling slightly as two nondescript cars pulled up behind them. "Not to worry Ms. Rosewood, merely some insurance." It was New York city, the need for protection more or less went without saying. "Now then, Mr. Green, if I am correct Ms. Rosewood will be dropping you off at the institute. I suggest you contact your fellows as soon as you arrive, lest they burst through the manor doors only to find Ms. Worthington waiting for them. She has killed for less."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Lynae


"My Romulus... You seem a bit paranoid..." She grinned at him mischievously as her eyes looked over at him for a moment.


"Yes and that would just be a hassle." She said with a slight frown. "I don't want a bunch of kids and my associates getting hurt. It's all a messy business."

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