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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: SoranSo this is the one who's been following me, interesting. The Lord of Winter, Ambages' master. I suppose in a way that makes him my master. No that term gives him too much power over me, he's my superior. Yes, that's the word, and this is not a superior I wish to cross. Now, to figure out just what's his game. I gazed back into Hiemalis, analyzing him as he analyzed me. I still had yet to lower my weapon.

Ic: Hiemalis did not relent, however, sensing more about Soran than the toa could have imagined. Hiemalis' eyes stared into Soran's soul, detecting his morals, his beliefs. This was no Heuani, no enigma, no machine, just a man, nothing more, open to exploration. The mere interaction of looking was chilling in and of itself, and despite the heat and Soran's element he still could feel oddly perturbed by the man standing before him, as if the fear merely exuded itself from him. But the lord of winter turned his ugly head in approval and walked away, satisfied with Soran's conscience and actions.As mysteriously as it started, it ended.
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OOC: Sorry I took so long to post.IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"It'll be ready in a few minutes," responded Tawara. "And Kitsune, I guess we could have some of the plants you've found, if you're sure they en't poisonous." The Matoran was unfamiliar with the vegetation on Mata Nui. Few of the species she knew were present in Ta-Wahi.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: Xxeth - Infernavika -"Right..." Without another word, Xxeth zipped away with his Kakama to the cannons...he had a little surprise in store for Skyra...OOC: Emotia from Ga-WahiIC: Emotia - Riding with Tillian on surfboard of awesomeness -As Tillian flew them closer to Ta-koro, Emotia got a really good view of the koro from the sky, it looked quite majestic from so high.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Kitsune & Raion, Ta / Ga BorderKitsune nodded. "They're all good. I've checked them like five times." She said as she carried some of the more flavor-filled plants over. Raion, finished with cleaning the Kane-Ra, used his earth powers to push a rock in the earth to the surface, and then force every single bit of dirt of the afore-mentioned rock. He then laid the Kane-Ra on the rock. OOC: *Subliminal Message*READ THIS STORY : http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4050*Subliminal Message* :P


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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga BorderWhen the Mahi's flesh was finished cooking, Tawara strode over to the campfire and removed the Rahi. The Matoran placed the animal's body on a large stone -- although it looked quite different than it had while alive, its stomach, intestines, and many other organs now removed, along with its hooves and the entirety of its head -- and waved one hand in its general direction."Well," Tawara said. "Take your pick."

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: JikalGrinning, Jikal stood and ceased his elemental tricks. "Why thank you." Removing a knife, he cut a small section off of the Rahi. He took a garlic clove, and crushed it into the meat. Half of the remaining garlic he set next to the Rahi, for others to use. The rest he stowed away in a pocket.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)The alarms continued to peal as Oreius raced through the Ta-Koro, heading for the front gate. Chaos and fear were reigning in the village for the moment as its inhabitants peered out of windows and doorways, wondering at the explosions that had just shaken the very ground.Though the demolition of the last remains of the hospital had been emergency enough, what most of the Matoran didn't realize was that the alarms were ringing for another reason: the Toa of Ice behind the hospital's destruction had escaped from the deepest, darkest cell in the jail and was once again roaming at will throughout the village.The Ta-Koro Guard had their hands full just trying to maintain order, let alone search the entire village for a single Toa, so Oreius had little doubt that the Ice Toa would evade capture for the time being. But as soon as the village calmed down, it would only be a matter of time before he was found and returned to prison. So it made sense that the escapee would try to get out of Ta-Koro as soon as possible.At last, Oreius arrived at the main gate of Ta-Koro, an arch of rock that looked out over a vast river of lava. The village could only be entered or exited via a bridge of enormous stones that jutted out of the molten rock. Turaga Vakama had overseen the construction of this bridge, and had designed it to be a first line of defence against any attack that might be launched against the Koro. The stones could be raised or lowered at will, and once they were submerged in the magma, Ta-Koro could not be entered or exited on foot.A plain doorway was cut into the side of arch, which led to the engineer's room that controlled the bridge. Oreius entered this rooom to find a nervous-looking Matoran with an orange Pakari, clutching his Guard staff in sweaty hands.The Matoran, whom Oreius vaguely recognized as a junior Guard named Nepa, jabbed his staff at Oreius in fright, then quickly lowered his weapon and saluted, his look of terror changing to one of relief."O-Oreius, sir, my apologies, I- I didn't realize-"Oreius pushed past the saluting Matoran, looking for the bridge levers. He didn't come in here very often, but he had manned the controls often during his time as a junior Guard."S-sir, are we lowering the b-bridge?"Oreius looked back to see Nepa still saluting. "Yes, we are. And you can stop that. I'm not your superior anymore."The nervous Matoran gulped. "W-what do you mean?""I mean I resigned. I'm not a Guard anymore."There- he saw the red-tipped levers that he recalled operating often. He reached for the largest one, but before he could touch it, his hand was knocked away by a red Guard staff. He looked up at Nepa in surprise.The Matoran looked more frightened than ever, but he stood his ground, his weapon once again pointed at Oreius' chest. "I-if you're no longer a Guard, then I c-can't let you lower the bridge."Oreius sighed, wishing he hadn't mentioned his resignation. "Look, Nepa, we need to lower the bridge before someone escapes. Haven't you heard the alarms?"Nepa nodded, but didn't move. "Yes, b-but I can only lower the bridge under the orders of a superior Guard. You n-need to go now."Oreius let his shoulders slump as if in defeat, and moved to exit the control room. Then, as fast as a striking snake, he turned and grabbed the shaft of the spear and twisted it out of Nepu's grip. Before the stunned Matoran could even cry out, Oreius struck his mask with the butt end of the staff, knocking it off. Nepu dropped like a sack of stones, out cold before he even hit the ground.Tossing the staff to the ground next to its unconscious owner, Oreius turned back to the bridge controls. He grabbed the largest, red-tipped lever and slowly slid it all the way down. A low rumbling shook the floor as the stones slowly descended into the embrace of molten rock.Oreius exited the control room and, looking out over the lava, smiled grimly. If the Toa of Ice though he could get out of Ta-Koro, he had another thought coming. Where moments before there had been a bridge of stones, there was now nothing but a broad expanse of bubbling, red-hot magma. Ta-Koro was now an island within an island, unreachable and inescapable.

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IC: SoranI just stood there as the Lord of Winter departed. The being, he was so intriguing, to the point where I couldn't understand him. Somehow in just that stare he had been able to learn so much about, so much that perhaps even I do not know. At the same time his eyes conveyed that very message to me. Eye's may be the gateway to the soul, but his were a mirror back at my own. Peering into his eyes I seemed to have learned a lesson, I had never thought before, however what it may be. I had no idea. It was curious to say the less. However what was also curious was the strange sense, that I was still be watched, perhaps someone else was also following me.IC: NikaronNikaron was relieved as the temperatures rose once more, however now he was left with a dilema. Take on the unknown enemy, and risk himself, and more importantly Avya and others who may be nearby being killed, or retreat for better ground, but risk this Toa to continue on his evil rampage. He glanced at Avya, perhaps she could provide a solution, if not, the Toa was unsure what to do.


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IC:"They may be fright-scared, but never underestimate the Ta." Sisk said to Hasil. "I know I'm frightened, but I'll fight when the time comes...and so will they. Not that Makuta would leave-give us much choice in the matter." he added, grimly.Running into Lans was having a positive effect on Sisk. He had been very deeply confused some minutes ago, but his fellow Le-Matoran friend had set him straight again. He had found his determination again.




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IC: Gyren smiled as he removed a small part of the Mahi's leg with his scalpel. The Toa made no sound as he took a small bite of the Mahi's leg. "It's good." Gyren said quietly as he moved back to the log and opened his notebook. As he did so, Gyren thought back to Jikal's fight with the large skakdi. He remembered watching their muscles contract and extend as they moved. The young researcher began to sketch the movement of Jikal's arms from what he remembered onto a fresh page.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC-Hasil:"And don't forget," Hasil cautioned, "That if we tell let too much out, they might over-prepare." His eyes flashed. "If Makuta sees them preparing for something, he himself might think they're preparing to attack him."He wouldn't be scared, of course, however he might just send out Rahkshi or something to attack this place." He coughed slightly. "He might just try to kill everybody here."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kanzahi"Finally!" Kanzahi said as he got up from sitting against the railing. Returning home after all these years felt good.IC: SuraleTa-Wahi. There was no place she disliked more. The heat kept any moisture from the air. Luckily, as long as Kanzahi stayed near, he would suck the heat from the air and allow some moisture to exist.

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IC: The DogIshi had dispassionately followed in Jikal's footsteps, having to take two strides for every one of the toa's. Nothing was more miserable than having to pretend to be defeated, even if he was the victor. "Think ya' could slow down?" Ishi called out, but the difference in height drowned the words out for the arrogant power walker. Ishi decided to remain silent as the others bantered; he was an outcast, a spy, after all. Even as the food was roasted, cut, and passed out Ishi remained on the fringe of the group, a moth of foreboding resigned from the draw of light. It was after much crunchy, chewing, and spitting on the part of his companions that Ishi finally spoke."Look, Jikal, I think it's about time we had a little chat."Standing up, he brushed himself and strode into the midst of the sitting group to look at the seated toa. Continuing his tiny speech, the po-toran waved a hand in his target's general direction."You said something earlier about being a Mark Bearer. What did you mean? I don't want a short answer either. I'll be dogging you 'till the full story comes out, so might as well bark it now."

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IC: DehkazThe Toa of Magnetism nodded, and pointed to the docks up ahead. Dehkaz was leaning up against the wheel, occasinally firing a bolt from his crossbow, and making the projectile come back with his mask of Rebounding. The Fowadi was far enough away so that anyone at the docks wouldn't be able to see it.This was the tricky part. "Kanzahi, you better not go throwing up over my ship once I pull this off," he warned, before yanking the wheel to the right.The Fowadi responded, and sharply turned, almost throwing the Toa of Fire off the side if it wasn't for Dehkaz magnetising their feet to the deck. The ship was now shielded from view from the docks, but not for long. After a couple hundred meters, Dehkaz turned the ship again to cover.After what seemed like tens of sharp corners the beach was visible up ahead. They made it to the shore and Dehkaz dropped the anchor. The beach was close enough for the ship to be able to reach the docks quickly, but far enough away for it to be out of sight."Thank you for riding Dehkaz sea, please watch your step as you exit the vehicle," the Toa of Magnetism said with a bow.



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IC:The ramshackle mess of buildings that some delusional beings referred to as the "castle" stood near one side of the lava-moated Koro. The buildings were nothing spectacular, built into the dark igneous rock like everything else, and would not have stood out save for a certain banner draped upon them, a banner that bore a crest.Though it could not be sensed, the darkness regarded these buildings, scoffed at this crest. The darkness was somewhere far, far away, but its conscious nevertheless looked on at the daily goings-on of Ta-Koro. In its chamber underground, it rumbled and rolled to itself. For within these unremarkable buildings was a being with a false claim to power - that is to say, a false claim to royalty, as the power of this self-declared king was no greater than the power of an ussal crab.Nevertheless, such proclamation of authority by a being so inconsequential made the darkness irate, angry with the same fleeting fury one feels towards an unwanted mosquito. The mosquito invites the fury of its host, a fury that will pass quite easily as soon as the bug has been squashed or flicked away. It is the fury of passing fancy, fury of a desire to exert control. Such was the fury that the darkness bore towards this "royalty," no matter how small a threat it posed.The sky above the bowl-shaped cavity in which Ta-Koro resided was clear on this day, blue and free. For now.OOC: I swear to the flying spaghetti monster that if anybody metagames before my next post, I will find them and destroy them. :)


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IC: Tillian (Ta-Koro)Tillian touched the surfboard down lightly on the ground, helping Emotia off before picking it up and holding it under his arm."So, where is Skyra...?" he asked himself.-Teezy



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Ic: Hiemalis was standing on the roof of one of the buildings that overlooked the bridge when it happened. He wasn't there to watch the bridge, though, but rather to scout around, investigating the koro from above. The heat was almost unbearable to him, but he was above discomforts -- his life revolved around them, so what different was this from the others? But aloud rumble alerted him to the sudden altering of the bridge, the only guaranteed safe way to leave the village. He watched as it buckled at first, then ground slowly downwards into the lava, the basaltic columns disappearing under the red moat.Well then. He wasn't leaving yet after all. But the bridge could not be kept down forever; people would eventually want to leave and come, and when they did, the bridge had to be raised to accommodate their demands. For now, however, he could concentrate his efforts on something that he was missing."Oh soldier," his voice rumbled in a grating murmur, "Where are you?" He left the rooftop, effortlessly leaping our of sight.

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OOC: I'mma posting 'cause no one else is. <_<IC: DehkazThe Toa of Magnetism jumped off the deck, and landed lightly beside the Toa of Stone. Once she managed to get the message onto the Dikapi he asked, "Are we going to wait for a return message or go right in, ma'am?"He had gotten the whole military talk stuff down pretty good.



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IC: Tillian (Ta-Koro)Tillian jumped up, catching sight of the Toa of Air. Grinning, he motioned for Emotia and leaped at Skyra, tackling him in a monstrous hug."What's up, broski?" he said, laughing. They were finally back together again...-Teezy



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OOC: Sheesh, gone an hour and things happen.IC: KraynKrayn was tackled from behind by a message-bearing Dikapi. Carefully removing the message, he patted the bird on the head. He nodded. Naona had arrived. "Commander Skyra, the rest of the Aggressors have landed in Ta-Koro."Then he looked at Tillian sourly. "While I don't feel a hug is necessary, could you at least acknowledge my presence?"IC: JikalJikal calmly looked at Ishi. "Alright, small fry. You can quit it with the dog metaphors." he sighed, and pointed to his shoulder. "It all has to do with these. They feed on emotions, and empower the user. However, the opposite emotion weakens us. Following me so far?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tillian (Ta-Koro)Tillian's head snapped towards Krayn, and he leaped up and embraced the lieutenant tightly, planting a kiss on his cheek: it was clear that Emotia's presence had put him in a much better mood.Dropping the Gukko Force officer, Tillian turned towards Skyra, then towards Krayn (who was positively smarting at this injustice) and his grin only widened a bit."What up? You guys mentioned you had some news..."-Teezy



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IC: Skyra - Ta-koro -Skyra had been taken back by the hug just ever so slightly. "Glad you could make it." He turned to Krayn, "Excellent, could you send a message telling them to come to us?" Skyra turned back to Tillian. "Oh yeah, that news...well...I'm really not sure if I should tell you this before we rescue Onewa...but I guess I have to." Skyra took a deep breath. "Turaga Matau has gone missing." He let that sink in, and then added. "And....Turaga Nokama too...."

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Grochi:Grochi blinked, coming awake. Looked like a couple of hours had passed since he fell asleep, the sun was hanging low enough in the sky. He shook his head and stood, looking out across the Koro."Still calm," he said. "Good." He pulled out his rapier, and stared at the edge. As he did so, a funny thought came to him. It was almost as though all the events of his life had been carried out on this ledge...not quite good, not quite evil. Sure, he'd done bad things in his time, nearly killed his brother and quite a few others, but he'd snapped away from it eventually...he never came quite back to the being he'd been before, though.That was where his life had begun, when he'd snapped back from the dark haze of memories that had been his evil days. He would help others, but not because he just wanted to, because he'd wanted paid. He'd kill others, but only because they'd done something bad to him first.It was almost as though all of his memories were the edge, and he was walking along, trying not to cut himself or slip to either side. He sighed, and sheathed the rapier. He wouldn't apologize for what he'd done, and he'd make no apologies for what he was soon to do. That was just the way he is.He turned, and walked across the deck. He was still getting used to having his back up and erect, not hunched over the way it had been for so long. Yet another symbol, it seemed. He frowned, looking down at a small spot ahead of him. There was a small rise on the edge of the deck, so that hopefully some baka might stub their toe instead of going over the edge of the ship. There was nothing special about it, but for some reason the grain of the wood reminded him of something."I'll be back later," he said abrubptly to Laviha, who seemed to be the only other person up on deck at the time. "Keep a watch for anybody else." That said, he activated his mask, quickly teleporting far from the Koro and the surrounding lands, until he was completely in the middle of the Charred Forest.He looked around for a moment, seemingly calm. Then he let out a scream of inarticulate rage, slashing a tree near him with a blast of plasma. The tree groaned for a moment, then toppled to the ground. This was where everything happened, where everying changed, where it all went wrong..."So very wrong," he muttered, before dropping to the ground, unable to stop the flow of memories coming back to him. The small note he found in the ashes. The cave in Ga-Wahi. Onu-Koro. Begging forgiveness from his brothers. Talking with Sidiros, and striking him down, for no reason, other than his own personal enjoyment.He let out a sob, before growling. No, he wasn't going to do this. I am who I am, he thought, And nothing can change that. He stood up. He'd been through a lot, he'd seen both sides of this world, and had come out all the better-or worse-for it. He kicked his foot in the dust, before noticing a small glint of silver. He bent down, picking it up.Sidiros's knife, the weapon he'd tried to defend himself with from his brother, his own brother. Grochi held up the blade, still unmarred despite the years it had been laying in the ash and dirt amid these trees. He then searched a little longer, pulling up a small leather sheathe, with a silver symbol inlaid upon it, a symbol anybody would recognize.Unity. He had felt it, embraced it, and foregone it. Now it was coming back to him, with different people from the first time. Not all good, not all bad. Neutral, walking the edge the way he had, the way he did. He probably understood them better than he did himself, now.Duty. He knew many kinds. Duty to himself, duty to friends, duty to your job. Recently he'd been only doing things for himself, doing only what he told himself, not like any others. His duty was to profit, to making money. His duty was to the various drugs you might find on this island. Truthfully, though, he had no duty. Not until now.Destiny. The one that escaped him, the one he couldn't understand. He'd always been a bit of a skeptic, wondering if their even was a Great Spirit, wondering if Makuta, even, was real, not some night-time terror of the Matoran, and never knowing if either had an impact on his destiny, let alone if he truly had a destiny. Now he felt as though he had one, though he didn't know what. He'd learned, shockingly, that Makuta and Mata-Nui existed, but now this came to him. Not gently, though, almost as though he'd had a punch to the gut. His hand that held the knife shook for a moment, turning slightly before it stopped. He felt as though his destiny was to die, but that there was something behind it. As though it would be for some cause, good or bad, he didn't know.He sheathed the knife, placing it at his belt, now to be a reminder to him. With that his thoughts came back to order, his mind temporarily healed. He still had the bad memories, but interspered within them were happy times, moments of bliss that he would always treasure. His Unity was coming back, and he was reconnecting with others in a stronger way than he had before. He felt newly commited to his Duty, no matter what it might be, and he had a sense of bliss, almost, at knowing his Destiny.These thoughts on his mind, he began a slow walk back to the ship, still thinking.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Tillian (Ta-Koro)​All at once, Tillian's exuberance died: the Toa of Gravity became subdued, pensive, and dark-looking, his eyes shadowy and haunted."Three Turaga?" he asked, his voice low and dangerously even. "Are you sure?"-Teezy



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IC: SuraleJust perfect. The bridge was down. Not moments after the amazing feeling of being on the sea, the stifling heat of the lava was making her feel uncomfortable. Sidling closer to Kanzahi, she felt a bit better.IC: KanzahiAs Surale sidled closer to Kanzahi, he began drawing a bit more heat away from her. They two had their system down. In an environment where one was weak, the other would compensate by drawing in the thing that powered them but weakened the other. Kanzahi cleared his throat."I may have a solution," he said. "Naona, I'll need you to take it once it soldifies." Before anyone could respond, Kanzahi began manipulating the lava. Lifting a large glob out, he shaped it into a disk about a foot thick and roughly seven wide. It quickly began hardening."I won't be able to control it once it soldifies," Kanzahi warned.

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IC: The Dog"Huh. Not really, no." Ishi crossed his arms and sat on one of the driftwood logs around the fire pit, plopping himself down next to Kitsune without much of a thought. Reaching into his side bags, Ishi quickly retrieved a piece of paper. A quick nip at the fire gave him his writing tool. Why can't this dope just explain in simple terms. I may be smart, but I ain't no Xern. Just collect the info, that's my job. After scribbling what Jikal had already basically stated but in bullet form, Ishi waved a hand and muttered:"Keep going, this is going to be real helpful."IC: Takimoc."What's going on?!" Takimoc called out to his fellow guards as he slipped into a shortened stride to match the marching matoran. He'd tossed his shovel by the side of the road days ago when the demolition machines were finally built, and had been simply drilling with his cohort and learning the art of the trident, a strange and befuddling art that made Takimoc more prone to use the butt end than the odd and ill manuvering prongs."Someone's dropped the bridge," a fellow guard responded, his neck craned up. Takimoc couldn't shake the feeling something bad was about to happen. Even if he was a guard, he was still a toa, and toa defended the weak. Grimly, Takimoc set his jaw and marched to his position on the wall.IC: RiarilThree days had passed since her discovering of Nakumiir's death. The burden had not lessened, but Riaril was finally back to work and acting normal. Inside, Riaril's soul was torn. How can I continue to do this? When is enough enough? The three days had flown in a blur of medical and material runs. Luckily, the guard had happened upon Faerulo shocking Moriika with small magnets, lightstones, and wires: a medical trick of the onu-toran. Her pack of cigarettes had been gathering dust on the window ledge of her room in the lavapool inn, but now it was time to go home. Her few belongings had been packed, her permission of leave accepted from the guard, and her mind resolved for the coasts of ga-wahi, yet even as she stepped out the door, the news rolled in."The bridge is down!" Faerulo said as he barreled in, a cannonball of odor and herbs. "What?" Riaril said as she whirled around like a revolving door, the matoran passing around her with a hefty shove."I said someone dropped the bridge. I just got word of it by passing a couple of guards on my way here. Seems something's happened."OOC: Krayz, not sure if you want you're titan around Riaril right now, but if so, there you go. Also, I don't know who's in the lavapool inn, but there you go. Hard not to hear about a dropped stone bridge in a city where most of the population is guard.

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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IC: Skyra - Ta-koro -"Got the message straight from Kongu himself...he sent the messages out to all Gukko Force members fairly quickly. So yeah...I'm sure." He said, sounding more depressed the more he thought about it. "And we know it wasn't the Infernavika that took them...it seems unrelated..."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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