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[sado, Market District]


Yukie looked from the Dashi to his younger sister.  Did he stand out that much?  Or was it just Chiyo’s homing instinct again?  She had a different mask, he noticed, but he could ask about that later.


“I’m not sure,” he said, moving his head so he could better see the menti who had suddenly leapt onto a table--how many weapons was she carrying?  At least three, and he could see the dark figure behind her some sort of blade strapped to her back.  The pair stood out, even in the ragtag environment of the marketplace and he caught several other people staring at them.  Interesting.


“I’m sure you’ll be safe in one of the shops, Ma’am,’ he said to the Dashi, but he had picked up his walk enough that she might have trouble keeping up. “Whoever blew up that building found their target, I think.  It looks like a deliberate attack, not just the result of a stray--”


He turned to Chiyo.

“Who was in that building, exactly?”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Higashi


"Yeaaaaaah, about that ..."


Her soulsword materialised, the strange, glowing fist appearing beside her head as she readied herself for the possibilty of an attack.


"Ain't my juridistiction, and you graces look like you're involved in this entire hullabaloo."




"Um, excuse me? Miss?"


Standing behind Higashi, one finger raised as if she was about to ask a question, Zyla Dastana came to the sudden realization that years of working beside the firebrand-of-a-Dashi Daijuno had resulted in her apparently losing all sense of self-preservation.




Relisai saw the Dashi appear, a Dastana by all appearances.


"I hope you have a bigger rescue party coming" she whispered to Arsix. 


IC: Arsix Dastana - Sado


Arsix said nothing for now and instead barreled right towards the Hogo, hoping the distraction of the newcomer Dastana would allow her to knock the guard onto her rear-end.


She dove with her shoulder.

| BZPRPG Profiles |


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[sado, Market District, Present Time]


“It’s okay.”


I batted my eyelashes.


“I’m glad Kulrikky cares enough to give me such nice presents.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kaede

Hostile action taken against a Hogo guardswoman.


Use of force now justified.


Kaede, still invisible due to her Huna, took a few long strides forward, bringing the blade of her sword down towards Arsix's body.


IC: Chiyo

"Is that building the..." Chiyo craned her neck to look at the building which Yukie was referring to.


"... If that is the building... I do recall the Toroshu of Vilda being kept in custody there."

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Arsix barrel-ran into the pompous fool of a Hogo. Relisai wondered why the Dastana Toroshu had resorted to such mundane action - they were Menti for Zuto's sake.  The Vilda's lips curved. How simpleminded the young were, so caught up with their newfound titles. Both Rora's still had so much to learn.


A shadow skated across the ground from Relisai's side toward's Arsix. It was fairly bulky, but there was no mistaking the sliver that extended from it - the shadow of a thin blade. An assassin! Relisai had only a moment to act to prevent the Dastana's murder. Reflexively, Relisai gathered the psychic powers around into physical force and flung it at Arsix, pushing her forward even faster into the Hogo and away from the blade strike.


It was turning into a real fight.



Kulrik was about to argue with Jiyu (again), but Shuuan beat him to it. The First Son's heart fell with each drop of Shuuan's eyelashes.


What was wrong with this woman?


"Right... thank you Shuuan." With a gulp, Kulrik moved behind the Plangori and attached the necklace around her neck. "Now don't go wandering off, we need you close to continue finding the other Keys" he warned Shuuan. 


An explosion sounded off in the distance.


"What was that?"

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Askha thought for a moment. "Well, the northern docks is where we make our escaped, if Somei pulls through."


Zuto Nui I left a portion of the plan up to Somei.


"Actually, I have a feeling taking her there won't be too easy. Find her, secure her, do what's necessary. Ideatalk if you need to. I'll catch up."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Masome (Sado, Market | With Yukie and Chiyo)


"M'lord", Masome said to Yukie while hardly managing to keep up with him because of her short legs, "Is she talking about the prison? Won't the guards chase the Toroshu and her liberators? What if they'll hide in the same shop I'll go into? And then the guards will think that I'm helping them to escape and interrogate me! I dont want that! I-I don't know what to do!"

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

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IC: Maripi - Near prison, Sado


Before long, I'm surging towards the prison, my new Kakama's speed sickening. The world before me is blurred into a tunnel of coloured lines streaming past me. I slow as I near the prison, searching around me with both my eyes and my mind, trying to locate the being that Robalta sent me the mental image of.

Edited by 000



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IC: Higashi


"Look," said Higashi, shooting the Dastana a quick glance, "I'm a bit busy right now, so could you ju-"


She barely managed to dodge the dive, stepping to the side to avoid Arsix's wild charge. And somebody else was here. A glint of a blade. Huna-user? The situation had gotten complicated far too quickly for her tastes. But she could not exert too much effort on dealing with the mystery person. She was, after all, a Hogo guard. And there were ... prison breakerees?


There was an urge to just beat them senseless, but that was a horrible way to be a Hogo.


The Hogo mojo relied on one actually knowing things before charging into battle like an idiot.


"Sweet Zataka's left tit," she managed, readying for another hostile movement. "I'm trying to be a forgiving gal 'ere, but you ain't giving me much to work with. Stand. Down."

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IC:Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too" Tama replied as she accepted the Fursic's handshake.


"I must say I found your attitude odd at first, but, I think I'm beginning to see it now" she remarked as she looked closer at the Dasaka now standing at her full height.


Males were supposed to be powerful warriors, noble and handsome, but those features couldn't be seen in Vwyn. Or rather, they could, but there was something added to them, something that changed the way she perceived them. She had clearly put a lot of work into this, considering her adamant standpoint, it was very impressive, actually.


"I might need a while to digest it completely, but I think I made a good start."





Vwyn's grip felt firm in the handshake, the woman clearly a warrior who spent many years training in her particular field of expertise. But the gesture lasted only a moment before her hand fell back down to her side.


"You're interesting," she spoke with a light smile playing upon her soft lips, "and I understand I'm different and... possibly hard to understand for most, but so long as you remember I'm a woman then there's no problem. But," she paused a moment, as if in thought as to whether it was a wise decision to continue on her train of thought, "... but, if you have any... questions, I'll answer them. So long as I'm comfortable to, though..." Vwyn looked around, noting the quiet, almost desolate disposition of their location, "... I'm hungry."


OOC: Ugh, sorry I took so long; I had an extremely busy week,

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[sado, Market District]


“I doubt,” Yukie said, “that someone as conspicuous as an escaped Toroshu could remain unnoticed in a shop, or that she would try too.”


He wondered vaguely if the ragtag dashi was really that much of a worrywort, or if she was trying to distract him.  It was the old Plagori suspicion--all of them had it, except maybe Shuuan.


Then the dark figure in the throng transformed into a blurred line, streaking through the streets and out of sight.  A kakama.


::Do you think you can follow the other one?:: he sent to Chiyo, gesturing vaguely at the weapon hauling menti, who was weaving through the crowd.  ::I’ll try to catch up with whatever’s happening at the prison.::


[sado, Ferry Dock]


::I’d like that.  Nothing can possibly be less interesting than going back to the school of the mind.  Besides--::


I patted his arm lightly.


::I’ve grown rather partial to this scarf.::

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: Ashka.




[sado, Market District]


Yukie nodded at Chiyo as she headed off in the other direction, then bowed to the Dashi.


“I am sorry dear lady, but I must leave now.  The guards probably have their hands full, and I should assist them.  I hope you have a safe and pleasant day.”


Then, spinning on his heel, he was off, dodging between spectators as he aimed for a side street.  He broke into a light jog as he escaped the throng, the jacket still tucked under his arm.  It was a while since he had been to the market, but a few hairpin turns and almost upset produce carts later he was close enough to see the hole torn in the wall of the prison.




IC (Enali)


Enali had been wandering through a quiet street of Sado after a day's lessons at the Yards, mulling over that conversation she'd had with Kagesu a few weeks back, when she heard it: a 'boom' booth deeper and louder than any boom had any right to be on Sado. These were exciting times (to put it optimistically), what with the expedition and the new Rora and the Dastana and Zuto knew what else, so there was clearly something exciting and/or dangerous going on.


So Enali did what any curious young Menti-in-training would do upon hearing something exciting: she scampered along in the direction of the boom.


By luck, she happened to be on the same side of the Imperial Prison on which Arsix and Relisai were making their escape, so when she heard the sound of running footsteps and raised voices coming from the street ahead, she peeked around the corner to watch the goings-on.



There was a young dasaka in the street just ahead of him, her sash the deep green of clan Ageru.  She was peering out into the alley ahead.  He tapped her shoulder.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Mmm? Well, why not?" Vwyn responded with a small shrug of her shoulders, regarding Tama with some confusion. "I figured, if you wanted, we could talk more, get to know each other and all that. Not much sense in just having a drive by conversation about something rather important and parting way for eternity." Admittedly, Vwyn liked the idea of having a friend of her own on her home islands, as so many were hard to relate with or to speak with on any level below formal or above unadulterated rage and discomfort.

"I understand if not, though. Lots of people are busy and I doubt you're an exception." At least, Vwyn felt, her invitation wouldn't feel obligatory to accept.

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:Oh, I can think of quite a few things you're lacking in: Kulrik responded angrily. :Just remember I was the one that bought that scarf for Shuuan, before you just go and steal it.: There was a venom in his speech that surprised Kulrik - he knew it was ridiculous for himself to feel this way. Women often went weak in the knees when the Vilda First Son set his charm in action, soKulrik had his pick of  any number of lovely Menti in the Empire. So there was no reason for this jealousy to rise up in him, not when he was so completely out of Shuuan's league, yet jealousy did indeed rear up it's ugly head.


:And before you wander off visiting your homeland, me and Shuuan are going to the Library and figuring out where we'll find the next Key. Understood!?:




"I'm afraid that's not entirely possible. Me and my dear friend have somewhere to be, and that place isn't here. Leave us alone. Now." Relisai commanded with the authoritative tone that came so easily to Toroshu.


She readied herself for a battle of the mind, extending her senses to the area around herself.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Oblivious to the tail she had picked up, Askha continued to brush through the crowds. A host of Ideatalk was abuzz in the mental plane, but Askha pushed through that. Not for the first time that day she wished she had her Iden. But being able to read this crowd wasn't too hard. The people heading towards the chaos seemed to be interested, while those heading away were anxious. It wouldn't take her long, as long as she was able to get a signal from Maripi.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Masome (Sado, Market district)


"No, wait!" she said and followed Yukie. However, she quickly lost sight of him as he disappeared amongst the crowd. Masome stopped and froze, not knowing where to go next. The crowd around her was suffocating, so she tried to get off the street and inside a quiet, peaceful shop, but getting through the throng proved to be difficult for a short and stout Dashi. Despite her efforts all she managed to do was to receive bruises from others when they tried to push her aside. A Dasaka woman nearby easily moved through the congregation of people, making Masome wish she was taller..


Her eyes widened.


"Excuse me, m'lady!" she shouted and pushed towads her, once again being bruised by others in the crowd who were trying to move forward. "You there, with a Mask of Water Breathing! I must ask you something!" Her progress was slow, but she hoped that the Menti would hear her and stop. Only a member of her own clan would have a broad knife like that strapped to the bottom of their back, handle facing left. It might've been a coincidence, but it had been too long since the last time she had talked to a fellow Mashtet. She wouldn't let the chance pass by.


OoC: Talking to Askha

Edit: Apparently Askha isn't wearing her robes and has a different mask. The knife thing was Keeper's idea.

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

still alive somehow

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IC: Maripi - Near prison, Sado

I continue to skirt around the edge of the prison, trying to find the mind of the targe-- the person that we're trying to find.

OOC: Where exactly is Relisai again? :P

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[sado, Ferry Dock]


I couldn’t help the guffaw that burst forth from my lips when I heard Kulrik’s little speech.  He was actually jealous.  The scandal possibilities were endless, but Jiyu really needed to get his arm looked at.  I live in the jungle; I know all sorts of nasty things that can get into cuts.


I reached over and patted Kulrik’s cheek.  “Aw, Kurikky dear, it’s adorable how you think you can tell me what to do.  It’s amazing how many people are under that impression.  But see, those are three hundred of my dragons sitting in a very lucky dashi’s purse right now.  And I’m going to make sure Jiyu retains his limb and that my scarf doesn’t get permanently stained with blood.  Honestly, I doubt this is as urgent as you seem to think, and if you’re so eager to find out some more I’m sure you could take your little lapdog with you.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Relisai felt the brush of another mind zip into the vicinity.


The now-infamous Toroshu frowned. There were too many people converging here, all of whom had unknown motives. 


:Who are you, and what do you want?: she Willhammered into Maripi's mind.




"Seigyo's not my lapdog for Zataka's sake!" Kulrik exclaimed. If anything, the way Shuuan spoke and her soft patting of his cheek infuriated him even more, and stoked the jealously that rumbled in the pit of his stomach. Kulrik tried desperately to calm himself, but he knew he was doing a bad job of it.


"And I wasn't trying to tell you what to do, all right?  It's just that...the necklace is around your neck so I don't like Jiyu trying to spirit you away from me and the quest. I like being alive, and since these Keys have the potential to stop that, I'm rather invested in ensuring they're kept safe and secure. I don't know if I can do that by myself, so I need your help. I need to make sure you're safe and secure, too."


Turning away from Shuuan and Jiyu, but still looking petulant, Kulrik continued.


"Can we just get this over with and go to the healers? We can get there more quickly if we cut through the Markets." Kulrik thought he might be able to buy a scarf along the way. If that's what it took to keep Shuuan with him, away from Jiyu, that's what he would do.



"Hurry along now, little dove! We can't lose sight of them" Robalta told her maidservant. "Oh, I feel like I'm a young Menti again, running through the streets in a game of Sleeping Dragon. Trying to steal the 'jewel' at the centre of the yard from the 'Dragon' guards, then escaping the city. All while impressing the dawdling boys, my dear" she added with a wink.


She pointed around a corner.


"There! Ashka went that way!"

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Askha took a moment to realize that the dashi was asking for her, what with her Kaukau. Been a while since she was called 'm'lady' as well; if it wasn't her name, it was 'sellsword' or some more insulting appellation. The Menti turned, seeing the dashi that was calling for her. "What? What do you-"


Green and gray robes. It was a while since she had seen a dashi wearing the Mashtet clan colors. This was... important. This was also really bad timing. Looking around, she started moving towards an alley, tugging on the dashi with Mindarm. "Not out here. We don't have much time."


IC: Raiyo giggled nervously, keeping up with the Datsue. "Yeah... a game, an adventure..."


To be honest, the Vilda maid didn't think highly of her chances. In the stories, Dashi like her didn't do too well...

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya already had a list forming in her mind of people she would need to talk to. There were the major players, of course: she would need audiences with the Rora (or failing that, one of her representatives), the Dastana twins, and a handful of Toroshu of the most influential minor clans, whether partisan or neutral. To some leaders that would be all the opinions worth hearing, but to Kilanya it was just one side of the coin. The other was the common people. They would be affected by events to come in ways that the high and mighty, cushioned as they were from the turmoils of the world, would not.


She would not say so publicly, but she was curious to know even the views of the Saihoko. They might be society's lowest, but to Kilanya it seemed they were also the first: the first to be affected by the policies of the rich and powerful. In war, they were the footsoldiers, the first blood shed on the field of battle; in famine, they were the first to starve; in plague, they were the first to sicken and die.


Even from the most pragmatic perspective it would be foolish to ignore their views, because some had already begun to take them into their own hands. The Sado riots proved that the lower castes were not the slow, dim-witted cattle that people like her brother were so quick to scoff at and discount. A number of the rioters had been Ageru, her subjects, and those that survived were now imprisoned in the Hall's dungeons. She made a mental note to go and speak to at least one of them, because she was still not sure she understood their motivations ('bloody unruly Hokos, what do you expect?' might be enough of an explanation for most people, but not for Kilanya).


Another group whose views were generally nebulous to her were the Taajar people. They were a proud people, and yet extraordinarily humble at the same time, and this paradox had always fascinated her somewhat. Although they made up an appreciable chunk of the Ageru's trading partners, their tendency to keep to themselves (and their low status in Imperial culture) made them and their ways of thinking largely an unknown to Kilanya.


It seemed serendipitous, then, that a small group of Taajar were even now waiting for permission to cross her lands. Kilanya made up her mind almost instantly: she would speak with them herself, and grant them passage in exchange for their point of view. A small part of her chuckled at the thought of what the look their faces would be when they saw the Toroshu herself had come down to hear their request.




A few minutes later, the door to the waiting room (in which Hatchi and her companions had been sitting since arriving at Mahuika Hall) was opened, and none other than Toroshu Kilanya walked in, giving them a graceful (and perhaps surprisingly genuine) smile.


"Good morning," she said. "I apologise for the wait. My name is Kilanya, and I am Toroshu of Clan Ageru. I understand you seek passage across Ageru land?"

Edited by Ghosthands





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"Vilda Relisai, I urge you to return to your confinement."


The statement was smooth, accompanied by the arrival of a Menti clad in the scholarly robes of an Eiyu. Her stance was relaxed, hands clasped respectfully behind her back. Light glinted serenely off of the crystalline gauntlets upon her forearm, the sole piece of apparent armor on her person, and the crystalline shield strapped to her back. The handle of a staff protruded over her right shoulder, but her hand did not move for it. Her face was untroubled, as though she were exchanging pleasantries, instead of confronting a known villain.


Inside, however, her soul burned bright. The reasons for Relisai's imprisonment were hardly known; mental assault of a Datsue during the Chojo's party. An absolutely despicable act, in her eyes, and one that she would not permit the Toroshu to escape her punishment for. Hanabe's eyes flicked carefully over the scene, noting the key players and situations. A Hogo Guardswoman, maybe two, was confronting the two Toroshu, and a few other bystanders were starting to involve themselves. She cared little about apprehending the Dastana leader; until such a time as her own Toroshu made their stance clear, Hanabe was under no obligation to act against the political dissident.


Relisai, however, was another matter. 


"Lady Arsix, I would recommend you cease and desist. Resistance only affiliates you with this... Disgraced Toroshu." The Vilda Toroshu's temper was legendary, and it was known that her primary discipline was that of the Willhammer. To that end, Hanabe had been preparing to resist from the moment she entered detectable range. The Menti was not afraid of her, but the lack of her other half's presence was... Distressing.


Perhaps VInyani would come.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kaede

The attack had failed. Her swing had missed.


Standing off to the side, still cloaked using her Huna, Kaede waited.


Her first attack had been a mistake. The true enemy of the state was Relisai. Arsix was not a priority. So if this while situations went south, so would Relisai's head...


However, the element of surprise was gone. Relisai probably knew she was here now...


As more Menti came onto the scene, Kaede attempted to circle around the Vilda Toroshu, using all the discussions as cover. After all, Relisai didn't have eyes on the back of her head...

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IC (Enali)


Enali started at the unexpected tap on her shoulder, whirling around so suddenly that she tripped over her own feet and fell to the cobbles. She looked up at the rather threatening figure with wide eyes.


In her right hand, summoned not by her conscious mind but by defensive instinct, a crackle of Soulsword energy flared blue-white.





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[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall, Just Inside Side Entrance]


Hatchi got to her feet, albeit shakily as soon as the figure walked in.  She bowed deeply, motioning for her companion to do the same.


As soon as she lifted her head, however, nervousness settled like a pit in zir stomach.  No, she needed to be calm.  She had been within this week, addressed by both the Anstyzyr Jahagir and an extremely precocious member of a clan that usually wouldn’t look at her twice.  The toroshu of clan Ageru was just one more.


“Great lady, these humble servants would normally not requesting something so intrusive,” zi-she sad in her best formal imperial.  “However, we grow wary of the violence that we left behind, and winter is coming, bringing with it the cold rains.  There are children among our number, and think first of their safety when bringing this unusual request.”


[sado, Market District]


Well, thought Yukie as the dasaka tumbled to the ground, there goes any element of surprise I had.


He extended a hand to the figure on the ground.


“I am sorry for startling you, miss, but I mean no harm.”


He smiled sheepishly.  “Need a hand?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Jiyu's anger flared. If anyone was privy to his mind, it was as if a thunderstorm had formed out of a clear sky. Fortunately, nobody was privy to his mind, and he kept his face neutral- He could feel his breathing quicken though, and his pulse elevate, by being around idiots like Kulrik had the tendency to irritate him to the point of violence.


Thankfully for the both of them, Jiyu remained outwardly calm.


"You forget your station, First Son, I am the Regent of clan Herupa. Which means, in the absence of a proper Toroshu, I am Toroshu," Jiyu stated, his single eye burning at Kulrik, "And the last time I checked, You have no right to disrespect anyone, least of all me."

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IC: Maripi - Near prison, Sado

I come to an abrupt halt as the mind smashes into mine. .: Robalta sent us to find you and bring you to her:. I reply, the annoyance at being willhammered evident in my "voice". .:There isn't much time to explain - I'll keep "talking" and you follow my "voice":.



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[sado, Ferry Dock]


I stepped between them glaring up at Jiyu.


Stop, both of you.  Jiyu, Kulrik doesn’t you because of your rank, and he isn’t going to stop just because you pull it on him.  Neither is bottling up your anger like you’re doing right now.  Secondly, Kulrikky dear--”


I turned around, “Jiyu’s done far more to protect me in the last few hours than you, so you can shut your pretty little mouth.  How do you propose to protect me, by falling asleep again?  Now, I think it would be best for all of us if we split up for a while.”

I tugged on Jiyu’s arm, “leave him, it’s a better idea.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Mmm? Well, why not?" Vwyn responded with a small shrug of her shoulders, regarding Tama with some confusion. "I figured, if you wanted, we could talk more, get to know each other and all that. Not much sense in just having a drive by conversation about something rather important and parting way for eternity." Admittedly, Vwyn liked the idea of having a friend of her own on her home islands, as so many were hard to relate with or to speak with on any level below formal or above unadulterated rage and discomfort.


"I understand if not, though. Lots of people are busy and I doubt you're an exception." At least, Vwyn felt, her invitation wouldn't feel obligatory to accept.


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Well, actually, I was going to..." Tama began, but stopped herself when Vwyn continued


"...Not much sense in just having a drive by conversation about something rather important and parting way for eternity"


"Yeah, you're right." she replied, realizing that her errands could probably use the wait, let her thoughts simmer and settle for a bit before she attempted to hash them out with someone else.


"I'd be more than happy to join you" she said with a curt nod.

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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Ic: What was power, really? Mom never explicitly defined it to me, but her opinion of it was apparent in how she wielded it. Like a tree-cutter's double-bit axe, it was a tool with two edges, capable of immense efficiency if wielded properly but always compounded with the risk of backfiring if used irresponsibly. It wasn't properly balanced, but like any tool it became second nature to use well… with the right practice. 

"All rise for Her Divine and Imperial Majesty the Rora, Empress of the Dasaka Empire and Lady of Kentoku, Yumiwa of Clan Umbraline!" I strode out with purpose from the passageway behind my grandiose diamond throne, and all in the great hall did rise out of respect of my status, if not my person. My advisors and bodyguards filed out and took places on either side of me, and none dared to stir until the fanfare died and I finally did sit.
Now, I wasn't yet sure what my own view on power was, but I was pretty sure Mom had the right ideas. Maybe my deviation wasn't so much a matter of definition but rather strategy, as though I, too, viewed the power at my disposal as a double-bit axe but differed slightly in how I held it. Then again, I was newer to it, comparatively speaking, so of course I'd be revising my methods eventually. Still, these thoughts hounded at the back of my mind. I was the latest in a long line of sovereigns, and while some of my advisors preferred to give counsel to prevent my mind from wandering to unnecessarily comparing myself to my ancestors instead of diligently busying myself with ruling towards the future, my preference was to allow my mind to consider narratives from roras past to make myself better for the future. In a way, I was reconciling both positions.
Mom was always cautious to the point of unmoving, and though that allowed her to rule peacefully, it only served to maintain the status quo. Progress has been stunted by her seat. Maybe the stagnation she helped maintain had inadvertently allowed the strife I was suddenly burdened with to come into fruition, I wondered, but only as much as was respectful. She had kept me from political office for as long as she could get away with, it seemed, perhaps fearful of the liberal views I secretly nurtured myself… but she was too deliberate and developed her own keen sense directly from the demands of her position. She would have seen what her path would lead to… right? Hanako would know. Mom picked Hana herself, after all, and they were close—closer than I was to Mom, really—so if anyone knew my mom's agenda, fact or fiction, it was her. 
But this all seems like dawdling, eh? What you want is to know how I handled the Dastana cessation, how I gave one speech to my nobility and kept my borders and peace. Well, sorry to disappoint, because I know stories aren't told in précis and if I gave you an abstract in modern type I'd be cheating you from knowing—feeling—how I feel. 
And I felt… hurt. My very throne was a pain in my butt—literally. It felt like a tack was stabbing into my buttcheeks, and I swept my gaze to the officers of my court who stood in a wide semicircle from my position on the raised platform. I could see a telltale tightening of the jawbones from a partially repressed smirk on Desde's face, the only person who would DARE to pull a prank on me at this hour just for the sake of hinting at a lesson, and I oddly understood what she meant by her joke immediately. Being empress wasn't supposed to be easy, and the responsibility truly ached. One wrong move or word and all bets were off. Like the double-bit axe, this throne's might was a tool that could wound as easily as it could any subject of mine. I had a moment of clarity, courtesy to my sister's own methodology only a sibling could [ultimately] appreciate. 
I cleared my throat lightly, but the whisper of the act sounded to me like thunder in the throne room. For an instant I debated if clouds could indeed form at the top of the immense ceiling and collide with the black energies of storms, but no, a quick glance confirmed that the distant roof was adorned only with the decorations of Zuto Nui and not Zataka's shrouds. 
"I will not state the obvious," I began at long last, "and repeat to you the fact that the realms are divided. You need not know again that Clan Dastana, accompanied by their loyal vassal clans who can be identified by their absences here, has declared themselves separate from my laws and borders. But what I think needs reiteration, and in fact perhaps even relating for the first time in this hall, is that there has been a force that threatened to tear my empire—our empire—apart for decades, and that Toroshu Arsix's note of cessation was not a separate phenomenon but a symptom of a much larger disease that has plagued our civilization for generations. 
"Make no mistake: I do not condone Lady Arsix's actions, nor do I approve of them, but I cannot fault her for taking steps towards change. Dozens of rora have sat where I am now and ruled in the spirit of tradition, but I've always wondered, what does tradition yield us? I look at our history and I see wars every other generation, strife of a citizenry that fattens the unworthy, men who's rarity has become an excuse to languish and be prized rather than proof of their inner weakness, and ancient grievances we cannot even recall the origins to anymore. We whitewash these sins and sweep them under rugs in the name of preserving peace and tranquility, never mind the blood that seeps through the fabric regardless of how many times we add another cover." My voice towered like the sweeping rooftops of Sado as I preached on, and I truthfully did feel the energy of my strength coming to me in the moment. I swelled with pride knowing I was right, proclaiming the sins of my culture in the open way everyone needed to hear whether they wanted it or not.
"Tradition has been used to justify injustice and inaction since time immemorial, and while it is true that the rora, as ruler of these realms, is in fact subject to the mealtime conversations and general opinions of those she rules, and by virtue of being rora I do fully accept the responsibility of being the target of those opinions, I cannot be faulted for my ancestor's inactions.
"I am not my mothers. I am my own woman and I am not blind nor am I deaf. I bear testament to the desires of my people and my heart does beat for their betterment. My reign has been… short, but not languid. Ever since the discovery of Mata Nui in the far east I have busied myself with being a ruler of and for the future of the Dasaka, and in that spirit I've given Jahagir Senavysh of the Tajaar the title of toroshu and all her people rights as full citizens of the empire, no longer shackled by old strife for simply being different than us. 
"Dastana Arsix acted brashly and out of turn by declaring her clan's independence, but fully within her rights as a citizen of my empire with aware eyes, and because of that I pardon her. I do not, however, pardon the actions of the vigilantes, regardless of who's clan's banner they waved, and took matters and lives in their own hands by murdering the previous Dastana toroshu. Even if they did so to avenge my mother's death, I cannot forgive their zealousness and should they be found I will see that my uncle will reap their heads. 
"But ultimately, I desire for everyone, noble and common alike, to know that I am a rora of the future. The tragedies that have hounded our past, ancient and recent alike, will be dealt with. I will not cover the wounds of my realm, new and old alike, with gauze applied to hide the bleeding, nor will I fight wars to create another illusion of peace for our sons and daughters to celebrate blindly when we are gone from this world, but will face them head-on and champion what is truly right and good for all who view me as their empress.
"And so I ask—I plead—for your trust and allegiance now more than ever. I yearn to bring about a new age, and anyone, from toroshu to saihoko, who pledges themselves to my reign will have their voice heard, difficulties addressed and indeed be a part of the empire I intend to rule. All those who choose not to may swim on their own, but know that the ship I captain will be swifter and mightier than any other, and I will never turn my gave away from the needs of my true subjects. This is a promise I give in the witness of the Goddess, and will either succeed in fulfilling or die trying.
"I would give my life for my realm because it is worth dying for. Please consider me worth the same."
* * * * *
Within an hour of the speech being given, the words of my speech had spread across my realm like wildfire. Willhammer street criers channeled it into the mental planes and billets fell into people's hands to read in detail. It would spark rage in some's hearts and pride in others, but I hoped it would inspire the loyalty of even more. And whatever people did individually think of my words, their opinions did not alter the truth in my statements. 
For a moment, however, I sat in my throne room and accepted the judgmental stares of those assembled. I wanted to lead my entourage back from whence we came with the same purposeful steps, but I couldn't. That would be cowardly. And I was a champion, a warrior with a cause. I would take their cheers and jeers in my own home.
Because they were my people. It was my sworn duty.
Ooc: Anyone with a character of standing can say they are present for the speech, and any reactions are welcomed. :)
I hope this was worth it the long read and even longer wait. I'll try and keep the fire burning from here on. 
Edited by EmperoressWhenua
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