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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Codename: KingfishKingfish had arrived. So this is the island Yerith and Pordal had landed. He had to say, the jungle was a bit thick. He stepped off the boat and onto the dock. The Skakdi nodded to the ferry-Matoran, flipped him a coin, then shot him. He laughed and moved on, replacing his Xian pistol into its holster. Well, he might need someone to guide him through this mess of a forest. But for now, Mekrof "Kingfish" the Skakdi of Gravity walked into the jungle.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Onyx"Sure thing. Not to mention that I'd rather you have your scythe fully repaired in case these guys decide to attack us again..."Onyx took the various pieces of Vompran's scythe and put them together on the floor as if it were a small puzzle. Once the scythe remains seem to be in the right position, Onyx began to weave the steel and connect it together, eventually fully repairing the deadly weapon."Good as new." said Onyx, tossing the scythe back at it's owner.

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IC: "Myself, I hail from the Tren Krom Break," gulped out Perkahn, as he felt his tongue become heavy due to the great amount of ale he had drunk by now. He was feeling giddier and giddier, and didn't particularly care that nobody asked him about his origins. "Spent all of my early life there. Then... had trouble. And got out of it. And became famous. Oh, all the women and the ale and the mead I could ask for I'd have... fighting evil does pay back... but then..."Here, he halted. Even his drunkenness would not let him go on.

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IC - Neirak - ForestNeirak, quite used to drinking in large quantities, was not yet drunk. Now, his capacity for logical thinking was slowing, and his vision wasn't doing too well (he thought he'd seen a bunch of man birds earlier.)"You come from the Break?" he asked.One slow sip of ale.His gaze leveled on Alissita."Where do you come from?"

Edited by The King of No Isles

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Alissita watched her master look toward her and ask her where she came from. Would he believe her?"You don't have to believe me, Master, but I come from a place with technology. Flying vehicles and industrial areas, The name of the island escapes me, but it is much like this one; except more technologically advanced."There she had said. Now, she would see if they believed her...-Mef Man

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IC: "The duty of a Toa is to strong-protect villages," Matau said. "With that much known, we must resolve this issue without killing him. We should search-find out what he knows, and use the information to undo this conspiracy"Matau looked at the retrained Toa, "I would quick-spill everything right now, to clear your name, lest you lose the title of Toa"

Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: MekrofMekrof had weaved his way through enough jungle to last the rest of his life. Now, before him was a village. He had had enough of all that walking and all those bugs. Now was a time for rest. The Skakdi moved through the villages. First thing's first. A bar. He found a building that was obviously a pub and went in."Vodka, please," he whispered to the barkeep. He hoped no-one would notice his funny accent.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Well if you want judgement I guess I'll pass it...IC: Matau chuckled. "Very well"The Turaga turned around and looked through his wall of many drawers. He took out a key and opened the center-most drawer on the bottom row. Matau had his own ways to dealing with this rogue Toa, and he felt the contents of the drawer to make sure they were the correct type of restraints. Finally, Matau turned around and walked back to the group, holding in his arms what looked like just a bunch of (apparently quite heavy) green vines and a flute."Your sore-punishment, traitor, will be to be bound to the tree... for a currently undetermined amount of time", Matau said, making his way outside. The group followed him outside and heard the notes from the end of the flute. It did not take long for an intimidating, large black shape to shoot up from below the platform. It temporarily blocked out the sun, and with a massive "thump", the giant Gukko Bird landed on the platform behind Matau. It was a fierce looking bird, with talons sharper than what most such Gukkos had. The Gukko seemed enraged, but at a closer glance, it looked to the group like it was... happy to see its newest capture. A moment later, three Gukko Force officers flew towards the group, hearing the cry of the large bird. It was apparently their job to restrain such criminals, and their call came not from another official, but from the large Gukko. "Take this caged Toa to the trunk of this tree," Matau said to the larger bird. In an instant, Pulse was freed, but only for a split-moment as it was grabbed by the arms by the towering Gukko bird. In a short amount of time, Pulse was dangling over the dark swamp many, many kios above. The Gukko dug into the Toa's flesh, making it difficult to concentrate on any means of escape.Which would have been a bad idea anyway, considering how high up they were right now."Take this rope", Matau said, throwing it to the lead officer. The three mounted guards then followed the bird and its "prey" down into the depths of the swamps. Weta and Merror tried to get a closer look over the edge of the platform. They watched as Pulse was bound to the trunk by his limbs. The trunk was far too wide for the Toa to wrap around, meaning that it felt like being tied to a table. Three rounds of the rope were used, wrapping around his torso, legs, and his neck. The ropes wrapped tightly around the amazingly large tree, and again, three of them were intertwined with each other to keep this Toa stationary. The ropes were made out of an special, elastic vine. The ropes were too thick to cut through, and it would be difficult to free him with more drastic measures without drawing lots of attention. "If you want to ask-inquire him questions, you can quick-take the elevator", Matau offered. A few minutes later, the three officers flew back up to the platform, handing Matau the remaining rope.OOC: Judgement passed.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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OOC: Well, that's what I call judgement. I'm gonna have to have someone evil free him sometime soon. :PIC: Pulse"Fools! FOOLS! I shall not be defeated that easily! I am Pulse! The people of this island will DIE!"


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: MekrofMekrof heard a commotion somewhere nearby. He grabbed his liquor and headed into the town square. So an estranged Toa was being taken off to be tied to a tree because he said everyone was going to die on this island. Sounded like his type of ally. But, it was unlikely Mekrof could stage that rescue. He shrugged and headed back to the bar. He downed the vodka and set the glass on the bar."How much will that cost?" the Skakdi asked, reaching for his hip."That'll be about ten widgets," the barkeep answered.Mekrof nodded and pulled something out of his leather pouch."Nice try," he said, brandishing his Xian pistol at the Le-Matoran's head. "Now can I drink for free here?""Of course you can," the bartender said, nervously. "You can have all the vodka you want!"Mekrof nodded in approval. Smart little Matoran."Say, what kind of accent was that you have?" the bartender asked.Mekrof growled and swung around. BANG! The barkeep fell dead, smoke coming from the Skakdi's pistol."I don't appreciate your attitude," he mumbled, walking out of the bar.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Vilak turned away from the group and drew his sling. Loading a stone, he spun it at Kakama speed, and let it fly. it sailed up.Crack!One of the branches supporting the blade Vompran had kicked into the tree crashed to the ground as Vilak's stone snapped it. The massive limb brought the blade with it. The blade embedded in the ground point first,. Vilak strode forward and pulled it free, returning it to it's sheath. Miraul watched this and raised his javelin bag over his shoulder. His metal javelins suddenly flew backwards, loading back into the bag. He turned to the other Toa and said, "If you will surrender your friend to face justice in Onu-Koro, then this doesn't have to continue. The same is true if he will willingly surrenders himself-being willing to face the price for his crimes is a step in the path to reformation, and he ought to consider it, as his freinds will obviously fight for him, something that hurts them in the process. I doubt he wishes to bring harm on them."

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IC(D): "OH FOR THE LOVE OF...SOMETHING! Just give up already! You can't use your powers well against us, and neither can we! Just...give up! I'm not going with you, they're not giving me over! Not even Kethrye, and that's saying something!"IC(Infected!Love): The darkened toa of Plantlife looked at the Spectrum. "Well? Nothing to say? Yghari, the one I so wanted to be Willpower, not even mustering up a sentence? Oh, how the mighty hath fallen. The really angry new person, not even scowling at me? Well, I suppose that's to be expected. I am quite fabulous." The infection was now very visible on her mask. IC(Mardi): The festively-colored toa of plantlife ran away from the base of Le-koro. "NEIRAK! FEMALE SLAVE OF NEIRAK WHO'S NAME I NEVER LEARNED! HELP!"

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OOC: Finally. Been a while I've posted as AlfonIC: Alfon"I seriously doubt we'll agree to letting him go but I have two suggestions as to how to settle this peacefully." Alfon still held his sword seeing as how these people weren't exactly going to give up. He lifted his hand and raised one finger."One: you come back later when our settlement is done and then we can discuss things peacefully. It will give us both time to think things through."Alfon raised a second finger."Two: All of us can go and support D in court."​OOC: I'd rather one of the two instead of another fight..

Edited by TX Wade 27
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IC:Sisk looked from Matau, who had his back turned to them now to the bound and cursing Pulse. He looked at Merror and Weta. "Not bad." he commented with a half-surprised grin on his face. Le-Matoran had quite the sense of humour and the situation, despite all the seriousness of Pulse's threats, had something comical about it that struck just the right chord in the tamer. "So, shall we ask-talk to the evil-bad one?" he asked the others.---------------Rhow followed Lantz' motion as he indicated a plant that seemed to stand out from it's surroundings a bit. "Pretty. That the plant you meant?" she asked. Her companion as-of-late seemed relatively eager about the growth so she assumed it was. "Doesn't look too special though."

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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OOC: This grows tedious...IC (Trakuda, Lake Pala): "OR you could help us, if you're so brilliant. You could help us to build a village, y'know, those safe places that people live in? Rather than chase around some guy because he killed someone all the time, you could stop being so stubborn and help someone for a change."

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Miraul watched this and raised his javelin bag over his shoulder. His metal javelins suddenly flew backwards, loading back into the bag. He turned to the other Toa and said, "If you will surrender your friend to face justice in Onu-Koro, then this doesn't have to continue. The same is true if he will willingly surrenders himself-being willing to face the price for his crimes is a step in the path to reformation, and he ought to consider it, as his freinds will obviously fight for him, something that hurts them in the process. I doubt he wishes to bring harm on them."

OOC: Oh, ###### ###### ###### ###### ######.IC (Madrihk):For Madrihk, this was the breaking point."I already told you what we were going to do: We are going to continue building a freaking village, and if you're not helping, you can go dip yourself in the lake until you think otherwise! I don't care who's done what, in fact you are the people so hellbent on hurting people, and you were the ones who came parading in here with a murderous crime lord; who's still lying dead over there even after you refused to stop him from killing anyone! And you call yourselves Toa? Congratulations: I now trust you less than the alleged murderer here. I said you could stay and observe our peaceful, anti-Makuta construction to keep an eye on my teammate if he worries you, but no, you had to go ahead and target us all."He gestured wildly with his good arm towards the marshy ground, the burnt tree stumps and the scattered rocks from the former fortress."You waltzed in here all high and mighty and think you're unanimously right. You bound us all with Iron and tried to drag away the guy who saved my life. You lit the forest on fire, for crying out loud! Now you've made a hole in my arm, which is really making me quite unhappy, and I swear that if you don't get out of here this instant, I will come with you, and I shall provoke that Makuta until he rains another storm down on your sorry heads."The Toa of Ice considered making a rather rude gesture, but dismissed the idea. He calmed himself somewhat."It will be as Alfon says. Either you stay and help us build like civilized beings, or you leave. Now. I doubt the Turaga would be happy to hear how you are handling the situation here."OOC: Seriously. Conflict is all fine and dandy, but lord do you know how to screw things sideways, toatc. I refuse to battle against any more stretches of the imagination. Edited by Katuko
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OOC: Okay, time to bring Ledzel back into the flock! Kirbati and Ledzel from Ta-Wahi.


Ledzel looks toward the approaching lake. He smiles at the thought of seeing Alfon again. The Toa was almost like his brother and he wanted to meet up with him again. Hopefully he was still alive."Almost there," he says to Kirbati as the bird continues to fly to Lake Pala.-Mef Man

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OOC: Oh yes, the best in character owning I have ever seen :smeag: Hopefully we can soon do something useful with our characters.And the return of Ledzel!Huzzah! Meanwhile...IC (Solia, Lake Pala): Solia shook her head, and turned away from the arguing and fighting. All she wanted to do was relax. removing her cloak, she dove into the lake. She suddenly felt at home in the welcoming body of warmth. She swam around, smiling to herself. She had waited so long for this, after all she had been doing since Ta-Koro. She thought of Lux and Zaveno, how they must have been doing. She could have gone with them, and avoided all this pointless conflict. But then, the forest fire would have been ever more destructive. Why did Trakuda always make the wrong decisions? No, thinking like that never got anyone anywhere. Solia probably would have done the same were she in his shoes. The decisions they had to make were simply the hard ones. She closed her eyes, and emptied her mind of such thoughts. There was a time for pouting, and a time to relax. She swam on.

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OOC: Thanks, Wotsiznum, and if anyone could give me the deats on the battle; I'd appreciate it. If there is a battle...


Ledzel was about to respond when he noticed the beings by Laka Pala. "Here I come,: he mutters, his frown replaced with a smile as he makes the Gukko dive toward the beings. To them, it probably looked as if he was dive bombing them, so he hoped they recognized him before they started shooting.-Mef Man

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IC: AlfonAlfon noticed out of the corner of his eye a blur in the sky, getting bigger by the second, coming directly towards them. He squinted and narrowed his eyes to make out what it was in the harsh daylight. Joy, excitement and surprise welled up inside of Alfon when he noticed it was their good friend Ledzel on the back of a Gukko."Ledzel!" yelled Alfon, waving back at him.OOC: Good to have you back buddy. As for details on the fight, this is all I have to say: extremely messy and had to converse with a forum assistant twice

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IC: MekrofMekrof exited the bar. It seemed no one was paying attention to his crimes. Good. He didn't want to be noticed. Trouble tended to bode ill for the Skakdi of Gravity. He looked around. It seemed so peaceful here. Perhaps some fire would help. No, that would be later. For now, he would find a room at an inn, and shoot the innkeeper if they mentioned his accent. And if anyone contacted the authorities... he rested his hand on the Xian pistol."I always thought I needed a tropical vacation," he mumbled. "Now I want to burn a jungle down."

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC (Weta): Weta descended on an elevator to where Pulse was tied. He did not speak yet, he only looked at the captive. Tied up to a tree and humiliated in front of the village, stripped of the title of toa. Weta lookedx at the maskless being with a mixture of pity and contempt. This was Makuta's doing, that even toa heroes would become so depraved and fight against their fellow protectors. The darkness on this island had extended too far, he thought, when even toa could not be trusted.


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OOC: Mekrof 'Kingfish'? I c wut u did thar.IC: JLJL: Well, then, we'd better show it to the closest person around who knows anything about it. Either the turaga, or Pulse, so long as he's restrained and can't do anything. So, then....To Le-Koro.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: [Stronin]Stronin sighed as he floated around in mid-air, having seen no sign of Henkka. He had seen several flying bat-like beings, but he dismissed them as a minor concern compared to how he was going to stop Alex from killing Henkka. That however, was the very moment in which he had his greatest idea."I should go back to Alex," he muttered, flying in the direction of Ta-Koro. "If he's going to kill Henkka, I'll just have to follow him around."OOC: Stronin to Ta-Wahi.

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IC: Pirok & Pulse"Yes, it's not a long walk." Pirok answered, before setting off towards Le-Koro.However, upon reaching the bottom of the tree, they found Pulse."I'm sorry, we were planning to speak to you... But it seems you're a little tied up at the moment." Pirok said, the sarcasm very much apparent in his voice."You fool." Pulse spat. "The bells will toll; Your destruction will come on wings, land and sea... There will be no escape... YOU WILL ALL DIE!"OOC: As you can see, being tied to a tree hasn't fared well for Pulse's sanity. (Wait... What sanity?)


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: JLJL: So, it send a signal, and things come from somewhere else, from under the ground, in the skies and on the seas. There must be a 'when' for the signal, and the locations and way of hanging would affect the signal. Pulse said they would ring. That would mean through sound. Maybe that's why Invisible was in the plan. So, we need to prevent them from ringing, and also try and find out what it brings to kill us all, along with how and why.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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