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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: (Aboard the Infernavika)Perkahn got up on deck. He was tired of waiting, and a little of the salty air of the docks would do him good, he reasoned.And he was absolutely and positively right. Every time he smelled the sea, he smelled those days long ago when he was free to enjoy a peaceful walk around the Ta-Wahi beach and around the Ta-Koro docks, without the dangers of being identified as himself. He rested himself, leaning across the broadside of the ship. Some early instinct from long ago told him to throw up, as he would've once done when leaning so much down towards the water, but at that moment, he had not eaten quite enough of anything to throw up.

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IC: (Ta-Koro)"I'm done for the day, Bert. You sure you don't want to switch out with anyone? Looks like you could... use the rest." Two of the famed Ta-Koro guards stood there, decked in their armor. They were currently at an outpost, watching for any signs of trouble. In times like these, trouble seemed to be on everyone's doorsteps. Mata-Nui was in a state of panic due to the Makuta attacks, along with rumours of ghostly ice ghouls rising in Ko-Wahi or men being murdered in their sleep every day. Needless to say, the outpost was more important than any other position in the Guard. The position was perfect as well. Placed in front of the city and above the gates, a guardsman could peer down below to see of the city's visitors. Most of the people who entered Ta-Koro were simply merchants or travelers, but occasionally there'd bwe those who came to the city with sinister intentions. All of this made the Ta-Koro guard a very draining and stressing job, which was why they needed their rest.Bert simply turned to his friend and shook his head slowly. "No. I have to keep watch." He told him simply and then quickly as ever, the guardsman turned his head back in the direction that it had stared at for hours. It was like he was a robot, a robotic guard that needed not sleep or eat.The other guardsman sighed and simply nodded, walking away. There was a time when he'd tried to persuade Bert, but he longed given up on that effort. He considered Bert a friend, and more importantly, a comrade, but there was seemingly no way of getting through that thick skull of his. So with that, he went down the flight of stairs, but his body betrayed him and he glanced back at Bert. Shaking his head in frustration, he continued down the stairs.Bert crossed his arms once the other man was gone. One man's needs were not above the rest of the cities. Instead, Bert had pushed himself to his limit in the tireless effort of defending Ta-Koro. It had taken him sometime to get to this position, but through sweat and tears he had made it. Most men his size wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing, but Bert was a man who believed in duty. "I will continue to watch." He muttered solemnly.

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IC: "That would be well and good, king," Mantoxis replied. "I will be a herald. I am, however, a warrior and not a herald. Would you allow me to fight after I have recruited others to do the same? Also, where should I go to herald the message? And I do not have any form of transportation, can you procure some for me?"

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: DivinexDivinex had been standing by Vakama's door for quite some time, waiting for something to happen, twiddling his thumbs awkwardly. Oreius came out of the door, and Divinex started to say something. "Well?--" Something exploded. "What the..." Oreius almost intstaneously ran off in the direction of the explosion, with Divinex running after him, wondering what the heck was going on.

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IC: - The Royal Court -

"If you wish to join the fight after you've finished recruiting, you may, in fact I would expect nothing less. You may begin heralding the message here around the city. (Ta-koro) Once you've finished here, go forth to the other villages on the island." The King replied.

"As for transport, you may have the former Herald's Gukko bird. Since he unfortunately died of a sudden illness recently, he will no longer be needing it."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Raion & Kitsune, Ta-KoroRaion quietly listened to their comments on the Kane-Ra, his grin never faltering."Don't boast..." Kitsune whispered.Raion balantly ignored her. "The Kane-Ra's fine as long as you have no interest in eating it's head or neck." He half laughed, half growled. To show what he meant, he activated his mask to seventeen feet, and lifted up the Kane-Ra by it's head, revealing the two gashes on it. It's skull had a large cut it in it from his hatchet, and it's throat had been slit, the fatal attack. He spun it around to show that it lacked over wounds.Kitsune sighed and went back to sorting out and cleaning her plants.


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IC: NicolNicol smiled as he looked up at the sky. He had been lucky enough to find a Matoran willing to deliver the Pamphlets. Now he was getting ready to leave. He was going to find the Scout, and he was going to find her fast. He was a courier, running was what he did. Fast was his motto. Whistling, his ferret appeared on his shoulder, and then he took off. From his days of running he knew the island like the back of his head. Which also meant he knew the shortcuts. He would reach a region in Po soon, from there he'd be able to purchase a Dikapi, before he'd finally arrive in the city. Things would go fast.ooC: Nicol to Po.


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IC: "Yes, Great king, I will do as you ask," groveled Mantoxis. He bowed, turned, and left the throne room. "Now, to herald the coming war," he mused. "How will I recruit the men he needs? I have few contacts, but I will do my best." He began walking the streets, calling out to anyone who would listen, "Join the Ta-Wahi army!"OOC: Mantoxis open for recruitment.

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: NicolAs luck would have it, Ta-Koro had recently opened up a Gukko Stall, thus that was where Nicol headed. Unfortunately he relized to late that he didn't have any money, but he only needed the Gukko up to Dikapi stall at the edge of Po-Wahi. Sneaking near the pen, he waited until the stall manager moved away, before sneaking in. Quickly settling he coaxed the bird to calm down, before getting on and flying away in a mad rush. Soon he was in the air, when a shoe hit on the back of the head. The Stall Manager was fuming. Thankfully for Nicol, the shoe only stung thus he was not pushed of or anything of the sort. Then the bird flapped its wings and they flew off towards Po-Wahi.ooC: Nicol to Po, for real this time. :P


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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga BorderTawara stepped yet closer to the Kane-Ra. "...Fine. Fair enough. Cut the head off and clean the body, then set it on top of that boulder over there," ordered the Matoran, waving her hand in the direction of a large, dark stone. "The Mahi should be ready in about twenty minutes."OOC: If you think twenty minutes is too short of a time to make sense in this scenario, I'll edit.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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OOC: It's all good fun in the BZPRPG. How long food cooks is the least of your time-managing problems.IC: Kitsune & Raion, Ta / Ga BorderRaion grunted, "Yes, boss." Before going to work. He was never one to take orders lightly.Kitsune finished cleaning all the vegetables, and walked over to Tawara. "Need help with anything?" She asked cheerfully.


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IC:Sisk was not feeling well. In fact, the only thing he could think of was how he had no idea where to go and what to do now. He had tried to follow Kol, but hat lost any orientation after the second explosion and collapsing buildings.He turned left and right, but all he saw were the same walls of the alley and that ever-present orange glow against the clouds of ash overhead. It was this shift of attention to what was above him, that made the Le-Matoran trip and fall. He barely managed to catch himself with his arms, so he wouldn't hit the dusty ground with his chin.Sisk lifted his head. He had fallen right outside the exit of the alleyway and into a broader street. Across it, he recognized a building. Lettering on it read: Lava Pool Inn.He pushed himself up off the road and stood up again, rubbing his sore elbows. He needed to get the haze clouding his thoughts cleared. He needed to know what was going on again. So he slowly started to cross the street. The Inn was as good a place to start as any.




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OOC: Alright, time to get The Prince and company to Po-Wahi IC: The Prince - Aboard the Iron Knuckle - (Yep, I decided to name the ship.)The Prince hadn't really noticed The Cannoneer watching him, he was a bit preoccupied regaining his balance, with his Calix though, it was rather easy. He looked at her and The Jester. "I know it's not exactly a cruise ship, but it's fast." Yovi hummed an old sailor's tune as they went up into Naho Bay. OOC: The Prince, Yovi, The Cannoneer, and The Jester to Po-Wahi

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: LansSeeing that Zyckel was settled and that doctors were tending to him, Lans breathed in relief and began to leave the Inn, when he ran into a familiar sight. Sisk, the Gukko Tamer. He smiled, "There you are buddy. Look we're about to set off back to Le, figured we could pick up another recruit before deciding our next course of action."


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Ic: "Daddy, what's happening?" the Princess said as she entered the throne room of the castle. Her cape rustled softly as she walked in, her heels knocking loudly on the stone floor. "Why is there so much commotion going on? Oh my, are we in danger?"

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IC-Grochi:Grochi popped up behind Laviha, pushing her into the water again. Something to alleviate his boredom, and it certainly was funny to watch her get mad."Pay better attention, Laviha," he teased, from up on deck. "Honestly, you should learn to expect this." He then laughed, and extended a hand to help her back up.

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IC: LavihaUnbeknownst to Grochi, Laviha had indeed expected that kind of thing to happen, having conjured an illusion of herself while she shapeshifted into a bored Song, watching from the sidelines as the Toa of plasma attempted to push the illusion but go right through it and into the water."Looks like the joke's on you, fool."OOC: :P

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IC: - The Royal Court -

"Ah, my sweet daughter." The King said to The Princess. The King also enjoyed her company. "Have no fear, we are in no immediate danger. The reason for the commotion is because The Seer revealed to us the danger The Scout is currently in. I had no choice but to send your brother and The Cannoneer to go rescue her." The King sighed, today had been quite a eventful day. "Also, I have declared war on The Dark Wizard. The Scout's reports came in, and the atrocities that have been committed by that fool wizard's hands cannot go unpunished."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: I can't remember if Mahiki's can make illusions outside of the wearer's appearance, but I haven't checked my books in a while. :P I don't trust Biosector anymore. Too many people on it. :ninja:IC-Grochi:And yet, surprising both of them, Grochi had managed to teleport himself quickly behind them-he just kicked off a piece of metal in the process."Having fun?" He asked, startling them. He laughed again.

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OOC: Yes, yes it can. Still, I don't think you can teleport just like that since you'd be falling face-first into the water with no time to react fast enough to veer your vision to where we are. Gotta keep in mind your line of sight.IC: Laviha"Yes, clearly. Joke's still on you, fool."

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OOC: You can still turn rather quickly if you're falling, and he'd just be able to see you as he turned. More clearly, a little bit of space behind and to the side of you. Although I'll have to come up with something better for the landing on the feet part. :PIC-Grochi:"I'll admit that your illusion convinced me for a moment," Grochi said. "You've got rather good mask-control." He then frowned, looking up to the Turaga's hut, where he'd seen the guardsmen going in earlier."I can't wait until we sell the Turaga and get out of here," he said. "I've got a bad feeling about just staying here."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Ic: "The Dark Wizard?" the princess asked. "You mean the evil force that terrorizes castles, who sends lizardmen to slay those who oppose him, who dispatches whole legions of clouds of insects to strip the flesh off of the few who dare chase after his shades?"She shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, he's pretty creepy."

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IC: SongSong frowned as she noticed Grochi look toward the Turaga's hut. "So, what about that hut has you worried, huh Grochi?" It didn't take a genius to tell something there had him worried. And when it came to observations, Song came pretty close.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Which old man? :PIC-Grochi:"I don't know about you," Grochi said, still squinting up at the Turaga's hut, "But I think the outcome might turn out bad." He shook his head. "These Toa I saw know nothing of patience. The other Turaga with them might have, but they don't. And I don't know what sort of help they may have garnered in this amount of time." He thought for a moment, and headed back for his cabin.He looked around in his cabin, trying to find what it was he was looking for. Three old medallions, that he'd gotten in an old service to help the Le-Koro Gukko force, the Ta-Koro guard, and the Onu-Koro Ussalry. He couldn't find them in his footlocker."What in Karzahni happend to these!" He yelled, slamming his fist into the wall. A plank came loose, and he smack himself. Of course, that's where he'd put them. He was getting forgetful in his old age. He pulled out two of them-the Gukko Force and the Guard medals, and stuck them in a pocket on the inside of his cloak, that he was holding at his side for the time being."Alright, there's two," he said to himself, where's the last?" He looked around for a bit, trying to find it. He couldn't, after spending a couple minutes tapping the floor for loose planks. He shrugged, and walked out to Song and Laviha."Take these," he said, tossing one medallion to each of them. "If they still honor old agreements, these'll give you a get-free pass." He then leaned back in a small chair, looking carefully around the hut and the Koro. He didn't want them to be surprised.He then looked back up at Song. "Oh, I just saw a couple beings who looked like the Gukko force go in there," he said. "They were watching us a little while ago. One was a tall Toa of Air, wearing a black Hau. I didn't catch a good look at the other." He frowned-he'd barely seen either of them until they went inside the Turaga's hut.OOC: If you guys see random smoke coming from the Koro, I'd recommend running. :P

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: SongSong caught one of the medallions, the Gukko Force one. She looked at it, then raised an eyebrow at Grochi. "Tell me. Was one of these Toa a Toa of Air, about yea tall, and carrying katanas?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: SongOng stared at Grochi a second, then laughed. "Oh, I know him. I met him just the once. Back when I was a teacher, one of my old students came and paid me a visit. With him, he brought Skyra of the Le-Koro Gukko Force and a few others. The others were Skyra's girlfriend who was, ironically, an ex-Casseticon, a Captain in the Ta-Koro Guard, that one's girlfriend, and a hulking brute of a Gravity Toa."She grinned. "Of course, the last time I saw Skyra he was in a wheelchair. I guess he is out of it, now."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Grochi:"He's out of it," Grochi said. "Still has a bit of a limp, though." He smiled then. "They probably think that you're some sort of hostage, you might try to play on that. If they don't, well, you have your get-out-of-jail-free pass right there," he said, pointing to where Song had stowed the medallion.He pulled out his rapier, and began sharpening it. He'd try to get away rather than fighting, of course, but he needed to be prepared. He stretched his back, which was already starting to gain some muscle, then winced in pain from the shrapnel. "Hey, Laviha?" He asked. "What exactly did you do with that ointment of yours?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Gyren covered his mouth with his hands as he managed to suppress his laughter. Raion's deadpan reaction to Tawara's orders amused him as he sketched the Kane-Ra carcass absentmindedly. The Toa stood up and made his way to the Mahi. "It's funny. I've dissected many Mahi, but I've never thought to eat them. Perhaps we could season it with whatever Jikal and Kitsune found. How do I know when it's ready?" Gyren commented before taking a moment to catch his breath.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: - The Royal Court -

"Yes, that would be him. Though, I do not mean to worry you with such things my daughter. Soon enough we will strike against him. Now, was there something else you need of me?" The King would grant his daughter almost anything when it came down to it, something she was well aware of.

IC: Xxeth - Infernavika -"You saw Skyra watching the ship!?" Xxeth exclaimed, who hadn't been far off. "So...my brother wants to try to be the hero and save the Turaga...how peachy..."

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ic: "Daddy," she said sweetly, touchingly so, "when will mommy be home?" It was a veiled question: Her mother had been gone for years now, and people always replied that she was on a long trip and would be back soon. Truly, however, the princess waited for people to spill the beans at last and tell her that she was gone for good. It was not a malicious wish -- she really did miss her -- though she wanted to have that chance, that single opportunity, at securing more than a thin tiara around her mask. The times she spent in the public places, although always with an escort, alerted her that the kingdom needed a more astute, more powerful regnant. She wanted to be that ruler.But she hid that from her father, from her brother, from everyone and anyone. What would they think of her if she told them that she wanted to sit on the throne? If she told her father she thought she could do better than he? It would be paramount treason and she would be cast out, or worse. For now, she remained what she was: Her Royal Highness, Princess of the Royal Court, daughter to the king. But one day..."Has any news of her journey come yet?" She knew there would be none. It had been years since she left.

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IC: - The Royal Court -

"No, I'm afraid not." The King shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid if I don't know when she will return. But I still have hope that she will. Unfortunately...when ever I ask The Seer on this matter, he has been so far unable to see anything about her or her journey." The Queen had gone on a journey to the southern part of the island long ago on a mission of peace, but her and her escorts had since then vanished.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)I watched as Nikaron searched the area, the heat form the burning hospital warming my back. He seemed especially interested in a huge pool of water, and within minutes had deduced from it some sort of clue."Come on Avya, I think I've found our clue." I looked at him quizzically, not understanding how he could possibly connect this miniature lake to the dying fire behind us. But... he hadn't led me wrong yet, so I shouldered the Kolhii equipment and started after him, jogging away from the blackened rubble of the destroyed hospital.

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IC:Trad cursed himself inwardly. As usual, he wasn't paying attention to whatever he was saying or to the surroundings. He was busy thinking over what happened during the murder.He could remember laughing. Laughing that sent chills down his spine.He winced and went back to inspect the damage done to the hospital.

"Wer Traumt?"


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