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Friar Tuck

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IC: PulseA few of the stray beams had burnt through the ropes tying Pulse to the tree."Free! I'm free! HAHA! FREEDOM!" Pulse ran off.IC: Pirok"Now look what he's done!" Pirok said, runnning after the now-freed Pulse.OOC: Can't say I didn't warn you. :sly:

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Can't say there was a stray beam - JL =/= Pulse.And Pulse was half alive, and there was nothing holding his hands.His entire body was tied to the tree. And also, I don't think Turaga Matau would be happy.IC: JLJL quickly trailed Pulse, and fired off Electricity attracted to metal at him before he got too far. JL made sure that the electricity was at high voltage.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: Mekrof is based on Makarov, right?

OOC: Very much so, yes.IC: MekrofMekrof sighed. Ever since he killed those two Nui Rama, the jungle had become quieter... That always seemed to mean something bad was going to happen.As long as nobody nearby heard the shots, he was fine. But the gun was a loud weapon, and chances were there were people nearby. Ah, but who cares about the death of a few Rahi. They were a local pestilence, anyways, right? He stopped moving and pulled the pistol out. If someone was nearby, they would find him soon.And they would either be friend or dead.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Three ropes, around his throat, hands, and legs. Re-read the post. I said 'stray beam' as in it didn't hit it's target, and it could've hit the rope at any point on the tree to loosen it. I'm aware Matau won't be happy, but Pulse's escape was helped by another. And he won't be much trouble from now on; Just sending him to the Kumu Islets, where he'll meet his death.IC: PulsePulse was hit by the beams of electricity, but they did little to deter him; He continued running, albiet slower, in the direction of the coast. Upon reaching it, he began freezing a path, which was thin enough that it would break up behind him. He was running towards the Islets.IC: PirokPirok reached the beach."Oh, that's great. What're we supposed to do now?" Pirok said.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Now, you don't make any sense. 1. JL wasn't standing near pulse - all shots aimed at him therefore wouldn't go close to Pulse's tree. 2. Heat vision beams don't reflect, making no sense again. They pass through stuff until they lose heat and turn into something else. 3. ALL beams missed in the battle. If JL wasn't standing near pulse, all beams would have then been somewhere else, and if JL was near pulse, all beams would have hit him. But whatever.Also, in real world physics, you don't simply shake off getting hit by lightning....IC: JLJL: We're going to electrify him.He put his sword into the water, and created a high voltage electric blast. It went forwards at lightning speed, and JL prevented the electricity from spreading, forcing it to go only towards Pulse. However, it took a lot of focus, but it was worth it. Not only was Pulse on top of water, but he was also on ice. Which was a better conductor than water - electricity would pass through at massive speeds.JL continued to send more electricity through the water, enough to shock someone unconscious.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: When did I say anything was reflected?And I'm aware of the real-world physics problem. I'm saying he didn't 'shake it off' so much as he had a sudden burst of energy, power and stamina caused by desperation. Which can happen.IC: PulsePulse recieved a powerful shock, and fell unconscious into the water. However, the shock of starting to drown (OOC: Which can also happen) woke him, and he began swimming towards the Kumu Islets, only half conscious but driven by his desperation to stay alive.OOC: He's not dying 'til he reaches Xa-Koro, and that's that.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Miraul watched this and raised his javelin bag over his shoulder. His metal javelins suddenly flew backwards, loading back into the bag. He turned to the other Toa and said, "If you will surrender your friend to face justice in Onu-Koro, then this doesn't have to continue. The same is true if he will willingly surrenders himself-being willing to face the price for his crimes is a step in the path to reformation, and he ought to consider it, as his freinds will obviously fight for him, something that hurts them in the process. I doubt he wishes to bring harm on them."

OOC: Oh, ###### ###### ###### ###### ######.IC (Madrihk):For Madrihk, this was the breaking point."I already told you what we were going to do: We are going to continue building a freaking village, and if you're not helping, you can go dip yourself in the lake until you think otherwise! I don't care who's done what, in fact you are the people so hellbent on hurting people, and you were the ones who came parading in here with a murderous crime lord; who's still lying dead over there even after you refused to stop him from killing anyone! And you call yourselves Toa? Congratulations: I now trust you less than the alleged murderer here. I said you could stay and observe our peaceful, anti-Makuta construction to keep an eye on my teammate if he worries you, but no, you had to go ahead and target us all."He gestured wildly with his good arm towards the marshy ground, the burnt tree stumps and the scattered rocks from the former fortress."You waltzed in here all high and mighty and think you're unanimously right. You bound us all with Iron and tried to drag away the guy who saved my life. You lit the forest on fire, for crying out loud! Now you've made a hole in my arm, which is really making me quite unhappy, and I swear that if you don't get out of here this instant, I will come with you, and I shall provoke that Makuta until he rains another storm down on your sorry heads."The Toa of Ice considered making a rather rude gesture, but dismissed the idea. He calmed himself somewhat."It will be as Alfon says. Either you stay and help us build like civilized beings, or you leave. Now. I doubt the Turaga would be happy to hear how you are handling the situation here."OOC: Seriously. Conflict is all fine and dandy, but lord do you know how to screw things sideways, toatc. I refuse to battle against any more stretches of the imagination.
IC:" I had no idea Ferrin was a crime lord-for all I know, without validating information, he could still be an innocent buisnessman. Other than the fact that he wanted to kill D, I know next to nothing about him. And trust me, had I been here a few minutes earlier, due to my encounter with a...sonic obstacle... I likely would have broken up your fight to clarify the situation first. Which would have resulted in no deaths, I might add. Anyone who is willing to kill is not worthy of the title 'Toa'. Neither is someone who harbors a murderer when persented with evidence of the fact, somthing Divan or your Toa of Iron can clearly prove, without agreeing to deliver some justice. I offered you the chance to send one of your own and myself with him to stand trial justly, somthing that would have only slowed your construction efforts, not stopped him. You turned it down. I firmly believe that justice should be delivered swiftly without leathalities. D caused pain for those who knew those he killed, and he deserves to pay the price for it, though that price should not be death. Because you turned down my offer, I chose to fight for what's right, in an attempt to capture D and bring him to Onu-Koro. I suggest we take Alfon's idea and all go."OOC: WIll finish post tonight. My dad is insisting I get time outside.
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OOC: 1. If you get hit by lightning, you don't get a sudden desperation. Instead, your brain goes to sleep mode for a long time while your nerves decide to stack up all the pain. 2. Unconsciousness doesn't mean you can still think. It doesn't even mean you can still dream. It means your head isn't working and you're out. However, you've ignored all that, so I'll just have to ignore Pulse.Also, just so you know, its around 15-20 KM approx between Le-Koro and the shore.....IC: JLJL: Well, that's that. I'm leaving for Ta-Koro. The Stupid Skakdi can wake up, so long as he doesn't cause any harm.He headed back to the village. He found a convenience store, and bought a small message note. (A small tablet.) JL left the tablet on the Stupid Skakdi as he had come to be known, with the words 'This Skakdi is a Bad Skakdi' on it. Then, he began another long hike towards Ta-Koro, things bugging him.-----JL to Ta-Wahi.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Alfon"Whoa there Ledzel, slow down. I wanna tear these guys up just as much as you do but for now, let's not since this is the closest these guys have actually come to listening to reason. On the other hand, I'm glad to see you're back to your usual self (maybe a little more upbeat than last time)."OOC: Seriously, you really don't want to fight toatc. No offense but his methods of fighting can get annoying and not to mention that he's very inactive, posting like once or twice a day. This fight has been going on for a week I'd say and all I want to do is get to the settlement...

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OOC: First of all, my ignorance of logic is unusual. I didn't want Pulse to drown. And I'm aware of the distance; Pulse isn't exactly sane.IC: PulsePulse continued to swim towards the shore, although it was still distant...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: GH, Sisk is down-tree. :P (I warned you that you should have posted earlier)IC: Proditor"If we have to go to Ta-Koro to get to Ko-Wahi anyway, shouldn't we get rid of that bell while we're there?" Proditor pointed out.

OOC: Did I mention that I don't have much time any more? :POh, and by the way - I believe Emzee explicitly stated that the rope couldn't be cut through.IC (Merror)Merror didn't notice the fight breaking out, or Pulse's escape; he'd already left the village, and was sprinting along the path to the Onu-Wahi tunnel. He had to get there, fast, before the trail went cold.





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IC:" I had no idea Ferrin was a crime lord-for all I know, without validating information, he could still be an innocent buisnessman. Other than the fact that he wanted to kill D, I know next to nothing about him. And trust me, had I been here a few minutes earlier, due to my encounter with a...sonic obstacle... I likely would have broken up your fight to clarify the situation first. Which would have resulted in no deaths, I might add. Anyone who is willing to kill is not worthy of the title 'Toa'. Neither is someone who harbors a murderer when persented with evidence of the fact, somthing Divan or your Toa of Iron can clearly prove, without agreeing to deliver some justice. I offered you the chance to send one of your own and myself with him to stand trial justly, somthing that would have only slowed your construction efforts, not stopped him. You turned it down. I firmly believe that justice should be delivered swiftly without leathalities. D caused pain for those who knew those he killed, and he deserves to pay the price for it, though that price should not be death. Because you turned down my offer, I chose to fight for what's right, in an attempt to capture D and bring him to Onu-Koro. I suggest we take Alfon's idea and all go."OOC: WIll finish post tonight. My dad is insisting I get time outside.

IC (Madrihk):"I find it ridiculous that you are writing off your criminal associate with "I didn't know", while the same can be said for me and mine. Nothing has been proven, apart from you being a trigger-happy bunch. Heck, the guy wanted to kill D, you said so yourself. And yet you let him drag D away. Murder through inaction, I would say, if that had actually happened. I haven't yet seen a shred of this "evidence" you claim to have, by the way. What sort of evidence can "my Toa of Iron" produce?""Furthermore: If killing makes us not Toa, then none of us are Toa. Barely any Toa of the island is worthy of the tile then. We have killed Rahi. We killed Ferrin. We killed his smugglers that tried to kill us. So fine, we are not Toa. We can still do what's right with what we have. Don't speak to me about morals and justice, when you obviously don't comprehend what's going on here. The Makuta is our biggest threat, a threat that overshadows as good as everything else. Until I personally see D go crazy and try to murder people, he is as much a member of this team as anyone else; a team that works to counteract Makuta's destruction through creation. If anything, he's already payed his dues by being beaten to near death not once but twice since we started, fighting for what's right. I also think you missed the part where he saved my life from an assassin in Xa-Koro. Alfon, Kethrye, Ledzel, Onyx... these have all been vital to keeping me alive, from Rahi in the forest and from Ferrin. Trakuda, Conteriam, Solia... vital assets to our job. I trust each of these people with my life, even D. So again: You can take your logic and shove it.""I dare say that no matter what, my team will end up doing more well for this island with our village and trade route than your pathetic little trip for vengeance. Due to the Makuta's reign, this is lawless land, regardless. You have no authority here. As future village leader, I shall hold the right to decide what to do with criminals. I have already told you: You can stay and observe. Get the right authorities out here to speak with us if needed. But you will not hinder my village construction any further. So stay, and help, or leave now. Either way it will be much more productive than whatever good you think you're doing right now."
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OOC: Thankyou, GH. Point noted, post edited. :)IC: PulseAfter a long time of swimming, treading water, and desperately kicking in order to keep himself afloat, Pulse had reached the shore of the nearest islet. He climbed out of the water, and lay belly-up on the sand. He then fainted.OOC: Pulse to Kumu Islets.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: AlfonAfter hearing Madrihk's speech, Alfon began to clap, a shred of his goofy personality poking out in his anger."Well said. Even at that Madrihk, I don't want to let these people help us build the village or even step foot in it. Scum like them are likely to try something stupid and I don't take kindly to people who've threatened us and attacked us. Isn't that right, guys?" Alfon asked his team out loud.

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IC: Onyx"Ahem, there is the possibility of us having a criminal on our team; there is no concrete proof that Voriki here is indeed a murderer. If anything, they have no right to bring him back and they assaulted us. Lawless land or not, this is our turf now and the way I see it, they're criminals here."

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IC (Trakuda, Lake Pala): Trakuda resumed his smirking expression, turning to the other team, "Say, there's an idea, how about you bring some authority or signed document of some piece of proof that you have any right to assault us randomly in the middle of a jungle? Or you could leave, because we're all sick of you here. Literally all of us. I mean it. This is hardly even in character, just leave us alone."

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Ledzel kept the hammer lowered as he watched the battle unfold. He was dying to join, but thought it best to stay out like Alfon had said."Be ready," he warned Kirbati, just in case. The Po-Toa turns back to Alfon as he says,"Kirbati here is the new recruit I picked up here in Le; or-rather-he picked me up. Literally."-Mef Man

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IC - Neirak - Forest The drink certainly had a kick. He didn't even notice Alissita's drink was non-alcoholic."You better have made this...because if you didn't..." his voice trailed off.Thoughts raced through his head as to the many possibilities of a poisoned drink. If it had replaced one of the pre-brewed ones, it was likely to have been poisoned for a reason. But why?OOC: I suppose we could make it a story arc. Been waiting to use my alien, anyways.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Neirak - ForestNeirak, who was quite drunk, paid him no attention. Instead, he gabbed on. "You know, I used to be able to put a kick in things. But then I took an arrow to the knee."He shrugged."I mean, I don't usually have arrows, but when I do, they're in the knee." Another, more hearty shrug."Then again, most arrows to the knee will-"He fell over, unconscious and poisoned.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: "Oh. Fricking. No.""You! Alissita!" he yelled towards the Matoran, "Take care of him for a bit, okay?"Again, he dashed towards his tent, looking - even more urgently than before - for a mortar and pestle. Now that Neirak was unconscious, he couldn't swallow the leaves himself - they'd need to be forcefed. And to do so, he'd need to grind and mash the leaves.

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OOC: It feels really weird having a character in place but doing nothing since...well, christmas dinner with family, a long sleep and all those thing, only to come back and find the whole scenario has changed within one and a half pages. I know these topics move fast, but that last fight really came out of nowhere, led nowhere and only caused confusion, since I thought the group would stay together and Sisk would actually get to talk to Merror a bit more. But no such luck it seems.IC:The Matoran put his bamboo-batons back into the sheaths on his back. He felt utterly useless right now. Had had not been able do anything about the Skakdi attacking them, nor about Pulse escaping. And looking around, he saw that half of the group was missing. "Why do I ever-wonder about the weird-bad state of things?" he muttered to himself. "Nobody long-thinks of Unity any more-much." He looked back to the tree where Pulse had been bound once more and shook his head. Merror was gone too. Sisk had hoped to tag along with him. He liked the Toa and if he was going somewhere this fast, he would have an important reason as well. And Sisk could only think of one reason. The same reason he'd had to go with the group in the first place. Sisk started running, taking to leaf-jumping soon after, in the hope of catching up with Merror before he left the Wahi. They had been to Ta-Wahi already. Getting to Ga-Wahi would be too long a track. No, the only logical route for the Toa would be the Onu-Koro Highway. And that was the route Sisk now took as well, though not on solid ground. He would have called Skyscratcher, but the Gukko deserved a break now and then and going to Onu-Wahi with a bird was a silly idea in the first place. He used a large leaf as a trampoline. From one moment, time seemed to slow, before the elasticity propelled him forward at great speed. The next instant he was in mid-air, flying through gaps between the foliage before gravity pulled him back down. He landed on a large branch and immediately started running along the length of it, until it forked off into smaller limbs. Vines were hanging down from above. Sisk made a split-second decision and picked one that was long enough and would allow him to go in the right direction as well. Using the run he lept forward, grabbing the vine and gliding down on it while swinging forward. The edge of his vision blurred as he rushed down, until the vine was at its maximum extension, before the momentum carried him up again. He mentally counted to the right moment and let go of the vine, executing a long jump and a backflip before landing on yet another branch, this one thicker and longer then the one before.It was overgorwn with moss and angled downward, so Sisk used it as a footslide. As he was about halfway down the branch, he saw the path leading to the highway through gaps in the branches. And in the distance, he spotted the figure of a Toa, sprinting along that path. Sisk came to the end of the slide, suign another bouncing leave. It catapulted him forward. The Matoran reached out, grabbing onto a smaller branch in his path. The momentum swung him around it before he let go again, landing on another. There were several more and he used them to race alongside the path, above the Toa."Merror! Quick-wait up!" he called out.OOC: Ones does not simply catch up to a running person. ;)




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