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BZPRPG - Ko-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Faora


Faora listened to Enforcer--Mr. Pleasant, as she preferred to think of him--and she was about to volunteer when a Ko-Toa stepped forward, doing some weird salute and bow.


Ah, well. Maybe she would be next.

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

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IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


Finally, I can start beating up poor recruits. The Ko-Toa steps forward, proposing to go first. He seems confident. Hopefully that isn't because of arrogance. So far, he has given the impression of being an honourable warrior, caring too much about justice and other moral Kane-ra ****. A true warrior knows, that justice and honor are like shovels that dig a grave for you. True warriors focus in winning and staying alive, not on ethics. I personally just enjoy fighting, and also getting paid from it. I need the money to fulfill my ambition. This fight might not increase my wealth, but at least I'll finally be able to fight against a live opponent in close combat. Unless the Toa uses his elemental sorcery too much.


"Enforcer, I volunteer to fight against this recruit," I say to the fellow Vortixx. Then I turn to speak to all recruits around me. "There is only one rule: don't kill. We'll be kind with our weapons and powers, and you'll do the same. Do you understand?"

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IC: Enforcer.

"Champion has the right of it," I agree, "no killing. Excersise restraint. Killing an existing member of the group won't make you any friends."

I gesture towards the arena courtyard. "You two get yourselves ready. The rest of you stay back, and don't interfere." I stop to take another drink; soothing my dry throat, before turning to Veneras and Champion, "Let me know when you are ready to begin."

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)
"I'll go get my armour and weapons. Will take about two minutes." With that, I left and walked to the armoury, equipped my armour and readied my mace and shield. Then, I walked back, returning precisely one minute fifty five seconds later. Over the years, I've learned to prepare my equipment as fast as possible. If the camp is ambushed, there is very little time to get ready. I still remember that dark night in the valleys.. I was one of the few, who managed to escape the slaughter of an entire army. But I put those thoughts aside. It's time for battle.
"I'm ready"



OoC: Edit: 300th post! Woo! :happydance:

Edited by Daniel the Finlander
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Aurorin stepped back from the Fighting. "Come on, can't we settle this over a nice hot drink?"



Apologies if i Dodged a nearly-unavoidable attack, I'll explain later.



Skulk stopped trying to fight. "I could go for a drink right now," he said.

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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Ic: Artem

Artem stood atop a cliff. He stared out over the vast tundra of Ko-Wahi. This was his favorite place on the island. It is where he caused many an avalanche testing his powers. It is where he hides the money he's stolen. It is where he spend his time thinking. But at this moment, all he wanted was to find somewhere to get a drink. So he descended the cliff.

Ooc: Open for Interaction 


Edit: ah yes rules are a thing.

Edited by Hiram McDaniels

Hair back, collar up, jet black, so cool, sing it like the kids that are mean to you!


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OOC: Hiram McDaniels, the Mahiki is an illegal mask. Might want to change that. :) Also wow, three characters in one post?  :blink:


IC: Ayar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 2, Book 2, Chapter 3

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for him to wake up," Ayar said to her fellow Fe-Toa apologetically. "The only way I can think of waking him up straight away would be some sort of electric shock." She noticed Forger looking strangely at the protosteel blindfold over Marauder's eyes. "Oh, that? I had a feeling that you wouldn't want me to take any chances with his vision power, so I did my best."


IC: Scholar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 1, Book 3, Chapter 3

Scholar perked up at Veteran's mention of trials. He rolled over onto his side so that he could see down into the courtyard from the top of the wall, and shouted, "Can I fight someone? Please?"


IC: Khil'rayu (Ko-Koro)

Part 1, Book 1, Chapter 1

Reeling from the punch, I shake my head, and then look up at the two heathens attempting to negotiate with me.

"You, Lesterin," I hiss, "Leave and never return. As for you, Toa, I can take you to to our leader- mercs are always handy, as I said before."

Edited by Makuta Miras


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"Alright then, I guess I'd better get going, It's a shame that I never got to trade, but maybe those nice people at Ihu-Koro could fetch me a deal, but I won't be staying here much longer as I'm no match for you, and if it were not for my friend here catching my attention and bringing me in here-"



Cue the "I SAID GET OUT!".




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Ayar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 2, Book 2, Chapter 3

"I refuse to fight," Ayar said. "I'll watch, but I refuse to fight. I've seen what violence does to people. I'm not against others fighting, but I refuse."


IC: Khil'rayu (Ko-Koro)

Part 1, Book 1, Chapter 1

"What part of "leave" do you not understand?" I sneer at the Lesterin, activating my sword and placing the tip on his collarbone, just at the bottom of his neck.


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IC: "Finally," Verulas said, his impatience finally getting the better of him. "I was starting to wonder if we would ever get around to that. No offence, but besides our friend tied to the chair, this place is a little lacking when it comes to excitement."

He made his way past the male Fe-Toa and was about to walk out the door before he suddenly stopped, turning his attention back to the Skakdi.

"Speaking of him, will anyone be staying behind to make sure he doesn't escape? If we all have to go, I can whip up a plant that's juices would keep him asleep for a couple more hours; that is, if you feel that course of action would be necessary."


Dravennica scowled. It seemed that the fight was over.

While she supposed that it was a rational course of action to let the mercenary live, as he could prove to be useful to the group that the Skakdi belonged to, she saw no real reason justifiable enough to let the Lesterin out of her sight without scaring the Karz out of him first; after all, he was starting to get on her nerves.

"Shredder," she said, pointing at him as the Kavinika looked at her attentively. "Attack."

He turned towards his newfound prey, barking hysterically as he beared his teeth before rushing at him. Her scowl slowly transformed into a smile; watching the Lesterin flee in terror would surely lift her spirits, even though the command she had just issued was merely a bluff. She had every intention of calling her pet back before he had the chance to tear into him, as he had already had his fill, and she didn't want him to get fat.

But the Lesterin wouldn't know that, now would he?

Edited by timageness411


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Forger


"I refuse to fight. I'll watch, but I refuse to fight. I've seen what violence does to people. I'm not against others fighting, but I refuse.

"When I say scenarios in combat, that can cover quite a bit more than fighting. Defense and support is just as useful as actual offensive skills." I turn to the Bo-Toa, "thank you for your patience and yes, something to keep him sleeping would do us well."


I left the room, heading back to the courtyard where Veneras and Champion were getting ready to square off. "About Ayar, if she refuses to fight I think we ought to put her defensive skills to the test," I grinned. "See how well she can dodge."

...but close to it

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Aurorin glanced at the Skakdi's sword at his throat. "Uhhh... Bye!" He said before bolting for the exit, chased by some ravenous hound.



Exit, pursued by a bear Kavinika

(He'll be back eventually, maybe when the good guys eventually raid Ko-Koro)




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: (Rekhyt)


The Fa-Toa made his way to the courtyard with the others. Out of all of them, he had been hired first, and had endured a battle by their sides, yet only now was he being tested. However, he didn't let his impatience show: first impressions count.



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IC Veneras


Veneras' felt his blood shoot through his veins

This is it he thought. So much pain and failure and it all leads to this

Veneras was a philosopher, not a warrior. But he needed to prove himself. He needed to prove that he was not a failure. He had lost everything.

This was his chance to feel worthy again. This was his chance to belong.

Veneras looked across the arena to size up his opponent. The vortixx was stern and menacing. An embodiment of war. Veneras felt his throat seize up as he anticipated the pain of the mace. In fear closed his eyes, but he still felt the conflict drawing on him, like a void that intermediated the combatants, pulling them on towards fatal collision. 

Mata Nui I am your servant, give me strength and give me rectitude

He rested his staff in the crevice of his elbow, ready for battle

"Be Strong and Courageous"

His religious robes fell to the floor as he stepped sideways across the arena. The sacred symbols glowed brilliantly blue against his pure white armor. 

The toa of ice stood with no weapons of war, only the armor of a Zealot, and the staff of a philosopher. 

"I am ready"

Edited by Veneras
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IC: Skulk


Skulk looked at the skidaki offering a job. "Alright take me to your leader, but first, were can ya get some drinks around here?" he said half expecting the being to kill him.


OOC: man I miss all the action because of school.

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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OOC: Thanks for spurring things along in my absence, y'all.


IC: Zero


To answer Enforcer as the first volunteer, a Toa of Ice bowed before them. She nodded and showed him her best encouraging smile. A few seconds later, Champion stepped up to fight the newcomer.


Zero was surprised to see the Vortixx step up in full armor. She was worried, for the Ko-Toa's sake. Champion wasn't a lighthearted foe, and a giant battle mace versus a simple staff shifted the odds into something more than slightly uneven.


Nevertheless, it was here that the Toa would prove his worth.


Snowflakes fell softly as the two men faced each other. The courtyard had been cleared of debris in anticipation of the trials. With any luck, it would be trashed again by nightfall. The Su-Skakdi stepped forward, her hornet-like color scheme contrasting oddly with the white backdrop the mountain range provided.


All was still. Anticipation clung to the air, a blanket of suspense.


"Begin." she said cooly.

Edited by Requiem
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IC Veneras


The dreaded words struck like a hammer on Veneras' heart




Physically the odds were in the Vortixx favor, but Veneras had something the warrior did not: zeal.

Continuing to circle the center of the arena Veneras was resolved to let the Vortixx make the first move. With his eyes fixed dead on the champion of war Veneras began to spin his staff, sending blood to his extremities and beginning the process of centripital energy and inertia.
His fingers awoke at the excorcise of dexterity as the philosopher's scepter arched in figure eights, alternating before and behind the resolute toa.

Edited by Veneras
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IC: Verulas shrugged, stepping aside to let the Fe-Toa pass before strolling over to their captive Skakdi and tilting his head back. He opened his mouth as he created the small melon that he usually stabbed his knives into before going out on a job, and began to reminisce about his first encounter with it out in the jungles of Le-Wahi. It was shortly after the boat he was on capsized out at sea and he washed up on the shores of Mata Nui, barely alive, too fatigued to use his powers, and so, so hungry. After wandering through the foliage, he came upon one that had fallen on the ground and, after mistaking it for food and cleaning the dirt off of it with his cape, made the mistake of taking a bite.

While his powers over Plantlife prevented him from passing out, he was tripping so hard that he could barely move. And the plant itself tasted like what he thought Kavinika droppings would taste like if they had been cooked out in the sun for three weeks.

Needless to say, he had spent the better part of an hour cleansing his mouth with sea water after the juice's effects wore off. The Skakdi was not going to be happy when he woke up.

"Open wide...," the Bo-Toa said to himself as he squeezed the liquid into his mouth, making sure that none of it dripped into his windpipe as he absorbed the rest of the plant.

He would've delivered the poison using his normal method of cutting him with one of his knives, but Ayar had just healed four people, and he felt that it would've been wrong to add more to her workload. Besides, they had trials coming up...

"Well, I guess we better get out of here," he said, stepping back a bit before heading towards her door. "We don't want to be late, now do we?"


Dravennica had taken pleasure in watching the Lesterin flee for his life, but fun was not a luxury that she could afford at the moment; she was in the middle of a war zone, after all. She let out a high-pitched whistle, simultaneously notifying Shredder that it was time to return to her side and making her presence known to the other two standing in the middle of the street. She folded her arms up over her chest, using her Miru to levitate towards them before gently touching down near the Skakdi.

"Is it true that you know Echelon? I would very much like to meet one of the architects of this village's destruction," she purred, trying to use her looks to get on the Skakdi's good side. "I absolutely love what they've done with the place."

Edited by timageness411


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Tracer

Tracer had headed back out to go take the two Kavinika for a walk (again). As she headed our, she noticed Champion and the Ko-Toa from the hospital in the arena. Curious, she headed closer to watch. Recruit trials? But why would somebody like him join? Lycaon, without missing a beat, began growling like crazy while Lupus eyed the newcomers cautiously, ears raised.

Edited by namcurtsnoC
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IC ???:


A small avalanche, not uncommon on the slopes of Ihu, erupted, sliding down a shattered ice flow. A twitching, disjointed figure was partially buried in the drift. Her, or its, position a ways up the side of the mountain meant it slowly glided down towards the cable car base.



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Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC (Jin)


We made it out.




Most of them made it out.


The presence of the Sergeant, no matter her utility in navigating her home turf, had so far limited the freedom of their unit to plan their next moves without risk of harassment. Nika didn't appreciate being limited by outside influences.




If everything went well, they still had the Captain to provide anything which Rana could have.


No point in redundancy.




By the time the Vortixx were on their way back to Ta-Koro, Nika had a new canteen of water and pack of rations on his belt, as well as one less lightstone in his rifle.


OOC: So long as Eyru doesn't have any objections, Nika and Jin to Ta-Wahi.





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IC: Khil'rayu (Ko-Koro)

Part 1, Book 1, Chapter 1

I pay no heed to the Kavinika rushing past me, focused on the mercenary. "A drink? There are abandoned bars all over the city. Knock yourself out," I say. As the Ko-Toa, presumably the Kavinika's owner, touches down near me, I spin to face her. "Not personally, but I am part of the Legacy, which he brought together. Echelon's a commanding officer of mine essentially," I reply, putting my Volo Lutu launcher away and lifting Krakant back up onto my shoulder as I speak.


IC: Scholar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 1, Book 3, Chapter 3

"Go for it, Champ!" Scholar shouted, still lying down with his head poking over the edge of the wall like an idiot.


IC: Ayar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 2, Book 2, Chapter 3

Ayar hopped up from her chair, sparing the unconscious Marauder a glance before adding an extra layer of protodermis to the covering and heading back down to the courtyard, where Veneras and Champion were squaring off already.   


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IC Yeri MacGukko


A sudden commotion had manifest itself outside. 
"A party idn't a party wit'out dranks!"

gathering his full arsenal, the Lesterin rushed outside to the center of the excitement. It seemed that two of the members had gathered in ring.
Being a man of the bottle, Mac had seen his fair share of fight clubs; of course, he couldn't talk about those. 


Sieizing a nearby bench, Yeri began to set up his bottles and decanters. Instead of shouting like a carnaval barker, Yeri just tapped open a barrel of Po Pale Ale, and he let the smell do the rest.

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IC: Tracer

When Veri opened the keg of ale, Tracer noticeably flinched. "How do I turn this thing off?" she thought to herself as she held her nose. She was getting tipsy just from smelling it.


Lycaon just barked louder. Lupus started barking too.

Edited by namcurtsnoC
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IC: Verulas stepped out first, allowing Ayar the luxury of locking her room up again before they both eventually made their way down to the courtyard. The trials, it seemed, had already started without them, as the sight of Frosty facing off against the Vortixx that wasn't Chuckles was the first thing that he noticed upon exiting the building. The second thing he noticed was the yelling of another Ko-Toa, who was apparently cheering for the Vortixx.

Well, that just wouldn't do, now would it?

He curled his hands around his mouth in an attempt to amplify his voice as he started to do some yelling himself.

"Hey, Frosty! Turn this guy into a popsicle and be done with him already! The rest of us are getting tired of waiting for our turns!"

As he finished exhausting his voice, a particularly pleasant aroma filled his nostrils, causing him to search for its source. He looked around, spying a Lesterin that he he could've sworn he had never seen before setting up an area for drinks. The Bo-Toa practically floated over to him, eventually leaning himself up against a crate of what he assumed to be weapons or training dummies as he took stock of the recruits and the members.

"So, how much is it for a mug of ale? It's been so long since the last time I had a drink, I can't even remember what it was," he said grinning.


Dravennica tossed the Skakdi's reply around in her head before eventually deciding that his answer was adequate enough to warrent further conversation. While he wasn't one of the top tier members of Legacy like she had initially thought he was, he was still a member nonetheless, and could prove to be beneficial to her later as she made connections within the group.

"Would you mind then, if I accompany you and your group back with you? I would very much like to see the inner-workings of the infamous Legacy...," she said with a smile.

OOC: What are the exact numbers for Outsiders recruits and members, respectively? The wiki page lists Marauder as a member for some reason, which is currently contradicting what is going on IC, and I was wondering if there was any other inconsistencies. Also, I wanted to know how many battles Verulas is going to have to sit through in order to become member number thirteen.

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


Ah, it has begun.


Before Zero arrived, I had warmed up, prepared my body for battle. This isn't a serious combat situation, so I won't be doing my best, but I'm still going to make sure that the Ko-Toa needs to fight well in order to pass the trial. I have no need to enter martial trance, for then I would have trouble keeping the Toa alive. This trial isn't about me winning and him dying, it's about us seeing if the Toa is a capable combatant. As such, I have no need to use my EED to nullify his powers. It'll be good if he can use his powers creatively and efficiently in combat.


The Toa drops his robes, and begins to circle the courtyard. I stand still, examine my foe. He is average height for a Toa, meaning that I'm somewhat taller than him as a Vortixx. I already know from my previous experience in the hospital that he is a Toa of Ice, but even without that knowledge, it's quite obvious because of his white and blue armour. His mask resembles a Kanohi Rode, which won't help him in combat. But it's possible that it's some other mask forged into the shape of a Rode, so I must be cautious. His weapon is a polearm, a swordstaff to be exact. Polearms are best in formation combat, but not as ideal in duels. They do have a long reach, but if the enemy manages to get up close, the polearm-wielder is in trouble, unless he manages to prepare a secondary weapon as soon as possible.


He doesn't wield a shield, so if he won't use his polearm with both hands in combat, I'll be very disappointed. The lack of a shield might prove dangerous against ranged opponents.. unless his mask power protecs him instead. His mask might be a Hau or a Matatu, for example, but I can't be certain. His armour is ornate, and as a result not as protective as my practical armour. Thankfully we have a healer, so I won't worry about his injuries too much.


One minute has passed since Zero announced the beginning of the trial. The Toa is spinning his weapon, gaining momentum. He is either preparing to attack me or trying to deter me from attacking him. Either way, he's planning something. My eyes are focused on his, and vice versa. I stand still, completely unmoving like a statue. Then, I take a step forward.


May gods give him strength: he'll need it.

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IC: Deriksha

Finally he made up the mountain. The view was beautiful but he could not stay too long. He spotted Ko-Koro in the distance. He slid down the side of the mountain until he hit a ledge. The Le-Toa climbed down the ledge and used his Kualsi to teleport down the mountain. He found his target. Time to see whats up.




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IC Yeri MacGukko

"So, how much is it for a mug of ale? It's been so long since the last time I had a drink, I can't even remember what it was,"
Yeri smiled, already pouring a stein "six widd for a pint o' double barrel PPA" he replied

IC Veneras

A lump formed in Veneras's throat as the towering vortixx began his ominous approach.


That first slow step filled Veneras with anxiety. He felt the urge to attack, drawn in to the vortex of the arena. 
No. To make the first move against him is suicide. I must hold firm.

He continued his whirlpooling cycle around the courtyard as he studied the crude armor of the impending Vortixx. On Champion's armor were the symbols of his religion. Not written in symbols and runes like on Veneras. To be sure, Veneras was not sure vortixx were even literate.

Must remember to investigate further

His bronze helmet, his chainmail shirt, his green and red tattoos. These were the alphabetical hieroglyphs by which Champion's creed was written.


Brutal. Empiricist. Warrior.
Religion: Pragmatist.
Prideful readiness for battle.
Allegiance: money

false. He had volunteered for this training without pay.


Alignment: conflict?

He held true to his creed, as Veneras did his own. 
A champion of war


Must ponder for possible weakness


Mace. Heavy.

The mace can be one of the most ineffective weapons when used improperly; and the most devastating when used effectively. 
Balance: asymmetrical
According to the philosophy of momentum, the maximum energy would be manifest at the outermost point.

Note: Avoid contact.
Energy required to halt: bone-shattering.
Adjust strategy


Still spinning his staff, Veneras separated the blade from the shaft. Maintaing centripetal momentum with his left hand, he sheathed the sword with has right.

He would need maximum mobility if he hoped on using the staff to redirect the mace.


Veneras prayed to Mata Nui. He did not know why he had been paired with this one. He was strong, brutal, and seasoned in the art of war. All these things were clear from his demeanor. 


This is it


Veneras stared deeply into the Vortixx's blue eyes; now using both hands to spin the staff, continuing to propel the cycle of kinetic energy.


It has begun.

Edited by Rorschach the Absolute
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IC: Veteran.

The Ta-skakdi slammed 12 widgets down onto the table without hesitation. "Give me two, mate." He had no idea who this guy was or where he'd come from, but if he was selling drinks, he could stay.

Edited by Roman Torchwick
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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Yeri MacGukko

With a tip of his cap Yeri slid the twelve widd into his pocket and began pouring the pint
"yeh want umm bot'[h] nawooh, err ya wanna save one far lat'ah?" the barman asked over his shoulder.

He was pleased to be sharing the glory of beer with these upstandin' gen'lmen

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IC: Veteran.

"I'll take 'em both now. One's for me, one's for me mate over there," he nodded towards Enforcer, who was watching the battle begin.

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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