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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC (Akimoto)


She raised an eyebrow. "Naho Falls?"




"One of the marvels of the island," Tyrus said, smiling a salesman's smile. "A great torrent of clear water cascading from the white cliffs of the bay, the stone carved into the semblance of the great Toa Gali herself. It is not something to be missed."





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IC Thak:


"Ah, right. Lessee..."


The Fe-Skakdi rummaged around in his satchel a moment, and suddenly several widgets fell from somewhere.


Someone behind Thak might notice that the widgets had not fallen from his purse, but from the open mouth of his cannon.


"Oop, guess I gotta hole in my bag."


He stooped to collect the widgets.

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IC (Ayiwah): 


From a little distance away, Ayiwah stood and watched the waves lapping gently at the shore, warm evening breeze tugging at the back of her cape. Once the others had bade each other farewell for the night, she accessed the mental plane, signaling Sinshi.


"It's time we talked."

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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"I don't see any reason why I wouldn't be." Sinshi said, after thinking about the question for a few moments. She looped her thumbs through her sword belt, and shifted to stare at Naho Bay. She didn't go close enough to the water to touch it, or even for the waves to reach her, but she seemed to enjoy the rhythmic motion of the water. "She's very kind. Very nice. If a bit more... Boisterous, than anyone any of us are used to."

"I'm not worried."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Maybe she shouldn't have left the bedroom window open. The seabreeze was tickling Whitehot's skin, making her shiver, causing a ringing in her eras. Come to think of it, the point of her nose tickled, too...too...too...


The Marine's loud AAAAAAAAAAAA-CHOO! sent her sitting bolt upright with such force that she almost kicked a hole in her bed frame.


w h a t  i s  g o i n g  o n



Edited by Luke Schwarz



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[Ga-Wahi, Naho Bay (Talli)]

“Nah,” Talli said in reply.  “Just star-gazing.  Rafts are the best for that.”


She wasn't annoyed at the moment.  Maybe the stars had worked.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Ayiwah): 


"I don't want you to worry." Ayiwah said, then let out a soft sigh. "I know you can handle yourself - as can all members of this expedition, or I wouldn't have chosen them."


She turned to look Sinshi in the eyes and the other Menti found that there was a hint of softness to the Commodore's steely grey look. It was an expression of caring she usually did not show.


"If you want to spend more time with this Toa, I will not forbid it. Just be mindful of your actions and think about the bigger picture as well. We've only just arrived - and as nice it is to see the expedition get on so well with some of the islanders, we will not be here forever and there is no telling if or when we will get a chance to return."


She placed a hand on Sinshi's shoulder. "This is not an order, by the way. But see it as doing me a personal favor and keep yourself safe - physically as well as emotionally." 




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oh boy oh boy one more big oUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA




Whitehot groaned and, using both bare, slender legs as fulcrums, sat upright in bed.


"God, maaaaaaaan."


Please don't have the sniffles, White!



Edited by Luke Schwarz



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[Ga-Wahi, Naho Bay (Talli)]

“Yep.  Takea are night predators mostly--this is their mealtime.”


Talli left the silence hanging.  It was a little petty, she knew, but for all the peace out here she couldn’t bring herself to go out of her way to assure this unknown toa of the lack of danger.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Sinshi was quiet for a long moment, looking from the sea back to the other Menti. It was clear she was thinking very carefully about what Ayiwah had said, running the ramifications of the situation through her head. A few more moments passed before she gave a slow, careful nod. "I understand. And I appreciate the concern. You are right, of course. There is no telling when we may or may not be back."

"I will do my best to remember that."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Akimoto)


Aki smiled crookedly. "Well, then I'd better not miss it. Care to lead the way?"




"Of course," Tyrus said, almost smiling as he turned to, in fact, lead. "Darien, would you care to join us?"




I glanced from the Sinshi-and-Commodore Feels-Hour to Tarkus McFriendzoned, and patted the latter on the leg.


"I feel you, buddy."





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Too distracted by her own fuming rage at her former captain and her general lack of positivity(a trait Veyandi possessed most of the time), Veyandi had stopped observing the overall unimpressive sights of seaweed buildings she had seen in this water-borne village, and was now simply pacing around, taking sharp turns where the platforms ended, muttering to herself about how hard she would hit that guy when she found him, and overall paying no attention to where she was actually going.

Veyandi OFI


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IC: (Ayiwah)


"Good." the commodore said, satisfied. Then, loud enough for the others present to hear, she announced:


"Then I will head back to the Ryuu and retire to my cabin. It's been a long day. I suggest you do the same."


There was something mischievous about the way she said 'suggest', followed by a notable glance at the column of smoke rising from the volcanic region to the southeast. 


"After all, there is a lot more island to explore and there will be no waiting on the late."


Then she turned and started back on the path they had come, on steps that were equally casual and authoritative, naval coat flapping in their wake.






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"No, not just now. All the time. All today, yesterday. Is it what's going on with your hometown? You can talk to me."

IC: Arkrak


Arkrak folded his arms, thinking.


"I suppose," he said quietly, "learning that my home has been conquered has put a damper on my mood."


It was still rather difficult to take in.


"However, I do tend to be a bit flat," said the Toa of Sonics immediately, shooting Elaadis a smile.

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The odd emphasis Ayiwah placed on her words eluded Sinshi at first. It did not go unnoticed, but its meaning was hard to pin down. Why the Commodore would phrase her response that way, place the emphasis where she did... The pieces clicked in the Menti's head only as the other Umbraline was just leaving, her leader's faintly mischievous meaning received loud and clear. Sinshi gave a small smile and a half bow at the retreating Commodore, before turning once more to face Tarkus and Daijuno.


"I will see you both very soon." She raised a hand in farewell, beginning to move back into the village, sparing only one more glance over her shoulder. "Sleep well, you two. Daijuno, I shall see you shortly."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Yeah, I'm one foot in the grave already." I replied with a wry smirk. "I'll be surprised if I ever wake up this week..."

Seriously, the simple sound of the waves themselves lapping against the shore was enough to put me out on my feet. I was easily on my last legs, here. That must be why Daijuno had said she'd felt my pain...

No, that couldn't be right. She sounded more... almost pitying than that. Why?

"Good night, Sinshi."

One by one, the foreign psychics had relieved themselves of my presence as my tired mind valiantly attempted to mull it over, but it was to no avail. I simply couldn't think of a reason beyond something I'd missed, nodding off. It had to be that, and it had to be then. What could that possibly be?

I looked to the Dashi, my only companion left on the sands. It'd have been a simple matter to simply raise my voice and innocently ask what I missed-- honestly, it would even be expected of me-- but on the other hand: Did I want more on my plate of "today" than I already had? The mind was nothing but self-destructive without new stimuli, and nothing could quite eat away at somebody like unsatisfied curiosity, particularly on an issue regarding them...


"Well, I'm going to head home too. Take care, Daijuno."

I gave her a small half-grin and a wave of my own, and started leaving a lone trail of footprints along the side of the beach in my wake.

I wouldn't have been surprised if I had all but melted into my bed.

helo frens

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"oh no no no c'mon maaaaaaaaaan"


The formerly-comfortably-undressed Sergeant had sneezed her way out of bed, and was almost propelled into a half-zipped up jacket and bikini bottom against her own will. Desperate for some fresh air, she had trudged all the way through the hallway that comprised her second floor, out the door on the right and onto the sundeck.


Not without one final, punctuating, massive sneeze, though. Luckily, with this final stand of her new case of the sniffles, she finally realized what had been done to her. An old proverb, oft repeated by Momhot, had sunk its teeth into her half-drunk head and refused to let go. Yes...yes, of course...when you have the sniffles and your ears are a-burnin', it could only mean that someone's throwing shade your way...



























That smooth-talking air-headed incubus! He'd probably taken some waitress home and filled her pretty little head with stories about his oh-so-brash foreign partner! Oh, she was going to let him have it tomorrow...



Edited by Luke Schwarz



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"...And so then, she literally drags me up off of the floor, right?"


"And I swear to the Great Spirit himself, babe, she literally slapped the blackout right outta me."

"Really?" the waitress asked skeptically, accepting the widgets gratefully. Rate was five every ten minutes he stayed past Golden Weapons's closing hours.

"Really. The Sarge is like magic, lady. I'm pretty sure I saw the bad vibes leave me and hit some poor Bo-Toa kid."

Edited by Best Gungnir

helo frens

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IC: Maeloc furrowed his mask in thought, wondering what the future would bring of this woman. Pushing those thought aside, he focused on the present as he hobbled away. "Come on. We have important business back home." Casting one last scowl at Ga-Koro, the Legacy archivist left, expedition in tow.


Fyura didn't like this sneaking around business; she was never one for subtle work. But still, offering solid 'advice' was never a bad thing. The skakdi clicked her teeth as the group left through the gate, under the watchful eyes of the Marines on guard.


OOC: Luyn, Ira, Zarkov, Fyura, Insidian, Krakant, and Maeloc to Ko-Wahi!


IC: Casanuva grinned. "Well, you say favors, I say cultural exchange... with some favors attached." Casanuva was keenly aware of Aelied watching him, observing. As if this was some form of test. Another one.

The times, they are a-changing...



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"We better hurry then, there's no time like the present after all" Soraph said with a wink. Grabbing the Toa's arm she darted off with the group behind her towards the shores where the Dastana ship was docked. Or submerged. Terminology became a little strange when it came to submarines.


She spotted Commodore Ayiwah.


:Commodore! I was hoping we could discuss some things: The Vilda princess didn't bother announcing her name, the naval commander could easily tell by Soraph's 'voice' on the mental plane.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"How do you drink a village of water dry, anyway?" Whitehot Munequita, nee Bomaye, asked, chewing on one lip, grin cocked inquisitively as one open green eye peered into the neck of an empty bottle. "Echooooo."


She was still the kind of girl who giggled like an idiot at hearing the ocean through seashells, so what did that tell ya?


And like, what was her problem, anyway? Like, she was used to not having a girlfriend! The trip to Ga-Koro had been...pretty wild in that respect, but she was busy settling down, working on Red, whipping Goldie into shape...no time for a girlfriend. No time for much of anything but self-improvement, since Makuta fell. Getting into military shape. The...aesthetic qualities of that military state didn't mean much of anything while there was improvement to get done. But ten months into her appointment as a Marine had come and gone, and the only girl she'd met was Soter, who was really more of her best girl friend, not a girlfriend. And...what was the mental loop going on in her head right now?


Eugh. I'm still drunk. 


Casting away the bottle in her hand, Whitehot watched as it landed with a soft sound upon a cushion in a chair on the sundeck. She'd tried laying down out here, but all she wanted to do was drink and think tonight. There was something ethereal about her thought quality out here. Everything was more crystalline, sharp, clear...it was the kind of place she'd always hoped her work ethic would take her. She wondered if that was what drove Sinshi, too.




Maybe she wasn't even into girls. Whitehot hadn't thought of that one. Or maybe she was and had a girlfriend. That might've been even worse - way for Whitehot to make herself look more ignorant. But Sinshi was hard not to like! She was a little reserved, but when they had dinner, her quirks had started coming out - her little diatribe on ranch dressing had nearly sent the Toa of Earth into an adoring squeal, and watching her play with sand had brought back more than a couple flashbacks to her first nights on the beach. And she was tough, and loyal, and didn't know or care when it was time to stop protecting someone, even if that someone didn't need it. And oh man, she had a big .


Sinshi was a catch. And more importantly, Sinshi was the one thing she knew couldn't be hers no matter how hard White improved herself. Because she was a person, a strong-as-Karz person, and that's what White loved about hanging out with her.




This was a line of moping that called for another beer!












All my waffles are gonna taste like beer in the morning.



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IC: Darien


"It would be my pleasure, let's go."


IC (Akimoto)


The trio set off towards the fabled falls, winding their way through a village that was beginning to quiet down as the afternoon waned and the sun sank towards the ocean. Vendors were packing up their wares, and Matoran were beginning to make their way home to jellyfish-illuminated huts. The sky was still blue overhead, but the horizon was streaked with clouds tinted orange and pink. The light softened the village, and Aki, despite the excitement of the day, found herself quietly homesick for the archipelago she'd left behind; nostalgic for the many sunsets she had watched through the sparkling towers of Sado; for the way every piece of crystal in the city lit up in colour; for her workshop full of half-baked ideas and inventions; for her cousin, Libro, one of the only family members she had left, now hundreds of miles away.


She shook her head in an attempt to ward off the memories. Not now. She couldn't afford to let her guard down just because this place reminded her of home.

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"So, guys, what d'you think of Rayuke as a name for the buoy?" I asked, jerking a thumb behind me and towards the aforementioned hunk of sweet, sweet metal. "Because if I'm hauling it back to the ship on my own it is going to be the death of me."




Trip: brief. Conversation: minimal.


The trio made their way to one of the pads furthest from the village centre, a small and out-of-the-way venue usually populated by tourists, romantics, and inebriates (or all three: in both his capacity as a Marine and a mercenary Tyrus had found himself dealing with strange crowds). The shadows were growing deeper, hot oranges and deep purples were bleeding into the blues of the crystal waters whose waves glittered with the day's last lights. Those waves were still gentle in the deepest part of the lake, they lapped gently at the golden sands of the beach; it was only when they reached the sheer white cliffs of the falls that they turned primal. There, the water roiled and raged beneath an onslaught of the waterfall, spray rising like breath in the cold of the night. Light played across the cascades of the falls, while the shadows framed the great visage of the Spirit of Water, whose granite gaze was as imposing and as all-seeing as God's were.


It peered into Teacher's soul and said that it knew what he was.


For a lesser man than Tyrus, such a thought could have been intimidating.


"The Naho Falls," he said, placing a smile on his own face.





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Sinshi paused, and turned back round. 


"I could help you carry it back, Daijuno. I am, however, still slightly intoxicated, and after today... Arguably not at my peak." The Menti paused, thinking a moment. "Or we can roll it under the docks over there, and have Whitehot use her mask to help us move it before breakfast."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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