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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu shrugged, and motioned to Yuru, "All I've been doing is wondering what you've been up to.""Although I suppose I should introduce you to who you have so rudely referred to as unkind. This is Yuru, that's Tank, Frieza is the tailed fellow, this wonderful Toa next to me is Praggos, next to Tank is Dalia, and the Toa behind you is Angelus. Sadly, we aren't all here to meet you, but you never were good with making friends anyways so I guess it isn't all that bad."

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IC - Yuru - Bar"Says the guy who's girlfriend had to pretend she didn't know him to end the relationship."He looked sideways at Praggos."Respect? If I start respecting people like Kinvex, I may start dropping my standards."

Edited by Shadow Guardian

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC-Praggos:"Wonderful?" Praggos said skeptically. "I think that's the first time I've heard you use that word, Utu." He then turned, pouring himself another glass of mulled wine-this small tavern had an excellent vintage in stock, one Praggos was rather fond of. Then he turned to Yuru."Respect is earned, Yuru, and I'd say for his service alone Kinvex deserves far more than you do. Your supposed 'standards' have nothing to do with it."

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: TalinTalin knew to expect the unexpected but that still proved to be hard as he was momentarily shocked when he was tackled, dropping his beer and falling over. From the corner of his eye, he saw the bottle's contents leak onto the sand before disappearing into it."My beer..." he muttered before returning the hug to Kiera and patting her on her back gently. "You can uh get off me now so I can grab another drink."

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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu's smiled returned to it's wicked form, "Yes I did. I knew when you came back you were different. I'm just curious what the real Tuara will think when she finds out that what happened with you and Dalia upstairs was all you, and not Dorian."He looked to Praggos, "He's right, Kinvex wasn't even in the Guard. And the reason he died was because he made a stupid move. I don't even mean just fighting Yuru, he dove in like a moron with no plan or form of real attack."

Edited by We Are Legion

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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)Angelus was quiet for a moment, fingering his weaponry and twirling it around the holsters on his thighs. Finally, he lifted up a hand and signaled for another shot of scotch, laughing a bit."Might as well, eh?" he asked Utu. "And if you must know, Dorian's still brewing around in my head...somewhere. It's all a matter of learning when to let him out. Like, say, going upstairs with Dalia. DItto for Kinvex."-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - Bar"Don't give me that Angelus. You chose to go upstairs before you'dve let him out. Even if you could let him out."He straightened up a bit, "I suppose it wouldn't really matter anyways," He mock shrugged, "Tuara isn't coming back anyways. Telling her wouldn't do much. She's with Iris now."

Edited by We Are Legion

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OOC: You guys need to seriously slow down. Please. Just when I think I'm done with the post, somebody else says something to Salamander.IC: Salamander"Not much to say. I'm just your average Toa of Fire, out to uphold justice wherever I go. Utu is an old acquaintance of mine, one who has never quite agreed with my personal code of honor and chivalry."Salamander finally caught the attention of one of the patrons and quickly asked for some food. As much fun as he was having, the irritation of Utu wouldn't fill his stomach. When he was finished, Salamander turned to face Yuru."You can keep your drink, I don't want it. As for the spear, I think you should hod on to it. You killed him after all, so it's only fitting that you should have it. And of course, if you did give his spear to me it would just end up being destroyed. I have no use for something like that, so why bother? No, I think you are doing a fine job honoring the memory of Kinvex by keeping his weapon in such a respectful manner. Please, keep it."Salamander couldn't help but laugh inwardly. Did this fool Yuru really think he could be baited into a fight with such pathetic attempts? He would have had more luck if he just asked Salamander. However, he was getting tired of all the arguments that had started since his arrival. "All of you shut up. I don't care about who has more honor or who is really a spy or any of that stuff. I'm not here to talk to you, and, quite frankly, you could all be reduced to nothing more than ashes before I begin to care about anything you say. Now, Utu: I asked you a question. What is the answer? What are you up to?"


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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)"I've gotten her back before. Then after I do, just for kicks, I'll bring her out to that little temple of Dorian's and let her cut your throat. For the sake of the sane people in your little ragtag bunch, I'll wait until after you've completed your big destiny or whatever before she does. And then I'm going to kill Yuru here in exactly the same fashion that he killed my boy Kinvex in. And then it'll be Dorian's turn. And then we might just burn your bodies and scatter them to the wind, because, to be honest, I don't even think the most infertile piece of soil deserves your rotting corpses."-Teezy



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IC-Praggos:"Truly, Salamander, insulting all the rest of us is not a good way to get an answer from Utu," Praggos said, still leaning back against the bar, sipping at his wine. "In fact, it's a rather easy way to get yourself by a goodly number of angry Toa. Remember that." Praggos then turned to Tank, passing a small message to him.Prepare yourself. This will fall apart faster than even they expect.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: TalinTalin sighed briefly before breaking into a grin accompanied by a playful chuckle. Gently, he began attempting to wrestle Kiera off of him while he absorbed the heat from her body, intending for brute force to do the trick or cold body temperature to kick in.

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OOC:Sorry. :/IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu chuckled to Salamander, "Aside from being threatened by powerless Toa, I've made a few discoveries about myself."He revealed his Mark, "You remember this thing don't you? You saw it right after you burnt my cloak off during your little fit in Ko-Koro. It's a weapon. Most everyone of my friends has one, and with them we can do anything. Just recently, we discovered we all had a destiny, revealed to us when one of us came back from the dead."Tank nodded discretely.

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IC: Salamander"Ah, that's... that's actually pretty cool. And what is this 'destiny' of yours? To sit around in bars drinking way more than is healthy for a person? Or maybe your so-called weapon allows you to stay sober after drinking more than the average Toa. Although I'm not a drinker myself, even I have to admit that that'd make for an interesting weapon. You could drink so much alcohol that everyone assumes you're as drunk as a striped Rahi, and then... BAM! You're totally not."Salamander took a bit of his food, noticing that it didn't taste nearly as good as he had hoped it would. Oh well."And when you say it can do anything, you mean it can provide you and your friends a boost in your physical abilities. Oh, except for when it brings you back to life, which honestly just sounds like something some mad scientist would make. Although I am still curious as to how those things work. If nothing else, the whole "mysterious mark that makes my eyes glow some random color" kinda piques my interest."


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IC: Talin"Just did." Talin said with a victorious smile, pricking Kiera with the pointy tip of his finger guard which was coated with a very thin layer of paralysing venom. In just a matter of seconds, her body went stiff and Talin pulled her off of him and lay her down on the blanket."Don't worry, I only put enough for a minute at most. You'll be back to normal any moment now...now about that beer."Talin searched for the case and took hold of another bottle, taking a nice long gulp.

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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu's expression didn't change, "They absorb the feelings of those around us and turn it into pure strength.""Mine uses fear as you might have guessed considering what you witnessed me do in Ta-Koro. A shame you never bothered to help that Matoran."IC: Tank - Ga-Koro - BarTank passed off Praggos' note to Dalia.

Edited by We Are Legion

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IC: Kiera"You're a prock, you know that, right Talin?" Kiera said conversationally as the venom wore off.With random glee, she pounced at Valhii, a few yards away. The thief's arms were stretched out in a hug as she flew forward....



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Salamander"Yeah, I figured it had something to do with fear. That Matoran, on the other hand, was dead the moment you grabbed him. I saw no point in trying to save him when there was nothing stopping you from killing him. As such, I made no effort to save him. Sorry, that's just how I am. Now, how much do you know about those Marks? Where did they come from? How did you get them? Man, I'm just so full of questions right now it's almost unbearable..."


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IC:Labelle saw Emotia forfeit the arm wrestiling match, run outside and then have Reaver follow her. Not wanting to be left out of the action Labelle ran outside as well, soon catching up to the two thanks to her height and long legs. "Well, that wasn't amazing at all" she told the both of them. "I was really expecting more from you two, considering your glowing Marks and all." She was slightly angry and dissapointed, although that was in part due to her intoxication.ooc: Sorry I've been away for about a day. Hope i didnt miss too much.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC: Talin / VahliiTalin dug his face into his hands as he muttered curses and other sour notes under his breath, not happy that other people were going to get involved in her drunken shenanigans. Wait, since when were they other people at the waterfall?Vahlii sidestepped quickly, not exactly surprised after watching Kiera tackle Talin from afar, obviously due to drunkenness. She folded her arms and shot Kiera a stern look as if she were a child who had done something wrong."Who are you and what do you want?"

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IC - Yuru - BarYuru shrugged off the comments, chuckling a bit at the fact that Angelus was being ignored."We all passed out at different times, waking up with the Marks and not knowing what happened. At this point, we've realized they were given to us by a scientist of some sort. We've been working towards a solution. Some Marks are more powerful than others. Utu, Tank, myself, and the absent Dorian have the strongest."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:"Must be a new record in life-saving for me then, even if it's just saving seomone from boredom." Rewera chuckled, following Ravage. As she looked around, she noticed that many of the Matoran were not only carrying typical wares associated with a fishing village, but cloth and other finer goods. "Do you know what they are preparing for?" she asked her companion.




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IC: VahliiKiera's lunge and failure to heed Vahlii's warning was a big mistake. As her momentum carried her quickly, Vahlii threw a punch just at fast straight at the drunken thief's jaw and grabbed her normal arm with the other, pulling her towards her.Dodging or blocking would be difficult.

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OOC: Really need to pull some of these characters out of inactivity, Krayzikk and TX Wade. :)IC - Kinika - InterruptingKinika grabbed Kiera's arm and pulled her towards him with a bit more strength, away from the punch. The Toa of iron sighed, patting Kiera on the shoulder and stepping away."Is there really a need for more violence? If Makuta takes over the island we won't really have time for personal disputes."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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